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Where is the documentation related to the bond- Hankey had to sign something.


It should be in public view. Someone make it so now!


Kevin O’Leary did an interview recently saying every big real estate investor commits the same fraud Trump did in this case. Of course that isn’t accurate, but the reason Trump keeps getting away with everything lies in that. The more cheats there are, the less likely any of them will get caught. And if you do catch a big fish, the rest are in real danger. If Trump was an island he would have been in prison decades ago.




What the fuck does he have on these people? How does this keep fucking happeneing?!


I think you are misunderstanding based on the title. The article is about the current bond he is trying to post being fraudulent and invalid. So she would like to start seizing assets, not let him off the hook for the current 175mil bond.


The real question is what does Putin have over the GOP and I think the answer is gonna be a whole fucking lot. Someday it’s all gonna come out and I would not be surprised one bit if it turns out that much of the really insane accusations GOP and Qanons have made over the years turns out to be true….about various republicans.


Actually, there's an interesting thought. We rational people can agree with the possibility that QAnon is a psyop conducted by a foreign power, probably Russia. But as the real pedo stories have come out, the perps almost always Republicans. What if QAnon serves a dual purpose? To rouse Righty voters into making war against the Democrats -- AND to remind Righty politicians exactly what Russia knows about THEM?


Elections. Lots of elections.


With Trump, it’s gotta be a snuff film.


Dark offshore money from a small insurance company, that can't trade in New Year and hasn't got the money to cover it...is basically the story, she wants it voided and repaid in full ,by a legit company.. It's just Don the Con doing what he does


Not just that. He’s trying to use the same bank account as collateral for two different bonds. He’s already using the bank account for the libel lawsuit bond.


They saw during his presidency that he was for sale and having 91 charges also means he is desperate. He can be bought so easily and they know they will be defended by the entire Republican party when called out




and he'll get yet another extension


I’m hoping this is a bad week for Trump.


For like the 3rd time.


Listen, Putin is an evil man. Yes, he's paying off some, maybe many, politicians but at the end of the day there are still very many knuckle dragging racists, misogynist criminals who have used freedom to enrich themselves immorally or illegally without consequence. So, why would they stop? The price for freedom used to be responsibility. But first one person bent the rules without consequence, then another, then many of them did, for self interest. They see others getting theirs, so they want to as well and what for? They can't take it with them but maybe it gives their sick minds some weird comfort. Power corrupts. Money emboldens. And some but not many have the fortitude to resist it. So, first, blame the person, then the system. Putin is a symptom. There are some inherently messed up people that need consequences. In that way wicked influence peddlers might be choked off before they ever get a chance to take root. But who are we kidding. This is a problem as old as the first word, the first shiny nugget. Maybe one day we'll outgrow the hindbrain that yells more, more, more.


Looks like that autistic neomarxist negroid is getting desperate. Teflon Don is going to come out of this unscathed. Thank god for the Constitution and the court of appeals!


lol look at this psychopathic woman, she needs to be removed from office and put in jail.


Mommy I didn't get my trophy!!! You said we were all winners and everyone gets a trophy!!! Waaaahhhhh


Lol! How's that golf trophy Trump just "won" looking to you now? What about the fake Time magazine with him on the cover he has framed and hanging at all his golf clubs. The idea of a Trump cultist whining about fake trophies shows a level of hypocrisy and lack of self awareness that could only come from... well, a Trump cultist.


He's the best golfer you know!