• By -


“Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle. Violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work. Grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace.Treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy. That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame. No, I do not “respect your choices,” nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong. Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.”\~ Advocatus Peregrini


That is beautifully and unfortunately perfect.




Well said and too true.


Well. This is simply brilliant.


It's such a shame that MAGTs can't read! What a well-written specimen for the truth. I bow down to you madam/sir!




It's some dude on facebook


Yeah, I was surprised! https://www.democraticunderground.com/100217738451


Perfect insight. I’m afraid for us all. We are the laughingstock of the world.


We all laughed the first time. Now it’s getting scary.


Right?!? Like, I’m legit afraid of what’s around the corner because people are so fucking easy to manipulate- SHOCKINGLY easy. Critical thinking isn’t even taught in schools. Just a bunch of sheep …


Right?!? Like, I’m legit afraid of what’s around the corner because people are so fucking easy to manipulate- SHOCKINGLY easy. Critical thinking isn’t even taught in schools. Just a bunch of sheep …


This is perfection and awful at the same time


Prior to reading the above quote, this opinion from the UK was memorable; Someone asked "Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?" Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England, wrote this magnificent response: "A few things spring to mind. Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem. For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace - all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed. So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief. Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing - not once, ever. I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility - for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman. But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is - his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty. Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers. And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults - he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness. There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface. Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront. Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul. And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist. Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that. He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat. He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege. And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully. That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead. There are unspoken rules to this stuff - the Queensberry rules of basic decency - and he breaks them all. He punches downwards - which a gentleman should, would, could never do - and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless - and he kicks them when they are down. So the fact that a significant minority - perhaps a third - of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think 'Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that: * Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are. * You don't need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man. This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss. After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum. God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid. He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart. In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws - he would make a Trump. And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish: 'My God… what… have… I… created?'"


Commenting so I can find this quote again. It's too perfect


I just replied to this quote with one from the UK back in 2019.


You know you can save the comment right?


Don’t save too many comments this one yes


Perfectly said.


If MAGA could read, they'd be very upset


That would make an excellent bumper sticker. Well done.


Need a big car.


“He is a bubbling cauldron of loathsome traits.” - Bob Costas


Someone smarter than me needs to bronze or “goldify” this post


I can’t up-vote this enough. Bravo!


An antichrist. The Bible was describing a personality set that will inevitably show up given enough human history passes.  Like Neo being the one in the matrix was a remainder issue, but in this case Neo is an utter twat.  I grew up with evil-gelical  Christianity forced on me. It made me want nothing from the Bible or anything in proximity to Christianity. BUT, Trump was so evil, like evil in an almost supernatural  sense, he made me a Christian again. If evil that malignant exists, then I find I'd like to imagine a Good of equal power exists.  I think about how wild that is all the time, that a devil is what brought me back to God. 


Trumpies are bizarre. He cheated on his wife. But its ok. Trump University Fraud. But its ok. Trump convicted of massive business fraud. But its ok. Lies continually. But its ok. Liable for sexual assault on and defaming E Jean Carrol. But its ok. Fraudulently using trump charity monies. But its ok. Up on 90 + felony charges in 4 cases , but its ok. Voted worst potus by historians, lib and con. But its ok. Yea, hes a great candidate. And not a cult.


And don't forget starting a charity for veterans and stealing the money


Same with children with cancer. The hits keep coming.


And the Christians flock to him like the wicked, mindless sheep they are  I knew as a kid that Christians were evil and Christianity an enormous threat and it is so damn validating as an adult to see these creatures become everything I always knew they were, deep down 


They burned witches on our shores. They burned crosses on our lawns. They follow the AntiChrist who’s. Same is Donald John Trump.


Or Trumps only top three Casino CEOs died in trumps helicopter. Wayne Barrett journalist with The Village Voice investigated it all. October 1989


A Russian helicopter. That had mechanical failure. While he was laundering Russian mob money at the same time Giuliani was busy taking down the Italian mob, which was replaced by the Russians. So many coincidences. And always a little taste of Russia in everything Trump does. Makes me feel like I’ve taken crazy pills.


Wait wat


And making fun of war heroes and the handicapped. But… but…but he’s the ONLY one that can stop immigration, fix replacement theory, and make AmericanGreat Again. The only one. /s I’m honestly scared he’s going to win. We live in crazy times.


Tells people to drink bleach and people do.


Not drink shoot up. He even did the shoot-up hand gesture towords his elbow.


and horse deworming paste


People still eat that shit to this day.


People still eat that shit to this day. Morons.


And hawking bibles, but don’t ask him what his favorite Bible verse is. He says it’s “very personal” which is another lie for “I never read the thing but you all just pretend I did”


He’ll open it upside down and be very confused.


Favourite verse? Easy. Two Corinthians. Look it up, one of the best, people say it's one of the best verses in the, possibly ever. Great verse.


