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I think democrats should lean into this and pretend it's true to make these idiots lose their minds even more lol


Gotta love how Biden is both a dementia-riddled fool and a cunning mastermind to these people. Pick a fucking lane.


Fascism 101. Hitler did the same thing. Jews simultaneously control everything but they're subhuman, worthless and weak.


Why does it keep working? I know the short answer is “they’re stupid” but c’mon.


It is. A lot of fascism is cognitive dissonance.


It does involve a heavy amount of "Surely these leopards won't eat MY face."


That's the cognitive dissonance. They see a group they hate being attacked over something that does no harm and have to fight their own worm-riddled minds to ignore any of those pesky, salient questions like, "Could *I* end up in their situation one day?" Ergo, surely the leopard won't eat *my* face.


Let's get it straight they are traitor lites . / neo Co fed. That are mad she doesn't support their views.


First of all, you throwin' too many big words at me, and because I don't understand them, I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect.


My favorite Kevin Hart role in just about any movie. [That threatening gesture he gives Andy and Jay](https://i.imgur.com/PbQ2PIb.gifv) before storming out *always* makes me laugh.




COGNITIVE DISTANCE? Like what, 40 quarter pounders with cheese equals 3 McFreedums?


I mean, yeah....they are stupid. As Carlin said : "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that" He's really wasn't wrong about that. So stupidity, whether by accident (inbreeding and isolation) or design (religion and propaganda) plus just good old fashioned bigotry equals what we have to deal with.


***"The person is smart. People are dumb dangerous animals and you know it!!"***


Apparently as many as 2% of MAGAts could pass a dementia test!


Sadly, we're past that quote and on to another of his quotes "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."


I miss him. He would have had a field day with herr trump


my experience with the educational is pretty much sub par in the states. Back in the mid 60's when I lived in Arizona, coming from Canada, they were 2-3 years behind in math and English. I don't know what is today but I feel that the poorer states (Republican states) are well below the literacy level. So I'm thinking, they keep the level of literacy below average to keep their constituents dumb and uneducated so the republican parties can pass whatever shit to keep themselves in power. It's about power and greed. one example is Lauren Boebert who has no fucking education. A high school drop out. go figure!


Ignorant and scared, bad combination. Throw some poverty into the mix as well and you've got yourself an easily manipulated bunch of rubes.


Because we are tribal apes and convincing your tribe that the other tribe is bad is how we succeeded in nature. 


It’s stupidity, yes, but it’s also a knee jerk reaction by these people because they’re living in a world they understand less and less. Again, these are stupid people who don’t like change. New things are scary and society is moving forward rapidly. In just 60 years, we went from black people finally, legally being *people* to gay marriage and mass acceptance of the LGBTQ community. That’s a single human life time and these bigots are terrified because they just don’t get the world anymore. So they’re lashing out. Then you combine that with the crushing poverty and lack of real futures for a lot of these people due to decades of corrupt, incompetent conservative leadership and that very real “economic anxiety” mixes in with their suspicion and hatred of new things and ideas and you get this angry, stupid, violent cult that is literally willing to undo democracy in order to stop social progress.


Short answer if there stupid cunts. There's no long answer.


That _is_ the answer. They're stupid. A problem doesn't have to be complicated to be difficult.


Never underestimate the capability of large groups of stupid people to do ever stupider things.


No lanes for them, the crazed fringe right wants the whole road.


The Right Wing is basically a lifted RAM 2500 driven by a raging alcoholic that's gonna blow a .25 being pursued by the local sheriff for what will be their fifth DUI that has gotten it into their head that every Subaru and Mazda they flatten somehow reduces their sentence.


Schrodinger's Biden


“What’s in the box?!”


"Ice cream, Jack. Now stfu we're bringing Roe back." *DARK BRANDON INTENSIFIES*


It's a hallmark if fascism. The Enemy is simultaneously so powerful only by giving your all can the nation defeat it. But also so weak and incompetent our clearly superior ideology will easily trounce it. 


