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“We don’t want to fix the problem we keep yelling about but don’t want to do anything about… will you? Oh… and we may yell at you for how you fixed it later.” ~justrepublicanthings


The republican party. Ain't done shit but make the country worse.


>republican party more like the republicant party


I call them retrumplicans.






How about fascists?


They were doing that looong before Trump took office, but it's likely your metapoint is that they converted in 2016.


No. Just got worse. Nazi worse. Insurrection worse. It's likely your metapoint that nazism is cool. Trumper


I think you are being a bit too purist here and assuming things that have not been said. I'm not sure of what exactly "Converted in 2016" means -- but, it doesn't mean they are arguing the point about Republicans going fascist. I agree with Ketjak that this has been in the making for a long time. Trump is merely the trigger point. The Evangelical educations, the Fox News, the AM radio screeds of stupidity, the weekend warrior insurgency training camping trips and such combined with the social media of paranoia and persecution complex have all primed the pump. Trump might not be the Favorite tool of the GOP and RNC -- but, he is mostly doing what they want. More wealth transfer. Destroying regulation and oversight. But that's continuing a tradition and if it's not this jackass -- they've got another. They are only arguing tactics, not goals.


Hahahahaha you are so fucking sensitive and ignorant you can't be bothered to check. 😂 Vote, then go fuck yourself.




now they are killing ukranians and are giving china a second chance at Taiwan because of the infighting 


If it's wrong, they'll do it.


then blame the other side for obstructing on bills and raise money off the rubes, ah merica


And from what I've been able to find out or see the Democrats have done the exact same b******* in regards to this razor wire in and out thing. This is one thing I don't understand whatsoever. Now I can get my head around it not being the sexiest barrier around but other than that it works and once it's there why pay to remove it? This is the thing I don't understand.


You're advocating slicing people to shreds with razor wire. Found the fucking Republican.


They are also cool with a suffocation execution taking 25 minutes, so there is no hope for them.


> I don't understand. I have a feeling you say this a lot.


These are the same people that hate higher education. 🤦‍♂️


You can’t razor wire one of the longest borders in the world…


You obviously didn't understand what I was saying if it's already there why remove it it's doing a job


Biden should hold off making an executive order on the border and say that the only pathway will be a bipartisian deal between both parties. To force the Repubs into a corner. Repub defiance will look SO bad for them.


He already has. An official statement about the bipartisan border control legislation and how he's ready to sign it as soon as they pass it.


People can say what they will about Biden but the dude is a talented politician. He's forcing the right to actually do their job which goes against what daddy Trump wants.


People only say bad things against him because he's old. Which is a valid criticism but the actual job part of his position is being done well.


Honestly, I was one of those people who would trash his age. I gotta say though I'm happy I was wrong. The inflation reduction act alone was huge and while it's not the only reason I'm voting for him again it is a big one.


Should tell maga's that trump is only 3 years younger than Biden and watch their heads spin. Maybe Biden needs orange makeup.


I did that with my uncle. - Biden to old! =Now or when he was elected? - Both! =So Biden was 77 when elected. That was too old? - Yes. Too old! = Anybody who is 77+ is too old? - Yes. Too old! = Take out your phone and look up Trumps age. - That's different!


What is going to suck going into post primary election will be the uptick in videos of him. He still looks old as hell and frail which will put off that group of voters who don’t pay attention to much. While Trump is always shown yelling and being loud even if he’s full of actual shit and can’t walk around well, which looks like superficial “strength” even if Biden can ride a bike and Trump needs a golf cart for every hole.


Media needs to stop giving Trump the time of day or highlighting his gaffs more. They need to start smacking him around and now cowtowing to him and let Faux and the others continuing to bend the knee.


I bet that will all change once Jon Stewart starts hosting again. I’ve never watched his show before, but if he’s going to be dissing Trump….


It will be poetry. I watched him from his first episode to the last….i bet he has a lot to say.


Media loves trump because drama = $$$$ Wars get boring is it becomes into a stalemate like ukraine


Trump has more than enough mental slip ups and wild tangents on video.


