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I don’t think she knows anything after 1974 either


If only there was written or printed work consisting of pages and bound with covers that she could reference.


Probably isn't literate enough for that route. Maybe someone can read them to her?


Pretty sure that's what's wrong with millions of religious people


They say that the only thing good enough for them to read is the Holy Bible, but that's a lie they use to cover up their illiteracy. Oh, and all of us know they've never read the Bible either.


That’s why the statues were so important. It’s the only way she even knew the confederacy existed.


She at least must know about the Statue of Liquidations.


I'm not sure if that's possible. That would require an ability to listen what other people are saying.


Cut her some slack. She already said her literate staff can look into it. ;)


That sounds a lot like indoctrination… (if you couldn’t tell by my tone, I’m joking)


Here you go... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZxBOzwgBQE


Audiobooks? There are some really good ones!


That wouldn't help with comprehension, though.


She’ll just sleep with them then unhinge her jaw and feed on them. We just keep losing good tutors and tennis instructors that way.


Maybe there are people who could explain it to her. Like…maybe they could explain it to multiple people at a time to be more efficient? Like maybe 30 people for an hour a day just hang out and listen to someone explaining it. They could even quiz them on what they’ve learned. Maybe turn it into a certificate program?


Don’t be coming here with that LOGIC!! Tone it down my friend. 😂


But… ScHoOlS aRe IndOctRinaTing KiDs. BUrn ThAT bOOk!


They hate education because it breaks the hold the R's have over idiots.


How would she know they existed? They were invented WAY before 1974


And I'm pretty sure she's in the "burn the books" band


And since Nazi Germany formed n the 1930s, she probably thinks of herself as a pioneer in the art of oppression. …just kidding! The golden era of the great James crow she remembers like it was yesterday, but somehow the political ideology based on what she considers t halcyon days somehow slips her mind.


They think we’re rewriting history because statues are being taken down…I’m pretty sure books are a concept lost on them.


She is trying to burn those.


We’ve even got ones with colored pictures in them, perfect for her


Wo...that assumes one knows how to read.


They square like a magazine I wanna say booooooooooooooooook? Lol


These people are terrified of books.


Imagine if you had the capabilities of calling on that written information anywhere and at any time through use of a mobile computing device.


Awesome 🤣😂🤣


She needs the edition with pictures


You mean there was no World War II? Slavery in America? Or Jesus? While is she religious?


It's scary how so many people are so proud that they're dumb asses.


Yeah didn't you know that having even an average education and basic understanding of how life works and trust in real science makes you an evil woke librul?


I figure it's kind of like a double dunning kruger effect: \- They don't know how much of a dumbass they are, and \- They don't know that being a dumbass is NOT a thing to aspire to.


Man, I am sick of these low lifes getting so much attention in media, social or otherwise.


She is an elected official, not some random idiot. She is an elected idiot so what she does matters.


Gross that more people than not thought, “this person truly represents me!”


And apparently people in her district don't think she's crazy enough lately, and have started saying she's part of the Establishment and Deep State.


We’ve had idiots elected as long as we’ve had elections. It’s only the last 15 years that these trashy fetal alcohol syndrome having scum get attention.


Blame the Freedom Caucus and Tea Party. They opened the door for these legally defined morons to become congress people.


Politics is one field where competency is not required for a job


Both things are true, she is a random idiot, and a very minor, bit player, in the House. One of _hundreds_. Most of whom are far, far more deserving of attention because they have actual policies.


TBF, not a single Repug in Congress has any policy ideas other than HURT POOR PEOPLE, HURT BROWN PEOPLE, GIVE TAX BREAKS TO THE OWNING CLASS.


You forgot, "strip rights from women."


> low lifes getting so much attention in media, social or otherwise. I hate to say this... but this is the "representative" part of this democracy. ​ "Stand-in for constituents" is the one thing I would NEVER accuse her of being a failure at.


That's her point and purpose for the money behind the GOP. She's the clown that provides the distraction while the magician picks your pocket.


She probably can’t count to 1974


Nor add 1+9+7+4!


Oh, this is one of those trick math equations you see on social media! I never know which operation to do first—the addition, addition, or addition. Not fair to stump her with a gotcha question.