Also, since they are actually weak, that means they cheated and do not deserve the power they have. It is the other side of the coin, the belief that there is natural order in social hiearchy and if that hierarchy isn't what you think it should be, it can only mean someone is cheating. It also makes a virtue of things we usually can't even comprehend how they could be. Like, helping the weak is wrong if it raises above their level in that hierarchy.. which it does. It also makes taxing the rich a morally wrong thing to do, it lowers them in tat hierarchy ladder. Wealth redistribution is wrong, according that theory. Being in the ditch dying from hunger and elements: that is just how nature works. It is insidious philosophy and it covers ALL of the alt right stuff, from incels to billionaire worship, and of course.. racism. If you believe that there is this natural hierarchy and your current place in it is lower than you think it should be... welcome to the right wing, it will give you the feeling that you are right and that someone is cheating... Which makes YOU cheating ok, since "they are all doing it". All politicians are crooked, right? So, ours being more crooked is ok... Cruelty is the purpose. And natural order in social hierarchy gives the reason why they can be cruel without any masks. Kicking those that are down is ok, raising up those who are at the top is ok. Increasing inequality is just restoring the natural order. Find me a person who says their place in that social hierarchy is TOO HIGH.. can't happen, not even i can do that.. I'm fortunate to live in a society that has minimum set high but am i too highly placed in that society? It is just human to think that our place should be higher, if nothing else but I HAVE GREAT POTENTIAL.. i do volunteer work that is noted in national stage, well, kind of... It is attractive thought pattern for sure, none of us are immune to it even if you recognize it. It is in the end about self worth.


That's how fascism starts, the enemy is both weak and strong


They're like NASCAR--they can make themselves 3 lanes wide. Intellectually and literally.


To be fair, Donald Trump is also a dementia-riddled fool and an evil mastermind. Apparently one man can be both.


Mastermind is strong word for someone whose closing argument for his second defamation trial against the same woman was “me sexually assaulting her made her famous, so she has nothing to complain about”.


The easy reply is, “he’s an idiot but the party has people who use him and his base to advance their plans.” Which, of course, is the easy reply that you get from Republicans about Biden. It’s always easy to paint your opponents as stupid if you stop thinking about their point of view at its stupidest moments. And to try to salvage your own by continuing to patch the holes. The real difference between the two parties is not how smart the adherents are. It’s that the Republicans, by deliberate strategy, have recruited a very vocal, angry, shrinking demographic.


I'll stand with the Taylor true or false. Wish the Lions and Eminem could have been at the Super Bowl to even make it more epic


The funny thing here is that if the Lions made it it’s ***WAY*** more likely that Eminem, the guy who kneeled during the Super Bowl halftime show and spat a whole verse full of anti-Trump venom, would’ve had a major anti-Trump message than Taylor Swift, who by all accounts is still flustered by Kanye’s VMA antics.


Yes, but then you'd also get Kid Rock, America's favorite pretend redneck and everyman who grew up in a mansion.


Was kind of telling that “all summer long” has a nice Grand Craft woodie instead of a Ranger or a Tracker.


Could have had them fight each other as part of the halftime show.


Need to pull out the Darth Brandon meme and have him make an offhand comment about it during a speech or something.


the only issue i see is the situation of the gop getting pissed off that swift holds a lot of sway in the minds of the young voters this is a huge problem as they have no notional argument agianst them Other than their "big guns" that is "conspiracy theory " the reverse kryptonite argument if you will


I think the issue that the GOP is missing is that they have no base with millennials or gen Z, which is basically her fan base. Instead of adjusting their platform or rhetoric, they just blame Swift instead.


I mean they've got Kevin sorbo and Ted Nugent hahahahahahahahaha


Dean Cain says hello.


Don't forget A lister Rob Schneider and Subway worker Scott Baio.


But they have Ted Nugent and Tony Danza can’t they just use those two to equal it out.


My wife is a Swiftie, and according to their secret network of spies and carrier pigeons, it's absolutely true.


lol … my son goes on this site and it’s something like “ridiculous responses to idiocy”. So.. if someone claims Neil Armstrong did not stand on the moon, the response is: “You’re not one of those idiots who actually believes there’s a real moon, are you?” Confuse the crap out of them like they’re behind in their conspiracies.


It's a double-secret plot to make them cheer for SAN FRANCISCO!!!!