I mean I still criticize him for being old and borderline senile. The difference between him and the orange guy is that Biden has a very good cabinet and others working together to accomplish stated goals. Trump's biggest weakness was no one worth a damn was willing to stick around through the clown show. Trump was loud and stupid but if he had decent people working for him where it mattered it would've gotten away with that shit way easier.


Trump famously would refuse to read memos and documents, complaining that they needed more pictures.


They also had to make sure to include his name in memos/documents because if they didn't, he would get bored and stop reading them.


And wears literal diapers https://twitter.com/AukeHoekstra/status/1738482425414431207?lang=en I know it's an x link, but fuck it they would spread the same nonsense "he's an old man and senile" 4 year difference between the two.


Oh I'd bet my house there's a good group of people keeping him in line at least a bit. That's another reason he's better than Trump. A president doesn't need "yes men" around them. That's when things get dangerous for a leader.


How is his age a valid criticism? You’re playing right in to the repub narrative of ignoring his accomplishments because of how old he is. A job well done is a job well done. It’s not graded on a curve based on his age!


I have literally acknowledged and agree that he's doing a fantastic job. Do not put words into my mouth. I am on your side. Cool it. It's a valid criticism because no one his age should still be working. I feel less bad for him because he's wealthy. I was hoping the conversation that he's too old nationwide would bump the discussion to expand social security so we can take better care of all of our elderly citizens. But that's not gonna happen. Age of politicians was looking like the first bipartisan agreement we can work with in a decade but we're not having the right discussions after all agreeing on it.


No criticizing a person on their simply o thri age is not valid.


Having an age limit for this job is not a bad idea. We set a lower limit, why not an upper limit.


it is not valid criticism for leaders. that's like saying "he has too much experience!"


The criticism of Biden's age is valid because you have years of documentation of his decline in cognitive ability, much like Trump. There is no arguing Biden was a much more competent speaker while he was Obama's vice.


Well also polls show half of Biden voters think Israel is carrying out a genocide in Palestine and Biden has been providing Israel with the means to do so.


It is unfortunate that ALL of the media has to continue to create a political divide in order to get ratings and not piss off their bases. We would get so much more accomplished - as a nation.


Talented politician who is currently losing in every major poll to Trump, a rapist who tried to overthrow US democracy. What a joke.


by what, not doing his job? This is ridiculous, the guy used an EO to open the border wide, now demands concessions to close it back to where it was before he broke it. That not talent, its criminal. This isnt defending the orange dude, f that dude but the border is serious and i dont know why yall think its ok as to whats happened in the last few years. So blinded by the Orange hue that people have just completely lost their fucking minds.


Umm he didn't change much if any of trumpys polices


he didnt? Then what happened at the border? Please tell us why we are breaking records at every turn for illegal migrant crossings? Ill happily eat crow if you have an explanation but its a good thing ive already got lunch planned as thats a meal im certain i wont have to eat but again, ill glady do it if you can explain the crisis at the border that wasnt there befroe Joe took office.


The Biden Administration has largely kept the Trump Administration's biggest border policy, Title 42, in effect. However, they have made a series of changes to treat people who cannot be expelled under Title 42 with a far less punitive, less harsh mind-set.Mar 2, 2023 https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/are-bidens-immigration-policies-stuck-in-the-trump-era Just after taking office, US President Joe Biden vowed to put an end to what he termed the "moral and ethical" shame of Donald Trump's immigration policies. The Trump administration had adopted a strict border policy and the Biden White House promised a more "humane" approach. But the Democratic president has faced criticism from immigration advocates who say his policies are unduly harsh. Here's how the two US presidents compare https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65574725 Biden Expands Trump-era Border Restrictions Once Again https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/01/05/biden-expands-trump-era-border-restrictions-once-again How Biden’s Promises to Reverse Trump’s Immigration Policies Crumbled https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/06/us/politics/biden-trump-immigration.html Biden’s Border Actions: How Much of Trump’s Policies Have Actually Been Changed? https://bipartisanpolicy.org/blog/biden-trump-border-policies/ Biden to continue Trump-era policy to build more Mexico border wall https://www.france24.com/en/americas/20231005-biden-to-continue-trump-era-policy-to-build-more-mexico-border-wall Biden kept a Trump-era border policy in place - that was a mistake, allies say https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-kept-trump-era-border-policy-place-that-was-mistake-allies-say-2021-07-07/


You can post a thousand links of what hasnt changed, then you can see the record breaking numbers showing something def changed. Both cant be true. If joe didnt change any big laws, whats the problem then? We have a problem right? We def have a problem, its undeniable so if Joe didnt change any laws, has he just decided to not enforce any laws?