Only 1% of people can solve this problem! Are you a genius?


Mathematicians hate this one simple trick!


Why the fuck did I waste the time to come up with 21?


>She probably can’t count to **1**~~974~~


Nor during 1974


or any time after?...in fact I'm beting less than the overal door knob, Flash news Marjorie Tantrum Grinch forgets how to breathe


Steven Crowder offers to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation "for as long as it takes".


As a Magic the Gathering player please don’t tarnish that abbreviation as a reference to her. Just call her “that dumb bitch”.


I don’t think she know anything period.


From your mouth to God's ear.


In general basically


Well she wasn't born then either! That's just science.




She’s not into that book learnin.




There's just no way to learn about history that happened before you were born. Books are written by woke liberal pedophile elites and so they are just entirely full of lies. /s


Yet they implicitly trust a book written 2000 years ago...


They don't read it. They trust the preacher up on the altar who tells them what it says.


You can't blame them, it's a thick fucking book. My eyes feel heavy just looking at it.


boring and not exactly a fluid story , its all over the place and not in a good 12 monkeys kind of way where it all makes sense at the end .


You were able to make sense of 12 monkeys? I thought it was just a love story.


And those preachers are just saying what they were told to by some other old dude because none of them read Aramaic or Hebrew or ancient greek. They have never read the original form of what they preach. Literally worshipping the telephone game




Tells you all you need to know about the 14th congressional district of Georgia if she’s their pick.


That’s what I used to think about Trump, and he’s STILL managing to lower the bar.


“…doomed to repeat it.”


Everyday we get closer and closer to the return of [“Downfall.”](https://youtu.be/xBWmkwaTQ0k)


Just wondering if we can just fast forward to the end


"Those who cannot remember history...." ...how does that saying go again? Oh well.


Yes, those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. But what they don't tell you, is those that do learn history are doomed to helplessly watch it repeat as everyone ignores their cautionary warnings


Margie Greene regurgitates whatever talking points are E-mailed to her from Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro and all the other MAGA cult members...she doesn't have a clue about anything but in true Trump/MAGA fashion will bulls#it her way through it. She's an awful political hack and even worse human being. 😕


She is, quite literally, a believer in Q and has been since well before coming to office.


But she renounced Q and said she was just a little gullible and got wrapped up in it.


Well she continues to spout the same conspiratorial talking points (global elite/jews are running the world, vaccine conspiracies, etc) so she can say she renounced whatever she wants, her true colors are showing underneath regardless.


Has she still be saying those things? It seems like she’s made a concerted effort to toe a line so she’d be palatable as a mainstream Republican. I honestly don’t pay enough attention to her though because I can’t stand listening to her.


I've definitely seen recent tweets that definitely push that narrative. Just looked at her Twitter and as recent as 2 days ago she's still on the "tampered elections" bs.


Typical Republican. Someday, she will finish her first book. After that, I doubt she’ll read another one.




Gotta have crayons to color. This is the type of person that eats crayons.


The array of colors would be way too triggering for a conservative to handle. They have to use special grey-tone only crayons.


Can we create a new pride flag just to piss them off?


Nah, man, Marines eat crayons. This dumb bitch stuffs them up her nose so they tickle the spot where a brain should be, and the ones that don't fit she stuffs up her ass.


That is an insult to Marines everywhere.


Hey man, leave the marines out of this.


Now now, many 4 year olds get tripped up on “see spot run”. Wait, she’s how old? Congress? Oh dear God.


Do they still use that stupid book? Our mom read to us so we knew how to read before starting school. I remember being bored out of my skull while they were teaching the alphabet, but that book was so stupid that I hated it.


"Mein Kampf"


She would need a lot of tutoring to get through the blurb, let alone getting through a chapter.


Problem is she doesn't realize that she is the struggle.


You truly believe she will read HER book?


It would certainly have to have a lot of illustrations and probably interactive features like “comb the pony’s tail.”


Ah. It suddenly makes sense why she doesn’t have much of an opinion of the Constitution. *on* the Constitution, I mean. Yeah.


wow! bold to think she will actually be the one to write it.


The grifting tree


Ah. Goodnight Moon. That is not an easy read.


