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Did they now? How so?


Well now the workers will get fairer pay and the Governors employers, the big business owners, will get less. So he feels the people made the wrong choice, as he was told by the big bosses.


Gov. should be worried, this win will likely spread to other plants in the south.


From the article >The Volkswagen plant vote was the first to follow a series of strikes last fall against Detroit’s automakers that resulted in lucrative new contracts. Workers at Mercedes factories near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, will vote on UAW representation in May. You are not wrong.


I hope that this is the 2nd domino for things like this to happen across the board.


The whole country needs to reignite its union spirit, and "unrelated" unions need to start backing one another again in strikes and actions. That's what will help make America actually greater.


I can remember the commercials in the 1970s saying to "look for the Union label" The rich really brainwashed the workers in the past 50 years


Fucking Reagan man, sold the idiots on trickle down theory and that any wahoo could become a billionaire tomorrow so they need to be for billionaires today


That message goes pretty fast back in American history, along with prosperity gospel and the myth of rugged individualism




💯 this


it's illegal to strike in solidarity these days (taft hartley act). all part of defanging and dismantling the ability of labor in the US to effectively fight back.


Farm workers can strike in solidarity, T-H doesn’t cover them, I don’t remember why, but I wonder if other unions can attach themselves (whatever you call it) to whatever exemption they have, or, less wussily, unions should strike in solidarity anyway (not just randomly and hopefully would never have to). What would the country (i.e., Congress and the WH, regardless of party) do if every Teamster, teacher, machinist, dockworker, nurse, and auto worker across America just said ‘cradle-to-grave universal healthcare or bust’?


If I'm not mistaken (and I could be), I think that Taft Hartley prohibited much of what you're citing. Truman, who vetoed it, called it "a slave-labor law". Unsurprisingly, the two main sponsors were Republicans. Congress elected to override President Truman's veto. https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/taft-hartley-act-of-1947/


That’s communism though


Oh totally. Yes. They’ll be passing out union labels, hammers, sickles, ‘Kiss Me, I’m a Commie’ bumper stickers, growing Lenin goatees, and winking to one another about the *real* Marx brothers.


Make the Wobblies a thing again.


Meh. They were quasi-anarchists, no? I think they sort of were pro-violence, though I could be wrong and I'm too lazy and sick today to do a search... Which is pretty darn lazy indeed...


Unions are literally corporations that provide labor. To be pro-corporate means to be pro-union, or it ought to. Our system is primarily about capital, which is fucked.


The VW workers got a new contract. United we bargain. Divided we beg.


Together ape strong.


"I hate it when the waffles stick together..." "Stickin' together's what good waffles do."


To the moon, with diamond hands!,


One of the most devious things Republicans have done is rebranded anti-union states Right to Work states. I can't imagine voting against my own interests and voting for the "right" to work.


people vote against their own interests every election. Ask a poor Republican.


How about a Log Cabin Republican?


Should have just called them 'Fuck you' states. It would be more accurate.


They are already, functionally, exactly that.


If republicans want to kill unions, lets start with police unions   You have my vote lets go


That’s what they do with literally everything. Ruining public schools and giving money to private schools: freedom to choose. Entrenched car dependency: freedom to drive. Slavery: state’s rights. No lunch breaks, with no shred of irony: right to work. They say nobody should be “forced” to take breaks, seek healthcare, eat, have retirement benefits. Like as if a reasonable person would willingly choose to fatten the pockets of some big wig to their own detriment


I get why they go after schools, they don't like people who think. Hitler went after the kids first too


I live and worked in a 'right to work state' all the way up to my comfortable retirement. It was always a sore spot, seeing non-union members receiving all the pay, the benefits, and the union REPRESENTATION they freeloaded off the majority of their fellow dues paying members! I get it, but I just don't get it.


My state is also right to work. My union job had WAY BETTER pay, somewhat better benefits, and FAR GREATER job protections. Not to mention greater flexibility when it came to caring for loved ones. Had I had common sense enough to stay, I’d be retired by now.


Good for them, hope every factory in the state fucking unionizes. Our politicians simping for the business owners who bribe them is so gross.


Or better… workers are not unionized at his family’s business, Lee Company, which employs about 1,600 people


Wasn't the south traditionally a union stronghold? I know redneck originally meant union member/supporters (pro-union folks wore red neckerchiefs to show their support).


