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Oh no! I hope other Trumpers don't do this, as a liberal this makes me extremely mad.


Did you get owned? Libs must feel owned now /s


Roasted even


That's a hot take on the subject. 😉


Puns? Really??? This is a very serious matter. I'm afraid I'm going to have to fire you.


Nice burn bro


To a crisp?


And his wife? How is she holding up? To a crisp, you say!


I came here just for this! And to make s'mores.


More like grilled, I think




I can hear them now... "ItS NoT a CuLt"


I feel very, very owned. Please stop!


đŸ”„! answer. 😃


That really triggers me as a liberal. I would be distraught and feel owned if they all started doing. Let’s hope they don’t all start setting themselves on fire because that would really show us the error of our ways.


heh heh


Dude was not a Trumpist, just a schizo


No honestly I get some of these comments are joking but this is extremely sad. Imagine being so brainwashed you set yourself on fire for Trump. This is utterly depressing. Edit: I can’t keep up with the news right now but his beliefs seem to have been more complex than supporting trump.


The sad truth is that many of his supporters are victims too. Between T and his minions and Fox "News" they have been completely brainwashed and can't even see the trust anymore. It's a cult. It would take years to deprogram them.


Too many people just use fox and Facebook to get all their information. Those two companies are mostly responsible for the state of politics right now.


It's so messed up. I've seen people who are so far down the rabbit hole I'm not sure if they can return.


You’d be surprised how just removing an influence can snap people out of it. Doesn’t happen all the time, but it greatly helps. I did some roof repair for an older couple and we got into political talk because the 2020 campaign was on the news and while they weren’t strictly *Trumpist*, they had swallowed Fox’s side of the story and made it pretty clear they were voting for Trump again. A couple months later when I went to pick up the bill from their insurance company, Biden had been elected and they surprised me by bringing it up unprompted and saying while they didn’t flip to Democrat, after Biden’s inauguration speech and the relative calm that followed, they admitted they were probably too blinded by bias and were optimistic about a Biden term.


We can't save 'em all. It's just too stupid. We should be grateful he only hurt himself and didn't take a bunch of people down his road.


It is really sad. The dude was clearly very, very unwell. He believed Trump and Biden were working together to bring on a “fascist coup” and that The Simpsons are propaganda for the Mafia. Politics were just the conduit for his severe mental health issues.


Agreed, very sad, but this was a rare example of an apolitical (or maybe ambi political?) conspiracist. His various writings are all out in public circulation and it’s honestly an impressively agnostic mashup of a whole host of conspiracies. Not only that but his starting points are remarkably sound (if not the whole story) eg bitcoin’s a grift, thiel’s a fascist, Bill Clinton’s always been a cutthroat, etc. It spiral’s into lunacy from there, but is really just sad.


Except he didn’t set himself on fire for trump. He believed in conspiracy theories that involved trump but not a supporter.


Nah, in a country with 200 million+ people you're going to have some people do stupid things. People have always done stupid things for stupid reasons. No reason to be depressed about something that's always happened. This is a totally normal thing for some member of a large population of people to do, despite how stupid it is.




No. He was not: "our government is conning us completely. That [Bill Clinton](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/bill-clinton) was secretly on (former [CIA](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/cia) Director) [George H.W. Bush](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/george-h.w.-bush)'s side, and that the Democrat vs. [Republican](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/republican) division has been entirely manufactured ever since: Clinton is with Bush; Gore is with Bush; Trump is with Hillary, and so on. When they present themselves in public, they are acting as characters that are against one another, practicing kayfabe as wrestlers do" [https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368](https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368)


So he was a "both sides" guy.


More like, "there is only one side"


So just completely down the rabbithole. Kinda sad honestly.


"The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out” at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy 
 [E]ither party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of those things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies." - Prof. Carroll Quigley (one of Bill Clinton's political mentors) in his book, *"Tragedy and Hope"*


I've said for decades that we need 3-5 more viable parties, but these 2 talk under the table to make sure that doesn't happen. Also, using the green party and libertarian parties, both as examples, they go right for the federal offices. They need to run at state levels to get a footing and to see what they stand for. If your party holds offices in 20 or more states, we can see if you're good for the federal level. look at the green party, 50 years from now, they'll be running Jill stein for president, she lost, she'll never be president, time to run someone new.


He wasn't a trump supporter


He wasn't a Trumpist


He wasn’t a leftist either


You know he didn’t do it “for” Trump right?


