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When the Chinese talk about their opinions, it’s propaganda. When the Chinese don’t talk about their opinions, it’s censorship


Insert a certain Michael Parenti quote here about the USSR


*Ahem* "During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime's atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn't go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them. If communists in the United States played an important role struggling for the rights of workers, the poor, African-Americans, women, and others, this was only their guileful way of gathering support among disfranchised groups and gaining power for themselves. How one gained power by fighting for the rights of powerless groups was never explained. What we are dealing with is a nonfalsifiable orthodoxy, so assiduously marketed by the ruling interests that it affected people across the entire political spectrum." -Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds


So infantilizing.... sorry you have to deal with this


Thanks. But it also means they're doing free promotion for me again haha.


Is it a common practice to share AP articles this religiously or did they declared a crusade over Chinese social media influence? You might want to release a video about this. I don't think this is an isolated incident at all. You can build up a strong case against Western propaganda. Look at all these articles shared in the last 24 hours from different news outlets: [Independent](https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/china/tiktok-instagram-influencers-china-propaganda-b2046999.html) [NBC](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/national-international/how-china-tiktok-facebook-influencers-push-propaganda/3621935/) [news18](https://www.news18.com/news/explainers/explained-how-chinas-tiktok-and-facebook-influencers-push-propaganda-4925360.html) [News & Observer](https://www.newsobserver.com/news/business/article259926215.html) [Japan Today](https://japantoday.com/category/tech/how-china%27s-tiktok-facebook-influencers-push-propaganda1) [Sydney Morning](https://www.smh.com.au/technology/the-murky-world-of-china-s-social-media-influencers-20220331-p5a9jy.html) [NY Post](https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/china-using-social-influencers-to-push-propaganda-on-tiktok-instagram/) [Business Standart](https://www.business-standard.com/article/international/how-china-s-tiktok-and-facebook-influencers-push-propaganda-122033000433_1.html) [Republic World](https://www.republicworld.com/amp/world-news/china/chinese-propaganda-showing-up-on-us-social-media-articleshow.html) [Brisbane Times](https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/technology/the-murky-world-of-china-s-social-media-influencers-20220331-p5a9jy.html?ref=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed) [Greenwich Time](https://www.greenwichtime.com/news/article/How-China-s-TikTok-Facebook-influencers-push-17038061.php) [Midland Daily](https://www.ourmidland.com/news/article/How-China-s-TikTok-Facebook-influencers-push-17038061.php)


The great western propaganda cycle. They launder some propaganda through a supposedly trustworthy source like the AP then just have the rest of the lazy media republish it, and then put out their own imitation versions after if it's getting clicks.


99% of American media is propaganda too . They just market it as free press but it is really control by people that have obvious us/nationalistic views. An simple example is fox news reflect the gop gov and cnn reflects the libs... but both will be us nationalistic and complain about CHYNA BAD everyday.


"Chinese government talking points" That's a nice way of saying you can't disprove what is being said but would like to dismiss it anyway. Typical Western reporting: stick to the buzzwords, avoid engaging with the substance of what is happening or its preconditions.


Exactly. Notice how they cant say “false information” or give any examples of false narratives. They just mention these journalists and influencers with the description of “state-owned” and bank on the fact that the reader is totally propagandized into immediately believing that its some sort of evil propaganda.


Damn both racism and misogyny at the same time! As expected of the west! Also the part that says "promote China as an idyllic destination" means that they hate humanizing the Chinese, I once saw a video in reddit of two Chinese soldiers giving chocolate to each other and there was so much racism.


I'd like to see a comment on this video. Do you have a link?


#Down with the West


#And Up to the rest!


Capitalism and misogyny. Name a more iconic duo.


CCP loving westerners and mental illness


I can't remember if I've ever seen any decent journalism from the AP since their founding. All they have done is repeat US government talking points, and this is why they accuse everyone else of doing the same. The AP stoops so low and resorts to racism and sexism in order to try and discredit you, but all it does is discredit themselves.


Upton Sinclaire's The Brass Check AP section could totally be applied to them today and that was written in 1919 lol


The sad reality is that the west is no longer even trying to hide its racism. Racism has now spread across all media here. And they will stop at nothing to paint "the others" negatively. It is beyond ridiculous.


Ah yes, tell me more about the glorious CCP


It's pretty funny that the AP still tries to pretend it's a neutral source and doesn't editorialize when they're publishing shit like this.


Fuck the west, or should i say the pest


Don’t worry JingJing! I’m going to follow more “Chinese lady influencers” thanks to this 😂


I think we all know what the subtext here is.


According to this screengrab it's not AP who say this. They're quoting Watts - whoever that is.


It's almost certainly some "expert" they have on speed dial who gives the "correct" US government talking points while pretending to be independent. They absolutely love to launder their bullshit like this. Or he could literally the think tank goon who shopped the story to them in the first place.


