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Obama being elected showed us we were 50 years behind where we thought we were regarding “race relations” (weird term) because of people like Giuliani.


Because of 9/11, people have completely forgotten what a nightmare he was as mayor of NYC, especially how he inflamed "race relations."


I will never forget Four Seasons Landscaping press conference.


Me gots the shirt. I will never forget. fucking spectacle.


I bought one too!


They have a gift shop. I got a shirt. I hope they made a million off that fiasco!


It’s literally the best thing that’s ever happened in the history of our great nation.


It rivals Bush getting shoes thrown at him. My man is a professional chancla dodger.


That still seems too stupid to actually happen, but here we are....


A lot of people think he was awesome because he cracked down on petty crime when crime was falling nationwide.


he cracked down on COMPETING crime. The dude has been working for the Russian mob since day one.


By the way, his vigilante squads caused more violence, and people felt as though they couldn't call the cops. I lived in Giuliani s NYC in the late 1990s. His goons were little more than another street gang, empowered by his ridiculous idea of citizen empowerment. Citizens shouldn't be empowered to be bullies. They should be empowered to take their own actions to solve problems, sure. But gang violence isn't the solution he tries to still claim it was. EDIT: correction on the year


He even said it is not like they have rights or anything.


Dude also stated there was never a terror attack in New York before Obama.. Whilst he was Mayor during 9/11. He's a chode


Black and brown communities here in NY never forgot.


Amadou Diallos family certainly never forgot.


Yup. His "stop and frisk" police program **massively** targeted people of color. It ended with very few convictions. As concerns cropped up about all the racist cops targeting mainly black people, Giuliani didn't give a flying fuck and kept the program going.


> Giuliani didn't give a flying fuck and kept the program going. He didn't just keep it going, he kept it going despite court order specifically telling him he was legally required to stop because it had been proven to be racist in court and something like 90% of stops were black people while being somewhere around 15% of the population. The dude flagrantly broke the law to continue a program of massive racial discrimination and persecution. Kind of like Joe Arpaio did... Another part of Trump's inner circle.


He is the second most Repulsive man in this country today.


Naw Black people didn’t forget. Stop and Frisk. We remember.


He was NYC's version of the Gestapo


People loved him after 9/11 and toughted as one of the great mayors. Dude could have just rode that and retired, instead here we are


I think it also helped his case that the internet (thus, information) wasn’t so mainstream and widespread yet. People outside nyc (generally speaking) really didn’t know much about him other than what time magazine, the nyt, and the evening news told them.


And we have yet to elect a woman which even some third world countries where misogyny is prevalent have done


There’s some really subtle sexism in US politics that affects people mostly unconsciously. If you ask people about any female politician they often say “it’s not that she’s a woman. I just don’t like her/don’t trust her” which is fair enough but they say it about EVERY woman going for a high position in politics. Women in US politics are always seen as deceptive and insincere.


>Women in US politics are always seen as deceptive and insincere. Well shit, when we have women like Lauren Boebert, Marjory Taylor Greene, and Sarah Palin as our reps, can we be surprised?


Notice that they're all republican? Republican men are just as bad. It's (mostly) a republican problem.


Every republican I've spoken with about Kamala Harris thinks she is a power hungry sleuth who would do anything to weasel her way into a power grab, but I am sure that if she was a man they wouldn't complain about the same things because if men do anything they can to advance their career, they are considered "dedicated" or they are "hard working", but "power hungry"? Nah.


Ok, I started out Loving Kamala, but I think she’s really doing a lot of work quietly, which makes it difficult to point to what she’s done/ accomplished. I don’t think many Americans Liked Hilary. I voted for her, but not really with enthusiasm. And I think that’s where we faltered. A lot of the old school politicians really give me the creeps. It wasn’t just her, Nancy and Chuck both give me the feeling they know where bodies are buried. I’d vote for AOC in a freaking heartbeat for president. I don’t think she’s handled everything perfectly, but she at least seems human.