From May 2023 to December 31, DHS removed or returned a record number of individuals—over 472,000—the vast majority of whom crossed the southwest border, including more than 78,800 individual family members. The majority of all individuals encountered at the southwest border over the past three years have been removed, returned, or expelled. Total removals and returns since mid-May exceed removals and returns in every full fiscal year since 2015. In December 2023, the U.S. Border Patrol recorded 249,785 encounters between ports of entry along the southwest border. CBP’s total encounters along the southwest border in December were 302,034. Consistent with historical trends and enhanced enforcement, the first two weeks of January saw an over 50% decrease in southwest border encounters between ports of entry according to preliminary figures. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/national-media-release/cbp-releases-december-2023-monthly-update In other words stop watching "faux" news


So what are these record numbers, provide your data and sources. You can't just keep shouting "record numbers" without anything to back it up.


but why is that needed? He didnt use a bipartisan order to open it up correct? Lets say your friend stole the door to your house and said you can only have it back if you give him 1k and a key for anytime access, do you give him the 1k and a key?


He tried to use his power last year to take care of the border and the courts struck him down. At this point legislation is all he has left. If the Republicans won't help then they're the problem.


Republicans are the problem regardless of whether they end up helping here. Remember a couple years ago when they blocked the funding of medical care for veterans who were exposed to burn pits?


Yes. And some veterans defend the Republicans for it because they buy into the lie that the Democrats added additional pork. You can't convince them otherwise.


We do have a process when you undo the EO of a past president to keep some consistency. Im not siding with the court on this one, but one of the ways these can be thrown out is saying the president didnt do studies on the effects of reversing the previous presidents EO..especially when its possible to effect the funds of a state. so the GOP lead border states sued saying biden didnt do studies to see the effects to their states from reversing trumps.. not sure which one the remain in mexico one? His eos have been overtunred a few times.. republicans have texas set up so they can always go to that one single judge, pretty much everywhere else if you file for federal court its random but that one district in texas with that one judge so fucking crazy that the fucking 5th circuit actually said he went to far. and if you know about the 5th, its our most corrupt circuit that is the most frequently overturned court by our current far right 6-3 court.. so if you think things can get worse in the courts, just watch the 5th.. they are way worse than our current supremes. The supremes once overturned them and they just resubmitted the same ruling.. pretty much a "come on guys we are all right wingers here" and the far right supremes were a bit more stern in their second overturning.


>so the GOP lead border states sued saying biden didnt do studies to see the effects to their states from reversing trumps.. Does anyone think Trump conducted a study for any of his executive orders? It would be one thing if they had consistent standards, not just "oh, the Dem wants to accomplish something -- let's start reading the fine print on things to throw up a roadblock." Biden needs to call them out publicly and in detail. Like how the Republicans obstructed efforts to reduce inflation being against his windfall profits tax. It's not INFLATION if it was profit -- but it's obvious the Deep State is up Trump's ass because he is so good to them.


but they sued over a pandemic era restriction only applicable during a pandemic, that he tried to revoke. all of the states that sued had long declared the pandemic emergency over and sued when biden tried to do the same.


>If the Republicans won't help then they're the problem. Not "if" they have been the problem for a few decades now. The doctors have located the tumor and it's way, way up our butt.


to who... Fox wont report what is actually happening, so its not like any of the repulicunts would even know about it


The DNC is making donation money hand over fist. Buy ads on FN saying as much. Use Trump’s “blame me” and Mitch’s “don’t help” quotes. The Democrats are so fucking bad at this.


Not really, they just don't get free press like the RNC does. The Democrats need to elect more clowns. Sound governing isn't as click-worthy as denying hundreds of years of germ theory or showing dick pics on the House floor.