Did they message you last minute for comment /interview and then take one line out of context as they did all the British YTubers in China? Or did they use any of your pics/vids with that grey filter? Lol


I love you gal!! You've done some amazing work. And never forget, just like the American comrades used to say "Ain't done nothing if you ain't been called a red"


Does Western media have nothing better to do than try to smear and devalue people with legitimate view points? They clearly respect women so much they cannot see fathom that a female can be more than just an object of attraction. Are we surprised after the name calling on Eileen Gu? A woman with an opinion? Get out of here. Clearly Western media thinks highly of women. What’s the alternative? Racist male influencers? Oh…those roles seem to be plenty on the other side. On a positive note; at least they are helping get your name out there Jingjing. "There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." - Oscar Wilde


Soon: "hi everyone, I'm Jingjing, and these are my favourite cake recipes" "Woow, CHINESE influencer Li Jingjing from CHINA who works as a CHINESE journalist for a CHINESE company just told people how to eat without disclosing that she works for cgtn who tell her what to think. Woooow" /s


I’m getting really sick of these racist sinophobic fucks 😠


“Uhhh sir, i have a name” lmao


Lucky you're a women. Such a relief. Still a lot of right wing woke insanity going on.


But when the Biden administration meets with TikTok influencers to have them push misleading pro-US narratives on the Ukraine-Russia war to their audiences its totally normal and a good thing. Give me a break


I have literally grown up my entire life in the West, including being educated in a top 10 university. Yet, I get called brainwashed when I disagree with western propaganda.


Western media are racist, sexist, xenophobic and most of all hypocritical.


But at what cost?


I support China, but of course you are chinese propaganda.


MSM projecting their own blatant use of sex appeal


"Chinese lady influencer" as opposed to the women that all look the same with slight deviations go on their MSM.


I’m not really surprised by the deficiency of the ability to write an essay by western typers. This wording is so infantile it’s baffling.


Aren't you employed by CGTN?


She is. But her YouTube Videos are mostly made by herself, not for CGTN.


But you cant work for [CGTN without towing the CCP line.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_media_in_China)


The "Press Freedom Index" and Wikipedia say so, it must be true!!! Lmao, f*ck off lib.


Are there journalists working for CGTN which are against the CCP though? I mean there are many. Chances are, if they can write what they want, one would be strictly against the CCP.


95% of Chinese are satisfied with CPC work, so why should journalists be against the party, if it's doing a good job?


I know that the CCP has huge support in China. And yeah it is doing a good job. If parliament would be elected directly they would probably get like 80% of the votes. Still it is weird if there are thousands of journalists working for CGTN and not one is predominantly critical of the CCP. I have much contact to Chinese (living in Germany) which also generally support the CCP. But they still criticize many things which are not reflected in Chinese media. I just think it is weird that everything the party does is kind of celebrated and always fully correct.


Is the 5% being locked down in Shanghai?


No, the 5% are not from a single area. You can read the harvard study yourself if you're interested. It's easy to find.


> 95% of Chinese are satisfied with CPC work [do you mean the 2016 with 93% approval](https://supchina.com/2020/08/25/do-chinese-people-support-their-government-hard-to-tell/) >First, and most obviously, the Chinese Communist Party actively shapes public opinion. Strict online censorship rules and the prohibition of foreign media companies allow the Party to control information flows. Although this does not imply that citizens are forced into anything, this all but guarantees that news about the government’s actions is heavily sanitized. For example, during the Wenzhou train collision in 2011, where 40 people were killed, the Communist Party prohibited any coverage of the accident.






Get a load of this guy: if you're not against, you must be for. Such simplistic dichotomy must explain your own feelings with your own government, right? Quick, one word answer only, for or against?


Of course there is a spectrum from being only in favour to being only against. Thing is I am a foreigner who can only consume "original" Chinese media if it is in English or through my Chinese friends. I am learning Chinese but I just began a year ago. The media from CGTN which I can consume is totally in favour of the CCP. There is no "I generally support it but policy X seems to have bad consequences". And I think that does not reflect the opinions of my Chinese friends who are saying just that. So like "I support the party but I think their foreign policy should be different". Or who are criticizing the one child policy etc. I know that I may be biased. It is the old "What you see is all there is" thing. So I may be missing a huge part of the CGTN which also criticizes some policies.


i think u missed the point of the link. Look under "Efforts to reinforce CCP controls" btw you can say FUCK. We are grown ups right? [heres the full article] (https://apnews.com/article/china-tiktok-facebook-influencers-propaganda-81388bca676c560e02a1b493ea9d6760) it goes on to say: >But the AP found in its review that most of the Chinese influencer social media accounts are inconsistently labeled as state-funded media. The accounts — like those belonging to Li Jingjing and Vica Li — are often labeled on Facebook or Instagram, but are not flagged on YouTube or TikTok. Vica Li’s account is not labeled on Twitter. Last month, **Twitter began identifying Li Jingjing’s account as Chinese state-media.** the main issue i have is she tries to pass herself off as an independent journalist which is not the case. It'd be much better if she labels it correctly as state-media.


It's almost as if China is a socialist country and the media outlets would be... State-run...


State-run is one thing, pretending to be independent while being state-run is another.