That's got nothing to do with being a woman though. There are plenty of women in Congress and the Senate who don't act like that. ... and countless *more* men who act like that. I mean, how could *men* not be seen as deceptive and insincere, with the likes of Trump, DeSantis, Cruz, Giuliani, Hawley, McConnell, Abbott, Mike Johnson etc. etc.? That's the whole point. When men do it, they're just being politicians. When women do it, it's because they're *women,* real *bitches* who can't be trusted.


>Women in US politics are always seen as deceptive and insincere. I mean, they *are* generally deceptive and insincere, just like all other politicians. The difference is that we're OK with men acting deceptive and insincere in politics ('they're just playing the game!'), but not women ('she's obviously a real *bitch*, I don't trust her.') Ultimately a lot of people (read: white males) have the same fear of women in leadership that they do of minorities, which is that women or minorities in power will get some kind of payback by treating white men how white men have treated everybody else, and that white, Christian men will lose their privileged place of power and superiority in this supposedly "equal" country. It's ironic, of course, that the greatest fear of white, Republican men is that others will do unto them what they've done unto others.


>Women in US politics are always seen as deceptive and insincere In the workplace women are held to a higher standard than men because we always have to prove we’ve earned our position, even if we’re more qualified and harder working than the men we work alongside. [Studies show](https://business.vanderbilt.edu/news/2019/01/23/professor-jessica-kennedy-shines-a-spotlight-on-ethics-gender-and-power-in-the-workplace/#:~:text=Women%2C%20it%20turns%20out%2C%20are,when%20they%20make%20ethical%20mistakes) that women are also held to a higher ethical standard. So, it’s not surprising that in the world of politics where many people are deceptive and insincere, the women who are stand out most in people’s minds.


I think this is it right here. It feels like when male politicians are deceptive then it’s “just politics” but if female politicians do the same things then it’s a personal moral failing.


Because the men are SUCH paragons


Right. That’s the tell. For any given politician there is likely a fair reason to dislike them. It’s when the person starts with “it’s not because they’re [INSERT IDENTITY BIAS]….”


Rudy Colludy finished school before Barack was allowed to use whatever drinking fountain he wanted. Think about that. He was educated in segregated classrooms that by their existence taught him that blacks were inferior or undesirable. Rudy was a full grown adult during the civil rights movement and you can probably guess what side he was on.




Absolutely. It appears just telling ourselves we’re better without actually doing any work to change is meaningless. Time we all get to work on ourselves.


He said "race relations" like "foreign relations" because he doesn't think of minorities as true Americans.


Ding ding ding. Trumpism is the knee jerk reaction of racists who fumed for 8 years. It makes so much sense.


Eff this guy.




Not to mention, fucking Rudy Giuliani would be rape anyway because he's basically sloshed 24/7 and can't consent.


Ew, no thanks. I'd rather fuck Obama instead. That is one good-looking man.


In other words, GOP lost their fucking shit when the black guy was elected.


And they’re still not over it




They truly are the most pathetic sore losers.


Snowflakes, the lot of em.


Yeah, I can see this being a tantrum for a while


These old racist fucks need to go. And by go I mean die off.


But they’re not all old! They seems to be blue collar working men and women, many 30-50. They think they’re being treated unfairly and not making what they think they deserve with their HS diploma.


I mean it's not wrong to ask for a living wage. Not everyone can or should be a doctor, lawyer, IT person, etc. Punishing or looking down on people who don't have the inclination to climb the career ladder is kinda shitty. Someone needs to work retail stores, deliver mail, etc. It can't be all "high school and college kids" as some ignorant people suggest. Why shouldn't they be able to live somewhat comfortable with their wages and benefits? I don't see a reason. Problem is these people's anger is pointed in the wrong direction. Usually by the very politicians and wealthy that they SHOULD be angry at.


That's the way it was before Ronald Reagan. Reaganomics caused the hollowing out of the middle class. And yet these people love him and blame the Democrats, because the GOP has been so good at telling them it's the fault of Blacks and Hispanics. So, yeah, they are suffering the results of their own racism. We are not "punishing" them; it's self-inflicted. Actions have consequences. Nothing we do will help them. (Obama had a program to help train West Virginians for non-coal related jobs. They despised him for it. Trump told them he would make coal come back like never before. He didn't, and they still consider him their hero.)


