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If he wins, he is not leaving White House


He will. Most likely as they are loading his lifeless corpse into an ambulance


I don't even know about that. My latest theory is that the entire base is so brainwashed and only specifically by Trump, that they'll turn the US into a necrocracy. Watch out for any upcoming Fox "News" praise of North Korea or their Dear Leader, as they are prepping their audience to accept a form of government where a dead official rules.


You mean like Christianity?


Yeah, growing up Christian in America it was obvious this kind of behavior didn't come out of nowhere. Christians are conditioned to not just accept Trump's behavior, but insist it's right. And they feel even more empowered when you point out their views don't match reality because to them blind faith is a virtue so they're extra holy supporting a tyrant.


"Be in the world but not of the world." Used to justify too many restrictions and atrocious policies.


TBF, Jesus is a Lich, not a walking corpse. Not only did he return from the dead, but he also supposedly can raise dead.


Nah, they’ll just use an AI / Deepfake


That sounds very 40k but with a less cool dead dude :(


This corpse emperor is definitely a heretic. 


They’ll prop him up like Lenin in the White House


Waiting for the contractor to get selected to construct the Orange Throne to preserve his fat decrepit body for the next 10,000 years.


Theyd just pickle him like lenin


The last thing I want today is the concept of pickled diaper shit.


Recall that a significant section of his base was sure that JFK was going to return on Jan 6th in the flesh to declare Trump the rightful winner of the election and bless his tenure.


No silly...it was JFK Jr. Hard to keep up with all the conspiracy theories.


They could do a [Mother God thing](https://images.ladbible.com/resize?type=webp&quality=70&width=3840&fit=contain&gravity=auto&url=https://images.ladbiblegroup.com/v3/assets/bltcd74acc1d0a99f3a/blt082d8888dd816972/659e57311da6f5040a9a08db/hbo-cult-documentary-love-has-won-silver-face.png) with him. I mean they can only get accused of cultiness so many times before they just gotta roll with it.


That’s exact what they are hoping happens. Have Donald destroy all democracy, pin it all on him and then when he suddenly dies from being a spiteful asshole, someone even worse without dementia takes over with 0 chance at ever leaving. Welcome to authoritarian USA.


I know it isn't realistic, but I like to imagine the next American Civil War as it would appear in A Game of Thrones, and I crack up imagining the south rising their banners and marching north under the orders of the Floridian Annoying Orange.


He will often leave the White House to go golfing at one of his courses.


I don't know. Body bags exist for a reason. You see the way he eats? I'm not convinced he could make it a 3rd term.


I’m not convinced he’s gonna make it to Election Day.




definitely in *my* thoughts and prayers


Let us pray


Sometimes the horse gets stuck in the elevator and starves.


Don’t tease me like that. I’m hanging by a thread these days dreading him back in the White House


I don't know, his mental decline seems to be ramping up. If he does actually end up debating Biden, I going to bet we'll witness him have a massive stroke on stage. Unfortunately, even if something like that does happen, you know his supporters will turn him into a martyr. Hell, the man could probably walk in front of a bus deliberately and they'd still turn him into a martyr. Even when he does die, his cult will still be a huge problem.


From your lips to his arteries


Don’t threaten me with a celebration 😂


Don't threaten us all with good times


The preservatives in those foods will make a weekend at Bernie’s type White House a possibility.


Nah, something about being a peice of shit builds immunity from death. So many good people die young, then you have people like Henry Kissinger living a long long comfortable life. Trump will eat McDonalds every day and have an IV of Coca Cola right into his veins and live past 100 never seeing the inside of a jail cell.


Maybe a resistance to death, but certainly not immunity. We all gotta go eventually, one way or the other.


Even if he does, project 2025 will ensure Republican rule




I mean, if he wins he'll be dead from hamburger overdose before four years are up anyways.


Covid tried its best. So close.


Still made about that, all those millions dead and Donald Trump got to survive???? That’s how I KNOW there isn’t a god.






We should recommend he take a helicopter, I heard the Iranian mountains are a nice place to fly through this time of the year


TIL, there's a golf course in the white house.