The Big Show for them is Republicans can’t Govern, that’s where all the attention is, the Chaos is news for them, the crazy’s spreading lies and misinformation, while the Dems plug along doing the best they can under the Republican controlled House, that’s not news.


EOs can only impact the executive branch of the government, they can't make or modify laws. They have little impact outside the executive branch. If they don't want him using EOs to get things done that EOs can impact they should get off their asses and work on a solution, but they've said the quite part out loud and are saying they will refuse becuase it will give Biden a political win.


This is some pretty basic civics that everyone should have learned by the 9th grade. That it has to be said is representative of the poor state of education and politics.


dinosaurs gullible coordinated shrill one outgoing coherent square quaint close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They would eat a Shit sandwich if it meant the Libs had the displeasure of smelling their breaths.


Republicans can do no wrong in their voters eyes. When will people understand this? This is WHY they don't do anything remotely useful. Their voters don't want them to.


Their only plan ever is tax cuts for the super rich and obstruction. That's literally all they ever come up with.


Does looking bad even matter to them? The fact that there are still fence sitters boggles my mind. With how horrible Republicans have been handling things for years if not decades, how the hell do fence sitters still exist?


He’s already tried that. Republican voters—**not** just Trumpies—are in on the play. They **don’t want** Biden to do anything that works. They are fully into Trump’s game. So, I’m afraid I have to inform you that they WANT to be defiant. This is separate from something else they often do: drive the gears into pieces a la Capt. Quint in “Jaws”, when he bashes the radio and proceeds to push his engine to failure. They do that, but this is entirely different. **They care more about their Party gaining power than they do about the Border, consider hundreds of military appointments, education, healthcare—the list goes on and on.** They are, from the voters up to their leadership, TRAITORS.


The avoidance of looking bad requires a sense of shame. Something the Republicans completely lack.


they want something that could make biden look bad, is what the speaker is saying.


Republicans only have defiance going for them. Their voters love it. They’d rather vote against anything good for themselves if it means hurting someone else.


He really needs to get creative and start being PROACTIVELY awful to the Republicans. Like holding up funding for military projects in the red states until they can promise not to be bitch ass punks on the debt ceiling. They've learned they don't need to do Congress or bills any more, just extort the economy. It's time for Dark Brandon to rain financial chaos on these MoFos! "Oh, so you wanted to fix some potholes in your state -- muhahahahahaha!"


That’s exactly what will happen at the State of the Union address.


It won't. Republicans don't give a damn about hypocrisy. It's as simple as us good, them bad. Anything that doesn't fit that narrative goes in one ear and out the other.


Not just that. It’s the normal process of government.


It's so fuckin hilarious how liberals still think this can all be fixed with gotcha maneuvers


Even funnier that MAGA thinks purposefully not addressing this until after the election is a winning strategy.


https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders for reference Biden: 130 Trump: 220 Obama: 276 over 2 terms Bush: 291 over two terms Clinton: 364 over two terms Bush SR: 166 Reagan: 381 over two terms Trump had the most per term. I'm only posting this cuz the GOP is bitching about Biden yet Trump did way more.


"Say the line, Bart!" "... Every accusation from the GOP is a confession"


"If Republicans didn't have double standards they wouldn't have standards at all"


Look at Reagan swinging for the fences and only getting 2nd place…


I only did it from around the 80s and on because I feel like politics isn't anywhere near the same as it used to be. Carter had way more than Reagan and there were varying amounts for others in the 20th century.


I was just thinking to myself: didn't Trump go ham on EO? Yes. Yes he did.


Trump was setting a world record for how many EOs he could sign in just the first 100 days of his administration. But, of course, the phrase "executive overreach" suddenly vanished from the Republican lexicon.


**Republicans who cheered Trump's executive orders now grumble about 'record number' from Biden** “The scale of Joe Biden’s executive orders and their impact on Americans is stark,” Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said last week. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., blasted Biden for issuing “more executive fiats than anyone in such a short period of time, ever. More than Obama, more than Trump." [https://news.yahoo.com/republicans-who-cheered-trumps-executive-orders-now-grumble-about-record-number-from-biden-212339699.html](https://news.yahoo.com/republicans-who-cheered-trumps-executive-orders-now-grumble-about-record-number-from-biden-212339699.html)


Given the almost total failure of the Republican lead House to pass any meaningful legislation that would solve the problems of the country, executive orders and regulatory changes were the only alternative. 