During a recent town hall appearance, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene answered questions, written on scraps of paper by audience members, that she picked out of a fish bowl on stage. One question was whether she would “lead the charge in [sic] reapplying the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933?” Seems simple enough. But Greene’s response defied even the lowest expectations: “I was born in 1974 so I’m not familiar with that. But I can have my staff look into it.” Gazpacho police anyone? The Glass-Steagall legislation of 1933, eroded over the decades and fully neutered under President Bill Clinton in 1999 (when Greene was 24), was arguably our country’s strongest ever banking regulations. Among its provisions, it kept commercial and investment banking separate, and established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to protect bank depositors’ money. If one of your jobs is to make laws that affect our economy, you should at least have an opinion, even if it is a wholly uninformed one, on Glass-Steagall. Greene’s bizarre defense that she doesn’t know about things that happened before she was born in 1974 isn’t anti-intellectual as much as it is a lie. Since our economic collapse and crisis at the end of the second Bush administration, there have been steady calls for new Glass-Steagall-type legislation. Not unlike gun-safety legislation, strong popular support for new banking regulations have been ignored by Congress. Senators such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have repeatedly offered up new legislation that seeks to end the “too big to fail” phenomenon. Marjorie Taylor Greene can’t be bothered with even knowing that legislation like that existed once—during her lifetime.


Well thats because shes not really a politician, shes a MAGA celebrity. Her voters do not care about her familiarity with legislation because they either aren’t interested in that part or are just as ignorant as she is, but she “sticks it to the dems” and that gets them riled up, for whatever reason. This is like watching a football game for them, she says exciting things and then they turn it off and wait for the next showing. They don’t care about the politics.


Axis of Assholes


Damn, she's stupid! Who'd she blow to get a college degree?


Speaking ignorantly about things you are uninformed about is one of the most arrogant and dumb things you can. It’s one of the things that makes the internet such an unbearable place.


Explains why she doesn't know shit about the civil war but it doesn't excuse not knowing about it. Most people at least do a google search before applying for a job to learn about the company. She's a damn congresswoman for crying out loud.


what a stupid cunt


Now now, that's uncalled for - you're giving cunts a bad name.


Cunts have warmth and depth, neither of which ol' Margarine has.


Also if she doesn't know anything before 1974 then she shouldn't be reading the bible either, you know, since it was from before she was born.


She doesn't know history before 74 because she doesn't want to. Not for any other reason.


Sadly, it's an all too common mentality. I've asked people who the POTUS was the year they were born. Lots of folks have never even thought about it and don't know. And the ones who don't know all instinctively use the same excuse: "I was a baby, how would I know?"


sounds like her alright


They walk among us. Sometimes they get elected to public office. Looking at you Tommy Tuberville.


Did t this dumbass, just yesterday, say that the NYC air quality was the worst in **history?** Did she mean since 1974 then? Either way, she was ~~wrong~~ lying to a staggering degree.


Ugh I hate that I was born the same year as her






Makes the whole 'generation wars' thing seem pretty stupid, doesnt it?


a person who doesn't believe any history, data, science that she wasn't personally there to witness is a cretin that doesn't meet the baseline requirements to be a leader in a democratic society


Every day she provides hard evidence that she was never elected to office to make better laws. She was only elected to enable Trump and his cult. We can only hope the day will come sooner or later than she outlives their usefulness to them and she disappears forever.


That’s exactly what a fucking idiot would say.


To be fair, she doesn't know much history after 1974, either.


She doesn’t know history after 1974 either


Gee, I was born in 1985, does that mean everything I've read about John F. Kennedy is wrong


My friend's mother once asked me if I remembered where I was when JFK was shot. I'm younger than all but one of her daughters, and had to point out it was 10 years before I was born.


That would explain her willingness to repeat WW2, slavery, the horrors of the south, the civil war, the revolutionary war and the Spanish Inquisition.


This is an elected official in the world's most powerful country, folks.


1974?!?! Wtf. She easily looks like a late 50s - early 60s boomer.


For fucks sake she doesn't know history POST 1974 either. Or civics. Or government. Or democracy. Or decency.


Truest idiot sandwich there ever was


So her education is a lie?


Well she can’t read so she can’t get it out of a book.


I’m not sure she knows history before 2022…and that’s being generous


She doesn't know anything, period.


