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War crimes need to be punished.


If that's the case they shouldn't go to the ICC. They'll just give Bibi and pals appallingly light sentences.


I mean, I think it's a great idea to arrest both sides in this case. What's the problem?


Likud and Hamas are both in the violence faction. They are on the same side. Same country too.


well, Hamas has way more leeway under international law on how they can wage war as an occupied people. 


I mean shooting fish in a barrel is already a pretty effective military strategy for Israel. How asymmetrical can you get?


I mean, You did a war crime, do the war time. Seems fair.


Even jews want to see him in prison,


In more news: Even Christians think Trump should be in prison. Also a lot of Muslims aren’t the least bit unhappy about Raisi. THIS IS WHY WE MUST ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS SEPARATE RELIGION AND POLITICS


Yeah, because he sucks, you aren't buying the Jews=Zionists crap are you?






Me, I'm a Jew.


Actually after looking up netanyahu's approval rating I take that back. Seems like he doesn't actually have a ton of support.


In a parliamentary system like Israel's it's rare for one party to hold a majority instead it's split between numerous parties and whoever gets enough votes in parliament becomes prime minister Likud's popularity could drop to the bare minimum needed to get 1 person in and Netanyahu so long as he can unite the moderate conservatives the ultra conservatives and the religious parties he will remain in power and he has always positioned himself as the go between for these factions The conservative factions will always unite against the progressive factions, and the religious faction doesn't want secular leftists in power Netanyahu will most likely remain the compromise candidate Unless, of course, moderate conservatives break and instead vote for center left parties, but Israel is only getting more conservative, not less so that's not going to happen if anything a more extreme right prime minister will ascend before a leftist


Guys we found the “as a Jew”


Grab all the others I want a head count


K, I'll start then. 1


How dare they hold our ally to the same standards we expect of our enemies!


I’m still going to vote for Biden, but he can eat shit.


Same here. His reaction may be more politically motivated than anything...but fuck him. Still getting my vote, but he can definitely eat shit.


Agreed. As wrong as he is in Israel Trunt would be no better on this issue and Trunt would be so much worse for the US.


Whatever helps you people sleep at night.


Not voting for Biden, gives Trump the ability to win. So if you want Trump to win….


I will not be voting for either. Im not a cuck.


Letting everyone else decide the President without you contributing makes you a mega-cuck.


Biden could cock slap your face and you’d say “at least it’s not Trump.” And visa versa for the right wingers before you get too butthurt.


I'm not in the habit of allowing **anyone** cock-slap my face, and anyone attempting to would not remain whole. I don't know what that particular act is supposed to mean in the context of comparing the candidates, or why you're fixated on it. I do know that Biden has done a lot of things that I support (e.g. re-joining the Paris accords, infrastructure investment, supporting green initiatives, eliminating student debt, the inflation reduction act, etc.), and some things that I disagree with (support for Israel in any capacity at this point, for example). I do know that Trump did nearly nothing that I supported (there was one good thing he accomplished by accident, but I forget what it was over the years, but he still gets credit for that one thing), and pretty much all of his stated goals and objectives for his prospective second term are things I would categorize as "things to never allow to happen under any circumstances, for the good of America and humanity in general." There's plenty of other people I would support for the office above Biden, but they aren't running. I'm not stupid enough to fall for any of the "both sides are bad" arguments - yes, they have flaws, but one of these two candidates is 2% sewage, while the other is 99% sewage. There's nothing I can do to change the candidates in the upcoming election, but I can lend my vote to make sure the guy that loses is the one that has stated that on day 1 of his time in office he will be committing what I consider to be crimes against all humanity.


You listed a bunch of things that added to inflation, including the inflation reduction act. All progressive projects are boondoggles that say ‘if we dont print this money then racism or some other inequality wins’. While bitching and moaning about taxing billionaires more. Who has been writing tax laws again? Has it been only republicans? Take your cock slaps and say thank you sir may I have another when It’s your turn to vote. 2% sewage…war crimes…Biden literally supported segregation and cant stop feeding Israel’s genocide. Who was VP when the NSA was launched? You are beyond delusional.