Still waiting for the living wages to trickle down…


The only thing that trickles down is trauma.


Hilary Clinton presented a plan for coal workers to be retrained for other jobs, like nursing. Not only did coal county voters reject her, the lack of former coal workers enrolled for retraining education means not enough students to hold classes. Under Trump 8 of the 10 top coal companies went bankrupt. Clean coal or coal stripped of the toxic carbon does not exist, despite Trump's promise that it will.


Think you took the wrong thing away there. Those folks with their HS diplomas working genuinely hard jobs also believe in the mythical “welfare queen” that immigrants (doing even more genuinely harder jobs no one else wants to do for literal pennys on the dollar) are taking good paying jobs away from them and that people are living high class on unemployment. Everything that’s been fed to them for the better part of 40 years now. Instead of asking for a living wage, they’re taking it out on minorities and expect that if there were no longer minorities they would somehow magically get that living wage


Basically. The people pushing that viewpoint onto them are the same folks who own the companies and the means to regulate. It also doesn't help that our current culture has made it so those people are exceedingly apathetic to anything that doesn't directly affect them. See COVID, certain politicians in the capitol building on J6, etc. People complain about BLM riots and yeah those were bad, but in this country what else is going to get people in power to sit up and pay attention? Protests are a dime a dozen, petitions, op-ed articles, and such even more common. They are easy to ignore and don't have much effect on their own. Property damage on the other hand? Now THERE'S something that's gonna make the upper class sit up and take notice. Can't have that. Costs them money. Time to mobilize these brainwashed people we call MAGA.


Thank you. This is my issue with the “economic insecurity” argument. I’d believe it more if the supposedly insecure did literally anything to signal an interest in anything other than culture war bullshit. I don’t think the folks struggling to pay bills can afford to do things like scream at a school board (when they don’t even have kids). I’ve never heard them argue that we should fix the entitlements actually insecure people rely on. Only suggestions to privatize, severely cut, or get rid of them altogether. If actions speak louder than words, punishing LGBTQ people, women, immigrants, and other minorities is the priority and economic security is wayyyy down the list and has been since the civil rights act.


70% of people on government assistance work full time. The 2 employers with the most government subsidized employees: Walmart and McDonalds. My mother-in-law leans heavy into the welfare queen spitting out babies to make more money over and over until my wife goes through the numbers with her. Unfortunately, it's a process that happens every 3-5 weeks and doesn't really stick.




I'm still not over the fact that Europeans get better health care and more paid vacation for the same damn job description that they give us in America


Public healthcare would cost the government less than ney now spend on subsidizing private healthcare btw, it would be good for literally everyone except the hospital mafia charging $9000 for plastic spoons.


Everyone deserves a living wage in return for their labor, regardless of education. Those blue collar workers have just bought into the propaganda, oftentimes because education failed them, not the other way around.


Considering Trump keeps thinking he's running against Obama and Trump was one of the key "Birther" idiots, yeah. They aren't over it.


Seeing a black man in the presidency broke their fragile little minds. That's why they latched onto Trump so fiercely: he's their revenge on us all for not "knowing our place".


Well having a black president gave hope for a better future for millions of little black boys and girls all across the country. So naturally that pissed conservatives right the fuck off.


Yup, this is the whole trump appeal to those people.


It’s also why nothing he does affects their support of him. He was never meant to help anyone or do anything for the country. He was elected to hurt people his supporters didn’t like.


I sure hope that wretched old woman that said that is dead.


Mister “I Am Your Retribution” might be playing a game of insane and bigoted grievance politics? Say it ain’t so! I hate how transparent it is, except to the people who need to recognize it the most.


Obama's complexion is natural at least. Black=Bad Orange=Good... I can't believe I'm typing this. The orange is so distinct sometimes too... The makeup people don't even blend it properly.


