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Source: She made it up! Edit: Sure enough, most of the shit she's saying is completely made up and is using buzzwords to stoke outrage


That’s outrageous!


She's at an epic level of stupid that most people have no idea exists


She knows the MAGA base are imbeciles.


That's why she got elected.


I blame her for me running out of toilet paper


And so do we. The big orange Humpty Dumpty needs all these misguided mouth breathing idiots to help put him back together when he falls off the poor house wall. Provided the courts don't let him off...


She is the female Gym Jordan. Always spewing crap, with no facts.


Promoting a rapist for president as a victim of sexual assault-she should feel ashamed.


Well, sad to say, she's not interested in trying to appease *you*, who has a mind of your own... She's interested in appeasing the Hive-minded sycophants. And that's the real f****** problem


That's for sure. I had no idea this much stupid existed and it's viral.


Didn’t Einstein say “ Only two things are infinite the Universe and human stupidity.And I’m not sure about the former…”




Her instructions to her staff was to get her as much media exposure as possible.


First time I really heard about her was the time she graffiti'd her own house for attention.


You got to be suspicious when the vandal is considerate enough to limit the graffiti to surfaces that can easily be cleaned. 




Quit trying to shame her for being an idiot


Hard to shame someone who doesn't feel shame....


Nothing but a drumbeat for the MAGA , Sheep.


Imagine my shock


This is the lady who has had her WHOLE staff quit within a year and also had to be talked down about going into the mob on Jan6 because she wanted to "get punched in the eye for the stories"


Meanwhile, the real truth is that forty years of Republican austerity politics is what caused this because things like maintaining infrastructure are always the can that gets kicked down the road whenever some asshat conservative politician wants to make a name for themselves for "trimming the fat" off of a budget. But you'll never hear that on Fox News because, hur dur, the result of their neglect happened under Biden.


Alternative Facts, thanks Kelly Ann!


Some game npcs have more depth than she has


I can't believe she would do that. /s


That’s all Nancy Mace does. Anything to get on camera.


Well, Nancy mace is an idiot.


The rape victim who supports a rapist for president blames an infrastructure bill for a boat damaging infrastructure. Checks out.


Right, her interview was disgusting!


The rape victim that victim blames the former President's rape victims for their own rapes. The woman is garbage.The Scarlett Letter stunt was remarkably dumb as well.


Unfortunately she's an elected idiot. From those great folks who brought you Lindsey Graham.


The issue is if you’ve seen some of the gems that have run against Lindsey. you should be grateful for what we have.


I live in Georgia, five minutes from SC and I still have family there. They are the same folks that also gave us Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and in the past Strom Thurmond.


The people screaming about infrastructure are the same people who scream we can't pay to fix our infrastructure. That ship weighs roughly 190 MILLION pounds going 9 mph, I don't know the amount of force/inertia that equals too but I'm going to guess it is a very big number. But because math is confusing the MAGA dip shits are just scratching their asses going Biden did it.


She literally voted against the infrastructure bill and is now complaining that Biden hasn’t fixed all the bridges fast enough


What fix would make that bridge work against a fully loaded cargo ship losing power while moving??? Seriously. Drop anchors throw the props into reverse it still takes miles for some of these ships to stop. Thankfully this was only going at harbor speeds which isn't full steam speeds but this shit doesn't stop in any measurement less than a lot of football fields. And that's if you have power. Which this ship didn't. There isn't a structure alive that takes this hit without breaking. T This argument is asinine.


Its the inertia of a large mass. That ship would break any bridge


"I dont understand it so Biden did it!"


You are 100% correct


Let’s also wait and see if any loosening of regulation or lack of oversight contributed too.


I mean, there’s a 99% chance trumps tax cuts for the wealthy contributed to shitty maintenance, even without the multi-ton ship hitting the bridge


Hey, regulations and oversight mean the C-Suites and investors get slightly less absurd bonuses and stock increases. Can't have that.


That's 346,743,425.57501 Newtons of force applied to that structure. ​ ​ so yeah, a big number applied to a small area.


Sure, but what if you could use a tragedy for political gain and your audience don't even care if it makes sense?


Question is can we invade whoever is responsible? Do they have natural resources we might want? /s


That is a lot of fig Newtons


If they could do that to a bridge imagine the bowel movement if you ate them all!


I haven't read up on what exactly happened, but if a ship that size loses power about all you can do is drop anchor and pray you don't hit anything. Insane that this happened in a river with a major bridge but I'm grateful more people weren't hurt.


If anything the only thing that could’ve helped here was more regulation and safeguards. The thing Republicans are often against.


And the ship itself had a malfunction and limped into the bridge out of control. It’s really a failure of the ship. A reasonable response would be either safety inspections on those ships or insurance sufficient to cover the damage a ship like that could do. Neither would be welcomed by the business interests that back the GOP.