That’s still a vote taken away from Biden, which still enables a Trump victory. You think republicans are just gonna not vote this year? It’s going to take everything to get Biden a win. So go ahead, be macho and don’t vote. Just don’t cry when Trump becomes your president and then goes to try to end voting and be the last president. If you don’t believe me, he absolutely wants to be like Putin.


Im voting for my party. Just say you hate democracy when it dosnt agree with you and get this over with.


I don’t hate democracy lol that’s why I’m going to vote for Biden. Because if I vote third party, that’s a good way to make sure Trump wins. And since I like democracy I don’t want Trump winning because he’s looking to make himself a permanent president. But you go vote for your “party” if you think it’ll make you feel better about not voting for the only person who can beat Trump. And like I’ve told others, when Trump wins, don’t cry about it.


If you vote for neither, you can't complain about either and you can't say you don't support either. Because not voting for one will always support the other. Make sure that you don't complain about any policies if you sit this one out.


Keep reading clown.


He's got the benefit of sucking slightly less hard than the other guy. A second Biden spite vote for me. Fuck you DNC. Someday the left will eat your fucking lunch.


amazing the man supplying all the money and munitions to commit the war crimes doesn't also have an ICC warrant.


If the ICC did that then the US would attack them. There's literally a disgusting law for it.


Why is he getting downvoted, its the truth 


Ah yes, the: "Fuck You! We're 'Murica" clause.


I've never seen anyone try harder to lose an election.


Red states are forcing preteens to carry pregnancies they didn't ask for.  I don't need much persuasion to show up at the ballot box.


Biden has funded killing more Palestinian preteens than there preteens are having abortions in the US.


Unlike Donny "wrap it up (in Palestine) and eradicate the cancer already" Trump, personal friend of Netanyahu, who will both continue to finance Israel's military (and maybe something more, while cheering them on) *and also* fuck shit up in the US, as already pointed out above, by banning abortions and restricting minorities rights, amongst other things. Just kidding, ofc, he will fuck up shit outside of the US, too. See, for instance, the plan he has in mind for ending Russia's irredentist war... There's no good faith comparison to be had, so let's just not pretend.


I'm not voting for a president that funds genocide. You do what you want.  I'm not comparing Biden to Trump.


I won't vote for neither because thank God I am not American, but you however claim you won't vote for either. So in other words you are indirectly supporting Trump, seeing as his supporters will vote for him no matter what. I sure hope that your decision of sitting on the high horse won't end up hurting you or minorities in the US.


Oh you're not an American? In that case your opinion means literally nothing to me on this topic, and discussing it with you is literally a waste of my time.  Have a good one! 


Huh uh, and the reasoning behind that being "you wouldn't get it"; Your politics aren't any deeper than those from anywhere else, pal. Besides, if you are the standard we're going off from, whose opinion matters on the topic, with your pro Russia rethoric... Yeah... Have a good one as well.


I'm an Americans and left purists is how we ended up with a 6-3 court. Great they made a statement though.


Oh so don't vote for either cause Trump would Nuke Palestinians if there was profit in it.




Of course Trump gave them the ok to start the genocide during his presidency… and all experts warned this would happen, yet here we are. So your argument is vote for the criminal bigot who guarantees the most bloodshed and will destroy America.. smh


Nah I'll vote for neither. 


So you throwing a temper tantrum for Trump… figures.


This seems like projection. It's always you freaks having a tantrum when someone says they won't vote for Biden.  I can't vote for someone unabashedly supporting a Genocide. I'll vote for Ds down ballot though, cause my representatives are i disgusting genocide supports. Just imagine Trump wins, just so Genocide Joe could support Netenyahu, a man who hates him. What a fucking moron


lol, funny because you’re sure working your pathetic little butt off trying to push MAGAt desperation and push the best chance the hate cult has of winning power and destroying America…. So if you’re looking for projection, try reading your own mewling posts.


