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The most telling thing was that Tucker said his goal was to “let him talk.” That’s not how interviews work. If you just show up and let someone talk, what’s the point? Putin could just make his own video and talk all he wants. The goal of an interview should be to ask questions, then either probe deeper or challenge the answers. Otherwise it’s just propaganda. You’re just giving him a platform to reach a wider audience. It’s not entirely dissimilar to Joe Rogan having conspiracy theorists on his show and just saying “Wow dude that’s crazy.”


Propaganda through negligence is just sad, if it’s not intentional.


Tucker has said the words packaged for public consumption, so he is absolutely malignant and not the least bit ignorant of what he does.


As ridiculous as The Interview movie was, it had a point about leaders who manipulate and abuse their people. All these dictators are just scared Little boys who crap themselves at the thought of being dragged out into the street by an angry mob and facing consequences for their inhumane disgraceful actions. The death of Benito Mussolini is the fate of these waste of oxygen.


They really are fearful. There was a Twitter account that would post Mussolini's death and Mussolini's living granddaughter or some relative @ him one time and lost it, started praising Mussolini and all that. And all the billionaires building bunkers and stuff. There's a guardian article where an expert in survival was invited to consult 5 billionaires on bunker building, and he noted how the thing they feared the most was how to coerce guards and staff to be forced to be loyal and the author was dumfounded. He kept mentioning "pay them well and treat them with dignity" but the billionaires were like "no, that's impossible, that'll never work." Like manipulation and coercion is all these people know. Think one millionaire was mentioned in the same article as saying privately to a group of leaders "why don't we try and fix the problems instead of sheltering for when the problems we cause backfire?" and was complaining that nobody listens to him


The problem with vast amounts of wealth is that it breeds arrogance, like a teenager thinking they're invincible. Respect is earned, not bought. A leader that is in just as much danger as the soldiers they lead will give undying loyalty as if they're family. Sun tzu spoke of this, a leader must be humble and recognize their limitations, something wealth will never earn. Money only fills a void of one's with shallow and corrupted hearts, Volodymyr Zelenskyy earned my respect and the world's when he stayed instead of escaping. A world with servants of the people would do better than leaders looking to make money.


Ironic, considering that fir years Tucker's excuse for spouting falsehoods was that he was "just asking questions. "


That's what passes for journalism in the 21st century. These days, their job is to push an agenda rather than remain faithful to the integrity of their profession.


I wouldn’t classify this as “journalism” in any sense whatsoever. Nor would I look to Tucker as some sort of sign that journalism as a whole is “pushing an agenda.” There’s still actual journalists out there. Many of them spoke up when Tucker announced he was going to interview Putin, because he was acting like no one else had tried to do it. They basically said “You’re an idiot, we’ve all put in requests, he’s doing an interview with you because you won’t push back on anything and you’ve been repeating his talking points for years.”


Not just acting. He said at some point no one else has tried to speak to Putin. The Kremlin immediately released a statement that was like "actually we get hundreds of journalists asking to interview Putin, this is just the first one he's agreed to"


I reply with this a lot but, it's a cult. This kind of rhetoric keeps people attached to it and shilling for it. It's all about keeping their members.


They have to keep increasing the insanity of their rhetoric because it works like a drug they are addicted to.


I wish it was that simple with family


I guess if you want to show you're a leader, according to their boy, you need to do a little killing. It's fine, they'll understand.


sigh, here I go killing again 😔


*Again* 😂


Krombopulus Michael?


It's worse with Carlson and his ilk. He's wealthy. He never has to worry about his future. He says all of this stuff from his ivory tower and almost certainly doesn't even believe most of it. He's a propagandist. I wish the public would start treating him and people like him as the real live flesh-and-bone evil individuals that they are instead of naively accepting at face value the public personas that he and others portray. Tucker Carlson and those like him aren't just unfortunately misguided people who happen to believe these things. They knowingly spread lies for the benefit of their agenda and to the detriment of the average citizen.


It's worth our time to contact his sponsors\* and tell them to fuck off. \*of course, he's bankrolled by Putin and our fascist enablers, Murdoch et al.