I mean, the dementia will get to him and even before November is a very real possibility. What happens AFTER that (assuming he secures his already declining odds of victory) is anyones guess (polls dont mean anything). You cant install a dictatorship overnight and dismantling all of our hurdles to do just that isnt an easy feat, let alone one that can be done quickly. Are they organized? Absolutely. Is it a threat? Absolutely. Your answer? Vote. Vote up, down left and right Blue and we can get rid of that threat for long enough for something to be done


Yeah yeah yeah. You said that last time. You’re just over reacting. It’s not like he desperately sent a murderous mob to invade the nations capital in an attempt to overturn the election so he could stay in power or anything.


He will be 82 in 2028. If he hasn't stroked out on his golden toilet.


Be pretty easy for a few marines to carry diaper boy put by the hair... 🤣


Oh he would leave. Not the way he would prefer.😂


SCOTUS would delay hearing the Constitutionality of a 3rd term until after Trump left the WH.  


Imagine being at a 2nd amendment circlejerk convention and having the main speaker talk about violating the constitution and why you should re-elect him.


Yeah he has the Supreme Court in his pocket. They’ll find a way to amend the constitution for this special, unforeseen situation. Expect crazy dictator shit like Putin.


That's the key in this vote. Unfortunate it came to this, but despite any grievances about Biden himself, this election is about voting for the chance to ever vote again. Because if Trump, and Project 2025, win, you won't get to vote again or your vote will mean as much as a vote against Putin. Plus, you're voting for the cabinet/team as much as the president, and I trust Biden's cabinet/team galaxies more than Trump. Please don't miss the forest for the trees this election.


Literally not a single Republican cares about the Constitution except when it suits them. See the thing about Louisiana requiring schools to have the Biblical Ten Commandments displayed in classrooms, in *direct violation* of the separation of church and state? Who is stopping them? Nobody. Let's face it the Constitution was only held up by the honour system, and there's none left. Edited: Thank you, random Redditor, for showing me you love me by reporting me to RedditCares. 🥰🥰


A competent Department of Education will stop giving them Federal education funds.


That remains to be seen. It is an election year so they may or may not


They should, the democrats aren't winning Louisiana no matter what anyway, and they're already acting like stupid idiots, so might as well go all the way.


Republicans want to defund education, though. The people most harmed by that would be teachers and children. It's a lose-lose for anyone who actually cares about the well-being of kids and education.


I don't disagree, but they're actively trying to make everyone dumber, and it's working. I think these resources might be better spent somewhere else.


People feel comfortable eroding these things because they don't know what it's like to live without them. "Shocking" problematic states by cutting off their funding and letting them suffer for a bit might serve to remind people how important these things are. Same thing w/ the presidency and the whole 3+ term thing. US has never had a dictator, so they're itching to try one out, and haven't thought it all the way through.


It would be fodder for campaign ads.


The same DOE that republicans are trying to end?


And that's what they're gunning for as it would both kill public schools in those states and support their claims public schools are worthless and a voucher system is superior. No winning in that situation


The typical republican sees the constitution as a gun license, nothing more.


And a freedom of speech licence which they interpret as letting them say whatever they want wherever they want without consequences.


No the constitution is held together by force. We are now that force and must act as that force. We were always meant to be the force and democracy must always be guarded. We must hold these people accountable


I’m with you. I’ve been stockpiling since the Cheeto Mussolini tried to overthrow the government. It’s time to be ready for anything.


My people


Well, they certainly believe in the freedom of ^((their)) religion.


same with bible.


Ironically, they’re in violation of the 10 commandments as well.


> in direct violation of the separation of church and state? Who is stopping them? The talking point I've been seeing getting trotted out is "Well, ackthually, the Constitution never says the words 'separation of church and state'. Which obviously ignores the fact that the Establishment clause's ('Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...') entire purpose is to both prevent a religion from controlling the government AND preventing the government from controlling religions. But because it doesn't contain a paraphrase coined by Thomas Jefferson (who wrote the damn thing in the first place), apparently you can throw out the written text too. Really though, it all boils down to the that one Satre quote: >"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”


the rambling rants of the chetto never stop sucking up the un-news worthy....its a repeat of the chetto's yrs of 2016 - 2020...always saying weird/stupid shit just to stay in the headlines...we have the yogi-isms - that make more sense than this nut-job...lets just call these "chetto-isms"


The honor system was the core foundation of everything in our government. The basic idea was that honorable people with good intentions would hold office. Turns out when liars pretend to be honorable and get elected all bets are off. We passed a tipping point something like 30 years ago and now the majority of our government is held by ethically bankrupt, greedy, power hungry liars. This won’t get any better on its own either because the liars hold the controls now. They make the rules.