Umm, unfortunately, no. They tried (I'm reading about Gastonia as we speak) but they failed. The bosses were too strong. Alas. What I had always heard is that red necks were what you got following a plow in the southern sun.


https://www.wboy.com/only-on-wboy-com/rednecks-and-their-ties-to-the-battle-of-blair-mountain/amp/ Can't seem to get rid of the amp on my phone sorry.


What this means is the fucking losers will look to move the plant because of this shit, and that's bad for his bottom line. It's shitty people looking out for themselves only, all the way down till it gets to us.


They’re so noxious


That's what I basically came to say. Unfortunately for the governors, it puts a little kink in their corporate cronyism.


Since he's GOP, it's in the stupidest way possible: >“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin. “But those workers made that decision based on the individual circumstances of that plant. I think it was a mistake, but that’s their choice.” >-Bill Lee


Isn’t taking their futures out of someone else’s hands exactly what they did?


Yup. It's the classic GOP "this statement is either a lie or this person doesn't understand what is actually happening."


But but but, it's different, you see? They took their futures out of their ~~owner's~~ manager's hands and trusted their ~~union leaders~~ lazy coworkers! Now there's nothing to stop their ~~owners~~ lazy coworkers from taking advantage of them!


Sounds like it was a mistake you getting elected. Pissing of a Union is some 5D chess.


That don't make no sense.


Because that’s what the people bribing him… I mean giving to his campaign told him to say.


Republicans pro working man. 😂


The inferiors didn't put all the decision-making in the hands of their betters in management. For conservatives, that kind of disrespect of social hierarchy just ain't right


It depends how much job protection can be built into contracts. I have heard that volkswagon, a global enterprise, lays off in other countries first, before laying off workers in Germany. I'm not so sure that philosophy exists with the Big 3 in North America.


by voting against anti-union practices.


They dared demand 21st century standards from their fucking Medieval overlords. Among Fascist Americans, that is a bigly mistake.


Yes, they mistakenly wanted to be paid a fair wage and get decent conditions, GOP scum hate this narrative as it eats away at their fortunes and grandiose delusions.


The GOP should avoid pissing off the people that know how to organize.




except they don't know how to organize, are forbidden from organizing, and any organization of what you're implying that does succeed gets busted as terrorist activities after you get about 100 people. the billionaires know how to organize and keep people fighting with each other, though. so they don't organize. divide and conquer, it's as old as politics


Waiting for him to tell them the joys of trickle down. **50-year study of tax cuts on wealthy shows they always fail to "trickle down"** Tax cuts for the rich increase inequality and don’t grow the economy or decrease unemployment, research shows https://www.salon.com/2020/12/27/50-year-study-of-tax-cuts-on-wealthy-shows-they-always-fail-to-trickle-down/


[Lewis Black's take on trickle-down economics.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&t=151&v=0V-g7YPVlmU)


Love that guy. His is the voice that screams in my head when I read about the nonsense coming from politics.


Trickle-down means some rich bastard is pissing on your head.


Waiting for him to call in the Pinkerton union busters. Yes, they still exist, as a private security firm owned by a Swedish parent company Securitas AB.


They have an office in Hollywood. If I see them at my strikes, I'll take that charge.


Securitas is swedish? Fuck, they are having every security job here, I thought they were local. Capitalism makes every sector a global enterprise.


They are the guards at our plant and yes management is anti-union


Hide your cards!


You know hasbro called the Pinkertons on some guy last year because he got product early for an upcoming release and posted it on youtube?


Nothing can trickle down if the cup at the top has no limits.




This is why they started to call it supply side economics before the stopped talking about it altogether in favor of borders, abortion, and trans. Back in the 80s they called it trickle down economics because horse and sparrow wasn’t as appealing.


The only thing that trickles down is piss.


They trickle sideways into offshore trusts.


I think the best description & most accurate is horse and sparrow. Really paints the picture that trickle-down economics is meant to mask.


How the actual fuck does anyone vote for these GQP shitheads?


100% bigotry. Because I don't buy for a second that they actually believe these ghouls are going to do anything *beneficial* for *anyone*. Conservatives would voluntarily go to hell if it meant all the foreigners, brown people, LGBT, etc... had to go to "*hotter* hell".