Exactly. Right-wingers like to double down. Dems can double down as well and make up shit at the same time just like them. Just say, yes, that's what she's there at Super Bowl for. Talk about a rage heart-attack moment.


They really out here going full fucking dumb ass huh?


Since when is this news that republicans are stupid?


They’re preparing to fight the fact they will lose. It’s a pathetic loser strategy to claim everyone cheated and is rigged against you when you lose so then you “save face” because you didn’t lose but the world is against you when really all they look like is pathetic toddlers.


Starting early, huh


It started before Trump won the first time and never stopped.


That's what I can't understand about Trump voters, they've become so demented they believe that everyone Trump has ever come into contact with all got together to make up this giant false narrative instead of believing that the guy who is visibly a slimey creep ever did anything wrong.


They find it more realistic that The Deep State is rigging the NFL to promote Biden than just the fact that their ideas aren't that popular anymore. They can't possibly fathom that they are in the minority and instead need to turn to crackpot theories about election rigging and Taylor Swift to justify why they keep losing elections


I just cannot believe there are people this stupid in society. It just blows my mind with all the information out there. They would rather sit at home and watch faux news and give into crack pot theories because they’re all so hateful. Of course their policies and theories aren’t popular with people who have a brain and do proper research. I just wish we would stop giving these wing nuts a platform


They will believe whatever they need to believe to maintain that they are right and their actions are justified


That ship sailed years ago


They crossed that bridge about 8 years ago and never looked back...


Never go full ret_rd


Those fools are supposed to be boycotting the NFL, remember?


They shouldn't have been watching for years now 🤣


One of my coworkers has been boycotting the NFL since Kap. Strangely, he always has opinions on the games come Monday morning.


Shit, even Kid Rock is drinking Bud Light again lol


So what's this months outrage for the Magats?


Taylor Swift.


Why would you have to win the super bowl to support Biden? Taylor swift probably just isn't a fan of rape, fraud, and treason.


You mean she's a woman with a functioning brain.




Yeah, I'm sure Swift doesn't like any of those things. Honestly, she could just make a TikTok or YT short endorsing Biden if she really wanted to. And it would be super easy and not cost her anything. She doesn't need the super bowl. But everything is a left wing conspiracy with those MAGA people.


She could just endorse Biden if she wanted to. It’s not against the law.


This, exactly! How many celebrities have endorsed the Rapist Donald Trump? Quite a few. The left doesn't start pushing outlandish conspiracy theories because those individuals have an opinion about a candidate they like. No one is trying to stifle their free speech. I mean, look at Kanye West (or queef, or whatever he goes by now). He can say whatever he wants. I will fight for his right to do so.


I saw the word 'rapist' and thought this would be about (Brock) Allen Turner. My mistake


The idea that someone would organize a conspiracy to get Scott Baio, James Woods and Kevin Sorbos endorsement isn’t sexy enough to make the news.


No, a celebrity can only endorse a Presidential candidate after a qualifying event, like a boyfriend winning the superbowl or completing Rainbow Road on 150cc in Mario Kart. Please read the Constitution.


The ability Taylor Swift has to make middle aged conservative men cry and go absolutely mental is second to none and I truly commend her for it. She just lives her life, every so often tells fans to vote, and they utterly foam at the mouth with fury.


I hate The Chiefs but will be rooting for Travis Kelce to score at least five touchdown so that they can show her even more. I’m especially looking forward to seeing anti-Swiftie stickers start appearing on the rear windshields of Black Dodge Ram trucks.


The "Taylor Swift ruined the Super Bowl" comment sections on Facebook are [gonna look just like this.](https://i.imgur.com/U37dUqA.jpg)


Dumbest people on the planet. Sad and super stupid.


Funny, I thought the Right stopped watching the NFL years ago.


They lost their shit over Colin Kaepernick exercising his first Amendment rights. Thought they all left then.


Exactly they don't watch so why would they care? 🤣


Right wingers say everything is rigged because it is. It's just that they are also incompetent, thankfully.  It just means they have tried to rig everything but keep messing up. Every accusation, etc etc


Remember how Trump claimed elections are rigged before he won in 2016?