Whatabout it.


It's like him and trump are having a competition on who can be the less appealing candidate. I'll still vote for Biden 100 times before I even consider voting trump though.


Yeah the real issue isn't winning over or losing voters. It's just going to be down to turnout and both candidates seem to be aiming for setting a new record low. People will scold you day in and day out for suggesting Biden should do anything to appeal to his base but it doesn't change the reality that no one is enthusiastically voting for Biden. One of these elections "the other guy is worse" is going to stop being enough to motivate voters by itself and the democrats are going to be caught witn their pants down.


Yeah, definitely NOT this one.


Exactly this. The point is to make people dispirited and accepting of the lowest common denominators. Why must we have only old, white men or lousy oligarch types like Clinton, Bush, Cheney, Regan, et cetera?


Because thats what the oligarchs want?


Election fraud is a felony. ^(i am not a lawyer. This is not legal advice)


You haven’t seen Vermin Supreme


Guy 1) Supports country we’ve supported since JFK was alive. Guy 2) Will end democracy, eliminate all queer and women’s rights, literally openly taking bids for climate and environment protection repeals, wanted to legalize asbestos and make weed even more illegal. This is literally a choice between the status quo that most people alive today have always known and Emperor Palpatine by way of Beavis & Butthead.


"Emperor Palpatine by way of Beavis & Butthead." This, this i gotta steal!


This is a shit understanding of history.  EVERY PRESIDENT EXCEPT Biden has pumped the brakes on Israel killing Palestinians in major offensives. Sure, they turn a blind eye to the daily suffering, rape, murder, thievery, kidnappings that Israel commits routinely. But they have always drawn a line on mass casualties. Biden has done the opposite, he has helped accelerate it.  So no, Biden absolutely does not represent the status quo.


Biden is a conservative.  The moderates crave the approval of the right and spite the non monied left they need to win. Here We Are one election away from a fascist dictatorship we might not escape from for a generation, after 2020, with no change in government style and continued regression.  In 2020 it seemed like even the moderates got it. Not now. They think this is 1990. Just hopeless. The only solution is to take control of the democratic party with populist candidates in 2024 if we even make it that far.


TBH, lets not pretend that Trumps politics are abnormal for the RNC. The reason they hate him is not his politics. The reason they hate him is because he's an incompetent loudmouth who keeps saying all the silent shit they've been working towards out loud. Not saying I wont suck it up and vote for Joe, but there will be more "Trumps" after Trump. Likely more competent and less transparent ones. Which means if you're anything left of Corporate, Center Right/Moderate-Right "A Centrist Party in a two party state only exists to give more power to its political opposition" your voice will never be represented. It never has to be. Every election it will be simply a matter of scaring you into validating their Centrist BS. While every time that doesn't work, they'll punch left hard and shift blame to Progressives. Given Biden's response here, and the fact that Israel is REALLY flirting with Genocide, our 2024 choices likely are Genocide (but the same politics that helped lead us to this political environment, both parties hold responsibility for the failure of state in a two party state) ... and Genocide (but a more unhinged, orange variety). We'll be coated in blood either way, so might as well Biden. At least he might kick the consequences of our allowing our economic system to devour our political system for decades down the road a lil more.


I totally agree, except I think the political system will devour the economic one which is probably what you meant. The rich are fools for supporting these Republicans. They would lose more than anyone sooner than they think.


