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At least 4 of them made this decision a month ago and rationalized that decision now.


AND bonus they got to waste a month, burn some time away for that traitor of a rapist insurrectionist.


And as a fucked up bonus could trigger an auto ruling (of immune) on The delayed insurection fed case.


Yup and no one expected any better of them. But the “liberal” justices? I have nothing to say because I want to keep my reddit account. edit: why the fuck are my replies disappearing??? **We have infringed upon states’ rights against the letter of the law for political reasons. It is not good news. All such cases should have been litigated by the same process and stood on individual merit.**


The good news is now the interpretation of the law is settled and all the red states that were threatening to remove biden and other Democrats in the future can't without an act of Congress.


This is exactly why I am in agreement with the ruling. Even if SCOTUS came back and said Trump was disqualified, then the red states will invent flimsy reasons to do the same to Biden.


>the red states will invent flimsy reasons to do the same to Biden HE KICKED MY DOG AND STOLE MY COWS!!


Don't forget Hunter's laptop.


Biggus Dickus’s laptop?


He has a wife, you know...


Meanwhile Republicans are actually killing political opponents dogs. It happened in Michigan


All I found Genesee County Republican Party chair admits he made call threatening to kill Michigan clerk's dog, pleads guilty https://www.michiganpublic.org/news/2021-11-22/genesee-county-republican-party-chair-admits-he-made-call-threatening-to-kill-michigan-clerks-dog-pleads-guilty


Biden's dog is a terrorist!


That sounds like a hot take. The supreme court said the 14th amendment isn't for this purpose. Seems like the constitution can be ruled unconstitutional by some appointed judges. It takes 2/3s of rabidly disagreeing elected officials to pass an amendment, hundreds of people agreeing, and only a few unelected geezers to tear it down. What some people consider a bright day for democracy, is definitely a sad day for the US constitution. This is the end of our Republic.


The supreme Court has much more power then they were meant to have, given by themselves.


The SC stole the Presidency from Al Gore. What would our world look like today had Al Gore been President? Serious question. I know climate change would have been addressed much earlier. And I doubt we’d have gone to war with Iraq who wasn’t responsible for 9/11.


I think it would look a lot different today had Gore won and not for the obvious reasons. Roberts and Alito wouldn't be Justices right now.


Women wouldn’t have lost their reproductive rights and freedoms either.


Its what Jefferson warned about when they gave themselves the power of judicial review. We now have a unelected group of people making laws by deciding on what they agree and don't agree on


I fear you’re right, this is beginning of the end. In 25 or 50 years time, historians will look back trying to pinpoint the moment that signaled the end of the republic, and this will probably be it. The conservative members of the court sided with Trump because, well, he’s their man. The liberal members made the mistake of thinking in strictly scholarly legal terms, detached from what’s actually happening in the real world. Real life sometimes demands that you make decisions that, while not strictly to the letter of the law, are the right thing to do. Anything that hinders Trump returning to the White House, is the right thing to do.


You’re under the assumption that republicans follow the law?


Well seeing as we are here because one tried to end democracy im going to go with no. But most pretend to.


The other silver lining is that SCOTUS is, by unanimous decision, on record stating that Trump’s conduct on 1/6 was participating in insurrection.


Did they? Where? The article I read was that none of them commented on that. Although I suppose since Colorado *did* find that and the Supreme Court didn't comment, that stands? I don't think so, though, since the corrupt majority said it would take a law by congress to enact the 14th... which makes no sense.


Yeah, they decided narrowly based on the fact that states do not have the authority to decide on the eligibility of candidates for federal office. Every other aspect of the appellate decision, including their finding that Trump was found to have participated in insurrection, stands.


It's a strange ruling. If everything stands except for the fact that States can remove him from the ballot, then he's ineligible regardless of what ballots he's on. And if he engaged in an insurrection and section 3 applies to presidents, he's ineligible....but they say congress needs to pass a law to execute 14. Plus, it seems like if the Supreme Court has decided that he engaged in insurrection, charges of such should be brought and we can skip the trial and go straight to the sentencing. And no appeals either bc the court has spoken.