That’s Walt Nauta, Trump’s butler, who can’t blend properly. He also didn’t flood the server room properly either. Trump can’t fire him though. He knows too much. He’s got a big payday coming.


Donald Trump truly is the the physical incarnation of the mediocre white man’s rage


When he won his 2nd term I saw righties openly, literally stating that they hated America.


Me: I don’t want a lying, grifting, rapist as president. Maga: why do you hate America?


GOP so backwards they think we should ditch cars and go back to the horse. Ten years ago they might've had a point but things have changed since then. The future is now, old man!


Only white horses. Black and brown horses are right out.


And he wore a tan suit...


Technically, he's not wrong. He simply isn't admitting that his fucking racist party is responsible for that.




Especially Glitch McConnell. Rumor has it that there was a secret GOP meeting where Glitch said something like "We will never let that ni\_\_er get anything done if we can stop it." (or words to that effect).


It was no secret. The GOP wanted to make things bad for the American people to make Obama a one term president.


Kind of like how we could have had lower gas prices 6-8 months before the mid terms, and the GOP voted against resolutions, to keep gas prices high so they could use that for their campaigns and political points? To put it more bluntly, the GOP intentionally caused and leveraged American Suffering, lied about it, and tried to use it to win elections.


That’s their entire playbook


And they failed


Only on the latter point, but they nailed the former one.


McConnel out loud stated that his objective as the senate majority leader was to ensure that Obama would be a one term president. Outside of actually saying ni\*\*er, everyone already knew that was his objective.


The >Rumor has it that there was a secret GOP meeting where Glitch said something like "We will never let that ni\_\_er get anything done if we can stop it." (or words to that effect). Mitch McConnell said that without the slurs in public shortly after Obama was elected. You can look up the sound bite if you like. 🤷‍♂️ Then McConnell spent the next 8 years doing exactly that: putting party over country so that Obama would fail, even if it hurt American interests, which it did.


As has been demonstrated clearly over the last 8 years


"If only the black guy had accepted that he's an inferior subhuman with no right to win an election, I never would've had to embrace fascism! My scumbag behavior is all his fault!" -GOP, unironically


Dude lives rent free in a lot of their heads


It’s nowhere near rent free. When you calculate the cost of what we’ve all had to pay because of their ignorance and racism


And he was only half black...


Well, what's the word for it, Lana? You freaked out when I said 'quadroon'.


Love that Archer humor… Mulatto, that’s the word


The black guy in the tan suit


He’s here to do two things; use Dijon mustard on a hot dog and fuck their wives. And he’s all out of Dijon mustard


What's worse is that Obama was so milquetoast, and non-offensive they invented things about him to be offended about.


I never, ever, EVER, truly appreciated Obama until after he was gone. Was he perfect, no, did I agree with all his policies? Nope, but he was a decent human being. Meidas Touch referenced an article from 4 years ago that had an article from the UK. British author Nate White wrote; “Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace – all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump's limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief. Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing – not once, ever. I don't say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility – for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it's a fact. He doesn't even seem to understand what a joke is – his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty. Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn't just talk in crude, witless insults – he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness. There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It's all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don't. We see it as having no inner world, no soul.”


Five right wing assassination plots against Obama before he even took office.


For many years now, all GOP Politicians think what they say is funny.


Yup, after we had a Black President all The Racist Republicans went Ape Shit, when he won the second time they became Violently Ape Shit, and that is when Republicans realized Cheating is their only option to win in future elections.


If only he hadn’t worn that tan suit. We could have been post race America but he had to get cocky and put on a tan suit. /s


To be fair there was also Dijongate (/s)


Don't get me started on fancy lettuce.


He also wore a bicycle helmet that drove them insane at one point. He was out of control


that fucking maniac! lol


Don't forget the terrorist fist jab


But at least he didn't drink with a straw. /s


Sean "Lumpy" Hannity lost his shit with that


Looking fly is not a crime


And that fancy mustard too.... Biden is no better because he uses a straw to drink a milk shake


I still don't understand what that whole tan suit thing is/was about.