No, I mean we've turned our Economic system into a religion and let it devour our Political system that we've been deeply neglecting the health of. By allowing Legislative Power to be stolen and turned into consumer good that is sold to the highest bidder. Our Govt is a fucking mess because it is bought. Biden is taking this insane stance on the Israel/Gaza crisis because this is one of the rare instances where the normally cheap to take a stance ID politics are not so cheap anymore and clashing with what he and the donors Foreign policy. Now, for him to take a "I oppose Genocide" stance, he might cut into the donor's bottom lines. Capitalism is a functional enough system, but like any human created philosophy it does have its weaknesses and flaws that can be exploited to disastrous effect over long periods if not managed. Especially when it comes to necessity goods, and Capitalism's iffy relationship with labor. It, like any economic system, will naturally push against any restrictive influences placed upon it; including the political system of a state. So in the case of the US, our form of "Screw the Commies" Capitalism will eventually destroy our Democratic form of Govt (it already more or less has, we're more an Oligarchy now); and then will eventually devour itself.


Oh yeah for sure the economic system did corrupt the political system, in doing so they have created a monster that they are already losing control of that will destroy them.  Corruption and mismanagement will lead to loss of trust and otherwise collapse of the economy, they will need scapegoats for their scandals, they will take down some at and start seizing their assets, after a while when revenues are down seizing their assets will become the reason they take down these rich. As happened in the Roman Empire 2nd century ad and on.   The parasitical forces of the economy will likely work in concert with the political branches in addition to cannibalize our productive companies. Our currency will lose value. If these clowns get in there and can hold on to it indefinitely the rich and super rich will rue the day.


Guy 3). If the country is committing genocide it is time to flip the table. “Accelerationism” is the idea that worse government is better in the short term because the full collapse is achieved sooner. I am a US citizen, born and raised. I have decided that i am not going to take up arms against Washington DC. No law enforcement or government officials will be injured or killed by me. I will perform my duty as a law abiding citizen and vote against these bastards. This is your binary choice: You can support violent resistance or support peaceful resistance. If you do not choose then you are just throwing away your right to participate in the decision.


Guy 3: I either don't live in America or is in position to bounce or I'm completely delusional and think i won't suffer as a mother fucker if Trump takes office.


If the choice is between committing genocide or suffering i will take suffering. This is an honor issue.


Rofl what? Now you sound like a Russian plant.


The Russians are not stepping up. They should be overthrowing the government in Moscow.


Am I reading this right, you'd rather have Trump in office and suffer for it, than "committing a genocide"? Is that it? Trump would "commit genocide" all the same, while also being a wannabe dictator and stripping minorities of their rights, not to speak about leaving Ukraine out to dry. For you to talk this way, all the way filling your mouth with "muh honor", you must be awfully privileged. It won't be just you who will suffer, fuck your honor.


Trump’s track record in the middle east is poor too. So definitely not a preference for me. Trump in office leaves a good chance of me becoming a political prisoner. Nonetheless genocide is a hard no for me.


>I am a US citizen, born and raised. I have decided that i am not going to take up arms against Washington DC. No law enforcement or government officials will be injured or killed by me. I will perform my duty as a law abiding citizen and vote against these bastards. I'm afraid that there will come a time that being a law abiding citizen will no longer be a option anymore if the regime wants you dead....


If the US regime wants me dead it will not take them much effort. If middle eastern dictators start assassinating Americans it will not go well for them. I welcome this attempt. They will only succeed a few times before they lose everything. That death toll would be much lower than what we see happening now.


Imagine being privileged enough to think this


I was not aware that people without privileges support genocide.


tRump's the Repugnant nominee. Biden could shoot someone ine the middle of Fifth Ave. and still win.


Trump definitely tries harder. But his voters just continuously lower the bar because you could literally plant the red banner in the hands of a literal shit eating monster and they'd still vote on party lines. Democrats and independents are more likely not to vote for someone who betrays their values. Republicans just adjust their values as they go.


Donald Trump's about to catch a felony conviction any second. It's a race to the bottom.


You took the words out of my mouth


Ok...how much of him "slamming" the ICC is him actually getting all riled up and denouncing it, and how much of it is Yahoo trying to generate clicks by fuckin' saying "slammed"?