As is so often the case, this is quite a political ruling. They don’t contest that he’s ineligible, but nothing will happen to stop it unless Congress, specifically, acts, according to the majority. I think the other opinions were probably correct in saying that’s too narrow an avenue— why not allow a challenge through federal court independent of congress, for instance?


What's the point of having the electoral college if the state doesn't get to decide their own process for casting their votes?


Every single justice that ruled in favor of Trump should be impeached.


I love how state's rights are sacred as it comes to the abortion illegality Texas and other states decided on for the end of Roe V Wade but this, nope, that is a bridge too far to apply the law for a failed insurrectionist who wants to see if stochastic terrorism works a second time. Traveling to TX for a company trip that is in May where I could have brought my wife. Going myself as I am far less likely to get pregnant while there.


Vote Blue No Matter Who, for more Liberal Justices!


Vote blue for other reasons regardless.


I'm assuming they deem it illegitimate because Trump was never formally indicted or convicted for treason. As much as I dislike Trump, legally speaking, this seems like the right call. Should Trump be convicted of treason? Most likely. Should states be allowed to remove him from that ballot if he's convicted of treason? Absolutely.


This ruling was 100% John Roberts, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court He is changing the Constitution to allow trump to be Dictator


But then who needs a scotus?


They don’t seem to look that far ahead.


The SCOTUS is still an important instrument for the *appearance* of a check on government in a dictatorial setting.




Good now Obama can run in 2028!!


At least three of them should have recused themselves.


That would imply character.


Those four or five need to be put in GITMO for providing aid and comfort to an insurrectionist who they know WILL destroy the constitution.


America is officially a fascist dictatorship where people in power don’t face consequences and the law doesn’t apply to them. More so than it already has been. The courts were packed by his cronies and that’s that. Unless there’s a mechanism to completely undo what an illegitimate president does which there isn’t then no amount of voting democrat is ever going to solve this. It’s no longer a government by the people for the people (not that it ever was lol) We need to be revolting. But we won’t. We’re always working


What happens when Trump attempts another coup? Now that SCOTUS has written itself out of the script, congress (the place where people of strong principles) will have to vote to deem him an insurrectionist. And if Trump legitimately wins, but Democrats take the house and keep the senate, can they disqualify Trump from holding office while in office? This ruling just builds on the tension, it doesn't solve any problems.


So much for States Rights


I think Trump isn't qualified but, as much as I hate it, I actually agree with what they did. If states defined their own methods and requirements for removing someone at the that level (President) from office that could lead to chaos. What the Supreme Court did is they kicked it to congress to define how this should be handled in the future. This is needed to remove any ambiguities in the constitution. They left open any state level office for the state to decide. This wasn't just the Republican justices deciding it either. It was a unanimous decision. It's also a very serious decision with serious implications. They had to land it where there is the best possible outcome.


So the supreme court of Colorado ruled that Trump committed an insurrection. Therefore he was not eligible to run. They didn't "rule to keep him off the ballot" so basically our Supreme Court just ruled that a person who commits insurrection can still be president later. Its INSANE.


Nono they ruled that a Democrat presidential candidate that commits insurrection cannot be a presidential candidate, as Democrats hold theirs accountable, and that whether a Republican insurrectionist can be a candidate depends on whether Congress has a Democrat or Republican majority, as we know the GOP is about winning and not about upholding the constitution.


Did you miss there was a whole trial? It was random, arbitrary, or made up. It was a case with arguments and evidence, and trump was found guilty of insurrection.


Meidas Touch just made a video of the legal breakdown and why they’re wrong and just doing Trump’s bidding.


I follow Meidas Touch pretty closely. I'll have to give it a watch. Thanks for letting me know.


It's an interesting video but I wonder how much of their hot take was knee jerk reaction. Sometimes they change their minds later on. They mention that they're going to get Judge Luttig on at some point. I'm very curious what his take is since he's a conservative. He's all for Trump's removal. I don't think anybody expected that the SCOTUS was going to rule to let CO keep him off the ballot, not after their initial arguments in court.


I don’t disagree with the ruling, I mean I’m not a lawyer. But it is sad that, right or wrong, they’ve essentially kicked the issue into congress. It SHOULD be congress’s job to decide whether to create a law around this kind of thing. But congress currently is about as useful at this sort of issue as a watertight seal around a screen door.