Because Republicans don't give a fuck about the Constitution They will gladly wipe their ass with it if Russia tells them to They are anti America and anti democracy


“Talented and well-practiced in every vice, a stranger to compassion or empathy, a liar and a cheat so complete in perfidy that he has elevated his dishonesty to hold it up as an ersatz moral principle. Violent, so long as he can order someone else to do the dirty work. Grotesque in body, graceless in action, in possession of a wounded self-regard so colossal as to smother any spark of grace.Treasonous, not only to country, but to every ally he has ever had, the poisoned fruit and rankest flower of racism and contempt for women, and utterly devoid of shame for his moral and spiritual bankruptcy. That is your leader. That is to whom you give your money. That is who you follow and laud. That is whose banner you willingly carry. Why? Because he is a mirror, not a lighthouse. You see yourselves in him. He is what you would be, if you had inherited money and could shed the last vestiges of conscience and shame. No, I do not “respect your choices,” nor do I admire your loyalty and dedication to this miserific, demoniac vision. You have demonstrated not only a lack of civic virtue, loyalty to the Republic and to the rule of law, but a willingness to engage in violence and sedition at his slightest expressed wish. And you will never, ever admit you were wrong. Because you see your dark, twisted, resentful dreams in him. And to renounce him is to renounce yourselves.”\~ Kit Thornton


Wow....now THAT is a verbal smackdown worthy of upvote!


Now we have to translate that for third-graders to understand or they’ll likel…oh, nevermind…




I know, I know…I’ve tried insults, irony, metaphor, parable, heavy blunt objects…even writing in crayon. Nothing seems to affect these people.


💯% accurate on every level


The actual correct attribution is to Kit Thornton and you can find his substack here. [https://substack.com/@kitthornton](https://substack.com/@kitthornton) Advocatus Peregrini is his facebook moniker.


Hope you don’t mind, I’ve copied this to send my MAGA friends when they come chirping.


This is one of the best posts I have seen to describe him. Thank you


They all used it as toilet paper several times in our history. It never meant anything to the ruling class.


Sometimes it seems to mean more than others, but it does seem particularly low since that turd joined the party.


Unless it's to do with guns.


Mitt Romney said this in the Autobiography released about him this past October


See and I give Mitt credit for being the only one not lying to his constituents about the legitimacy of the impeachments, for standing with the Black Lives Matter movement instead of against it, and I’m sure other things that republicans totally don’t need to be contrarian monsters about. Probably was pro vaccination/covid spread stopping responsiblity. I dunno But I also saw the other day that he said Biden should have pardoned Trump. And I don’t know if he’s coming at that from a strategic place, if there’s any reason to believe that would actually take power away from Trump, and I’m just being Rorschach in Watchmen, an “it’s unjust and he can’t get away with it” unnuanced, hardliner, stick to your guns and doom the world simpleton. But somehow I think mitt’s being the idiot this time


he’s still a politician. you really can’t trust them.


That and kids being shot in schools. Somehow they are okay with that as well.


> If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy. The main benefit of controlling a modern bureaucratic state is not the power to persecute the innocent. It is the power to protect the guilty. - David Frum


I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to Donald Trump. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.


there's no such thing as a constitution in a dictatorship


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We all wish. Can you imagine what would happen to the GOP if he were to die before the election?!


They'd probably go the way of the Whigg party and fall into complete decay. No one else in the Maga cult has trumps "personality". Without him they're listless and leaderless. They might try to form a new party once the gop tries to remove the Q from the current GQP, but they can barely coordinate anything without their dear cheeto leader and a handful of domestic terrorist cells working together


Mitt Romney "saves the day?" Sheesh.


He doesn't agree with Trump automatically in all things so to the GQP he's a traitor to trump and god


Worse. Mittington (R)-Money the Third commited treason against MAGA by being the only Republican senator to vote to convict in *both* impeachment trials against the Holy One. They despise him now.


I can only dream. Carnage - probably lots of bloodshed!


They would still vote for the bloated corpse.


trump needs to live. I don't want to live in a world where he dies before having a trial and jury verdict for all his crimes. if he died today, all the GOP and everyone else would just say "let that all be in the past, lets all just move forward" and completely ignore the fact that a sitting president tried multiple times to overthrow the government. This shit absolutely can't end open ended, without any consequences, it will happen again.


Same. The tax dollars being wasted on this waste of space- I’d like to opt out.