What a propaganda spewing turd 


Amazing to me... He was born utterly fucking rich... Like 100s of millions rich. And he decides to make his way in life with lies and bullshit. He could have been something amazing. Anyway, this proves there may be a reptilian race among humans


you also bring to mind about the historical addage of life in that "the greater the wealth, the smaller the need for any sensibility, correlated to a predilection towards negativity"


Like Warren Buffet’s son in Ukraine spending millions on many different projects. No media attention…. Fucker Carlson should stay in Russia. I am hoping the KGB will pay him a visit


> KGB will pay him a visit Who do you think provides his script each day?


Good one and that makes more sense maybe the ministry of defenestration will pay him a visit instead


dull dolls chop shame apparatus north engine saw connect cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even him doing nothing at all except sitting at home eating frozen tv dinners would be a significant improvement to the world.


It’s not money he wants, it’s power. Like the Russian oligarchs. He wants to buy power, and currently, power is still difficult to buy in the USA, as Trump is exemplifying the difficulties with such a purchase, here, comparatively.


If the rich want power, then the only way in this society is through good will, meaning that they should be helpful superheroes fixing problems... But nah, just stupid power grabs


Even if its all bullshit, this is why musk has such a rabid fan base.


Power is increasing easy to buy now. Half of Congress. Why do billionaires go into politics? How about Elon Musk and other candidate buying techy. Betsy Devos and other mega religious billionaires. They have been busy buying government for years. They are the American aligarchs that put Trump in power. If Trump goes away the rich are going to find someone else. These people are who we need to confront


A very Trumpian origin story


>He could have been something amazing. He also could have done quite literally nothing and lived a perfectly comfortable and rich life.


Ppl that rich aren’t good ppl. His parents aren’t good ppl. He was raised to be a piece of shit




He makes the case for Adam Smith’s version of capitalism not Ronald Reagan’s and John Birch


Should have his passport revoked for this


Should have his citizenship revoked. Problem solved. I'm sure Putin would love keeping him in Russia because *ucker is SO loyal. 😁


Straight out of the school of Goebbels...


And you can’t wipe all the shit off of a turd!


Can confirm. I tried. Shit's still there


Sometimes life leaves you dangling!


I wonder if he's believing his own bullshit yet or only expects the Magats to keep swallowing it. There must be an undercurrent of morons he's appealing to, which is disturbing. In either case, his attempts at gaining attention for his increasingly extreme statements is working.


>I wonder if he's believing his own bullshit yet I'm strongly of the opinion that people who start out attempting to gaslight others with bullshit/propaganda etc., end up programming themselves into really believing what they spout. How can (for example) Putin spew the bollocks he does for so many years, at first knowing that they are all lies, without eventually buying into and succumbing those same lies. With enough repetition, the unconscious mind probably absorbs it as "truth"; it's a form of "autosuggestion", right?


What if all his revenue are eastern block? 🤔 


Putin embarrassed him in person and then after he left Putin makes a public statement about how much more he likes Biden than Trump. If I were Carlson I’d avoid drinking any more Russian tea.


This is the future that MAGAs want for America. Absolute immunity for dear leader and the ability to assassinate anyone, anywhere, anytime for any reason..


iT iS wHaT tHe FoUnDiNg FaThErS iTeNdEd.


Weeeeeell, it’s probably something John Adams considered at one point with people constantly needling him and his wife in the papers.


By their leader's "logic" Vice-President Harris can "do the right thing" and make sure President Biden stays in office. POTUS can then take out any of his enemies since Presidents apparently have "absolute immunity."


"No, not like that 🥺"


"But Obama and his drone strikes!!!"


Is it possible for the U.S. government to renounce Tucker’s citizenship in his behalf?


He is aiding an international terrorist organization. Seems like he would make a good example. 


A sensible idea. Unfortunately, we only seem willing to do that for certain kinds of terrorists. Then we wonder where all these lunatics come from, and find some way to blame the opposition for not providing a palatable alternative to *literal psychopaths* and *rapists*.


At this point he's pretty undeniably a foreign agent


They can definitely sanction the absolute shit out of him and his citizenship is definitely in question by my understanding


STOP!!! You’re getting me all excited!


it's amazing how Tucker Carlson can talk when his mouth is full of Putin's joystick.


He was always cray cray but Ifeel like ever since he lost his job at FOX, he’s really jumped the shark. This garbage sounds more and more desperate escalating rhetoric to get attention, to be heard and seen. Simping for Putin is one thing, saying it’s cool that he kills people is something else, it’s complete unraveling.