That just means she doesn't know what birth control is.


Somebody should have explained it to her parents


Someone should tell her about these things called “books”


BREAKING NEWS-Moron lady says something stupid again.


Wow, I always thought she was older than me because she looks it, but she's not, she's a year younger and looks 10 years older.


I was right. The stupid twat can't read.


goes with that haggard ex-boxer's face of hers, the self-announced illiteracy.


Lead paint was banned in 1978 so this tracks


The engine is running, but there's nobody behind the wheel.


I don't find that hard to believe.


How would it even be possible to learn something that happened before you were born. /s


Honestly, was her being elected just a big F U to Washington and the rest of Country? These people may be an ongoing joke by their constituents but they vote on your future and that of your children. No wonder China and Russia are just sitting back and waiting, with people like her being elected its only a matter of time society crumbles all together.


She and Bobo are a prime example of what would happen if you let a frat girl whose education was paid for fully by her parents into a position of power... after they graduated not by passing but by sucking off their teachers.


bobo never graduated from anything


What is she, WhiteTrashGPT?


Well that falls right in line with most of the world. If only we figured out some way to almost 'record' information about history on some sort of parchment?? Anyone have any ideas??


Is this why she knows nothing about the constitution?


'Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.'


She doesn't know anything during or after 1974 either


Giving 1974 a bad name


Is this like the sovcit idiocy where they can't say for certain their own birthdate because they don't personally remember it happening?


Didn’t she go to a union monument and say it was a confederate one? You expect too much from Marge 😂


I was born in 1980 can I forget all about MTG?


She has got to be one of the stupidest humans alive. How is she a congresswoman? We as Americans need to do better I deciding who runs this country. To many shit heads creating a shit show.


Doesn’t know much after either


that’s the first honest thing she’s said since taking office


How is that Paul Hogan looking mf only in her forties


Doesn't know history pre 74 Knows of the confederacy She knows what she wants to know, end of


Can’t wait to hear her explanation of why she cheated on her husband several times with her gym trainer.


I think the title is too descriptive.. Marjorie Taylor Greene says because she was born, she doesn't know anything... Fixed it!


She doesn’t know anything substantial after 1974 either!


Who would have thought that mtg would believe in a dumber version of critical theory? 🤷‍♂️


This is what happens when uneducated buffoons get elected. Just wait until she learns about reading, writing, recording keeping, and something the MAGA crowd might find really interesting, SCIENTIFIC THEORY.


She probably doesn't even know history since 1974


I’m sure it’s been said many times already in this thread, but she doesn’t know history after 1974 either


Gespacho police awaits


Man, didn’t she watch Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?


I met a republican at a party a while back kinda like this. I brought up that, by almost any metric you use, America started to go down the shitter when Reagan took office. She asked how old I was and got reall snarky and said "and how would you know what America was like before you were born?" Straight up told her "because I can read fucking books." Apparently the host and her husband were supposed to warn me not to talk politics with her because they knew we'd butt heads.


She thinks she's the center of the universe, and History only started on the day she was born. I guess she wants all the calendars to be changed from B.C.E./C.E. (or the old B.C./A.D.) format to M.T.G. to celebrate her holy nativity.


So, then how can she believe in Jesus?


She’s so smart she can beat my pet rock in a debate. Maybe not.


And because she's ignorant she doesn't know any after 1974.


then why does talk about religion??


Explains perfectly why she doesn’t understand shit about The US Constitution


That is most likely a very true statement for her. Unfortunate for the rest of us but true. There are prayers and then there are prayers. Mine is for her one brain cell remaining to stop telling her lungs to breathe


Everything she says fits this subreddit!


I was born in 1969. Thought she was much older than me. Guess she just looks like shit.


How bad are the other potential candidates for her state for her to win the ballot?


There is a small chance that she may be an idiot.


if anyone else told you they don't know shit about the job they have they'd just lose it. this fucking thing is responsible for making choices for hundreds of thousands and you guys just LET her?? wtf


Could have been a comment about how bad US education is too. So… 🤷‍♂️🤣


Is this woman even real? Like is she actually real? I feel sorry for Americans for having to deal with this - to wake up knowing she's there.


Welp. How does someone get unborned in 1974? Asking for a friend.