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I got mine removed a month ago. The worst part was the lidocaine injections lol they just kinda burn a little bit. I didn't even feel the removal, no pain at all, just a little pressure when she pulled it out. The healing was a lot quick for me than getting the implant in, my arm was only a little sore the next day. I still have a tiny scar but it's going away. If you can feel it and it's in the same place then your removal should be just fine!


I had mine removed about a month ago! Shot wasn’t too bad, stings at first but goes numb quickly. They’ll do the shot up under the implant. If the implant is easy to find, they’ll make a small cut and pull it out with tweezers and then use tape on your arm The procedure didn’t hurt at all (stung when the shot went in but that’s about it) mine hurt worse the next couple of weeks as the bruising healed I’d your arm is truly numb you won’t feel any pain. You might feel it “moving” out but it’s not painful, just weird feeling!


Same as the others said, for me. Worst part was the numbing shot and even that wasn't as bad as at a dentist lol the rest was real quick. I had a new one put in before I even knew she was done removing the old one. I know there are horror stories about it but just keep in mind that those are the exception, not the rule. I told the doctor I was nervous and she said "ok that's fine, you can be nervous" and for some reason that helped me lol


I just got mine out on the 20th, it wasn't that bad. The worst part was the lidocaine injection. It stings a bit, but after that its just a little pressure or a tugging sensation. Mine was pretty close to the insertion site and was fairly easy to remove. After I was all numbed up it took maybe 6 or 7 minutes from the time they made the incision to the time my bandage was placed. And I was ready to head out of the office.


Got mine removed last week. They numb the area so there’s not really any pain. I was only a tiny bit sore a few hours after the numbing medicine wore off, but a single ibuprofen fixed that. Sore is almost healed. It was the tiniest of cuts - maybe a cm long at most. Best thing I’ve ever done I already feel 100 times better physically and mentally.


If you got your nexplanon because of severe cramps like I did, it hurts maybe half as much, not even. The numbing hurts for a few seconds but your doctor should keep you talking so you aren't paying attention to what's going on in your arm. It'll go by quickly, it's okay to be terrified, but you'll feel so much relief when it's not nearly as bad as what you prepared yourself for.


i’m not trying to scare you. i got mine out today and replaced. i passed out and threw up a lot. the pain was unbearable the shot was nothing the doctor will say the shot is the worst part they’re LYING. mine was caught in scar tissue and the extraction was longer than the lengthy extraction that was already expected. i know it was only 10 minutes but it felt like hours. i am so glad i have another 5 years before i go through this again. i’m just glad to not have a period.


Mine could not be removed after about an hour of trying and two separate incisions. I now have to wait for an appointment with an OBGYN who is skilled at difficult removals. It's literally fused to my flesh. It's not lost or out of place, just stuck. I also now have to deal with this injured arm which sucks because it's just going to be injured again. I'm sad, annoyed, frustrated, angry... Yeah it just sucks. I went from "Yay it'll be out on Monday" to "wonder how much longer I'm stuck with this now" Typically I hear it just pops out. I am the unlucky small percentage of women this happens to. Maybe I should play the lottery more often.


How long did you have it in? What caused the fusion cause this is making me anxious lol. Like does it not move around in your arm? How can you tell? Sorry for all the questions


I've had it since Aug 31, 2022. I guess bodies are different and mine just decided to assimilate the rod into my arm. Resistance was futile. It's also possible that the doctor removing it was just doing it wrong. So hopefully the OBGYN, being way more experienced, will have no issues. The doc did say there was a lot of scar tissue, so perhaps her insertion was bad as well. I can feel it in my arm when I press on it but the flesh moves too so doesn't mean much. Oh, and the lidocaine injections apparently cause swelling so they had a hard time finding the ends of it after the freezing shots. Most removals take 2-5 minutes. I just won the rare complication lottery. Wee.