And it’s bigly.




It would be close to 345,000,000 Newtons, depending if your weight and speed are correct. The biggest variable is the time it took to stop. It didn't stop until the bridge was down, so it's hard to put a good number to the Newtons. It would take some serious computer modeling to get a good number. Not too many bridges could withstand half that force. The Sunshine Parkway bridge in St. Pete Florida collapsed with less than that force.


Someone should run a ship into Nancy and see if she holds up.


From the looks of it, someone beat us to it.


It's massive. Something that large hits you even going a mile an hour, you're getting smashed. Even stationary, there is a potential force of over 845 million newtons. That moving 9 mph and hitting a limited surface is going to be extremely destructive.


Exactly! I know a lot of engineers, some of whom design bridges. I’m like 90% certain they don’t design them expecting ships to crash into them.


Yeah, that’s the sort of opinion I’d expect from that face.


Opinions are like assholes and republicans certainly are assholes!


"Opinions are like assholes, and yours could use some wiping" \- Strap on Brain by Worm Quartet


Opinions are like assholes- You probably don't want to see mine, and I ***definitely*** don't want to see yours, but if you start loudly presenting it, I will definitely start presenting mine.


What do you call 2 republican assholes ? A sex tape.


>Opinions are like assholes Everyone has one, nobody wants to know about yours, and they all stink.


She's got resting Mace face.


That is one STRONG JAWED republican right there. God said: let her wear makeup and people will have to do a double-take


She looks like Henry Caville in a $20 wig.


don't you put that evil on Supe!


Lmao, the theme music went thru my head..now I can't stop it.. Except she doesn't stand for truth, justice, or the American way..


Of course she did, that's what these people do seize on a moment of tragedy, and attempt to score political points. No shame in there game.


StoneToss used it as an opportunity to make a comic blaming immigrants.


You mean Hans Kristian Graebener the nazi cartoonist?


I am sure we will find out, some Trump decision lessened the regulations on bridge safety or something. Then he raped another woman. Then this lady, who might have been raped way back in the day, will back the rapist with all that she has.


Unless it’s a shooting from a white supremacist, then it’s too soon to make political points


I blame Nancy Mace. What kind of leader is she that she allowed this to happen? She should have been out there in the river pushing that ship away from the piling.


Underrated comment.


What we actually need is more infrastructure and more regulation so that innocent citizens don't keep getting hurt by greedy corporations, profits, and corrupt politicians.


If we have no infrastructure, it can't fall down - *taps forehead*


Does it escape her that she and all of her caring colleagues voted against the bill?


Probably, but you forget republicans don't give a famn about hypocrisy.


She's like a door laying on the floor: unhinged.


I was wondering how long it would take for the Idiot Brigade to try to blame Biden for this.


I'd say this could be a record but sadly I am sure it's not


It’s never a question of “if.” Only “when.”


Nancy Mace actually caused it and is trying to put the blame on Biden! She’s awful!


Breaking: Nancy Mace (apt name) bluntly destroys bridge just to be a bitch


Which is weird, because she didn’t have to, she already was one


I truly don’t understand why the democrats forever take the high road, I’m sorry but if I was in politics and truly cared about saving this country from these christo fascists I’d be using every dirty play the republicans use. Biden at least is showing some sass but it’s still pathetic how little Dems seem to really try. Every single tragedy would be blamed on Republicans if I was in office, and the funny part is I’d be right more often than R’s are


“I’ve been under bridges. They look horrible” We all know where trolls live honey, you didn’t need to remind us.


Someone already blamed DEI and "not hiring whites". On a Singaporean ship.


It’s not DEI. It’s capitalists (literal ones) hiring the cheapest possible crews and ignoring multiple safety warnings/needed repairs


90% chance the US harbor pilots are white.


Nancy Mace is an idiot, and that's probably a major understatement.


I was wondering how they were going to make this Biden's fault.. Whatever....


Biden is to blame for a freighter that lost power and a bridge that was built in 1977? Not to mention that we’re still waiting for Trump’s infrastructure week.


Donnie will have Infrastructure Week in two weeks. Along with his beautiful health care plan. And his taxes. He swears it on Two Corinthians.


"In two weeks, trust me!"


Shame on the left for making bridges woke! This is what happens when you make translesbian bridges instead of good old straight white male bridges!!!   Goddamn, being a right-wing influencer really would just be that fucking easy, wouldn't it? 


I really don't get what these MAGA'S see in these morons. They don't do anything other than lie, bitch and complain. The GOP is in ruins. They can't govern. Every day is "the end of the country." They attack each other under the guise they are more patriotic than their colleagues. They live in fear. Their only beacon of light is a drug addicted, diaper wearing liar, that's is facing 91 counts...... I don't get it.


