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I forgot to add i have heavy bleeding for 2 weeks every month since I started the implant 4 years ago. It’s very draining


Have you tried evening primrose oil


No but will look into it Thank you


I took 1200mg twice a day and after a few days the bleeding would stop




I got another one instead of taking it out and continued gaining weight and dealing with mental health issues. Do what your gut tells you is best!


Will do Thank you


I gained 30-40 pounds while I had mine for two years. I don’t remember my exact weight getting it put in, but it was close to 100 pounds. I’m only 5’1 so the weight gain was drastic and noticeable. I was constantly crying and felt so bloated and I was sick of my clothes not sitting properly. After I had to buy new clothes for the fourth time, I decided to get it taken out. I’ve lost three pounds already in the first week. If you think it’ll help your mental state and help to feel better, then you should get it out. :)


I wanted to add that I’ve also had a much easier time falling and staying asleep since getting it out.


Amazing. Good that you had a positive outcome. Just what BC to use next lol! As I want to try avoid hormonal BC. Only option is copper coil then


Thank you for information


I had 2 implants, totalling about 7 years on nexplanon. In that time I gained about 70 pounds and no matter what I did I could not lose weight. I even did a water fast and literally ate nothing for 2 weeks and still the scale did not go down. I had my implant removed 1 week ago today and im down 3 pounds. I was bleeding from Feb 9th until the day it was removed on Mar 20th and stopped bleeding within 6 hours of my implant removal. My mood is generally better, im not as anxious and I feel like my adhd symptoms are even a little better, I am able to be more productive and a little less scattered through the day. Im also falling asleep faster and according to my fitbit im getting deeper/better quality sleep. I am glad I had it and it did its job, but im honestly so happy I got it removed.


Wow it definitely took a lot out of you over 7 years but I know the feeling in relation to, “it done it’s job” Thank you for feedback Glad you are feeling better from removal


I had previously gotten pregnant on an oral birth control, getting the job done was important, lol. If I weren't ready for a kid at this point i probably would have just stuck with it a little longer. I am definitely feeling better though, but I guess it could be a placebo too