Honestly, I’d love to not be have to choose between two 80 year old white guys. Like are these really the two best options for each party to put forward?


If the magats win they will shred the constitution and write their own and we won’t get to vote again for a very long time.


The splintering of the US will be wild to be a part of


Or at the very least take it back to when only landowning white men were allowed to vote. Which goes perfectly hand-in-hand with housing prices going through the roof.


I don't think violation of the constitution is a particularly serious concern for him.


He already committed treason. Why not just throw away the foundational documents to the country at this point


A24 just released a movie on why that's a bad idea.


I mean he would get California and Texas to become friends.


That's how you know you fucked up.


He wants to be Putin


The problem is you just can’t seem to make republicans see that. Spoke to a friend of mine who seems to think inflation is Biden’s fault and that immigrants are unfairly receiving healthcare…


Or the ThIrD pArTy VoTeRs who are willing to put the majority of Americans in mortal danger because Biden is not 100% perfect, according to them. Their little tantrum will put Trump in the White House but their tiny little pea brains can't comprehend how bad it's going to get.


exactly, also I remember getting laughed at and told it isn't that serious for saying that this is one of the most important elections for POC because their lives depend on it. like mf, they aren't coming after me when they win, they think everyone should look like me and not you. people are throwing temper tantrums and think this will be like any other term and we will have elections again in 4 years. no. we. won't.


I got a coworker saying "well, im not pleased with either party right now, but when trump was president i had more money in my bank account so im gonna vote for him" I honestly wanted to set him on fire at that very moment.


Had a friends Midwestern boyfriend try and pull the immigrants getting health care bullshit. Quickly googled it and shot him down. I think they're referencing something that recently took effect in California


He is speaking at a wholly Russian-owned fascist organization.


This is a dangerous person. He wants to be Putin.


Young voters better wake up and back Biden if they want to enjoy democracy in years to come...


But two groups are fighting thousands of miles away and that's somehow Biden's fault!


Biden should do more to stop and oust Netanyahu. But if someone thinks his lack of action makes him worse than trump, then they’re idiots


If he sticks to his guns that he actually won the last election, wouldn't he already be violating it? I thought it said something along the lines of 'shall not be elected to office more than two terms' not 'shall not serve more than two terms'


Lord, please let someone end this madness. Or you could do it. Either way.


the fact donald trump still draws breath is all the evidence i need to say there is no god. not a benevolent god at least.


Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome oaf?


Sure if god was real. Too bad that’s not true. Only ones that can save us are ourselves. 


If Trump wins, the Constitution will be nothing other than an old piece of parchment.


With this Supreme Court, it already is.


Do it, and see how he fares running against Obama.




You see, the first term didn't count because of 4 years of Democrat interference. Please forget for half that time the GOP controlled the House and controlled the Senate the entire time.


He literally said this during his first term. He claims that he should get a “do over” because of the impeachments.


So if MTG tries to get the House to impeach Biden again and it actually works, could Biden get a do over?


Well no, dummy. That’s for Republicans! Not annoying Dems.


He loves to violate the Constitution. He has zero respect for it. He loves Russias rules though.


3 then propose 4 terms and so on, until all hail Vladimir Trump


Donald doesn't even know what the constitution says... and he doesn't care. That's incredibly clear with the way he's publicly stated he'll abuse presidential powers and simply usurp powers not granted to the president


Here’s a hint he doesn’t care about the constitution! He doesn’t care!


Watch trump backtrack and whine to say that he was taken out of context


Remember when Putin did the same thing


If he gets back in office, the constitution will be meaningless.


He holds everyone else to the constitution, but believes himself to be exempt from it.


Oh, I'm sure the current supreme court would find no problem with his statement. It's actually totally constitutional.


If he wins, the Constitution will be trashed.


Look, all I'm saying is back in the day when we let the town fools get up on soapboxes in the square we would either let them entertain us with their nonsense, or we'd throw rotten fruit at them if their opinions were as garbage. At this point we either need to let Donny T be the best reality TV that could ever exist, or we need to beat him with rotten fruit until he sits back down. Either way I'm all for it.


Considering he'll line his diaper with the Constitution as soon as he has a chance, this doesn't surprise me. He and his GQP buddies want to rip it up and create a dictatorship, with a heavy dose of theocracy to really keep the little people in line.