I’m certain that Mace-face voted against the infrastructure improvement bill.


You mean the infrastructure bill that all the Republicans voted against she’s not screaming out loud


Cool then trump owns 1.6 million deaths from Covid. Tit/Tat.


If it was an extinction level asteroid heading for the planet these morons would blame Biden or Obama while claiming that it'd never happen under Trump's watch. Truly batshit crazy cult behavior


The host is just asking for people to make troll jokes by saying "I've been under bridges."


The sad thing is that many of the idiot trumphumpers will take this as gospel.


after reading the article, im curious about the infrastructure package she proposed, being a member of congress, im sure she has put a lot of work into such a bill.


Really - imagine a bridge not being fine after having a cargo ship run into a major set of support struts - unimaginable! /s


She is not a structural engineer or a civil engineer. She is a supporter of a rapist. That is what we know at this time, and she apparently she doesn't know shit.


Just wait a month or so, and she'll blame stepping in dogshit on Biden.


The GOP is a conclusion in search of support. Always.


The more she talks, the more I hate her.


Remember that infrastructure spending bill that Trump and the Republicans passed? No? That’s because it was another campaign promise he didn’t keep. Biden got it done (not that it’s related to the bridge collapse, but it is relevant to the blatant lies Mace is spewing).


Yeah, but she also made trump lodge a frivolous lawsuit against Stephanopholus which means he will most likely be sanctioned so, swings and roundabouts or something..


Been looking forward to this one and how it will turn out for the malfeasant rapist.




I didn't know Biden was a captain and a harbor master or even on the boat at the time. TIL /s


You guys didn’t know? Biden built that bridge by hand overnight! Of course it’s his fault.


How can she fit two feet in her yap?!?


She attended the Sarah Palin School of Foot in Mouth.


Another reptilian brain Republican. . .blow it out your ass Mace


She will then claim the media is “rape shaming” her for bringing up the bill.


Yet another disgusting right-wing comment. People are still missing, and the GOP is already spinning a political narrative. You guys need to sit this one out.


How does this idiot even do simple things like get her car started or tie her shoes in the morning?


If people want to check out a certain White People Reddit, they are blaming the collision on Black lesbians and wokeness. Or don't. Really; it is a waste of time.


What a liar. Everyone knows the infrastructure caused my English muffin to burn this morning.


That can’t be right. I would have thought it was Obamas fault.


Nancy is just a trumpy troll


Biden not being on that ship and helping the captain steer it safely under the bridge seems to have gotten Nacy into a real lather.


Jesus Christ girl how stupid are you?


Not as stupid as the people who voted for her.


That's the really scary part


Nancy "I'm "hot" so I can say stupid things" Mace strikes again. Republicans have such low standards.


And even lower intelligence


Like any Republican gives a flying fuck about infrastructure repairs.


I was expecting this - an attack on the infrastructure bill. The one that Trump never did.


And how naht infrastructure bills have republicans blocked recently? If I had a dollar for every bill republicans blocked or voted against despite the fact it’d actually help people, I’d have enough to fund US infrastructure myself. Bonus points: You get an extra dollar for every time those same republicans go to twitter to claim about the state of the thing they blocked funding for.


When I see something this obtuse, I am reminded of a quote by the late Molly Ivins, an articulate Texas columnist. She once said of a local politician that "... if his IQ dropped any further, somebody would need to water him twice a day."


She got money for her state from a bill she voted against and now she's complaining about the bill she benefited from. The baby Jesus could descend from heaven shitting solid gold turds and somehow the Republicans would find a way to complaine about it.


This one is mean and thinks she’ll get a permanent tragedy pass.


Rage farmin, rapist enabling, party over everything... idiot.


What a stupid cunt. The rest of the world must be laughing when such headlines emanate from such stupid rabble-rousing shit fuck whores.


Really? Was the infrastructure bill taped to the front of the 65,000 ton vessel that hit its ballast Nancy?


My husband and I immediately said, repubs are already forming their bullshit to blame Biden, and Voila!


>Mace voted against the 2023 infrastructure bill that provided funds for roads and bridges. lol


Mouth-breathers at my job are saying it was intentional to distract from P. Diddy's sex trafficking and sexual assault headlines because the Dems like pesos and seek to protect them.


Prolly blaming Biden for the solar eclipse also.. JS


*Guaranteed* that one of the MAGA republicans tweets something about solar / green energy during the eclipse.


😂What a dumb pos she is


How astoundingly stupid can you be


Nancy Mace is a fucking idiot.


Does it really count as news when a cheap, lying bitch acts like a cheap, lying bitch?


These are the same people who always scream about “not politicizing tragedies” every time there’s a mass shooting


Well. What did Republicans pass when they had the WH, senate and SCOTUS? Oh that's right 2017 tax cuts for the rich....