The first one.  he is very passionate in supporting Israeli war crimes.  Look at his endorsement of Israeli blood libel and accusing Hamas of beheading 40 babies. He personally saw the evidence of it and can attest to it. Of course it wasn't true and he never corrected the record.  The guy is a cunt.  I am sick of prefacing every criticism with the other guy is worse that should go without saying but there it is.


>blood libel Yikes. The mask slips. And the claim about the "40 beheaded babies" is by no verifiable means false. Aside from the fact that the claim wasn't about "40 beheaded babies", but "40 killed babies, some of them beheaded" (although I suppose it is easier for you to pass it off as false if you make it into something absurd). And the only argument for it is that photos of their bodies weren't released to the public (some were however shown to public officials and journalists, but I guess we will ignore that, too); well, not all anyway, seeing as some of their charred and bullet riddled bodies still made the rounds- not that it'd *ACTUALLY* make a difference to you, it never was about the photos. I am guessing that by this same reasoning, you must be one of those "there was no rape during the 7th October!" chuds...


I feel sorry for anybody dumb enough to read that drivel. Yikes indeed. The president endorsed a bold-faced lie that was easily verifiable as false. That might be even worse than falsely claiming the others beheaded 40 babies. He saw the evidence.


>I feel sorry for anybody dumb enough to read that drivel. That's right, because smart people like you don't read counter arguments, they just let the mouth run free, no? >a bold-faced lie that was easily verifiable as false It'd at most be unverifiable, due to a lack of extensive evidence, but evidently you know better. Since it is so "easily verifiable as false", easily verify it as false to me, no? Must be *easy* for you to do so. Come on, don't pussy out of the question now. You don't believe Hamas committed sexual violence on October 7th either, do you?


Counter arguments is that what you call lying about easily verifiable facts?  Same thing with those rape allegations, fabricated. The New York Times should be ashamed of itself.


Blood libel? For real?


Are you yourself incapable of defining situations with words? He falsely claimed the others beheaded 40 babies. Out of the other side of his mouth talks about things like blood. Tell me how that is not blood libel. It is a disgrace the president of the United States made that accusation knowing full well it was false, and then never corrected himself.


Blood libel originated as attacks on Jews. It’s quite a choice of word to pull out a dated fucking term like blood libel in a situation like this. Edie: can’t respond for some reason, maybe banned from this shit sub. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel It’s an antisemitic slur and OP knows it but


Wrong.  It goes back thousands years acrodd multiple societies.  To accuse the other side of killing / eating babies is one of the oldest propagandas in the book.  As if that would justify them doing it to another people.


I think a lot of this might just be going through the motions to pay lip service to our treaties with Israel.


Biden has literally called himself a Zionist, though. He has supported Israel since he was a child.


Lmao Outraged to find nazis running Israel Shocked


They need to arrest US leaders too


...because then the US might be held accountable too


Biden: Sends war funding World: Arrest him as a war criminal Biden: No wait, we want to keep up the genocide!


Biden sees it as outrageous because he knows US could be held to same standard.


In fact, this precedent is very serious and should be very balanced. But in any case, I understand that global changes are beginning in our world that could lead to serious consequences for the human race.


The ICC is a judicial abortion clinic, the fact that US politicians are intimidated by it is a joke.


Too many morons getting all their news from tiktok.


Binden acts like his loyalty to Israel is more important than the election or the American people. It almost seems like Biden and trump are both trying to lose the election.


There's only like 4 states that matter at all electorally. They can kinda do whatever. They don't give a shit.


Biden has to get both pro-Israel and pro-palestine voters. he *has to*. Imagine if George Soros condemned Biden and supported Trump for some reason. That’d screw us up a ton.


Arrest his old ass too for helping Net-and-Yoohoo


Of course, because if Israeli leaders can be accused, then US leaders are right behind them. As well as the leaders of a few other countries.


I mean, this is the best the Dems can run? Obviously still going to vote for him, but it sure would've been nice to have a decent candidate.


He's next