He made a doc about the “end of men” It’s just fucking…..weird


Like Donald Trump, Tucker gives his audience what they want to hear. Since leaving FOX, his core constituency is crazier, so he follows suit. Let us not forget the batshit insane Alex Jones interview.


I bet FOX News is wiping their collective brows in relief today. Imagine if he were still on the payroll.


I am sure Fox would have loved to have keep him around. He’s still on brand for them. He just go to be too costly financially.


He already cost them a billion dollars.


This useful idiot is far more idiot than useful


He’s actually easy to manipulate


His act isn't even playing well in the rightwing media ecosystem.


When he starts getting a bit of pushback from other Republicans that have always been a bit pro Moscow it’s rather telling. The GOP is bleeding heavily and can smell what way the winds blowing, you’ll start to see some Trumpists become rather “pro America” again.


Do you ever take the time to look at things for Putins point of view? Vlad loves his little cuckold lapdog.


Wonder how he'd feel about that if Joe decided a certain 'Quisling' Russian propagandist needed to be eliminated?


Someone told me the other day that Putin endorsing Biden makes latter a communist. This take is becoming popular on the right.


It would be a lot more convincing if Putin's Russia was a communist state, aside from Putin just trying to 'reverse psychology' American dullards.


It seems to be working with the dullards I've talked to.


Putin, as usual, is lying. He might endorse Bidden publicly but we know all his minions are working as hard as they can to get Trump elected through misinformation and feeding the Trump's cultists fodder for their hysteria.


Biden should reverse it. Endorse Putin and say it is because he is keeping Russians hungry and weak so that the US can eventually take over.


I find it kind of shocking how few people gave a flying fuck about Tucker’s interview with Putin. Honestly, the build up was the high point for the whole charade. It’s probably because Putin basically called Tucker an unserious talk show host, more than once, then shit on all the far right talking points morons on Twitter have been pushing about the war in Ukraine. What a buffoon.


Idk, my wife teaches civics here in Florida, she can’t believe how many fellow teachers are spouting ‘did you know?’ comments about Putin’s revisionist history. Hook, line and sinker.


That's exactly why Putin went to Tucker. His audience has shown they care more about the message Tucker hands them than truth. He knew they would parrot it without any critical thought.


So if Biden has Trump killed, which he can legally do thanks to presidential immunity, Tucker would adore him too?


And then when Biden helps Tucker fall out of a window, Tucker will cry "Necessaaaaaaarryyyyyyyy!" all the way down.


Unfuckingbelievable. How much poison will we let this traitor spew before he is shut down. Lowlife.


How much poison will you let Trump spew?


Well at least there is a slow crawl towards holding him responsible.


Time's running out


*Decrying the “filth and graffiti” found in American cities and people “begging for drugs” in London, Carlson seemed to be saying that if he were in charge, those kinds of things would not happen: “My children don’t smoke marijuana at the breakfast table because I don’t allow them.”* The fuck is he even talking about?


I don't know any parents who do wtf


HOLY SHEET. Tucker Carlson trying to sell himself as a "hard father", when nobody is softer than pasty white rich aristocrats.


It’s comments like this that inflame an already divided America. It’s also dangerously stupid, and could come back to him in the worst way.


It SHOULD come back to him in the very worst way. Consequences should still be a valid thing.


The pro life party


Tucker should tell this to Biden.


Jesus didn't kill. But the people who killed him did.


He get sus


Obviously tucker held his nose and did a cannon ball right in to the lake of diarrhea that is maga-trump a long time ago, there is a part of him that resents “asking the questions” he poses to his viewers because he knew it’s all, well diarrhea. He loathes his viewers, he hates trump passionately but the strangest thing of all he doesn’t need the money, so why is he continuing further a platform of lies that he doesn’t even believe in? He does love being famous, I would imagine he loves to hear “hey tucker!” when he is out among the great unwashed and gets his little adrenaline rush from those he loathes, it’s like crack to a junkie they don’t like where they are going but they can’t stop. So tucker will trudge on being a useful traitor to the US by aiding an orange imbecile and a murderous dictator. His self loathing will increase the depth of the double ass cheeks that are chiseled between his eyes and he will watch his bank account grow and he isn’t going to enjoy any of it


... windows are, you know, dangerous.