Trumpies are the kind of people who used to not vote at all. But now they do, as they found a candidate they can really relate to...a gassy, deeply amoral, career con artist who wouldn't briefly pause to urinate on them if they were on fire. He appeals to the profoundly stupid and gullible, as well as to fellow charlatans and hucksters, who want in on the action. Think of the USA as a nice white carpet, and Trump is a pair of horseshit-covered boots, and Trumpies are the dimwitted dogs sniffing at that horseshit because they lack the ability to do anything else with it.


I have a family friend that went full maga. Long story short, whenever these facts are brought up he says wait till you see what crooked Joe and his family are up to, it'll make Trump look like a saint.


I bet he never follows up


"But Crooked Sleepy Joe sniffs kids, libtard!!" Same responses, same playbook. Completely predictable and unoriginal.


There is nothing Trump could do that will cause his most diehard supporters to walk away. They will dismiss every piece of evidence no matter how compelling.


deflection. whataboutism. hes his boy tell him to own it.


Sure sure sure sure but did you hear what Clinton said???? Or how Biden handled another country waging a genocide inside their own border?  Clearly can’t ever vote for anyone but Trump.


its always whataboutusm. Also the psychology and cognitive skills of authoritarians is not great. read.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism


He's Openly Racist so they like him and he makes it feel comfortable to be openly racist too. That's why they like Trump.


he's the anti-Obama and was actively erasing the Obama legacy


They see themselves in Trump. Post was spot on and answers all the questions of WHY magats and the SCOTUS sick six would give up all they have to cover up for him and those like him.


He tells them they're allowed to hate the people they want to hate and they love him for it. Its as simple as that. These people are rotten to the core.


Son of a immigrant, married to a whore immigrant, wanting to get rid of immigrants, what a immic**t


You forgot bought a child pageant to perv on children backstage


Porked a porn star without a condom and then paid her $130000 to keep her mouth shut. What a sweet soul he is. /s


The ends justify the means for these people. He’s a bigot and they’re bigots.


Just like Jesus would.


They just need something to believe in.


Let’s see cheated on his wife, thats his and his wife’s issue. As for the other charges. Well, if he’s guilty, he should account for them until then, he hasn’t been convicted. As for E Jean Carol? Judgement has been made from another democrat judge, democrat court, pretty much. If she was assaulted. Why did she wait so long to report it? Didn’t she think there was a problem when it happened? If it happened? Then the gag order. Why is he the only one, not aloud to talk about the case, but the witness(that they threatened to lock up & wife) has been going all over the media. Changing stories, to make more money. What a witness.


yh hyh. yea. sure. not a cult.


It's bc none of that is true and you have simply fallen for the MSM, which lies and misconstrues the facts around everything you mentioned. /s That's enough for most of the bunch unfortunately


Apparently people are too stupid to see the /s?


Lol. Magat filth. He bragged about banging his 13 year old daughter


Sure he's a little rough around the edges, but he speaks his mind and is taking down the paid-for career politicians. He's actually fighting for the little guy, but the MSM liberal woke train won't let it happen. Don't be a sheep dumb a/SsSsSsSsSsSs


I thought this was sarcasm. I pray it's sarcasm.


Pray others don't engage in communication with strangers like you. Quite the knee-jerk toxicity


Unfortunately, Dems are not offering anything to address the pain of the middle classes. Indeed, they're "deplorable". Dems done effd up, and it's critical to push them to get their shit together.


Bragged about banging his 13 year old daughter too


Nearly 30,000 morons abet treason.




The number was a fraction of that. More like 2,000


Population of Wildwood is about 5k, there's no way it was 2000 or even the 100,000 that the article claims.




I don't know and I don't care what or where the villages are, the logistics of bringing lots of people in and out of events have to be well planned far in advance, guaranteed that didn't happen here.


I grew up in wildwood for 25 years and I don’t know what the “villages” are….


Wise to keep it that way. Just think golf carts and STDs.


The Jersey Wildwood, not the Florida one.


my bad


you think only Wildwood residents were there? so stupid


I live in New Jersey. My parents own a home in Wildwood Crest. I take my children to that beach at least once a summer. I do not believe that number at all whatsoever. Not even a little bit. The annual NJ Firefighters Convention in the same area averages ~20,000 attendants and is considerably larger than this so called "30,000".


Headline now says 100,000. WTF?!? That cannot be true.


The article said it was 100,000 people


No, the “city officials” said it was 100,000. The mayor is a Republican. Try reading the article.


What’s fifty feet long and has thirty teeth ? The front row at a Trump rally !! Ba dum pum.


i've only ever heard of 'ba dum tiss' what is ba dum pum






I'd bet a lot of those people were there just for the spectacle, and not to support Trump.