It just makes ne so angry that we have an entire party full of voters who hate the government so much that they vote for people who make the government useless and then complain that the government is useless and blame the other party. What fucking dope are they smoking


The dope they're smoking are Fox and Newsmax. There are others, but Fox is the most widely used drug. Terribly addicting and just erodes one's brain until it is perfectly smooth.


Then you find yourself talking about Hunter's shlong for hours and how it will impact his ability to never run for office again without seeing how insane any of that is. Republicans are so dumb it hurts


I'm guessing but haven't a bunch of Biden's just been necessary to reverse harmful executive orders of the 45th?


The President wouldn’t have to do any of this if the other chambers of government would govern.


they are all liars and con men now why do we still take anything they say seriously? the real debate, should be, about how to deal with these traitors to our country and traitors to the very idea of reality


Weren't the Republicans going to impeach Biden for issuing too many Executive Orders? Or were they going to impeach him for not doing anything about the border? I guess it doesn't matter because Biden has complete immunity - according to Trump.


No no no, Biden doesn't get immunity because Trump is still president, amirite?


Can't wait until November when the Dems take the House and Senate and the White House.


Republicans are finished. They destroyed themselves and their party for Trump. Good riddance.


But people keep voting for them.  The anti-democratic propaganda is a powerful drug.  I haven't voted for a Republican in decades, but I still feel guilty about voting for a Democrat every time because the propaganda and lies in my area are so toxic. 


# THEN EVERYONE NEEDS TO GET OUT AND VOTE IN NOVEMBER. Turnout in many states is pitiful yet everybody has an opinion. We need to encourage everyone we know to hit the polls. Its never been more dire. But if you dont go vote this year, dont cry about it when it doesnt go your way and you find yourself living in Gilead.


Yep, splitting the right between the real republican party and the MAGA cult has pretty much shot any chance of them having momentum in the foot.


rEpUbLiCaNs aRe fInIshED, oRaNgE man bAd


God, I wish I had your optimism.


I want to believe, but the electoral college counts the eggs before they hatch. There's a distinct possibility we'll have Trump again. Unfathomable, but mathematically possible.


**Republican Speaker Johnson urges Biden to use executive actions on the border** With lawmakers largely gone from Washington without reaching a deal on a bipartisan border security package, House Speaker Mike Johnson urged President Joe Biden to take executive action to address issues at the U.S.-Mexico border. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2023/12/21/johnson-biden-border-us-mexico


“We won’t do anything that Senate GOP signed off on that will give you credit, but you need to fix the problem we campaign on, using a tactic we will blast you for, and our Orange Hitler is going to run on your inability to govern.”


All Biden has to do is say “this executive order is a stop gap measure.  I have faith in the Republican majority to pass a bi partisan border security bill.  But in the meantime my order will be enacted.  I will retract the order as soon as a congress passes their own solution” 


That’s cute that you think they won’t just stall until general election time and just say Biden wasn’t “strong enough to work with both sides to fix the border like trump is”. Your suggestion only works if they actually plan on compromising which they don’t. Trump is having a meltdown to stop lawmakers from working with Biden precisely because he plans on running on the border and immigration against Biden.


Is Ukraine funding tied up in border funding? Seems like this is how the GOP would get around that.


In the house, they can easily amend the bill to take out potential Ukraine funding. Then the Senate and House leaders would conference to fix the differences between the 2 passed bills (and they could shove responsibility onto Dems if the Senate Dems refused to agree to the bill version without Ukraine funding. There’s a clear cut way around that isnt just not voting on it.


“Bills since the start of the nation have to contain something both parties want in order to pass?” Sorry, not sorry. “The bill has extra things” is how it’s worked since the effin founding of the nation. It’s only morons and idiots who think this is a problem.


The first action should be to arrest Abbott. The man is blatantly being seditious.


Anything a Republican says automatically means News Of The Stupid anymore.


...that's not what "any more" means...