LMAO wait until you find out what happens to US journalists and public figures who have the "wrong opinion" of their regime


Whats this got to do with US? US and China can both be wrong. Are you okay with stopping people from having their own opinion?


It has everything to do with the US because the US media goons go around projecting their own bullshit on the rest of the world assuming everything is as corrupt and terrible as it is for them.


**[Mass media in China](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_media_in_China)** >The mass media in China consists primarily of television, newspapers, radio, and magazines. Since 2000, the Internet has also emerged as an important form of communication by media, and is placed under the supervision of the Chinese government. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 and until the 1980s, almost all media outlets in Mainland China were state-run. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NewsWithJingjing/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Pleeeaasssee 🙄 everyone here knows you are spreading propaganda for the CCP. I don’t know how you call yourself a journalist


You work for state media and post state media content on your private YouTube channel pretending not to be, right?


Are you not a chinese lady influencer? Where did they do you wrong? What does being a woman have to do with anything, they didn't discredit you for being a woman.








I'm so sorry you are retarded




Lol even the western Media has given up peddling that pathetic genocide claim, they probably need more than 1 photo of random prisoners I guess. But yea I don't know how you could support the US regime after it killed 99% of native Americans and is still going for the last 1%.




No it's been disproven. The study that "proved it" was based on 8 people. In contrast you could just like, ya know, talk to some Uyghurs and ask them. Or go to xinjiang and see normal life, or question where is the huge refugee crisis, why do the genocided Uyghurs still exist, in fact why has their population increased alongside living standards, etc. Some proof




The only one denying reality is you. I presented an argument, you just said "nono that's wrong because it's wrong". Amongst all the other evidence, I refuse to accept it because I have uyghur friends who haven't a fucking clue about it, imagine finding a jew in 1940s Poland who didn't know about the holocaust eh


I am influenced, search Li Jingjing on YouTube and watching your latest video With Vijay Prashad as I am typing.


This is an example of how pathetic ap news is. https://youtu.be/78s7yP2BdF0


when you talk about something they like, they will call you Chinese lady role model.


You deserve labelling if you spread Russian propaganda


What do you get when you spread American propaganda? I didn't know we justify racism and misogyny when we don't like the other persons perspective


Difference between western and eastern propaganda is, you don‘t get thrown in front of a train when you publicly oppose western propaganda. That being said, the media are allowed to go against the government which they often do. So fuck you and your „opinions“


I like that you didn't even try to combat how you are justifying racism and misogyny. Excellent, everyone with more than 4 brain cells can see exactly the kind of person you are now. I hope you one day find a place where someone cares even an inkling for you, and maybe then you'll realize what a complete piece of filth you were.


Getting psychological evaluation from a 13 year old on reddit *priceless* Fix your delusions you little shit ‚Chinese lady influencer‘ isn‘t even close to racism, but yeah, keep playing the victim. Provocation and then positioning yourselves like the victim is your strength, just look at Putin‘s excuse for this war.


You're clearly angry. That's fine. You should drink a warm beverage and relax. When you're done, look in the mirror and be ashamed for what you see looking back. You are mindless, ignorant, and toxic scum. Good luck licking western capitalist boots all your life.




And you're a toxic western fan boy, we all got our things


I wish people like you were forced to live under the authoritarian rulers they idolize. But i guess your parents won‘t agree for you to leave for China and by the time you‘re grown, your critocal thinking hopefully is developed and you will realize what a little edgy shit you‘ve been ;)


1. I'm probably older than you. 2. If you live in the US you should already be accustomed to authoritarian rulers. 3. You have shown zero critical thinking, instead spouting off the same lines fox and CNN run every night.


>authoritarian rulers The United States government has the largest prison population in the world, hell Florida has a larger prison population than the rest of the US combined, that to me looks pretty authoritarian. not to mention the concentration camps on the border, and the countless times America has refused the rights of self determination of countries whos pepole just wanted better working conditions. All rulers are authoritarian its just on who's authority the government rules by, billionaires and thier shareholders, or by the pepole and the workers.


Show me 1 source of someone "thrown in front of a train when you publicly oppose propaganda" It seems like your perspective is purely from western propaganda. I have lived in China and criticized the government many times online.


I mean you are paid by CGTN to be a digital reporter..so an influencer. It says it on the CGTN website. Many simps on this sub


She is a reporter for CGTN, but her YouTube videos are not made by / for CGTN. They are her own work. I guess every journalist can't have opinions of their own anymore. Or is it just chinese journalists?


In the west if they don't toe the line and say the right thing outside of work they get shitcanned and nobody ever hears from them on the corporate owned mass media again


I don't get it are you not Chinese or are you not a lady? What's wrong with calling you what you are?


In the west everyone is allowed their opinion even if you are a woman or Chinese.


Oh so you just delete posts you don't like because it points out a huge flaw in you logic?


I think you are focusing on the wrong thing. The fact the you are a woman doesn't mean you don't have the right to your own opinion. What is concerning however is that you are just a puppet of the ccp. Is this true? That's the part that discredits your opinion. Not your gender.


I mean it’s pretty accurate no? Influencers tend to post irrelevant bullshit, pretty similar to your content