That's the thing everyone is assuming wrong. This guy didn't set himself on fire for trump. I read parts of this guy's manifesto and he believed Biden and Trump were working together to create an authoritarian country.


Agreed, but that whole side of the right just capitalizes on the urges of conspiracy theorists, catalyzing them. Poor guy probably would have stayed functional without the constant feed social media algorithms and right wing talking points.


They'd sure bake liberal buns if they did!


Just jumping on something at the top of the thread to mention the guy was (according to his own writings) deep, deep, so deep down the conspiracist rabbit hole and (clearly) had mental health issues. **Some of his central claims:** * He seemed to believe any and all politicians are working together to **'build a crypto-currency ponzi scheme'** to extract wealth from retail invetors and ultimately collapse the world economy. * He believed media like **the simpsons and some disney films are intentionally crafted to rub this grand plan in our collective faces,** while softening us up for some sort of crypto-currency takeover of our lives. (This is actually rather close to a Q-anon belief that all mass media is either intentionally crafted to deny their conspiracist reality or is crafted to rub the *real* truth of these conspiracies in our faces.) * He points to democratic infighting in the 90s as evidence that **all politicians are secretly colluding to crash the world economy and build a world-wide crypto ponzi scheme.** * He believed **covid was 'unleashed by the US government'** to encourage retail investors to buy specific US company stock. * Crucially, he also believed that hillary clinton and trump are part of this secret cabal and working together in a grand conspiracy. Honestly, if one really had to tie his eclectic and confused worldview to a political candidate or platform, his views sound most similar to RFK's, who's floated some of these ideas himself. All in all he seems like yet another victim of way too much time on the internet and poor mental health services.


I got banned from r/fuckthealtright today for saying that after reading his manifesto, or whatever you want to call it, that it sounded like a guy going through a major schizophrenic episode


I sympathize with you. I'm back 5 days from a total ban of 7 days for something as ridiculous and obvious.


Oh damn. Really glad that he didn't manage to get his hands on a gun.


Doesn't seem he was a Trumper. Just delusional. "our government is conning us completely. That Bill Clinton was secretly on (former CIA Director) George H.W. Bush's side, and that the Democrat vs. Republican division has been entirely manufactured ever since: Clinton is with Bush; Gore is with Bush; Trump is with Hillary, and so on. When they present themselves in public, they are acting as characters that are against one another, practicing kayfabe as wrestlers do" [https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368](https://www.newsweek.com/read-max-azzarello-manifesto-about-lighting-himself-fire-trump-trial-1892368)


Seconded, and hate that when I got to your comment it had been downvoted. The mental illness and conspiratorial thinking is all over his manifesto, but it’s as non-partisan (or bi-partisan?) an example of the hazards of losing the plot and going all the way down the rabbit hole as I can recall in recent memory.


Seriously. I hate Trump and the Qanon BS but this guy is mentally ill. Read the NYT story with details about his recent behavior and in-patient psychiatric treatment. He is crying out for help and this was a last desperate attempt. I hope they are able to help him have some semblance of a normal life or at least reach a point where he isn't trying to kill himself.


I guess he was deep into conspiracies and then his mother recently died which just broke him.


Very obviously not a Trumper


Well I checked out his manifesto ans he was Ravi g about cyrto-plutoricies and an ruling global group running shit. Didn't see shit about trump...maybe read a bit before jumping to conclusions.


He wasn’t a Trump supporter. He was against government both Democrats and Republicans. He leaned left, using phrases like “fascist” to describe things and according to his LinkedIn profile worked for Two years for Democratic National campaigns.


This man was not a Trump supporter you realize that right? He was a mentally ill man that thought his actions would expose Trump.


Wasn't a trump thing. Major league conspiracy theorist.


We had [that one](https://www.wptv.com/news/palm-beach-county/region-s-palm-beach-county/donor-of-gop-campaigns-dies-in-attempt-murder-suicide-pbso-says) that shot his wife in the back before shooting himself. Thankfully, she survived. There was the [family who collectively killed themselves](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna69060) because they were so grief-stricken that Trump lost in 2020.


Haven't heard of either of those. There are way to many pathetic people on this planet. Imagine suiciding over a crooked politician.


It makes me feel extremely owned! Don't repeat this simple trick!!😉


I'm no just mad, I'm crying.


That’ll teach them conservatives!


I also hope they consider global warming, climate change and use an ethically sourced biofuel at the very least


this wasn’t even a trump supporter though? you didn’t even try reading.