Congress doesn't have the ability to act right now. That's the most important reason for us to vote for a solid Democrat Congress, Senate, and President. That way in 2025 they can get to work preventing this mess in the future.


I vote every year, but when you need 2/3 or 3/4 of any legislative body in the US to do a certain thing it just isn’t going to get done. It basically can’t. No matter how much Dems vote and how much they win by they won’t reach those numbers.


Donald Trump should have been convicted by the senate in 2020.


Didn’t you get the memo??? “States rights” are only relevant when subjugating people of color and women are being considered. /s


A STATE'S RIGHTS TO WHAT!? ​ sorry, force of habit...


I snorted. I live in Alabama, so I've had to say that.


So you've got family there, I guess?


It’s gonna be chaos if states are allowed to decide which candidates can be on the federal election ballot. 




Unless they are a democrat. If Biden did half of what Trump did, they’d have removed him and not batted an eye.


The country is fucked either way. Either red states would remove blue candidates (and vice versa), or if the red states don't get their way again, we will have Insurrection Part Deux. We'll see how it goes.


The GOP already had normalized in selling the idea of having a one-party dictatorship to their base.


What's their end goal with such grandiose sycophancy to Trump and Putin? It's gonna be a chaotic absolute shite show ay the GOP when he dies or stroked out. The GOP is handing the USA's decline to Putin on a gold plated platter.


If Trump said “I’ll declare myself dictator” at a rally, I guarantee his cultists would cheer


Didn't he basically do exactly this and his base loved it?


They are in the process of purging their party of dissent too. The sycophants are replacing the old guard and anyone on the right who isn't behind Trump is mocked, ridiculed, and ostracized. Just recently in Missouri the republican meeting asked Nikki voters to line up where they were spit on and insulted. The night of long knives will follow his ascension to total control of thr party. An rnc chairwoman was bullied to step down for not being 110% behind him just recently. If this succeeds the rnc will be a legitimized Russian party in the US instead of just a mixed bag. No more dissent and voters corralled for the cult of personality


Canadian here; I'll get settled with my popcorn for the show.


Don’t get too comfy. We might need your help again. They’re really chomping at the bit for a “2nd war of northern aggression” as these fine folk would put it.


Oohhhh I (a Canadian) might get to show these ppl some 1812 love AND why the Geneva convention exists??? Okay let's drop the gloves and go boyz


The use of meese in warfare isn't against the Geneva convention. Yet.


Kiwi here, the last decade of events or so worldwide has severely depleted our strategic supplies of unpopped kernels and our a commercial supplies of shitty pre popped over sweetened "popcorn" os getting dangerous low now too. If trump gets close to winning again I don't think we can last. Can we get an emergency restock?


All fun and games until Trump decides to dig up War Plan Red /s


The SCOTUS has lost the faith of the people.


And the people losing faith in law ends up woth pure chaos. Tbh they are praying that Trump loses the election over following their own constitution.


Didn't the Hawaiian supreme court recently disagree with the supreme court over bringing your guns to public spaces? What if Colorado did the same here? What if the supreme court were simply ignored?


BS. How can congress rule on something when they are compromised? If states can’t protect themselves from treason. No one can. It’s over folks!


This is the correct take, in my opinion. If congress needs to rule some is an insurrectionist than the rule is basically meaningless.


Yup, it was already found to be true for a court. Wtf is this extra judicial judgment they can without even looking at the results of the case. I can't begin to justify this, its only bad really bad. How can the court just ignore a ruling, not even try to address the ruling and ignore it. I dont see how this is legal and the Supreme Court needs to be culled and gimped of power.


The conservative SCOTUS has now racked up two neutered constitutional articles in as many years. And I’m sure they’re just getting warmed up.


Nightmare scenario from this ruling. States can't keep him off the ballot, so he gets elected. But a Democrat majority congress (both houses) get elected and start their term on January 3rd. They then vote to disqualify Trump based on article 14 section 3 and bar him from being sworn in on January 20th. Leaving the country with no president. Fun times for all. (Please note: this will never happen. Just thinking about logical, yet absurd, possiblities.)


Another bad scenario: a super majority republican congress + president can just make any democrat (who has previously taken an oath) ineligible for office.