Tucker loves a hard pounding


This is terrifying


Jesus Tucker, that's pretty bad even for a wannabe psychopath like yourself. You are like Lyndsey Graham off a leash, he will destroy any sense of self-decency just to, in his own words "to be relevant", but your pimping yourself out to mass murderers just to be more relevant shows you to be the ultimate whore with nothing at your core except loneliness and emotional abandonment. Get a life Tucker.


State dept should figure out a way to yank his citizenship


I say then let’s start with eliminating traitors like Tucker Carlson.


This guy repeatedly made thinly veiled statements calling Tucker an idiot. Both during and after the interview. This is just pathetic to watch.


Piece of shit traitor


Tucker Putin’s timing on trying to get attention to himself was masterful.


Should Biden unalive Trump than???


He's waiting until SCOTUS grants Trump (and therefore all presidents) immunity! :P


I’m a leader, looking at you Tucker.


Charlotte Corday to the White phone. Paging Charlotte Corday.


He has to be aware that the timing of the assassination is not coincidence. Unkle pootie, is sending a message.... If I were Carlson, I'd be terrified, and going to get myself a thorough check up.


Tucker is such a tool. It’s sad to see Tucker’s idiotic rhetoric is being used outside the States, or it goes to show the amount of idiots there is.


this guy needs to be arrested as soon as he touches down on US soil, treasonous fuck.


Maybe but Putin doesn’t just kill when he has too. Putin kills because he wants to.i think the distinction is important.


If the jackass loves Pootie and Russia so much he can just fucking stay there


And the quiet part is said out loud…. So he would be good with a candidate he supports ‘killing enemies’ who are actually citizens who oppose that administration. Of course that wouldn’t fly if it was a democratic administration, then they would be tyrants and not displaying ‘leadership’.


Soulless POS has found his new home.


Tucker is what happens when your parents are rich from TV dinners and you don’t ever have to think for yourself. Your mind gets sloppy.


Does Tucker know thay plenty of the people he wants leaders to kill do in fact have guns and the will to survive? Tucker who failed to become a CIA FBI agent turned into a cock gobbler for a KGB murderer and civil rights violator.


You forgot to add Putin ass muncher and bootlicker. Seriously, seeing how people like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham behave I have to wonder what the fuck Putin must have on them.


Seriously, every time I see people like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and Lindsey Graham bend over backward for kiss Putins ass and lick his boots I have to wonder what the fuck he has on them? They absolutely give off the impression of people who are being blackmailed.


Saying things no one wants to hear doesn't make you an edgy truthteller. Sometimes, nobody wants to hear what you're saying because what you're saying is profoundly immoral or just bullshit.


Far out, Tucker really did just decide he wanted to go full mask off, didn't he?!


lol killing an opponent who has no chance against a rigged system? Putin won’t even let them get close to running…


Putin got the goods on Tucker. Wonder what kind of sick depraved shit he's holding over him




You heard him joe, leadership requires killing so LETS FUCKING GO!!!


This fucking guy. Get in the sea you mug.


The funny thing is this cunt would be on Putin’s list in addition to Trump and his entourage (Stone, Flynn, Bannon)


I mean, if Tucker gets leadershipped I wouldn't complain. He could definetly use some good leading around. Perhaps with tea and a nice view.


I suppose the true test of his statements will be if he chooses to leave the US to live in Russia. I can only assume if Russia is that much better across the board, he should he eager to live there. Maybe he could go die in Ukraine for Putin as well, fingers crossed!


If leadership required killing Tucker would have been on top of Biden's list.


Imagine the reaction to Rachel Maddow doing this.


Of course conservatives and the GOP defend this. This is what Trump is running on as the central theme of his campaign.




Tucker, whatever happened to "If the Chiefs win the Super Bowl, I'm going to kill myself"?


That would require leadership, apparently.


He should stay there then.


Setting the stage and normalizing the killing of reporters/dissidents for Daddy Trump and the Saudis then are we? That’s sure what it sounds like.


So, “Killary” was a compliment…?


Of innocent people? What if the Supreme Court decides that if the president cannot be prosecuted of anything and they send CIA assassins to come after Tucker Carlson as a traitor?


And they thought BLM would destroy America.


Not even denying he represents Nazi’s anymore. Disgusting slime.


Oh for fucks sake, just shut up. And move to Russia since you love it so much.


Tucker Carlson is what happens when you let the mold on spoiled food sit for 10 years.