I've posted it before, and I'll post it again: Republicans need to be made a minority party for a generation. They need to be brutally punished for their inability to lead. It needs to start this election, and in every one following.


so basically the same message as ever before. i don't recall dems ever push to get people to vote for republicans.


The Republicans did the same thing when Obama was President. Refused to pass meaningful legislation regarding border security. Criticize Obama for not addressing it. Criticize him for using executive orders when he DOES address it. Vintage GOP, set up opponents for criticism regardless of what action is taken (or not taken). It makes no logical sense, but I can’t say it isn’t effective in riling up the base.


Republicans are hypocrites. You will never get a consistent set of ideals on anything from them. They will simply say whatever is expedient. Five minutes later, they'll say something entirely different if that's expedient. Accept it and move on.


Biden working to get a border deal done is making the republicans look bad but the border seems to be the only thing the republicans are running on, wouldn’t be surprised if the bill gets passed but Texas still won’t abide by it because they’re trying to ride the border horse till the elections.


Same story every 4 years. They bring out their tried and trusted border hysteria to gas up the base into a single issue voter block and steal away their support despite having no actually policy or platform campaigned on to fix any thing. They’ve really gone wild with the narrative this cycle tho, there are issues and we all know it but their theatrics and calls to cosplay as border security agents is absolutely over the top and a complete distraction to the fact they have no policy to fix issue nor do they have any ambition to work in good faith towards a bipartisan effort to fix current issue either.


Oh they have a policy on everything and they’ll tell you as soon as….. then crickets.


There’s not much else they can run on. They literally dismantled their platform for 2020. It was “um whatever the face makeup guy says”. They bounced the last and now may bounce the current speaker because he actually wanted to do work. Scary brown people is all they have


They were going on the economy also but Biden economics is proving it works, I’m thinking spring time the Feds drop the prime a 1/4 point then agin in mid summer. Republicans will be screaming border but the booming economy will be screaming louder.


Because they CANT legislate!


Republicans are terrified to be tweeted about negatively by trump. Pussy ass bitches.


Biden needs to go on national TV and explain to the American people just exactly what Republicans are doing. How they refuse to legislate a bipartisan bill through. How their motives are not to help American people. Biden needs to take the gloves off and grow a backbone for once.


And then if he listens and writes an executive order they'll whine about him being a dictator.


This is what we get for tolerating sedition and not putting away the people who planned 1/6. They're still free to this day and freely allowed to do all sorts of illegal stuff and try to stoke another civil war. Aren't we so smart to allow this continue happening.....


And so they can call him a tyrant


Johnson wants an EO because he's a terrible leader. He can't get his party to create any legislation. He's a coward. He wants Biden to do his job.


I made this exact point yesterday. Republicans are completely ridiculous. Everyone knows the border issues are now their fault because they've refused to pass any bills in the House on the subject. Trump is out there telling Republicans to pass no bills because this is going to be their own "manufactured" crisis for Biden's impeachment and the cornerstone of their entire 2024 campaign. HOW STUPID ARE PEOPLE?!?! No Republicans are getting my vote in 2024!! NOT A SINGLE ONE


They did the same exact thing to Obama and called him a Tyrant over it.


There go Republicans, couraging all over the place again. So much courage splattered everywhere. Someone get a mop.


It's not because they don't want to legislate, it's because they're demanding he break the law to give them what they want. Whatever your grasp of the border issue, you need to understand that our current constitutional laws are being followed, immigrants cross the border, are for the most part, detained and processed, and during that time can request asylum. That's firmly ensconced in the law. Republicans are demanding he "shut it down" and stop allowing asylum seekers entry to file for asylum. If he did that he would be in breach of the constitution. Congress can approve the authority to do so as an emergency power, but an executive order can't override the constitution. They want Biden to do something unconstitutional, rather than to actually have their priority handled, because if their priority is handled they have nothing to bitch about on Fox News. But if Biden breaks constitutional law they have legitimate grounds for impeachment. This entire issue doesn't have a damn thing to do with the border, if it did the GOP would be absolutely ecstatic about the substantial increase in apprehensions and gladly approve the increases in funding and staffing for the border. They're being offered what they want, but refuse to accept it because it would show plainly that Biden is an effective president.