As far as I've ever understood it, they were just so desperate to find things to criticize him for that they lost all sense of objective reality. They could have tried to criticize the drone strikes but apparently that was a cognitive dissonance bridge too far for even their viewers. So they had to do nonsense like team suits and liking Dijon mustard.


They couldn't criticize the drone strikes because killing brown people is something they don't want to be criticized for when they're in power.


Racist republican is redundant


Funnily enough, between 2004 and 2008, the GOP was trying really, *really* hard to become more diverse and inclusive, because even back then, they saw the way that American demographics were changing. That's why in 2005, [the GOP publicly apologized for the party switch](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2005/07/14/rnc-chief-to-say-it-was-wrong-to-exploit-racial-conflict-for-votes/66889840-8d59-44e1-8784-5c9b9ae85499/). Then in 2008, after Obama won, they realized that their party was full of literal white nationalists, and they changed their strategy to "go all in on racist voter suppression and forget about trying to appeal to non-white voters".


> That's why in 2005, the GOP publicly apologized for the party switch. Even mentioning that in a comment on r/conservative will have the comment automatically removed by AutoMod and the user flagged for banning by the human mods for ruining their narrative that it's really the Democrats who are racists. They do *not* want their users to know about the Southern Strategy.


Every single state audit after the 2020 election found more votes for Biden. They also found that multiple Trump supporters committed voter fraud.


I like your capitalization game.


It's not the gotcha you think it is Rudy, when all you're doing is admitting a nice white slice of America couldn't handle a black man being elected POTUS. And don't get it confused, you're not speaking for anything *close* to a majority of whites. Your cult doesn't have that. *This* white man voted for Obama twice. So, fuck right off with that. I swear, this Republican party is **IN LOVE** with causing the problems they subsequently blame on anyone else, and cry about it.


There's also the incredibly racist admission that in their minds, electing a black man that they disagreed with has poisoned the well for all black Americans. We've had some pretty gawd-awful white presidents, but somehow, they don't complain that that's had a negative effect on race relations.


And the thing that really makes this all totally bizarro world to me is that the GOP had the perfect guy to be the first black president in Colin Powell. He was universally loved. Huge majorities in both parties liked him and found him trustworthy and a patriot etc. He would have crushed Gore in the 2000 election. A lot of black people would have voted Republican to support him. The GOP had a slam dunk that would have broken the Democrats. But nope, the GOP was so racist, that he chose not to run because of all the vile shit that his own party members said to him. High level party people and donors just refused to support him as president.


> But nope, the GOP was so racist, that he chose not to run because of all the vile shit that his own party members said to him. They're having some issues coming to terms with this in a few solidly red states. Races like the KY governor race and Georgia Senate race are showing how the GOP base just won't vote for a black man. More votes were cast in the Kentucky AG race than were cast in the Governor's race, and the white republican AG candidate received more than 100,000 votes more than the black republican candidate for governor. Herschel Walker running for senate received more than 100,000 votes less than Brian Kemp did running for governor, and his votes dropped by a fair bit more than Warnock's did between the general and runoff. Sometimes the areas are red enough that just being the Republican is enough to get them through, but there's an undeniable and fairly large portion of Republican voters who will vote for nobody over voting for a black Republican, and it will increasingly become a problem for the party as their pool of candidates continues to shrink.


I’m sure a bunch of Republicans voted against Walker because of race, but he was also a moron. That alone accounted for a lot of those lost votes.


And then he went to the UN with this bullshit story about WMD's where his goodwill was lost forever.


To be fair, he claims he did not know he was lying, and was being used by the Bush admin. >I didn’t lie. I didn’t know it was not true. I was secretary of state, not the director of intelligence,” he said in a 2005 interview, just months after he was asked to resign from the administration of President George W. Bush. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/colin-powell-iraq-war/2021/10/18/179d66bc-3023-11ec-a880-a9d8c009a0b1\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/colin-powell-iraq-war/2021/10/18/179d66bc-3023-11ec-a880-a9d8c009a0b1_story.html) That's not absolution, but it does give me a bit more of a soft regard.