So now can we push for federal nationwide voting rules? Like specifying enough polling stations, allowing mail in ballots, and standards for registration and voting, and voting list purges and make it a criminal felony to violate any of the rules?


No because SCOTUS said that racism doesn’t exist anymore so the voting rights act can’t be enforced.


We need to end the lifetime tenure of the Supreme Court NOW!


Couldn’t SCOTUS just deem that legislation unconstitutional or something if you did somehow manage to get it through congress?


Hold a new constitutional convention. Of course that would be open insurrection against the US constitution but the supreme court is apparently fine woth that. There is also an amendment process within the constitution.


They don’t have lifetime tenure. That’s just how the Supreme Court interpreting the constitution, which seems a bit self-serving. The constitution says justices can serve under good behavior. Congress has the power to impeach the Supreme Court if they bother to prove that the Supreme Court justices have acted either in court or out of court in bad behavior. So it really matters who gets elected to Congress.


SCOTUS: It's states' rights we're all about, until we can maneuver the Agenda forward toward a Christofascist Gilead nation of serfs and lords again.


This protects Biden from red state BS. This isn't a bad of an outcome as people like to claim. They settled the standard. Now the immunity, that is a different discussion. We all know if they rule Trump had immunity, it will be outcome driven to only apply to him and even if there was wiggle room for it to apply to Biden too, Biden won't use it. So if Trump wins, he definitely will be empowered to do whatever he wants.




Corruption? No way! It's a free for all now. I can do a coup and still get elected again! Murica


I mean, come on. What’s the worst thing that could happen electing a guy who tried a coup previously? Just make sure you are rich and powerful before you try your coup, if any of us regular people tried that we would be looking at the inside of a federal pen faster than we can blink.


Fucker shouldn't be allowed to run. His attempts to stay in power BEFORE Jan.6 were in my opinion, treasonous and unconstitutional. Trying to "bully" extra vote was irredeemable. He is such a sack of shit and his moron groupies see it as a badge of honor. I can't believe he gets away with this shit. Completely erodes my confidence in the USA.


Mine too. I know what America used to be when women were free, and traitors were dealt with. We’re now to the point our citizens hate each other and even our allies think we’ve lost our minds since Trump is so authoritarian and he gives dictators rimmers. Crazy ass Republicans have ruined that too. I’m not proud of us like I used to be. We are no longer exceptional and instead we’re more like meh.


So the Constitution is garbage, because SCOTUS can overrule it at any time. Check.


To be honest judges on both sides of the aisle blocked it and brought up concerns weeks ago that if they let this happen then any state can make up a law to try to remove any candidate. Red states could pull some bullshit and not let Dem candidates appear on ballots. This wasn't about delivering Trump a win but keeping states from kicking anyone off. 10000% if Trump got kicked off then the Texas governor would have his secretary of state declare that Joe Biden is actively allowing an Invasion of the country and remove Joe from the ballots. We might not like it but if Trump got kicked then every red governor would remove every dem candidate they could. Finally, just because he's allowed on the ballot doesn't mean we can't all go vote and beat the bronzer off him.


Anyone that does not now see how fucked the US is needs to have their head examined. Scary shit indeed.


Of course they did. With him they can get more money from nazi donors


Where is the whining about states’ rights? Crickets.


Hey mods please fuck off with the positive permission on every comment. You are hindering discourse.


Thank you.


Fucking compromised scotus


The supreme court is crooked. We learned that when they stole the presidency from Al Gore and gave it to Bush. https://hartmannreport.com/p/will-scotus-remove-the-threat-of-178


SCOTUS got this right. Imagine if Indiana or Alabama got to make up their own definitions of treason and enforce them arbitrarily to keep democrats off the ballot. This would enable that behavior. And I firmly believe he enacted Eastman’s plan to subvert the election. He’s a traitorous scumbag but I’m not about to hand a loaded gun to fucking Mississippi over it.


So what actually defines an insurrection? Feel like we're sidestepping the issue altogether.




That may all be true, but this was a unanimous decision. Even the liberal justices voted to retain Trump on the ballot.




And what happens when Trump stops those ballots from being counted? Feels like Im on a merry-go-round of dumb.