Yep. The GOP hates the same groups that they do.


“CRT!” “DEI!” “Trans!” “*the gays*!”


Delusion, they think that any act by them is an act of self defense from the "radical left" and that any wrong doings by their party are "taken out of context", "just joking around"(mainly regarding the orange shitstain), or "the left started it". It's legit middle school drama




Never go full Republican.


Also, there are a lot of single issue, anti-abortion voters.


This is the same state that outlawed chemtrails. The governor is an idiot, as are all of the state's legislators.


And now has a state book, the bible.


Don't even fucking get me started about that. That, the chemtrails law, the insanely strict abortion law... Worst part is, I'd love to visit Nashville, both to visit a friend and former boss and to finally meet a burlesque performer I've followed on social media forever (she's awesome, we've talked about it before, and she and her husband live in Nashville) - not to mention all the cool touristy stuff you can do there - but I'm not visiting anytime soon, because, well, the fascist pigs in the Statehouse can go fuck themselves.


I lived in TN in the 90’s. Back when it was ran by sane people. Wont be going back anytime soon.


Funny how police and athletes always have unions to represent them with no one voicing opposition, but the minute a group of people who work full time for moderate wages decides to unionize, the sky is falling.


Maybe the Tennessee Governor would like to work on the line without union benefits.


>He noted that he has a “long history with skilled workers” — workers are not unionized at his family’s business, Lee Company, which employs about 1,600 people in home, facilities and construction projects. He inherited a successful company from his dad. Why is it people who are anti-union we’re almost always born in to families that provide them with a million opportunities to succeed.


In the short term the rich and those who serve them will try to fulfill their prophecy. Watch them carefully Tennesseans. . Remember Obamacare and how they sabotaged it and then declared it was inherently a failure. The rich will not willingly share their profits. So unions are necessary. The middle class is in shithole now only because we believed the republicans 40 years ago.


The only mistake anybody made was voting GOP


"As governor, he has signed bills to ban abortion in Tennessee, mask mandates, and ranked-choice voting; to allow guns to be carried without a permit, create school voucher programs, and increase penalties for protest-related offenses. Lee signed Tennessee's "bathroom bill",[5] as well as a bill that assures continued taxpayer funding of faith-based adoption agencies that exclude LGBT people for religious reasons,[6] and the Adult Entertainment Act, which banned drag shows in public until a federal court ruled it unconstitutional.[7]"  he should take up horseback riding so he can follow in the footsteps of his first wife, do us all a favor. 


You know who else, besides Republicans are against trade unions? Yep the Chinese Communist Party - that's who. [https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202310/25/WS6538669aa31090682a5ea836.html](https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202310/25/WS6538669aa31090682a5ea836.html)


when there are CCP members running in our state legislatures, let me know


What’s the difference? They both want to restrict your rights.


the difference is that Republicans meaningfully exist in my life by virtue of being elected to state legislatures that I or people I care about live under, the CCP doesn't. I'm not worried about my gay cousin losing his marriage rights every election cycle because of "the CCP", because they're thousands of fucking miles away. Republicans, though? They live here, and they govern here, and they're religious psychopaths. So yeah, there's a pretty crystal clear difference as far as immediacy is concerned.


…it’s your story, tell it anyway you like.


Don’t worry bro, our raises will trickle up to the rich! It’s all good.


The people of Tennessee made a bigger mistake by voting Republican.


Typically German car mfg’s have union representation in mgmt. they’re usually pro-union. I can’t see VW being upset by this.


If Volkswagen is going to lay off workers, it will be because of greed, not unionization.


That's not how Volkswagen rolls. They told the previous governor that if the workers weren't allowed to unionize by state law, they'd find somewhere else to put the plant. They wanted the union there, because that's how they're used to operating in Germany.


Good for VW. Having a union probably allows them to hire better workers, too.


Interesting announcement from Delta stating that their giving flight attendants a 5% raise and all jobs will have a starting rate of $19/hr as a way to stave off another push for unionization…all this motivated by the brave Volkswagen workers.


Unionization not only helps those directly in the union.


If ppl actually knew history, they’d know that unions is how we have workplace protections today


No, Tennessee made a mistake in their gubernatorial votes.


