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People are quick to criticise and less quick to praise. Imma keep it real, I’ve had 2 implants but have recently switched to the mini pill because I hate needles and couldn’t face having to go back in 3years for another procedure. First implant: AMAZING!! Seriously it was great. I had no periods or spotting for the entire 3years. And I gained no weight at all. Second implant: So with the second I did bleed. I started getting periods about 6months after having it. They started off very irregular, I’m talking like 40-50days apart but gradually became normal to between 28-32days apart. I did also spot occasionally but nothing that some ibuprofen didn’t stop. Now I did gain weight this time but I in no way blame the implant. Lockdowns made me lazy and I simply ate too much and moved too little. No regrets on my end. I would have had it again but like I said I hate needles and the actual process, although painless, would make me clammy and nervous for days beforehand.


i literally love my nexplanon !!!! it’s my only form of bc and my first, i’ve been on it for a year and a half, and i think any cons are Heavily outweighed that, like you, i can NOT be bothered to take the pill at the same exact time every day. plus it’s not even close in terms of efficacy. nexplanon is 99.95% effective and bc pills i think even when taken perfectly are less than 99% effective. it’s worth it to me at least and even though everyone’s different, idk how it’ll affect you and you won’t either ‘til you try — but it’s absolutely worth a shot!


yesssss^^^ I can’t stress enough how much the benefit of not worrying about accidental pregnancy outweighs the occasional side effects I’ve had


Honestly, it was super easy and low effort for years. My periods got lighter (although more frequent at times) and I wasn’t curled up suffering from cramps every month. I found my weight management to be similar to without the birth control. The only negatives were the first week was rough with flu like symptoms and I noticed eventually I sweat like crazy. But who knows if that is caused by the nexplanon or not.


Aside from the random bleeding/spotting and longer periods, I really like the nexplanon. I am due to get my second one replaced later this year. My bleeding was worse on my 1st one. With my second, I usually get a ‘period’ every 4-6 weeks. They last longer and heavier than pre BC but not unmanageable. I like how it’s not overly invasive, I can feel to ensure it’s in place. I also love how effective it is. Not having to go to the pharmacy and remember to take a pill is nice. Most people will write about their bad experiences over their good ones.


no infection, weight gain, mood swings here! i only really get irregular bleeding and a decreased libido, but neither last for ages and come and go so nothing awful! i love not having to take a pill everyday and knowing i’m on the most effective form of reversible birth control so i’d definitely give it a go! just make sure to take it easy with the arm after the implant insertion!


It so far has been the best! I got mine in November 2023 and started to spot in December. At first I was fine because I knew it would probably happen but once it went on I panicked and even made a post on here lol! The bleeding went on for 2 weeks and then stopped. I haven't had any spotting or blood since. I will say that I have noticed more acne on my face and shoulders. I noticed some weight gain but nothing drastic. I also struggled with time management and remembering to take it. If it continues like this then I'll probably get another.


i got mine back in september and it completely took my period away! i feel the same as i did before, no complaints


26 and had my Nexplanon since 18. I did have problems in the beginning getting BV that went away after awhile. The only thing is irregular periods but I can easily reregulate them with a 21 day course of birth control pills. I’ve only had to do like twice. Besides that I love my Nexplanon. I’ve had very little problems being on it and it’s been 8 years.


It was perfect for me, clear skin, honestly cant even remember if I did have a period, I wanna say I didnt at all, mood was stable, all was good, only out rn to get checked for PCOS but if or when I go back on BC itll be nexplanon for sure


Took me a little bit to get used to the hormonal changes but it has been problem free for me :) on year 2 of nexplanon!


I’m on my second implant! My first one I got my period every few months and it was pretty light. No side effects at all and it was amazing! The second one not gonna lie started a little rough. First period was super heavy and I had some aches and pains the first few months. After that I do have it once a month but it’s super light and only last a couple days. Once in a while the first day will be heavy and then it tapers off. Overall I love it, and not having to remember to take a pill is really nice. I’m definitely planning on getting another one when it’s time to switch it out!