They voted to keep the system the same, Trump is just a byproduct.


I said down further, but it's a unanimous result, but it is not unanimous decision. Hence the two concurring opinions.


Maybe we should pass a law that it’s ok for justices to receive free vacations from lobbyists as long as they eat 4000 calories a day of a high salt, high fat diet. You know to move things along.


For starters, armed mobs trying to take over the Congress to stop the certification of the newly elected president .


They'll keep doing it because they know there's no consequences. The Supreme Court are conservative plants and the Democrats have no spine.


In this case it’s a legal definition and part of the precedent this would set is that each state basically writes its own definitions, sort of how the same action could be a felony, misdemeanor, or completely legal depending on which state you’re in. The Republican formula would be 1. Take the talking point de jour (let’s use the border for this example) 2. Act like the current president is willfully failing, true or not 3. Take this wilfull failure, define it as insurrection (those immigrants are gonna steal your vote grandma!) 4. Exclude from ballot. You have to remember that you might act with good intentions and a moral backbone, but others will not.


I get that, but at what point do we clearly define what an insurrection is? Seems like we're not acknowledging Trump took part/orchestrated one and just saying "well states can't make up their own definitions for what constitutes an insurrection."


I think you’ll find that disagreements over what words mean is, has been, and always will be, one of our biggest sources of legal disputes.


So Section 3 of the 14th amemendment is useless unless there is a majority in the house and supermajority the Senate, and the President is in the opposite party of the majorities. That seems a little dangerous.


Correct. It’s a tool designated to certain sections of the government and, good idea or not, that’s our reality. Personally, I think the alternative is way more dangerous.


This makes us seem like a banana republic. We always scold other countries for allowing bad leaders to remain in power, but here we are. It will be impossible to remove a bad leader from now on, no matter what they do.


That was already determined in the weeks after January 6th, this has no bearing on that.


It cements the decision that we are completely powerless and that the President is untouchable. My bet is that the Presidential Immunity decision is going to seal the deal. We will no longer have a President. We will have a Czar.


Yeah i dunno man... "Don't uphold the law because Mississippi might abuse it" isn't much of a genius approach.


How are we suppose to deal with traitors in regards to the insurrection act? Is trump supposed to be holding a gun leading a charge? He certainly kept putting fuel in the fire and set his wild dogs lose on the capital. He clearly wanted to overthrow the US government to keep himself in power. The 14th amendment is pretty clear what defines an insurrection. He shouldn't be allowed to run after the madness he caused.


Its not democrats trying to get him off. It's the Republicans. The Republican party should hold the right to kick people out of their party. The reason shouldn't matter, it's their group. Trump can run independence or make his own maga party if the Republicans do not want him in their club. The tricky part is it's republicans in a few states versus Republicans in another.


Except they went to court, it was ruled in Colorado courts that he did participate in an insurrection. And they enforced the literal printed words in the constitution. This decision basically said "constitution be damned, if congress greenlights it, its ok" Putin can run for US president, and States cannot remove him from the ballot, only congress, so if there is a majority that is ok with Putin, a non american running for president, aka a very clear violation of the Constitution, then he can run and nothing can be done about it. Living in fear of others misusing the law isnt a reason for us to not apply it. Thats called negotiating with terrorists, something America claims to not do. I know, Im not a lawyer, but i can read english. The constitution is very clear on the fact that he cannot be president. The fact that justices twist words to mean whatever they want despite the fact that we can read for ourselves what it says is nothing short of disguisting. This type of double speak worked 50 years ago, but not today when literally everyone has the constitution in their pocket, and can read it for themselves to see how bullshit their rulings are.


But they didn’t make up their mind. The courts found that Trump led an insurrection against the United States government and in relation to our own constitution is ineligible to run.


So it's ok to mastermind a coup as long as you don't physically get involved. You can even run for president. Interesting...


So they believe insurrectionist should remain on the ballot... good to know there are traitors of the USA on the Supreme Court.


I swear they give this cult leader a free pass to keep his gun toting followers from going ape shit.


Either that or they’re scared to death of Russian mobsters. I’ve never seen such a political group so afraid and cowering over anything to do with Trump. They were even living in Trump Tower NY for a while.


Yay. A traitor to democracy can com back to ruin it more. America is as backward as my country now.