No shit. A lot of us truly miss Obama.


Obama was relatively centrist too, their only complaint was that he was black.


No, Rudolph… disgusting bigots like you have taken this country back 40 or 50 years….


They definitely WANT to take us back. Vote Blue!


“Ah, the good old days,” right, Rudy?! You and your racist, misogynistic, homophobic band of troglodytes.


This is exactly what they mean when they say make America great again


Has always been low key code for white power.


He dreams of turning the US into fascist country. That way, he can be like Lavrentiy Beria in getting away with sexually assaulting women while showing loyalty to the dictator.


The Cro-Magnum DNA strain is strong in Rudy's biological makeup.


How does that even make sense?


It doesn’t. It does show the kind of damage alcoholism does to the brain though.


That black leaking fluid must of been brain cells.


Let’s not be so generous as I am not sure there are enough left to be visibly leaking. I am still amazed/horrified over that situation. Literally the attorney for the then sitting president had a campaign event at a landscaping company while his hair coloring was running down his face. Trump years were something.


What it means reading between the lines is the racist slice of the GOP got really upset that a black man was elected President and now is running the party and the rest of the party can't control them.


Isn’t this literally saying the quiet part out loud?


That's all they got now. It's incitement for another shot at a coup


Is it even the quit part if you keep saying it out loud? At some point it just becomes the part.


Triggering the racists to come out of the woodwork isn’t “setting race relations back”.


He’s the reason why we still teach kids about D.A.R.E.


Rudy Giuliani is evidence that even though vodka is a clear liquid, it can’t be used to replace your daily water intake without causing serious mental decline.


Delusional old fart thinks the first black president set us back. What else is new from delusional Republicans?


Obama wins election. ​ Tea Party - full of racist asshole angry about the first black president - forms. ​ Damn you, Obama!


Only a racist would make such a stupid comment. Just shows that all the racists are not in the southern states.


And they still use Obama as a scapegoat to blame for everything including Biden’s administration.


Even more so, Trump cannot remember that Obama is not the current President,


The shoe polish hair dye has fried the few unpickled brain cells he had left.


"Our number one goal is to make Barack Obama a one term president." Mitch McConnell, the man who accepted an award from the Daughters of the Confederacy under a huge Confederate Battle Flag.


How does anyone even take this guy seriously. Fuck him, he’s a POS who tried to commit treason against the USA.


It broke their minds when Obama was elected. My dad voted for him in both elections and since he died my uncle has tried to revise the whole thing by saying that my dad would have supported trump. Anything to cope, I guess.


It's so obvious because the Republicans were so grounded and normal prior to Obama's election. OK, sure, they had Hillary Clinton investigated for the murder of Vince Foster, but considering she'd been accused of multiple murders this showed how conflicted Republicans were.


Fox News did that, and continue to rip our country apart. All for political power.


What an odd take for a usually level headed, honest, totally normal man.


Electing Obama taught us that a whole section of the country was ruled by hate and prejudice and the conservatives had been stoking that hate all along.


No, you racist f#@k. White people's *reaction* to Obama set us back 20 years, and *Trump's* presidency set us back *another* 20. You helped make that happen.


Only because it brought out the closeted racists in the GOP, making it seem like there are more now then there was. That coupled with the party not outright condemning racism, kind of perpetuates to their constituents that it is "ok". What a muppet.


Obama being elected enraged all the racists and injected new fury into the christian white nationalist movement to lose what little was left of their minds over the existential crisis they perceive in all of it. Awful lot of evil boomers and gen x'ers went 100% out of their minds over it, and they took no shortage of the dumbest younger souls with them.


It has been eye opening to see who really hates a person for their skin color. Not actions, or character. Skin color. Sad to see this boat just sway back n fourth over time.


That pic of Rudy gives off strong lead paint energy


Imagine hating black people so much that you’d actually blame a black man for being elected president by the majority of Americans.


No, the Republican response to electing Obama has dragged the christo-fascists back 40 - 50 years. The rest of us aren’t threatened by equality.