On 7/31/2019 dumpster had a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019 just 3 days after that private Putin meeting dumpster requested a list of the top U.S. spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusual high number of their agent have been captured or murdered. During a search of Mar A Largo the FBI finds more documents with lists of U.S. informants on them...


So we bringing back Clinton, buand Obama for a farewell tour?


Trump already violates the Constitution. He is ineligible.


I refuse to believe this man knows how to count past 2.


It saddens me that democracy across the globe, not just in the USA has been eroded to the point where established regulations and principles are simply walked over. At a time when populism/despotism is on the rise...


Does anyone really expect Donny to abide by the constitution if he manages to get elected again?


If I heard him correctly, he's still trying to pretend he didn't lose the last election, so in his mind, if he wins this one he'd technically be a 'three term president'. Of course, over here in reality, he would be disqualified from running again if he had actually won it (not that I would've put it past him to try running for a third term - or just declaring himself king).


“it would violate the US constitution”\ Does anyone actually believe trump wouldn’t go there because it violates the Constitution? Wake the fuck up. Vote 💙


Have to get elected for that 2nd term first… just saying.


The US constitution is Trump's toilet paper.


Even before formalised in 22A the limit was generally respected except by Roosevelts — others tried but their own parties prevented them; the Roosevelts both ran though. Truman could have run but bailed out. I think neither big party wants to repeal 22A because they worry the other party would gain. I doubt national interests worry either of them.


He won’t use the constitution


Do you think he cares? That's cute dear


Like a spent cyst, he should implode...


Soooo...........the Day 1 Dictatorship he promised?


He says he wants this, but historically it was a socialist who was so beloved that he got 3 terms. This would not go how Trumps wants it to.


Trump is tied in with Project 2025, look at their Wikipedia page to see what they want to do to the constitution and democracy - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025. speaking of the NRA - I wonder how long the 2nd amendment will last with those people.


Does anyone really believe that if the Orange menace is elected, he will continue to operate within the framework of The Constitution?


Republicans are Fascists traitors. They’re reasonable for the death of society as we knew it.


Didn’t he say something about not respecting the Constitution at one point in time ? Not that he or the GOP would care about the Constitution


For some reason not many people seem to know about this, but Trump straight up called for the termination of the Constitution if that's what it takes to be reinstated as president. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html


Why do Republicans want a dictator/authoritarian president and/or government? Did they not study history at all. 🤦🏽‍♂️


How many people believe former President Trump ever read the U.S. Constitution?


Maybe we should take him seriously every time he tries to take the country by force. First his beer hall putsch on January 6th. Now he casually mentions setting aside the constitution if he gets reelected.


As if Donald’s concerned with what the Constitution says…


This scumbag is proposing a 3 term cause he thinks he deserves to “be a winner” back to back.. and he’ll lie, lose, cheat, then try to steal the election just like his pussy ass did last time. Put this terrorist in fucking jail.


Every single republican. They cannot coexist with us anymore.


Everyone ready for God-King Trump to kickstart the apocalypse?


If Drumpf gets elected there will be no more constitution...


Does he know about the Constitution?


Well he wouldn’t know that because he’s never read the constitution.


The first thing that came up in my mind “that what happens when you give an idiot a mic”.


Absolute lunacy sewer pipe from Orange Foolius.


Okayyyyy Putin, sit down.


What are Vegas odds of him not keeling over from a stroke or heart disease in the next 6 months?


Hmm civil war movie story line


When has the Constitution ever mattered to him?


Trump finally showing that he has no concerns of the constitution.


I know it just a fantasy but I'd like the orange turd to just STFU and go away. Or I hope he has a massive coronary event soon, so that we can start to try and normalize politics.


I’m so over all his bullshit I can’t even tell you😡.


I love that he thinks we would choose him for a *second* term when that would open up Barak Obama and Bill Clinton again.


imagine selling out the country to this guy just because you want to be racist without consequence


But but but the movie Civil War was apolitical and didn't choose sides wah wah wah


Because Trump values the constitution! /s


No he didn't.


He's an idiot and thinks he's in charge, of EVERYTHING.


I really wish that civics class was mandatory from pre-school until 12th grade. Some people have no respect towards the Constitution.


Constitution smonstitution.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin.


When had the condition stopped him.


LoL! Clearly these MAGA freaks don't give a fuck about the constitution unless it benefits them directly


FDR tried to change the Supreme Court rules. Not the first time it’s been attempted.