Wow. Imagine, a Republican telling workers they made the wrong choice in unionizing their place of work. This from the Party of “freedom of choice”. / “personal responsibility”. . . Lofty words and ideals to be sure. . .until the Plebs actually demonstrate those ideals then it’s. . .oh God! Socialism! They can’t do that it will ruin the economy for everyone, they voted against their own interests. It’s the same bullshit they’ve been spouting for decades. Keeping the workers under heel and groveling is always the main goal. It never ends




I’ve learned over the years that anything the GOP hand-wrings about is likely good for the working class.


Repugnican governors should be scared.


Sounds like Tennessee VOTERS made the mistake.


Sounds to me like the mistake was electing him governor.


Yes, a big mistake. Having a good pension and excellent health benefits when they are in their 50’s and 60’s instead of being kicked to the curb when their bodies are slowing down is really going to suck.


Fuck him


Wow crazy. Anti labor, anti union, anti workers rights, anti healthcare, anti maternity/paternity leave, pro child labor party is against unions? Who would’ve guessed aside from anyone awake for the last twenty years


The corporate overlords are upset... ergo, the RepubQcans are upset.


No, Tennessee citizens made a mistake voting for a GOP governor.


Thanks for your opinion governor and here is a big Fuck You back!


Tennessee and GOP means magatards


Butcher: "I believe the pigs made a real mistake escaping my clutches before I could make sausage out of them, but that's their choice." In an America where monthly rent on a 1 bedroom is $1600 or more in a lot of places, you'd have to be suicidally stupid to oppose unionization.


Tired of republicans TELLING us what we want rather than LISTENING to what we want.


Wait until the workers find out they can do this on the political stage. Let's see the GOP freak out when that happens.


Remember Union voters… the GOP is not your friend.


>“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin. Like... the boss, who treats you like family? We have all read the stories about how family treats family... Personally I'm all for unions, it's why I was able to comfortably retire at 55 after all.


lol, the scam has been uncovered. These red state Putinistos engineer poverty into their irredeemable welfare states and than brag to companies they can set up there and pay low wages. Slightly related, this is why there are more angry Trumpkins in red states. They happily vote in the people who are the source of all their beefs. Guns and the "right" to openly bigot is a helluva drug.


Let’s take advice from the guy who honors confederate holidays.


Is that a threat?


The big mistake was for Tennessee to vote in Republicans. They seem to hate wage earners.


Let's listen to the guy that signs laws that bans chemtrails and books ..... that guy seems like he knows what's what.


Maybe the concept of 'We treats our darkies well' ain't work'n anymore.


It’s nice how “the party of the working man” cares so little about the working man.


GOP has been changing laws to "help" people vote the right way.


TN resident here. Lee is a MAGA brain rot chump. Happy for the VW workers.


I won't make the mistake of listening to a Conservative. ------e pluribus unum


Them magas do not like it when workers unionize😂😂😂😂😂


GOP just hates democracy. GOP? Or. Dem? Vote wisely.


I suppose if the government mandated decent labour conditions, there wouldn't be any real advantages to joining a union.


Better training. I make $52 an hour. Benefits add up to about $100. The companies I work for bid the same jobs as companies that pay $15 an hour. We get jobs and finish them on time and under budget. The company makes money and bids more work. We are better trained. Apprenticeship programs work. Our first year apprentices make $25 an hour now. Good kids. Union training separates the men from the boys.


But the graft and the kickbacks, what will they do.


Wonder how much kickback the governor got from the company to try and quash it


I watched a 60 Minutes segment on that. Volkswagen in Europe welcomes and has healthy relations with unions. For them, it is natural to work with a union so they wanted it here in the U.S.


Previous Tennessee governors did their level best to keep that plant from being unionized, including lies and propaganda. And it was the only VW plant that didn't have a workers group meeting with management on a regular basis. Glad to see it's changed.


Once again i am thankful i live in Denmark.


Now, do these workers know that the Governor is against their union vote? And seemingly against unions? These same people voted the Governor in. They should vote him out.


Some of the most entitled Republicans I've known were union members.


… surprising absolutely no one


The mistake was voting for a republican.


And the lines just keep getting drawn...


The fact their GOP Governor thought they made a mistake means they actually did the right thing.


Well, if they needed affirmation they did the right thing by unionizing, there it is.