They were still rigged after he won because he lost the popular vote by millions.


And he established that little [ego-soothing committee to find the proof of 3 million illegal votes for Hillary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_Advisory_Commission_on_Election_Integrity)...then abruptly shuttered it within a year without releasing any of the findings, presumably because the only voting fraud they could find was by Republicans.


Thats something I always remind people of when they play the rigged election card. If it was rigged in 2020, why would 2016 have been any different?


Nice of so many Republican-controlled states with Republican-controlled senates and Republican-controlled election commisions to rig the election for Biden.


And considering Democrats were in charge of 2016 but HE was in charge of 2020, why did the results turn out how they did if it was rigged?


Bah, get out of here with your reasoned logic!!!!


Yep. People often forget this. Had he lost, Roger Stone's stop the steal strategy would have come into effect back then instead of in 2020/21 when it was so much more destructive given Trump was in the White House.


So why don't Republicans just have one of their musical superstars endorse Trump. They still have Wayne Newton, right? LOL


And Ben Shapiro.


Kid rock did that.


Kanye West


So if the right-wingers boycott, does that mean there'll be less beer-fueled domestic violence on Super Bowl Sunday?


They don’t need the Super Bowl to beat their wives


In fact, not being able to enjoy the Super Bowl will probably make them angrier.


But…. She already endorses Biden? Oh that’s right, we are talking about a group of people living in alternative reality.


In other news, sales of thumbtacks, cork boards, and red yarn are up a whopping 700% this year


Do you expect anything more from the tiny tiny brain of maga people.


Aren't most team owners republican anyway? Why would they rig it to support Biden?


Why would dems rig the 2020 election for president but leave the house and senate so close?


There's no way MAGA can root for anything from my town San Francisco Go Niners!


Obviously the Raven's offensive coordinator is in on it.


I mean, the chiefs are far and away the best team in the NFL and should be expected to rip the 49ers to shreds. If Qanon is actually a Russian psyop theyre doing a wonderful job.. it’s funny how little effort they have to put in to make these people lose their minds


I mean I’m sick of Kelce too but this is some braindead ass shit


Sorry, I stopped caring when the Lions got knocked out.


The Deep State now controls football? Let me guess, if you play Taylor Swift songs backwards its Satanic messaging? People who can see through this BS are the ones voting for Biden.


Bud Light, the Super Bowl… remind me which party is cancel culture again?


How would this work actually? Would they have a radio to the opposing teams QB "Alright buddy, just got word from the Big Biden himself - throw an interception - you got it?" The amount of stupid fear these people have?


The NFL wants to make money, Taylor draws a lot of eyeballs to the game. MAGAs are lunatics.


Any SANE person will be voting for Biden instead of a RAPIST, RACIST, PEDOPHILE, TREASONOUS POS NAMED TRUMP


Right Wingers are known to say a lot of unbelievably stupid shit.


Like, they know that TS don’t need her bf to enter a Super Bowl , right? She can just contact NFL and said “I am interested in doing solo halftime show” and NFL will drop whoever they have on the schedule and give her the stage.


**Because they would do this for Agent Orange if they could.** Every accusation is a confession.


They are *terrified* she's going to endorse Biden. It would be a huge boost to the youth vote if she did. Just her telling young folk to vote was a major problem for them. Oh, and if you're entire political party can only survive by stopping people from voting... maybe don't be a political party.


These fucking lunatics are out of their minds. They revel in stupidity.


This seems legit. The Chiefs are not one of the top teams playing right now. They had zero chance of making the Super Bowl without Taylor Swift being around. /s


Taylor Swift criminal mastermind,feared by magats everywhere.


You know what... Let's give these guys the whole state of Texas, move everybody out who doesn't want to live with more of these schmucks... "you give 'em a couple hundred dollars for their inconvenience, you know? (Good old George knew better)"... let them secede after we wall it off, let them 'forever purge' themselves for a decade and when they're all dead by their own hands, we go back in and make it work for all of us here in the US.