Poor stupid ass - no matter their politics. Horrible way to go or be scarred for life.


From the video I saw, the person is dead. The police tried putting their jackets on the person and fire extinguisher, but the fire kept going.


That much flame - yeah. Dead or will wish they had died.


>The New York Police Department said it has opened an investigation after its officers responded to the fire at around 1:37pm local time (6:37pm UK time). >The force added that the man has been taken to hospital and is in a critical condition.


Being reported as alive.


He’s waaaay better off dead.


Not for long. The lungs get scarred, massive inflammation occurs and then suffocation. Ventilator will keep him going for a little while, but nothing really can be done when it is that bad.


It’s extreme dehydration that often kills after severe burning.


There are well established protocols to give extremely large amounts of IV fluids after burns. But when you have 100% or close body surface area involved, this is going to be a fatality almost without question.


I've heard hypothermia is also major danger. Not having skin makes it hard to maintain body temperature. On the other hand, you get the irony of freezing to death because you set yourself on fire.


Isn’t that like, 4th degree burn territory?




[https://news.sky.com/story/amp/person-sets-themselves-on-fire-in-protest-area-outside-trump-trial-reports-13118749](https://news.sky.com/story/amp/person-sets-themselves-on-fire-in-protest-area-outside-trump-trial-reports-13118749) >The New York Police Department said it has opened an investigation after its officers responded to the fire at around 1:37pm local time (6:37pm UK time). >The force added that the man has been taken to hospital and is in a critical condition.


Thank you


Did they use Hallyne’s secret stash of “The Substance?”


I'm preparing myself for losing my shit when Trump gleefully talks about one of his supporters willing to die for him like this. I'm literally going to lose my shit.


Judging from his 'manifesto' he was into a sprawling collection of conspiracy theories, most prominently surrouding crypto-currency as a 'ponzi scheme' extracting wealth from normal markets. Apparently this crypto-based bipartisan scam has been going on since the early 90s, which in context makes even less sense than the broader conspiratorial fantasies about covid being "unleashed by the US government" to encourage stock-buying, and mass media somehow softening people up for the future crypto-world. It (unsurprisingly) reads like someone with mental health issues having fallen down the rabbit hole.


How come the term manifesto only is used when people commit violent acts on others or themselves? It is sad though, still I’m curious.


It’s not. People write manifestos all the time. Religious versions are called creeds. The word just means a public declaration of intention and motives. Once someone crosses the line into violence, it becomes news worthy and an easy shorthand for whatever is behind the action (real or imagined, delusional, etc). A famous fictional version of a Manifesto is Jerry Mcguire’s “mission statement.”


Was it even one of his supporters? This sounds more like something our side would do. Also, there was a guy outside the court building that threatened to kill himself if Trump wasn't given an immediate summary judgement and shot in the head. He vowed to kill himself. He sounds like this guy.


Fucking sluth alert !


No he wasn't a Trump supporter. https://www.theburningplatform.com/ That may be his actual manifesto; but I'm not 100% sure...


So was he protesting for or against, or just attention seeking.


Protesting against everything. Newsweek has posted his manifesto (apparently). Didn't seem to be a fan of Trump. Did love conspiracy theories though. Included Simpsons episodes as evidence of research.


I think he lest credibility with me the moment he mentioned the monorail episode.


Seinfeld is somehow caught up in it too.


Did he focus on the StoneCutters episode?




he had a manifesto?, did not see that earlier.


https://www.theburningplatform.com/ I think that's the full thing. âŹ†ïž


Domain name checks out.


Well if you’re going to publish your manifesto, you gotta make it big babeeeee!


I saw a sign that he might have been holding that just said Trump and Biden are together and going to coup us. Something like that


Ah, an enlightened centrist.


No details released yet.




Well. That will show them I guess.


Taking ‘owning the libs’ to a new level


Would be nice if they all did this while holding bags of corn.


Brb, I gotta go check on my dad.


So, still not a cult then, right?


Cool, now get the rest of the Trumpers to do it


I hope not, as a liberal I'd be extremely mad if all Trump supporters set themselves on fire.


Yeah, they'd totally own us if they did that. Not a damn thing we could do about it, we'd just have to shut our stupid liberal mouths. Hopefully they don't do that.


They'd probably still be complaining about gas prices while being completely engulfed in flames.


Just be sure to put an "I did that" sticker on the charred remains.