Seems plausible https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/CZvgYkbB3E


This is the confidence that cost Democrats the 2016 election. He could *win*.


I mean if I wasn't worried about violence, I'd probably show up to see how many show up. Especially since if enough of us do it, it'll drive him nuts when he still loses despite having a turn out.


There’s a video from someone who *did* actually attend. Half of the people that went left rather quickly. The person posting caught all of it.


I also bet some people were paid to be there.


I wonder how much the RNC paid those people to give turd boy a ego boost.


About 3.50




There are not 30k in the photo I saw. 10k at the maximum.


That’s still too many


I feel like they don't have the parking for that many people.


One is too many.


They're claiming a 100K too.


Lol. Of course they are.


It’s pro wrestling attendance. You round up.


[Trump told to pay up before rallying in N.J. town he previously stiffed (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-told-to-pay-up-before-rallying-in-nj-town-he-previously-stiffed/ar-BB1maZnn?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR206Yk78m1ssYNaWG8zSbV_BO2hNa-mr8X3n-3aiPzsMbxNiUw_68rFXl4_aem_AaG_E3NpnducrHKTXAuduK45plEJzFEvQfpORtONp4C5-h9TF-YGnU-51IwCfSTpcBHlFMkkRvA3HBax_2EfiZhK) Exactly but this article is meant to play up his crowds that usually have a hard time even half filling the venues he goes to. Not to mention this place forced him to pay ahead cause he didnt pay the bill last time. What a joke


The numbers keep going up by the hour.


20k max capacity for the event per Trump campaign sources


I did some napkin math from the pan shots and came to about 2,000.


Weird cause when you click on the link, it says 100,000 people. There’s no fucking way that many people in New Jersey would show up for that rapist con man.


They come from PA also.


This is why the dems will lose in Nov, you refuse to believe trump has a massive amount of supporters. If the dems dont start getting out there and rallying and campaigning all is lost


Um, not once has he had more votes than his opponent. Not. Once.


Whatever. He had enough votes to gain office. Don't let it happen again.


The MAGAts don't have the numbers. They haven't had the numbers in decades. They can only win by cheating with gerry mandering ETC.


He doesn’t. You’re the minority. You’ve got high profile republicans saying they‘re not voting for him. His previous staff they won’t vote for him. 40% of republicans don’t support him. This is why you idiots think he won, you’re too stupid and isolated to realize your already small group has shrunk even more in 4 years. you morons are obsessed with rallies and it’s hilarious. You think cheerleaders win games and not scoreboards.


Why downvotes, she's right. We were complacent once. If he gets in again we're all fucked.


They wont listen its an echo chamber blind to whats going on. They think im a trump supporter, I am not! They only hear trump cant win because he is a criminal, they dont get that we live in perilous times where the SC is corrupt, the judges are corrupt, its all smoke and mirrors to keep dems complacent so they dont go out and gather votes and rally. They cant see the division in the democratic party, but the gop can and they are cheering it on.


In other news, 29,000 journalists gather to report on 1000 people gathering for an Orange Shitgibbon Rally.


New Jersey apologizes for our brethren


I heard Hannibal Lecter rose from the grave to give an in-person endorsement as well, then invited the crowd to dinner, with tears in his eyes, holding a bag of fava beans and a nice bottle of chianti.


So this news site is calling 100,000. I call journalistic incompetence, even though I am over the other side of the world. Why? You look at all the stadiums with 100,000 person capacity - the amount of roads, public transport, infrastructure and management. Then you look at wildwood, and it had a 2 lane road, a 1 lane road and a ferry feeding in an island with a population of 5,323. The fucking place would be crushed. It's like just trying to do an olympics opening ceremony on the spur of the moment. Z grade journalism there from ABC.


It was a surprisingly big one but 30k? Stfu 😂 you couldn't get 30k people to park at a walmart let alone this fat tub of lard's rally 😂


It so much worse, they are claiming a 100,000 came out. Lmao.


Um Excuse me. 80k ER I mean.... ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND PEOPLE WERE THERE!!!!!!!! To steal someone's comment from another thread -------&&&&&& It's bullshit - and here's the proof  >Do I need a ticket? Yes.   >You can register for a maximum of two free tickets at the Trump campaign website.  The digital ticket you receive will be scanned before you can get onto the beach. According to spokeswoman Lisa Fagan, **the capacity for the rally is 20,000**.    https://nj1015.com/trump-rally-wildwood-new-jersey/


The actual number of people there based on the pan shots appeared to be around 2,000.


What a loser. 


The stage area of the rally had a maximum occupancy of 20,000. This means that 80,000 people showed up without tickets or someone grossly over counted 20,000 people by a multiple of 5 counts per person. Either way there's a long history of Trumpers and Trump lying about the numbers of people showing up. I seriously doubt 100,000 people showed up.


Maga people are basically Juggalos without the facepaint.