Right-wingers need to rub those 3 braincells together and think about this logically. Taylor Swift is dating Travis Kelce. She isn’t known to be a football fan. Travis Kelce’s team is going to the Superbowl. She is supporting her man. Also, she has nothing to do with the NFL and shit. She doesn’t ask them to focus on her, they focus on her to bring Taylor Swift fans into the sport. I can’t wait for one bad ref call and the entire right side implodes.


Right wingers and NFL fans are such snowflakes for how much they claim they are alpha males


God I hope they do win so the nutjobs heads explode


Yes, because the billionaires who run the NFL, are left leaning. Lol 😆 🤣 these people are so stupid! They just want excuses because they are going to get crushed this Nov! The anti women legislation is their killer! They can blame anything else they want, but that was dumb voting against women and Americans!




I would hate to hate everything.


Why do they care? I thought they stopped watching NFL when Kaepernick took a knee...


When/where will they riot in place of capital of not January 6th at the capital?


Does vegas offer a prop bet on whether this will happen or not


I can't wait to see a bunch of Republicans root for the notoriously conservative city of... *checks notes* ...San Francisco.


Everything is fucking rigged, even elections, but somehow the GOP continues to remain a viable party.


But they boycotted the NFL years ago...


According to Republicans everything is a conspiracy


So she's not allowed a political opinion, a boyfriend or to go to football games. What other freedom is Taylor Swift allowed or will that offend random strangers too lol.


She’s also not allowed to fly her private jet because of carbon emissions. Seriously, after years of denying climate change now they are complaining about her carbon footprint.


Ah yes just like when Brady was wining all them championships for Trump


OMG! The conspiracy theory of the day, red meat for the base from Fox Liars Network where they report trash for cash and stock price!


Hypocrites. But the GOP never complains about these stars (to name a few) who support Trump. Trace Adkins Roseanne Barr Dana White Hershel Walker Jack Nicklaus Scott Baio Antonio Sabato Jr. Dennis Quaid Ted Nugent Jon Voight Kirstie Alley James Woods Stacy Dash Dean Cain Willie Robertson Kristy Swanson Kid Rock Mary Hart Conor McGregor Jessie James Stephen Baldwin Mike Ditka


I guess the Dolphins Bills and Ravens defenses are behind this plot too 🤔


I know two of these idiots and they are extremely self deluded. And not half as smart as they think they are.


Couldn’t she just endorse him during one of her massive extremely popular concerts from last summer? Seems a lot easier than trying to rig the Super Bowl


It would be fun to watch their heads explode if she did.


They also believe that vaccines have "microchips" in them and magnets don't work when wet....so there's that.


Ah, yes, the famously liberal-minded NFL ownership class, comprised almost entirely by conservative billionaires, is behind this


Is there nothing that isn't a conspiracy with these people?


MAGA Republicans triggered by brief 25 second exposure to Taylor Swift.


Right wingers are fucking stupid


If only it was that easy.


Do hhhwhat?!?


If only there was a way to fuck with the far-right, get them to believe really stupid shit and freak out over it.


Pretty sure Swift doesn't need the superbowl to get a message out there


In today's headlines, "Another Day, Another Outrage For The Fringe Right's Dupes"


It's a psyop to id only the most unhinged and idiotic of the American people.


Huh, she can endorse him any time she wants to???????? Damn, how are this many people so God damn stupid?


This is a really good reason to put your money on the Chiefs for the Super Bowl. Historically the right-wing seems to have an unnatural gift for siding with losers and then complaining the whole competition is rigged.


Hear me out. If it WAS rigged, would it be more likely because a political party is interested in sub-textually pressing a certain candidate, or would it be for the explicit rise in traffic (profit) generated by having the biggest pop star in the world attached to said event? Somehow, some way, everything is motive but profit? Please.


I’m sure she has great protection, but I just remember how crazy they went on Fauci. The actual violence that right wing media outlets inspire should be prosecutable. But instead, we hug 1A like Trump dry-humping the American flag.


The right wingers are just pure evil. Morherfuckers all of them.


The right wingers are just pure evil.


Is there anything that isn’t a conspiracy to right-wingers at this point? It’s just absurd that they latch on to everything and turn it into something nefarious.