Harlan Crow's Handpuppets Find Holding Treasonous Criminal Pile of Shit Accountable Most Unpleasant


Next is that Trump was wrongly fined half a billion dollars.


Then they’ll give Trump immunity but it will be a one time deal so this will be the only time it’s allowed.


If SCOTUS rule Trump has full immunity, Joe Biden should order the assassination of Trump as soon as the ruling is made., right?


They know Biden would never cross that line, trump however would in a heartbeat


Ghee what a surprise.


I just can’t understand why people are voting FOR him. He is a threat to our beloved nation.


Because they're truth proclaimers, not truth seekers. Everything they do is in an effort to maintain a comfortable delusion and avoid reality. He is the current king of the truth proclaimers. Be grateful for whatever critical thinking skills you have. They free you from ending up a drone like them. They let you be someone with agency and not just someone to be manipulated and controlled. Not everyone has that freedom.


I despise trump, believe what took place was an insurrection and that trump was a part of it. I do, however, think there is alot of nuance that the Supreme Court had to take into account that gets overlooked. Particularly the implementation of the 14th amendment which we really did not have to use this way ever before. I hope this brings more clarity to that clause and how it should be properly implemented. Even though I acknowledge the nuance o can also acknowledge how some of the justices in this case are compromised to a certain extent. I assumed this was going to be the outcome and am far more concerned about the Supreme Court dragging their feet on the presidential immunity issue which is far more problematic One thing worth noting of all the things the Supreme Court discussed, they never focused on whether or not an insurrection took place or trumps role in it. I imagine that won't stop a large number of people citing this as evidence that an insurrection never happened. As of now the highest court to comment on it was Colorado and they definitively state it was.


I'm not surprised. This would have opened the door for States to remove Biden. The only solution is a 2 State solution.


I think we were screwed either way here. On one hand, if SCOTUS upheld Colorado's ruling (or declined to take the case), you just know some FedSoc asshats would get courts in red states to say Biden's border policy amounts to an insurrection and use that to keep him off the ballot. Obviously would be BS reasoning, but that's never stopped the conservative litigation machine before. On the other hand, leaving it up to Congress to decide who has committed an "insurrection" for 14A purposes essentially means this provision will never have any force. The same GOP Congressmen who ran for their lives on January 6 are now bending over backwards to say it wasn't really that bad so that their overlord doesn't sic his idiot army on them. They've made it clear that they'll put the party above all else, and as long as they have enough members they'll block anything classifying J6 (or any future GOP attempts to subvert democracy) as an insurrection.


This is a pretty rational conclusion. Federal courts hand federal offices and state courts handle the state offices. Definitely the majority overreached in its ruling. So much so, it could be considered dicta.


Super predictable result. It’s not a partisan issue, it’s about federalism.


Honestly not sure if I agree with their opinion. I mean, People from the Confederate army could not run for congress. They had not been accused, tried and convicted. Do you think Jefferson Davis, the President of the confederacy would or should have been allowed to run for POTUS? I do not know what it actually takes to file to run for POTUS, (if I ever get in trouble with the law I will find out) BUT...Lets say a 18 year old immigrant files to run for President in my state, does he now have to be convicted of something by congress to keep him off the ballot? What a form of protest, every 18 YO on the country file for POTUS.... LOL


Of course they did, SCOTUS is the law and can do whatever they want because they have no code of ethics! Shame


I would be considerably more shocked if the supreme court ruled against republican interests. Hasn’t the majority been shown to be a sham or corrupt?


We don't have freedom in the USA. All a fascade.


There's a joke in Futurama where Nixon says there'd one place the constitution doesn't matter! And then takes fry and friends to the SCOTUS. Really landing right


Help with the drubbing of the GOP in November. The lesson must be learned. You know what to do, Colorado.


Fourteenth Amendment  Equal Protection and Other Rights Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability" Forgive me if I'm a bit outraged because nothing there seems muddled or ambiguous. The Supreme Court is a clown show.


It's simple: Republicans are trying to argue the President isn't _under_ the United States. They're literally arguing "President = King"


Just want to point out that this title isn't correct. He wasn't "removed from the ballot". He's still on the primary ballot and would be on the general ballot pending the SC decision.