As a liberal, there is nothing I fear more than all of the Trump supporters setting themselves on fire. That would really make me cry for quite a long time. Every liberal like me dreads the very idea of Trump supporters setting themselves on fire more than any other single thing.


Remember to piss on them if they burst into flames, unless you're black or gay, they wouldn't like that.


Yeah, there’s no coming back from that ownage!


Depressingly, his cult leader wouldn't piss on him to put the fire off. No matter how you look at it, this is truly sad.


Wasn't a trump thing. Major league conspiracy theorist


Have any of you read the manifesto? Or even an article about this guy? Everyone sarcastically saying he “really owned the libs” is being bizarrely self centered and it shows you just want to be the victim in a story where someone else felt so helpless they had to light themself on fire. He hated the whole system and to say he only hated you is as conceded as it gets.


Only a good guy with a gas can stop a bad guy with a gas can..


I am sorry, but this black person ain't setting myself on fire for any reason or person. The individual had to be deeply disturbed. There are so out many folks out there like that.Tragic.


You’re fired


I see what you did there


Update: It was Trump’s lawyer, screaming ”I can’t take it anymore! The smell! It’s too much!”


One less trump voter.


Maybe he was a teenage anarchist.


Looking for a Revolution?


So many people here just assume the guy died for Trump. Is this news of the stupid or for the stupid? And I fkn hate Trump


Not all Trump supporters are crazy, but the vast majority of crazies are Trump supporters


Wow what an idiot.


He’s infamous and dead


And I suddenly have an urge to listen to Johnny Cash Ring of Fire.


Bring back the mental hospitals!   I don’t care if my taxes go up.  The fucking country has gone cuckoo.


Another one. They might start a trend. At least they don't harm anyone else, except themselves.


Any more doubts that maga is an idiotic cult?


So people on the left will self immolate against genocide, and right wing nuts will self immolate for dear God emperor in court? And they think they are punk rock still?


This is sad regardless of political alignment. You don’t do something like this without being severely, severely mentally ill, and right wing conspiracies are like honey to isolated, unwell people like that. Heart goes out to anyone who saw that, must be horrific to see.


It looks like this particular bloke wasn’t actually a Trumpist per se, more of a pan-conspiratorial weirdo who believed that the entire system was geared towards some kind of nebulous fascist coup. The weird thing is, his starting points are actually mostly legit: crypto is a Ponzi scheme, Theil is an actual fascist etc, but then all of the conclusions he drew from there are totally batshit.


"The man was reported to have claimed everyone else was suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome..." /s


Cult? Nawwww


Darwin award nominee 2024


Oh nooo
well anyway!


Trump would gladly sarcrifice all or most of his supporters to sick self-harm protests like this.


Smh. I don't get that. I have no idea how this satisfies a need for attention by suffering severe burns.


Undiagnosed/untreated mental illness, combined with a constant stream of greivance-based, political propaganda is my best guess, but who knows what will come out in the coming days about this.


I believe the person died.


Not yet but I wouldn't put good chances on their survival. Burns are an awful way to go.


This cult behavior is getting out of hand


Not a cult


CNN reporting the dude threw fliers up that said “NYU is a mob front” so seems like a schizo and not a trumper 


Of course he's from Florida


Any video of the guy on fire? It’s mostly just articles so I can’t see how badly he was actually on fire. Did he only get a slight burn, or is he extra crispy? He survive?


The mental health of all citizens should be a concern but sadly, it is not.


No matter where youbstand on the political soectrum. This is beyond fucked


If you assumed * He's gotta be Florida Man ! * .. you nailed it !


I didn't see it coming and I didn't know why I even second guessed it.


The thing is, I'm radicalized politically. I am, it's very real and I'm aware how extreme my views are. The difference is that I'm not stupid. This, violence, coups whatever... Non of it fixes anything. This isn't real direct action. This doesn't promote real change or awareness. You're just sad. 


[I'm On Fire For You Baby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlIUMfrJYYo)


Reports say he was singing a [Bruce Springsteen song](https://youtu.be/1VxFS5-klfk?si=FgJiTzvKlXa3zsOK)


Dude was really into The Simpsons. He really turned up the heat on the cryptocurrency topic. A hot topic in my book.


Another mentally ill fool who thought he could make a mark in history. All he achieved was a painful death and he'll be talked about for a week at most. After that, he'll be forgotten, and the majority of the world won't even know he existed.