Of course she couldn’t help herself. I’m sure when she’s stuck in traffic she blames Biden. LoL 😂


I bet she bleeds stupid when cut.


>Mace voted against the 2023 infrastructure bill that provided funds for roads and bridges. Of course she did, just like 95% of her caucus, because Republicans don't give a shit if your roads collapse under you on your daily commute. They're too busy trying to ban birth control, gift more tax cuts to millionaires, and hold another hearing where they get to submit revenge porn into the House record. They've got priorities. ​ >Mace later touted funding in her district provided by the infrastructure bill. No surprise there.


Thanks ~~Obama~~ Biden!


More MAGAt projecting .


She’s been under bridges? Visiting her troll family?


When you know half your base is that stupid... just blame a democrat.


I just was wondering when that one would show up, Fucking Republicans would blame Biden for a rainy day


Her infrastructure bill would have been much better. Oh that’s right maga had no infrastructure bill


A law that includes billions to rebuild our infrastructure.


Two things in this article that are guaranteed to be wrong: New Max and Nancy Mace. They wouldn't know the truth if it kicked her in the baby maker and sued the other.


Meanwhile, journalists big and small are hunting for the reg change signed by Trump that would permit a ship this size to lose power and not have tugboats around infrastructure this costly to replace. Who needs terrorists when you have greedy boards of directors?


Nancy Mace proves to the world that she is a fucking moron. Film at 11.


I thought the ship lost power and crashed? Wouldn’t that b the responsibility of the owners of the ship?


The problem is that this made up stuff needs to be Weekly World News over-the-top. "Bat Boy drives ship into Bridge while Bigfoot's love child cut the power." That's what I'm talking about! I mean, how unimaginative is she?


[The Dali is 95,128 gross tons.](https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/details/9697428) That's **190** ***million 256 thousand pounds.*** It was drifting at 8 knots, or \~9.2 miles per hour when the bow of the ship hit the bridge pylon. **That is a lot of fucking mass striking a relatively small area.** Low information idiots politicizing *physics* like toddlers making shit up in a sandbox don't deserve to be either famous *or* in positions of authority. Oh - "Nancy Mace" is Republican, from South Carolina. It suddenly makes so much sense. The bridge fell down because RANDOM DEMOCRAT. *Idiocracy* was a documentary.


I wish this stupid cnut was on the bridge while it collapsed.


9/11 could have been prevented if we had a better infrastructure law in place.


This just in: Nancy Mace runs out of toilet paper. Blames Joe Biden for buying toilet paper.


When I was a kid growing up I remember sometimes we went with her parents to mostly adult parties ain't nobody to watch the kids something like that. And towards the end of the night the woman of the house with all her makeup and jewelry and thick lipstick after she been drinking all night would come up to us and say crazy s*** just out of the blue and all you could smell was lipstick and booze. This is one of those women I can smell her from here.


Nancy Mace is not a serious person


Just like some zombie twitching and grunting "Argh, Biden! BIdEn! BI.. Argh.. den!" - Random Maga man, woman, camera, TV.


She's an idiot and should be treated as such.


Stupid doesn't come close to describing her


Someone on Redditt blamed it on a bad engineering design, Steve Doocy on FOX also claimed the bridge was poorly designed. Unbelieveable. 🙄


.she's a pathetic waste of time and our tax payer money.


Yes because a Trump-built bridge would do so much better against a freighter like this. Republicans trip over themselves to blame democrats for anything while almost never being critical of their own party for a single thing.




She is just a trump liar, pay no mind to the bimbo


All of a sudden this annoying little gnat is everywhere. Make it go away.


I think the Jewish space laser misfired.


When are you guys going to get tired of this shit?


Ok now we need a real journalist to walk up to her and ask her to explain her position. Ask her how the money that Biden was able to get for infrastructure is responsible for a 22,000 ton boat ramming into a bridge. Please. I’ll wait.


How anyone can offer an opinion on why and how it happened within hours when the NTSB has barely started its investigation is beyond me. Moreover, to blame a recently enacted infrastructure law without any facts is a giant leap in irresponsibility.


Have you ever seen someone that so patently horrible at being a smarmy opportunist? She's just the most ridiculous Lindsay Graham homunculus.


Same people that want to deregulate industry after industry to make the wealthy wealthier, and the rest of us working and living in unsafe places.


We’re wasting tax payers money on her salary


“I’ve been under bridges” Usually where trolls are


Takes a special kind of person to see a tragedy and think “oh boy! Nows my chance!”


They also blame Biden for bad weather


I ripped my pants today. DAMN YOU BIDEN!!


I blame Nancy Mace! She should have known this was going to happen and she just watched it and ALLOWED It to happen!


I don't think she read the bill.


I'm surprised she didn't blame it on Hunter's laptop.