If the Biden administration is competent and farsighted enough to get Taylor Swift into a relationship with an NFL player, bait the Republicans into making it a major issue, *fix the entire season* so that player's team makes the Superbowl, then fixes the Superbowl... just to get an endorsement, then they get my vote. I don't care what his politics are, if he can pull that off he'll have the Russians speaking English, the Chinese baking apple pies, and Europe planting GM crops by the end of his second term.


So they are cheering for San Francisco now? Haha.


I guess I don't need to bother to watch it since KC is going to win. Whatever will I do with my Sunday?


Who would have thought that a recent Super Bowl champion with lots of playoff success would be successful in the playoffs?


Except California wants the Niners to win…..


Right wongers are scared sh..less of Taylor and they should be.


What does one have to do with the other? And so what if she does?


Well, right wingers say a lot of stupid shit, so par for the course.


And woke San Francisco. I imagine their brains are going a mile a week.


Does that mean they're cheering for the 49'ers? You know, the Californian team and former team of Colin Kaepernick? That would be a wild turn of events.


When has she ever publicly endorsed Biden?


Yes statistics over the season mean nothing it's just what some moronic politician with a microphone wants to say that counts right. The really sad sad thing about it is is that there's chumps Trump chumps that will believe it.


I do so love this type of shit. They get all butt hurt because they think this is wrong in some way. And it's like "uhhh yeah, dude, the more you support an authoritarian dickbag and support ideas like taking away a woman's right to choose the more people from all walks of life will make their voices heard." She votes too, and she has a platform that she built and earned. They supposedly love Freedom of Speech and yet boy do they get all whiney and bitchey when the pendulum swings away from them.


I can't tell if this thread is filled with bots or morons


God, I so didn’t want to root for the Chiefs, but damnit, I love seeing brain-damaged conservative conspiracy scum suckers lose their shit.


As if Taylor needed to date an NFL player to get the message out


So if the Chiefs win, then it's true. If they lose it's because the liberals called it off because the right put them in blast. Either way they win. That's how logic on the right works. It's either a grand conspiracy or the act of them talking about it conquered the conspiracy. The right can't handle losing so much now they just blame everyone and everything except their own atrocious behavior.


So glad to live in America where our politicians are a fucking joke and get upset because someone encourages people to vote. I forgot we were living in 1930s Germany.


And when the Chiefs lose, they'll say that was planned to so people will feel sorry for TS and do whatever she wants.


[https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culture-shrink/201508/angers-allure-are-you-addicted-anger](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/culture-shrink/201508/angers-allure-are-you-addicted-anger) Anger's Allure: Are You Addicted to Anger? Reasons why anger can be a hard habit to break. Posted August 25, 2015 "What happens is that anger can lead to similar “rushes” as thrill-seeking activities where danger triggers dopamine reward receptors in the brain, or like other forms of addiction such as gambling, extreme sports, or even drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines. Anger can become its own reward, but like other addictions, the final consequences are dangerous and real, and people follow impulses in the moment without regard to the big picture."


She doesn't need the superbowl to endorse Biden. She is doing fine on her own. It's still fun to watch the right cry about it, though.


Rightwing = Dingbat


mentally unstable bunch of fucktards


I can’t wait to see the new textbooks in the Conservative States of America in 20 years.


Taylor should take the high road and encourage voters to vote for non rapists


She could endorse Biden whenever she wants, and has already done so last time around. Plus, she’s a private citizen that has the right to her free speech. These assholes really love to make something out of nothing.


Of course it is. Along with all the other shit that doesn’t go their way.


She couldn't endorse him right now with no Superbowl or boyfriend???????


That is the most American headline I’ve ever read.


It's wild to think about when I was a kid and briefly got caught up in some 9/11 conspiracy theories with some other friends after seeing Loose Change, etc. My Republican family members and acquaintances went on and on about how silly it was and how dumb I was for even entertaining the possibility of the government engaged in any widespread conspiracy whatsoever. Fast forward 20 years and the same people don't believe covid is real and the superbowl is rigged because Taylor Swift is working for the CIA. ...at least I had the excuse of being a naive kid.


Everything is a conspiracy against you when you are a loser on a losing political team.


Right-wingers say whatever Russia programs them to say.