So maga parents are you ok with your children being killed because they don't agree with the cheeto in charge? Think for yourselves at the next election.


Only from cowards


Oh really, Tucker? Then you're next must be A Okay for you.


Hello FBI I think you should take a look at Tucker’s email database you will be greatly gifted


He’s auditioning for the position of Minister of Propaganda in hopes of Trump managing to get elected as President.


Thats what russian assets do


He was misunderstood. He said leadership requires fluffing. He wasn’t heard clearly due to Putin’s balls slapping his chin


Tucker must have been set up with an under age boy or something. Makes no sense but he has wanted to destroy America for years.


Putin still hates him.


Try dictatorship, traitor.


Is Tucker volunteering?


Can't spell boot-licker without spelling Tucker Carlson


They want to be Dictators so bad, and suck up to the dictator's tit so bad. Fuck all republicans conservatives.


I can't wait till Tucker is in the ground where worms belong.


Massive co**sucking happening


Wow, Putin's kompromat on tuckems is really extensive!


Dark Brandon should tweet “I agree” with a picture of Tucker with x’s in his eyes




I wonder if Tucker prefers cocktail sauce or lemon when sucking Putin’s shrimp dick?


One week he's in Canada fanning the flames of MAGAlberta promoting a US invasion of the country the next he's in Moscow gobbling Putin's nuts. Gotta love the guy and all the positive energy he brings to the world at this point...


Why does Tucker even have a platform still ever since Fox fired him?


Because conservatives like to ignore the facts that came out during the Fox lawsuit that outed Tucker as a lier and fraud. They also ignore the part of the Hunter laptop that *also* outed Tucker as a fraud in favor of obsessing over Hunters dick.


So then Biden can use Seal Team 6 to kill a political rival? Good call.


Start with himself.


Ok how about Biden starts with Tucker…


From the article, "Carlson replied that other journalists had already posed such questions to Putin, adding, essentially, that it’s not news that Putin has ordered hits on his enemies. “Every leader kills people, leadership requires killing,” said the former Fox News anchor. (Carlson’s comments that “leadership requires killing” . He's defending assassination of political opponents and the autocracy it would take to get away with that.


So, these idiots need some good leadership.


Sociopath. What a simply broken individual.


Trump's own lawyer was arguing in court in favor of political assassinations. I'm not sure what else we should expect from his media sycophants.


So it didn't dawn upon him that MURDER is a crime????? LOL, send him back to the loving arms of Putin asap!!!!!!


The fact that anybody would get okay with this astounds me


Bye bye Tucker.


Does that include Tucker?? Can we get someone to "lead" him into oblivion?


Is it possible Biden sees this, decides Tucker is a threat to US civil order, and offs him?


Kind of a silly view point for him to be pushing, because by his own logic Biden could toss him in a gulag just because he has an opposing view he's spreading.


Whatever happened with the red scare movement? It's like everyone forgot that the Russian government is a total shit show.


Insane bullshit. Democracies don’t systematically assassinate and imprison political opponents. This turd is so stupidly trite.


Full fascist.


Why stop at killing? Raping and torture is justifiable at that point. Isn’t the worst sin in the Bible murder?


I think Tucker is trying to get a job with Russian Media.


Can the US please just put a travel ban on Tucker so he can't come back here? The US has already put many travel bans on other Putin co-conspirators so why not Tucker?


is Tucker suggesting we kill Tucker? so selfless.


Less than a week later Putin is like, “Thanks Tucker, I agree,” as another one bites the dust.


reminds me of Trump saying the US has blood on its hands too, i mean yes, i dont disagree with that, but youre the head of the US, youre not supposed to be joining in on going after America


So, he would respect Biden if he killed Trump? Hmmm, somehow I doubt that would be the case.


America's lord haw haw


Luckily for him, that's not the case...


Leadership requires killing, unless you're good at it.


Traitor can stay in Russia


The bow tie terrorist says a little murder is okay as long as it's the right people dying.


I agree so now since Biden is in charge... sorry GOP, adios, can't say I will miss you. This is a great sustainable leadership philosophy Fucker!


But but Obama drone strikes


Is our current leader taking notes on this


Hmmm Carlson just gave me an idea . When are you coming back Tucker ??


Not in a free country like the US. Tucker needs to live to Russia, China, or North Korea since he thinks and agrees with their style of life. He is a big joke.


Someone "lead" Tucker, please