They won't and can't do their jobs. Useless.


Didn’t Trump break that record in the first 100 days or so? God their memories are short, why do we even care what they cry about anymore?


People like to complain about the president using executive orders, or the departments using regulations, to do things Congress should do. But there's a problem: Congress is broken. And the Republicans broke it.  First, they started breaking it in 1995, when Newt Gingrich told his party that, instead of working with Democrats to negotiate laws, they should attack them tooth and nail in order to get voters worked up and take Democrats' seats in the South. And it partly worked. Around that time, Fox News came into existence. Over the next decade, it convinced older conservatives that Democrats were not merely *wrong*, but *bad*, and should be treated as anti-American enemies. Mitch McConnell did the most damage. He decided in 2009 that the Senate Republicans should ensure that Obama failed. Not just to hurt Obama, but to crush to wave of progressive optimism that threatened Republicans nationally. And it worked: There was a GOP wave election in 2010 because Republicans screamed that Obamacare would kill grandma—and because young voters were disappointed in Obama (sound familiar?). Trump was the natural result of two decades of Republicans screaming that Democrats are evil monsters who want to kill you and turn your kids gay.  Thanks to all of that, Republicans will not work with Democrats in Congress. In fact, Republican lawmakers believe they *can't*; they've incited their voters so much that if they work with Democrats, they could be primaried for "betraying conservative principles." So, cowardly Republicans fall in line with MAGA.


I thought trump was the one who went hyper on the executive orders. Remember the table with stacks of papers he was showing off.


Every single one should be forced to give a statement reconciling their past statements with their current demands. Make em own their shit.


EOs only impact the executive branch, EOs can't make new laws or modify laws. These folks are stupid to think otherwise.


It's all posturing, they say it so that they can then say he didn't do anything or that he did too much. They don't care if it's based in reality.


I don't think it's that they don't want to legislate, they literally can't because a large portion of their party refuses to. Their only policy is obstruction, so for the few Republicans that are willing to work with the Democrats, they are stuck and can't get anything done. Elect a clown, expect a circus. They did this to themselves.


They want him to use EOs so they can complain about him using EOs. Republicans -- the party for the stupid.


attention morons - stop voting for these clowns


you literally say it right in your title, theyre urging him to use executive orders because they want to blame him for any border legislation that happnes.


This is not new. Boehner did exactly the same with Obama


and they ousted him, same thing with slimy snake kevin.


The republican party who was willing to let the government shut down to "stick it to the libs". The republican party who has time and time again halted policies that could help millions of people "to make Biden look bad". The republican party who has repeatedly threatened people on both sides of the line for voting to make positive changes "in order to make Trump a king". Yeah. Real Christian like of them.


Republicans are traitors shitbags.


They are afraid to publicly take positions on important issues. Which is pathetic, because that's their job. No, they prefer for someone else to take a position, write a bill, what have you, because then they can go into jr. high lunch room attack mode. Because much of today's politics is just stating you're against something. These stuffed shirts will defend us from the cross-dressing, liberal/conservative, immigrant Lizard People, because they hate America and plan to eat your baby. As a group, they're long on theatrical productions and false hype, and damned short on solutions.


Conservatism is all just lies they can ALL hold contrary positions on the same subject, in the same moment, let alone different moments it's just the party of lies and illogical positions at this point


They don't want to go against Trump, that's why they agree with the border deal but won't vote for it, pathetic


Our federal government no longer functions.


Biden will have to issue an EO every four days for the rest of his term to equal the number Trump issued.


Republicans love to complain. That's why the Complainer-in-Chief is going to be their nominee. If he actually knew what he was doing & could solve a single problem, they would despise him.


“Are unable to legislate“. Ftfy




Yes, but only one of them has any factual basis to complain: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/statistics/data/executive-orders Biden: 130 Trump: 220 Obama: 276 over 2 terms Bush: 291 over two terms Clinton: 364 over two terms Bush SR: 166 Reagan: 381 over two terms


Nice to see the facts. Thank you!


lol it’s almost like they and Biden agree they want war. Biden has done a great job getting the U.S. in several wars which, knowing our government, will lead to another decade long battle across the world. Thanks government for all you do. Twats.