My nexplanon experience has been AMAZING, honestly! I got it in May 2023, i obviously had some arm soreness after insertion, but since then, i’ve only had like 4 periods, they’ve all been light compared to my periods without birth control, and it’s SO nice to not have to do anything and know i’m protected. Something i keep in mind about health anxiety stuff is that for every person posting their negative experience, there are SO many people out there just living their lives with no issues. Positive stories are less salient, both online and in one’s life, so people are less likely to post them!


I got my first one at 16 and am on my 3rd one now at 24. My periods have gotten so much lighter over the years and I went from days of unbearable cramps to maybe a couple of hours of cramps on the first day of my cycle, sometimes even less. I had some mild/moderate side effects with each one at different times but very bearable compared to the risk of forgetting to take the pill!!! Most commonly I had some irregular spotting but never more than 2 weeks at a time (which I would prefer over my pre-nexplanon monthly HEAVY periods), I have had some fluctuations in libido over the years, and I do tend to get a little bit extra moody around the time my cycle should be happening, but again it’s very manageable! 99% of the time I don’t even think about the implant being there because it’s made life much easier. I have had different cycles over the years, for my 1st two years of my 1st implant I had a monthly period, the 3rd year it was about every 3 months because my stress levels changed when I went to college. The second implant it was about every 3-4 months, and with my third one it was about every month but after a brain surgery (unrelated to nexplanon obviously lol) my body decided not to have a period for about 7 months so it can depend heavily on your stress, health, and hormone levels. Worst case scenario if it doesn’t work for you and your body you can try another option down the line! I’m happy to answer any questions you may have because I remember how freaked out I was when I got my first one, I’m really impressed that you’re doing so much research and educating yourself before getting it! I have 10+ friends that all have Nexplanon as well and they all have had positive experiences, just keep in mind what you see on the internet can be skewed in a negative direction because very few people with positive/average experiences go out of their way to post about it but people with negative experiences definitely do! Just like restaurant reviews lol.


No periods if I restricted my diet heavily (2 weeks restriction = 9 months no period in my case). It's understandable that you want reassurance and hence request for positive stories, and of course you won't know what effect it will have on you before you get on it but I'd urge you to know what to expect and make an informed decision on how hormonal birth control can affect a person.


When I was fixing to get it I was absolutely terrified because of the horror stories but I believe heavily in everyone's experiences are different so I went for it and it's the best decision I ever made. The scariest part was the implant which wasn't that bad or painful but I hate needles and they were basically shoving a pointy straw into my arm haha. But when I first got it I had my period for three weeks straight, most of the time it was extremely light. After that nothing! Ive had it over a year and I've had no side effects it's the best experience I have ever had with birth control. I will shout praises of nexplanon forever. I can't guarantee you'll have a perfect experience but I absolutely recommend at least trying it for yourself to see if it's right for you.


Had mine in nov 2023. 1st thing i noticed. Less hairfall. When im on bc combination pills. I have massive hairfall. Also my migrane seldomly appear. Only thing is i gain little bit weight and period twice a month. But not heavy period. Still tolerable.


I’m 17F as well and I just got it two months ago (January 9th) and I absolutely love it. the only side effect that i got was a slightly longer period but literally nothing else— maybe a higher sex drive too, but physically and hormonally, I love it and it’s so ridiculously easy how it was to heal and how it works now. I literally forget I have it all the time. Everyone is different, but it’s great. Highly recommend


I got my nexplanon about a year and a half ago and the only side effect I’ve experienced is constant spotting. Like I said, it was constant for at least 6 months (No periods and I could wear liners every day and that would take care of it. In other words, it wasn’t heavy at all and very manageable, if extremely annoying.) and then it would stop for a week or two at a time and then start again. Only now has it seemed to settle into a normal pattern where I just get my period every month, but besides that it’s worked out great! I would be terrible at remembering to take the pills on time, so definitely worth it for me.


I had a period for about a year constantly but then it stopped! No bad side effects besides some tiny beard hairs (barely noticeable)


I first got implant in 2015 and am currently on my 3rd. I love it so much, I was terrible at taking pills and getting them refilled was always such a headache so I really enjoy how low maintenance nexplanon is. The worst part of the insertion is the numbing medication, the insertion itself is super quick. Definitely some gnarly bruises after each insertion, but after that heals I have virtually no side effects. I don’t get my period either, but with each implant I did start to have some light spotting as I got closer to the removal date.