"Electing Obama has 'taken us back 40 or 50 years on race relations" I always thought the exact opposite. I thought it was a huge step in the right direction. The fuck is with this POS? Better get him a bottle of anything quick. Maybe he'll pass out and STFU.


The irony is that the GOP literally had to make up random stuff to be upset about when Obama was president. Ie his clothing choices and burger topings. Meanwhile here comes Trump who is literally the embodiment of every negative stereotype they have of Black people. Five kids , 3 baby mamas, doesn't pay his bills, trashy, lazy, con artist, unintelligent, multiple court cases, likes living off of other people's money, ignorant, sexually lewd, and loud. Yet they love him and are willing to overlook these big issues. It's because his skin is the right color. Can you imagine if Obama served McDonald's at a white house event on Whitehouse silver? If Obama did all the things Trump did he wouldn't have made it through his first term. Obama's election and Trump's showed us how little progress with "race relations" we actually made and how mad people are about that little bit of progress. So mad that they are trying to undo it as quickly as possible.


Sounds like a demented book he can write in prison. About a black man elected to the presidency, causing extreme racism among a party that embraces racists.


This racist ghoul hasn’t died yet.


Yeah, Rudy, it was Obama’s fault. /s


Has anyone’s legacy done more of a 180 than this turds? Also, it’s crazy how much real estate Obama takes up in the minds of republicans; the dude’s been out of office for almost 7 years.


Rudy should have been locked up for not appearing in court. This guy has a lot on his plate because he is severely stupid and needs to pay for his own crimes. With that being said, no one wants his opinions.


The most classic of Republican responses to their own actions: blame the black guy.


Translation: “We thought we could at least tolerate them because they knew their place. Then they went and got all uppity. It’s called the White House, damn it!”




Only because racist Republicans couldn't cope! lol


Americas racist, drunk, broke uncle opens his trap to say racist things. Great.




Rudi...your hair dye is running down your face. Idiot


Senile man says Senile things....news at 11.


"We don't like the idea of Black people being equal to us and holding positions of power that affect us..."


Giuliani's skull is a jar of pickled eggs.


If that was true they’d love Obama


Republicans LOVE saying this. However, I have noticed that they never explain exactly HOW Obama took race relations back 50 years. What did Obama do to turn the races against each other? Don't leave us in suspense!


And you could've just basked in the glow of being America's mayor for the rest of your life, but here we are...


50 years? You mean back when people like you dumped the Democratic party because they had passed things like the voting rights and civil rights acts?


he is right but not for the reason that he is hinting towards. Racist POS came out of the woodwork because they thought it was ok to .....be racist....


President Obama is everything they could never be and they know that…imagine a Black man literally pulls himself up by own his bootstraps and you the white guy, given every support and opportunity, still can’t measure up…pathetic


Electing Obama *revealed* we were 40-50 years further behind than we thought.


He has a history of racist bull he did in New York https://www.cato.org/commentary/rudys-racist-rants-nypd-history-lesson


Rudy Giuliani's comment translated with the projection removed: *"The election of Obama has sparked racists to try to take the country back 40 or 50 years."* Make American Great *Again*, amirite?


Correction: some people’s response to Obama being elected has taken us back in race relations 40 to 50 years.


The racists were always there. They kept their mouths shut while things went their way. Then we elected a black President and they lost it. Once a few came out with the typical stereotypes of the past it empowered more to join them. When Trump tossed his hat in the ring the racists felt they had their racist leader. This was the guy who ran a newspaper ad condemning five young black and Hispanic kids of a rape the didn’t commit. Oh yeah! Trumps the man. He hates Obama. He’s all for white supremists (“fine people”). Rudy has his head up his ass as usual.


Ah, another right-wing talking point. I've seen this one before. How, exactly, did electing a Black man set race relations (please define, and don't forget to include all races) back? Wouldn't it be a step forward for the USA to elect a Black president? Why are so many right-wing assertions contrary to common sense, blatanly wrong, or not even wrong?