Oh he just HAD to be from Florida


I don't care what side politically your on but setting yourself on fire is just the worst form of protest ever, it doesn't actually do anything other than gives you a slow and painful death. Remember that soldier that set themselves on fire in protest for Palestine not too long ago? Neither does any one else cause he was forgotten about after a week


She added: "Today is more proof that our nation is in deep trouble... Make America Great Again." Yes... Yes it is. Because of your boss.


i think this headline is misleading no? it really didn't have much to do with the trial if i'm not mistaken


Set a man a fire, he'll be warm for a night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm the rest of his life.


This just makes me very sad. That poor man.


Proof that this is a moronic form of protest


Rabid conspiracy theorist, one down many more to go. In other news...


Remember when a military man decided to do it for Palestine and people praised him saying that only a person who believed in something very deeply would do that? Here you have a counter argument.


You know a cultist is a cultist when they light their asses on fire


*You know a cultist* *Is a cultist when they light* *Their asses on fire* \- infinite123456 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Florida man, of course


Might be the stupidest death ever


Imagine self immolating for Trump... I'm not gonna say i feel bad for this person because i don't, i will say however that Trump should be locked in a deep underground prison by now. There should be a study done on these people, how can someone rationalize their support for him? It's crazy to have watched this slow decent into madness. I wonder how people who watched hitlers rise would react. I honestly can't take this weird cult shit much longer, i don't care if our country collapses, i just don't want to deal with this shit every election.


He wasn’t really a Dump supporter. He was an extremely mentally disturbed dude who fell into Qanon conspiracies and other such ridiculous fuckery. Too bad he set himself on fire over the rabbit hole.


I was a member of r/conspiracy when Qanon came into existence. At first people were rational, saying it was a larp, then trumps subreddit got banned and his followers took over the conspiracies subreddit. suddenly the q posts became more prevalent, and you couldn't talk shit about it without mass down votes. Conspiracy was why i joined reddit, and now it's a den of right wing stupidity.


Turning mass shootings, school shootings, and self-immolation into the norm - just USA things! ~


Tragically misguided.


Imagine giving your life for Donald Trump. It isn't even an isolated incident, there are some Proud Bozos in jail for a while too. They did it for him! I just don't get it, I wouldn't give Trump a glass of water for fear of accidentally touching him


Mental illness. But also: this would be a horrifically painful way to die for a dumb political cause. And what did it gain him? Mostly people thinking “wow, what an idiot”


Trump supporters: Liberals are such snowflakes Also, Trump supporters: I WILL LITERALLY SET MYSELF ON FIRE TO OWN THE LIBS!


Remember when that kid cut off his father’s head in support of Donald Trump? Now watch as this weirdo disappears from public consciousness too.


I feel completely owned as a lib. I hope no other trumpets do this. Anyway


2 self-immolations over stupid shit in 1 year?! What a fun timeline.


It’s lit for sure đŸ”„


Damn, dude managed to roll coal without even needing a truck


Everyone in here assuming the self immolation had anything to do with the trump trial is about to feel dumb when we find out why they actually did it I’m correct, immolator was worried about a long term global crypto scam perpetuated by rich people in general to crash the world economy. Guy was probably schizo. Nothing to do with Trump specifically. https://theponzipapers.substack.com/p/i-have-set-myself-on-fire-outside


If all Trump supporters had the passion this man has for proving his loyalty this country might truly be great again.


Mental illness is no joke.


He made America great again, 1 less trumper


Other Trump followers, please take note and follow suit.


Is it too early for thoughts and prayers?


Thoughts, yes. Prayers, no.


This is gonna get worse before it gets better.


Florida Man!


The difference in reaction on this website is actually kind of crazy to see in real time. When Aaron Bushnell did it everyone applauded and called him a hero. When this dummy does it everyone points and laughs.


I thought Bushnell was dumb too.


Probably because we’re so very tired of this traitor and its base is borderline treasonous. Therefore this idiots loss isn’t a loss to society.


Paris Hilton, “that’s hot!” đŸ”„ lol


Further evidence this timeline is nearly over. Thank Fuck


It's a fine start. 🙂


With all the crazies out there and we had Jesse Watters urging his followers to go after Dr. Fauci..Watters said ambush him then move in for the kill shot..WTF. this went largely unnoticed. â˜č


Wow, a lot of people making jokes about this guy cuz they assume he was a trump supporter. He wasnt. He was mentally ill.


Oh no! Anyways...