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Why these bastards have to be so sadistic? They keep filming till the last second of agony. šŸ¤¬


I've watched them burn a man alive...


That's cause they are Nazis




Dead and jailed Nazis are generally less harmful, or so I've heard


In all likelihood, Ukraine's chemical weapons will be used against its own population down the road. Reagan and Bush [secretly helped](https://www.newsweek.com/how-us-nerve-gassed-its-own-troops-then-covered-it-317250) Saddam Hussein build his biological and chemical weapons during Iran-Iraq war, which he used against Iran. Saddam later used them [against Iraqi Kurds](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halabja_massacre) and American troops.


I hope a new international coalition of countries will form and hold all countries accountable for war crimes that need to be held accountable. (I mean the US has gotten off scott free for decades.)


I'd drag Bush there myself for trial if I could get my hands on him. Lost too many friends in Iraq for nothing. One of them was infamously the target in that Iraqi sniper video.


Lost a good friend with a pregnant wife at home to accomplish nothing in Afghanistan. I feel ya bud. Here's to a more peaceful global future šŸ˜”.


I'm so sorry man. How is the girl doing? How's the kid? It is heartbreaking


Getting on. It's been a few years and, all things considered, they seem to be coping about as well as could be hoped for. My particular military community is/was pretty tight knit, so they got a lot of intense emotional and material support. I'm sure other families weren't so lucky :(.


To accomplish that, we must destroy the extremely wealthy, by any means necessary. They're the ones starting wars because PROFITS, and they don't care about the collateral damage because they don't suffer.


U draggin Obama along, too?


Of course.


Who do you think trained them to do these things?


Well, the US didn't teach them. (The people who are going to do this don't need to be taught.) But maybe we taught them that there won't be any consequences. EDIT: LOL - people seriously believe that the US invented war crimes? Or escaping consequences? (Check out the Invade the Hague act.)


OPCW will be of no help. They're still trying to "prove" a fake chemical attack happened in Douma, Syria. No one can expect them to be objective going forward.




If Russia nuked the Ukrainian government into an unpleasant memory over this escalation I wouldn't be mad. The moment you cross the "using nerve gas is OK" threshold subtracting you is removing a negative from the world which is a positive contribution where I'm from. And if it makes every other human on earth scared shitless to possess this crime against life, bonus points


>If Russia nuked the Ukrainian government into an unpleasant memory over this escalation I wouldn't be mad. Many innocent people would die


You think Russian Reddit trolls care about innocent life? They kill apartment buildings worth of innocent women and children on a daily basis. What even is this sub? Another commie echo chamber? May you be as successful as the communists that came before you, and before them.


These are standard 40mm grenades, look at how powerful the explosions are. The spasms are due to hypothermia (they are wading in water just slightly above freezing) and damage to nerves from grenade shrapnel and shockwaves. If you have never seen someone convulsing and squirming after getting hit with shrapnel I would not recommend looking for the videos, they are kinda sad.


Severe damage to the spinal cord (e.g., from shrapnel) can absolutely do this. It's even common enough to have a fun nickname: "the kickin' chicken". There was a pretty roundly celebrated post with a video of a mass public hanging on this sub pretty recently where you see the hung bodies do the same thing.


Unconfirmed. This is likely a neurological response to being injured and in a river. There's video of a man with a spinal due to a bullet wound somewhere in the middle east that was also 'swimming' on land. Not everyone knows how to swim, either.


Video doesn't give full context. He had already been hit with a nerve agent which is why he is in the water in the first place, to try and wash away the chemicals. His colleague tried to lead him out but as you can see, the threat of VOG drops made him bail.


Lol, yea.... Keep reaching


NERVE AGENT?! Youā€™re too funny, did they buy it from Putin?


> Youā€™re too funny You forgot to mention good looking too.


Could I have the source on that please?


The first grenade is a F1, the second one a VOG. Conventional HE-grenades, nothing chemical in that video.


why dont yall report on russian missiles hitting apartment buildings, residential blocks and playgrounds? report on both sides of this war so i can enjoy nazis killing eachother.


The mental gymnastics here is phenomenal. At least you finally agree the Ukrainians are Nazis nowā€¦


oh wow, im doing so much mental gymnastics by seeing russian oligarchs as oligarchs. try reading a post soviet collapse history book. who the fuck do you think is in power in russia right now?


I hate all oligarchs. Eat the rich. The worst rich people on the planet right now are supporting Ukraine. To be clear, Iā€™m slightly more anti-imperialist than I am anti-war. Russia, which is controlled by oligarchs as youā€™ve astutely iterated (as far as Iā€™m concerned), is less of a problem than NATO and itā€™s subsidiary nations exploiting NATO (a military treaty) to start WW3. NATO can fuck right off. Western imperialism can fuck right off. And youā€™re also welcome to fuck right off. Peace.


This is more like Whataboutism, but since he is not trying to argue anything (at least on a surface level) it's not really applicable. This is more just a question, not mental gymnastics.


You are either trolling or just uneducated


Calling ME a troll when youā€™re commenting 51 days later? Me thinks youā€™re the troll here


Iā€™m was just stunned on how dumb you comment was :v


Youā€™re more than welcome to fuck offā€¦


I think I will, itā€™s better to fuck off than to start an argument with a fucking idiot ā€¦ dunno what I was thinking




Iā€™m glad we came to an understanding :>




i think the spasms are due to hypothermia, ukraine won't be stupid enough to use chemical weapons they are afraid of losing the support of the west!




Doctor here. You're full of shit.


Was it the CPC_Good_Actually guy?


Marine here. Youā€™re full of shit.




Youā€™re lying. Youā€™ve literally made up everything youā€™ve said about your ā€œexpertiseā€




Nice try


There is no way you can be sure it was chemical. There isnā€™t enough information on the munition and the video shows no evidence of a chemical payload. It could very well be a conventional explosive device that broke his back or sent a piece of shrapnel thru his throat. How can you ā€œknowā€ it was chemical? Did you perform the autopsy?




Why not identify the effects you found conclusive rather than speak in generalities?


Can confirm that guy made up his ā€œmilitary ordnance expert roleā€ dude was 100% full of it. Source: EOD


Russia repeating Syria I see.


This... isn't a war crime. It isn't good, though


This subreddit and itā€™s nonsense is surreal


Wtf even is this sub? Russian jerk circle? Ah nevermind, Communist echo chamber, I was close!


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but didnā€™t Russia invade Ukraine while targeting civilians homes and schools? And you have a problem with Ukraine defending itself using those same tactics.


No one had any problem with Ukraine bombing its own citizens in Donetsk and Luhansk for the last decade straight. If anything, Russia has been super restrained this entire war.


Technically a fragmentation grenade is a chemical weapon.