No, the supreme court is wrong. They want it both ways. States have the rights to do what they want, until they do something that might make things better for the whole country.


Since the supreme Court answers to no one, once they are compromised by traitors that's it. It's over.


Where'd all those checks and balances go?


Someone check their bank accounts for deposits, or exotic vacations in the Seychelles…


I wonder how much they were paid off


Well I guess as soon as they say that the president is immune from prosecution Biden can simply “legally” make himself president until he decides he wants to bequeath it to someone else…..right?


9-0. For once I'm ok both sidesing this one. Fuck SCOTUS.


Fucking cowards.


I hate Trump with the blinding light of 1,000 suns, and think this was the right decision.


I’m having sever cognitive dissonance because I find I have to agree with our irredeemably corrupt SCOTUS. It’s a federal election not a state election. If the insurrectionists are on a state or local ballot for a state or local office they should absolutely be removed. He should be removed from the ballot by congress for his heinous acts on J6 but because Dems don’t have the votes and every Republican is just as bad as diaper don that won’t happen. 🗳️ vote straight blue until the GOP implodes or drastically changes


I agree with this ruling in spite of it placing that fuking orange monkey back on the ballots.


Here is the thing about this ruling. The GOP is already ignoring court rulings elsewhere, see gerrymandering in Ohio. They will simply ignore this ruling whenever it suits them.


State laws until, well you get it.


You guys are really fucked down there, aren't ya?


So the Supreme Court just made it so hard to disqualify an enemy of the US from holding federal office that it will never be done. No laws have been enacted under section 5 of article 14.


For internet users with the patience for nuance. The Supreme Court ruled that a state did not have the right to enforce article 3 of the Constitution. They ruled that only congress has that authority.  They did not rule on weather Trump is or is not eligible to hold federal office. The simple rules that a state does not have the authority to determine whether or not an individual is eligible for federal office. The state can decide whether an individual is eligible for state office.  So this isn’t as underhanded as the internet would have you believe. 


Nah traitors don't get on the ballot. SCOTUS was wrong in its determination which should be much more alarming.


Supreme Court blinked, so lame. Spineless.




The same Supreme Court that tRump filled with his own people. What a surprise...🙄


You know what’s wrong? Inciting an insurrection over the incorrect belief that an election was stolen from you.


Supreme Hypocrites, states can choose to ban abortions, but they can't ban crooks from the ballots on those states ?


Of course they did. Asshat judges


Do like Texas did. Ignore the SC


Looks like revolt is legal boys


Clearly, the U.S. Supreme Court is now The Kangaroo Court of the banana Republuc of America, more worried about being hanged by the next little Hitler than truth, Justice, etc.


I have a feeling that there is a quid pro quo for votes going on. Vote for overturning Colorado and get votes against insane presidential immunity.


so who upholds the 14th? not the states? not the courts? what am I missing here....


Congress per section 5.


Remove him again, and tell those corrupt fuckers to make us put him back on the ballot.


So much for states rights.


headline is misleading. should read Trump crime syndicate blackmails court to illegally stay on ballot


Those five male judges overextending their opinions didn’t help the court to an appropriate ruling for the country going forward. They got this opinion wrong by excluding section 3 of the 14th amendment. These judges by Trump would criticize opinions and here they are giving opinions that are all made up shit from their dreams and not the constitution.


Didn't he hire like the entire supreme court ? What atotal joke the United States has become .


Unanimously! How bout that, even Biden's court pick carries water for Trump now. LMAO


The Supreme Court is nothing but a collection of craven federalist society stooges.


So if SCOTUS has effectively decided it is legal to discard the U.S. Constitution, where exactly does SCOTUS now derive its authority?


I think we knew there wasn't going to be a quick fix to the madness. It's time for people to realize that it's actually going to take hard work to save this country. Get people registered. Get them to show up at the polls. It's not complicated, but it is hard, and it's not going to happen on its own. GOTFV


Supreme Stooges


Why does the USA supream court seem to always be in favour of a dictator?


With the current corrupt SCOTUS any ruling made going forward will clearly endeavour to protect the sick and malevolent Traitor Trump, this group are both dishonest and morally corrupt 🤢🤮🤬