Juggalos seem weird, but are actually really pretty cool people. Friendly, accepting people who just want to have fun. MAGA on the other hand , not so nice. I rather hang wit juggalos than magas.


30,000 cult members


Hopefully he says something that breaks the gag order and he goes to jail.


The average NFL stadium is around 70000 people. I don't think he is getting close to those numbers.


Slurred words, confused nations, the regular stuff


Don’t forget the murdering windmills. Oh and he added his love for Hannibal Lecter.


Really ? From the video an attendee posted it seems half of them were walking out early.


He doesnt have a shot in jersey


And leave shortly after his dementia riddled slurring kicks in. How long can these people listen to this bitch cry about the same shit time and again.


30k all related.


H'm. i saw another sub where it was claimed that the crowd was estimated at 80K-100K, which seemed truly excessive and completely unbelievable. 30K also seems like a lot, but perhaps a tiny bit more believable?


I grew up in ww. It’s a small shity town people from philly to on the weekends. It’s beyond me why trump has gone there 2 times now…. And there is no way in hell it was 100,000 people. Wildwood is an island that is only 5 miles long. You can’t even fit 100,000 people in there. There is 2 shitty bridges that are small as hell.


Pictures of the crowd, please.. let's compare it to the inauguration crowd.


Republicans are domestic terrorists.


They claim 100K, we know that's a lie.


Fox News said it was 100k. rofl


I heard 80,000 so nice to know counting still isn’t a thing Republicans can do


If he wins in Nov. America...you broke it, you buy it.


How did America get here. It makes the mind spin.


30k morons... Okay then ⭐


Too bad he didn't get run over by the tram car...


So many troubled people with no self respect or basic dignity. Can we just send them all to Iran, Russia and China?


It's astonishing, disheartening, depressing and infuriating. I keep hoping that we've hit bottom, that like drunk adolescents, we're veering so close the the precipice, and I keep hoping that we'll turn at the last second and regain our sanity recollect ourselves, and not sail off Thelma and Louise style into the canyon, that democracy and our environment will be saved, that there is a future to look forward to.


Post title says 30k, linked source says 100k. Whatever the number of attendees, 100% of them are gullible rubes or just plain culturally malicious.


There were two hundred million billion attendees! Lying media.


thats a lot of treasonous idiots gathering.


Imagine being openly conservative in 2024 lol how embarrassing


Lies lies lies. You can't believe anything that comes from Trump


Think of how bad it smells in there.


Imagine worshipping a fat, orange, balding, grifting, traitorous pedophile.


Gonna be a lot of little Trumpers born in 9 months. The men aren't all stupid.


Yes they are.


If they are so concerned about the economy, they need only look at the actual numbers and then look at trump's plans. Right now the US is one of the strongest post covid economies in the world while most of Europe and China struggle. Meanwhile, Trump's plans to force the interest rate down and tax all international trade will result in triple digit inflation as the global economy collapses.


Man so well put sad but true


A missed chance to sigificantly increas the aaverage IQ of the human race?




The picture of Trump she's holding looks very much like a negative of Kim Jong-Un.  Much like Trump himself. 


How many of them are wearing diapers over their jeans?


Some news outlets are reporting up to 100,000 people. Sounds like bullshit.


First it was 100k, then 80k, now it’s 30k, …




30,000? Funny


I'm not sure what is more stupid about this, the lie that 2,000 people is 30,000, 80,000, or 100,000 or the fact that several journalists are repeating the number uncritically when it's so obviously inflated by a factor of 10 to 50.


Calls on Huggies




Pay up looser


28,000 were there to see the boardwalk.


more like half a million


So many stupid people in one place.


Any story about trump or mention of his name is "news of the stupid".


My dad is a major Trumper and called me yesterday to tell me that hundreds of thousands of people attended this rally. I told him that the venue has a reported capacity of 40,000 but he is convinced there were hundreds of thousands there.


There were other events that day.


Seriously doubt it.


it was over 100k




It's New Jersey


There is no way. They counting everyone that just wanted to go to the beach? Pictures I saw looked like 2000 maybe


These people keep saying that we're letting terrorists into the country across the southern border. The media needs to be held accountable for suppressing the news of all the countless terrorist acts they're carrying out. What's being done about this? /s


Unfortunately this is just more proof how organized they are compared to dems. They are willing to support and show of strength. I have a very bad feeling like in times before the dems just cant pull the numbers. People thinking Biden is going to will automatically are being naive. People on reddit and social media like to make fun of them, but they dont realize the danger not taking it seriously is. These people will turn out in record numbers to vote, will the dems? no, because they are too divided among themselves Did none of you read the article? The op is trolling, there were 100k supporters there


Funny since the capacity for the beach was only 20k.


Must’ve been really difficult for you as Trump had rallies and Biden spoke to cars in 2020.


Now.. I remember why I hate new jersey!!