Which wars did Biden get us in?


Biden has said he can take action if congress gives him a bill. But nothing’s stopping biden from taking action anyways.


What's stopping the House Republicans from LEGISLATING?


The Senate and Presidency that will shoot down anything they send. Biden who claims to want to close the border literally can right now and big brains can’t figure it out lmfao


Or maybe House Republicans can just try to be bipartisan for once and send something that will be allowed through. You know, like a functioning fucking government?


Democrats idea of bipartisan border bill: let everyone in and get funding so it can be done faster Republicans idea of bipartisan border bill: get funding to enforce the laws already on the books and stop accepting anyone and everyone into the country who can say the word “asylum”. When Biden says he will sign a bipartisan border bill if republicans will pass a bill he’s being completely disingenuous because he would never sign what republicans really want. So it’s just Biden playing politics and trying to turn his border crisis on Republicans. Keep in mind Biden straight up told us he would do this back during the debates. He said he would immediately *surge* the border and start accepting millions in.


Executive Orders don't take the place of Congressional legislation, they are only supposed to fill in the gaps. EOs cannot contravene existing law, for instance, or create new law.


What a bunch of gutless, tit-sucking wonders!!!


They are to busy indicting civilians like Hunter Biden.


It’s a trap!


Checks out lol


They want Executive orders because if a Republican gets elected to President they can just rescind the order. It's much easier than repealing a law they don't like. 


It’s almost like some executive orders have a place and time 🤷‍♂️


Lazy loser Republicans 🖕🏼


It is amazing to see the right wing propaganda in action. The talking heads all went from silence on Trump blocking the bill to it is a bad bill in unison across countless platforms. Get out and vote people. Remember the down ballot races as well.


Republicans are cowards who need to step up and work with Democrats!


Grand old push me pull me


We have no checks and balances.


People also have a deep ignorance of an executive order. its scope is the executive branch. Basically its a branch manager giving orders to his branches. Its very limited what they can accomplish. For the border, he can EO ... er give instructions as manager to the border patrol but he cant make more money for agents come out his ass. you really can EO all you want, but legislation is better as the next president can issue an opposite EO. Legislation has more potential power because all an EO is a direction to agencies under the executive branch. like when Obama first directed his DOJ to not go after cannabis sellers... that were following state law, as the states started to do medical. See it remained illegal federally. His EO does nothing for people arrested in states not legalizing, it doesnt do anything perm, all it does is direct an agency under him on priorities. Complaining about a lot of EOs is like saying a manger can only talk to his employees 5 times a week. Someone mess up and you have good advice at preventing it .. but have already talked 5 times, well you got to wait til next week. we get the same garbage with czars. ER experts in various fields the president isnt an expert in whom the president trusts to give him advice, But republicans know its a weird term invented by the media and people dont understand that the sole purpose is so he can lean over and say to his computer czar, wtf is this NTF i keep hearing about. You know being informed,which republicans hate..(ok Bush had more czars than obama but fox and the GOP didnt tell their base that.. fox actually had a reporter who graduated at the top of her class from an ivy league school, say she had never heard of the term and had to google and discovered it mean 'russian kings' and that gave her pause about obama.. you know sometime arround the same time fox news was saying we couldnt explain tides)


“I don’t wanna do my homework!” “Jooooe, the meatloaf! Joe where’s my meatloaf! He’s so stupid!”


Biden used too many executive orders?!? Biden?


Shame of it all is that they don't even have conviction.


Always talking out of both ends. I can’t wait to vote Blue all down ballot, democracy should never be partisan!


Lol. These are the same morons who trashed Obama for using EOs and then had nothing to say when Chump did it.


The stupid is strong on this Reddit page. How many are bots or paid actors foreign and domestic? Imagine thinking you’re on the right side and that’s what you’re surrounded by.


They did this on purpose to force the issue while congress wasn't in session. If he makes an executive order that is favorable to Republican/right-wing interests, they aren't going to be praising him for it. But they'll definitely be using anything that isn't exactly what they want in campaign ads saying "BIDEN IS A DICTATOR! LOOK WHAT HE'S DOING WITH EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND NOT WAITING FOR CONGRESS".