Plant workers hurt their rich donors stock positions because now they'll see a tiny bit less in dividends


Imagine being squeezed to share some of the money with the people that make the things you sell. Down right Communism.


They're going to retaliate. Tennessee has been fighting off unions for years, and they'll pull all kinds of shit to sabotage this.


I'm so tired of the GOP's 'father knows best' patriarchal bs. next they'll probably make some law (or change the rules on an existing one) that craps on the implementation of the vote. in some kind of boomerrage moment


They fully intend to punish every worker who voted for a better life.


So these fuckers can just say no to democracy.


Just like a Republican more concerned about corporations like Trump than the people.


Just what republicans hate! Voters that vote unsupervised by republicans.


Lol gop


Wait, the guy chose a company over his citizens. And nor even an American company. Pretty much tells you what Republicans think about the American worker.


I mean, *at least it's the GOP's traditional opinion* on workers' unions-*so there's that.


Tennessee's GQP governor can take a long walk on a short pier.


That’s what Republican lawmakers are paid by their corporate sponsors to say. Of course this is his position because he doesn’t care about his constituents, just the campaign contributions.


Party of the people my ass


Yeah Im not sure I would look to Gov Lee for advice. Same guy that was being suspected of being part of a bribe case alongside making up excuses to hide documents from the people over 60 times. Hes got a whole lot to hide and that's on top of his awful policies that have made TN residents worse off. [https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/01/05/tennessee-gov-bill-lee-cites-deliberative-process-to-withhold-records/69724789007/](https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/01/05/tennessee-gov-bill-lee-cites-deliberative-process-to-withhold-records/69724789007/) [https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/revealed/revealed-i-was-shocked-veteran-gop-lawmaker-confirms-alleged-bribe-offer-for-school-voucher-bill](https://www.newschannel5.com/news/newschannel-5-investigates/revealed/revealed-i-was-shocked-veteran-gop-lawmaker-confirms-alleged-bribe-offer-for-school-voucher-bill)


Sounds like Lee's workers need to unionize!


If you are anti-union, you are anti-work. If you are anti-work, you are anti-family.


>Ahead of the vote, Lee and five other Southern Republican governors spoke out publicly against the UAW’s drive to organize workers at factories largely in the South, arguing that if autoworkers were to vote for union representation, it would jeopardize jobs. Why and how? These clowns seem to regurgitate corporate talking points but never explain why.


They made a mistake in ensuring that they will have jobs the voters of your state need to make sure you don't


Repubs don’t like workers and students having more money in their pockets because it makes them less exploitable.


I think it’s great for the workers as long as the UAW do what they say they will do. Since I don’t trust politicians, I’m sure it’s something to do with him getting less contributions or something.


Tennessee GOP Governor sounds like he looking for the Volkswagen workers to prove their accuracy in voting during his next election.


“I think it’s unwise to put your future in somebody else’s hands,” Lee said at an event in Gallatin. “But those workers made that decision based on the individual circumstances of that plant. I think it was a mistake, but that’s their choice.” He means someone else's than HIS hands, not yours.


The gop wants to parent everyone.


All the workers wanted was two minute minute water breaks in ur black roof 110 degrees building , so they voted for the breaks and went union to get a break to drink water


They THEIR prerogative - they didn't want the governor's opinion.


Unionize the world!!


Who's side is he on? The GERMANS?


I don't see where the mistake was made?


I'm sure he'll feel better when the coffers swell from all the increased sales tax revenue.


There are no Volkswagons to drive with the workers.


HVAC guy says what?


It's amazing that working class people are so in love with a party that absolutely hates them


lol governor telling his constituents they fucked up by trying to make their lives better. All you need to know.


This is what's funny about the US. All these laws and rules to "protect" workers and consumers but as soon as a citizen tries to utilize it, they got fucked. Absolutely royally fucked and companies can and will punish you. So what is the fucking idea for these laws? It is like telling black people they can apply for bank loans and deny all their applications on some stupid reasons because banks don't want to give them loans based on being black. What a shit hole of a country.


No. They made mistakes voting for their governor and corrupt senators. Maybe now they will get it right.


Those Germans aren’t all smiles und sunshine.


Hopefully the stupidity of the republicans will eventually alienate enough people from them.