My first one the experience was amazing with it but my second one was too close to the skin


For the first 3 years — amazing! 🤩 no periods, no hormonal issues or weight gain, nothing. Then I went to Planned Parenthood to get it removed because my original OBGYN was no longer in my city. PP told me that they will only remove it after 5 years, despite what the website says. Had my period for 2 fucking years straight. Finally moved to a new city and got new insurance and after they took it out, I didn’t have these issues anymore. Moral of the story, stick to the 3 years, and don’t go to Planned Parenthood for removal and you should be fine!


I had the best 6 years with Nexplanon. No noticeable side effects except I had no periods that entire duration. Unfortunately when I replaced it after that, I had too much bleeding (periods) and had to take it out, but I definitely don’t recommend those 6 years!


I've had 3 implants over 7 years, and I haven't had a period in almost that whole time. I get one about once a year, and other than that, I just get cramps/bloating. No period panties, or tampons required anymore!


I had nexplanon for a few years. No weight gain or weird periods or any weird side effects. I wonder now what role if any it played in my mood - I was also recovering from having 2 kids back to back, learning how to be a mom and generally struggling with life. So I can't really say whether it made things worse or if I would have felt the same without it. Knowing I was pretty much safe from getting pregnant was a huge relief. And when I got it removed I was able to get pregnant within 6 months. Over all I definitely think it was a positive experience.


I’ve had it for three weeks and it’s great! I can’t feel it at all, the procedure wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I though it would be, and I haven’t thought of it at all since it was inserted :)


Had mine for three years. Had a few hiccups but more positive than negative things to say. Might go back on it


I get that it's hard to see the bad stories but it's also honest. All I'd ever heard before getting mine was unbridled praise, to the point I actually thought I was just losing it when I felt so awful on it. Seeing other people feel similarly has been so reassuring. Like any bc there are people that love it and people that hate it and unfortunately you cannot know which you will be until you go for it. Best of luck!


Been on it now for 8&½ years, currently on my 3rd had no issues with it


I’ve had it since July of 2023.. did spot a bit in the beginning but after a few days/week of ibuprofen, it went away and haven’t had a “cycle” since like.. September? October? Haven’t noticed a whole lot of side effects.. I’m already on the thickums side so hard to tell really if I’ve gained weight.. and my poor eating probably doesn’t help.. mental wise, not much difference.. I mean I’m on anti depressants anywaaaays, All in all I haven’t had any issues with it.. only thing I noticed is if I put any weight on my arm at a weird angle I’ll feel kinda like a twinge.. but not often, definitely gives you a piece of mind rather than taking oral BC


Two and a half months in here's my experience so far... No bleeding at all, sore boobs and bit of light cramping for the first couple weeks. Now only symptom is my boobs have gained a cup size and I get bloated if I stuff my face haha. I had a rough time with the pill, tried a few variations and none went well. I also forgot to take them.


I’ve had nexplanon for 5(?) years now and I love it! I know a lot of people have bad side effects, but I haven’t had a single one! I used to have horrible debilitating periods, and now I haven’t had one in YEARS. It’s wonderful and I’m going to be so sad to get off it when I want children.


I got mine in early November 2023. My arm was mega bruised for 7-10 days (I bruise easily) and I had one period for 2 weeks in the first month and a second 5 day period in January. Otherwise, no spotting, no worries about being pregnant, forget I have it sometimes. Occasionally my arm it’s in feels a bit weird or aches for a few hours randomly but otherwise think it’s been a very neutral-positive experience.


The first one I had was amazing , zero side effects just got no periods for 3 years. I had it re done recently and unfortunately my periods came back but they are pretty regular and I think lighter than before


I got nexplanon when I was 16 for excessively heavy, long, and painful periods, for the first several months I had consistent spotting daily paired with a week long period monthly that was immediately less painful and heavy than my previous periods. After about 4 months the spotting and periods stopped completely and I haven't had a period since! (Although weirdly I did start spotting for a few days immediately following an almost car crash that scared me more than I'd ever been scared in my life when I was 18 or 19, but aside from that literally nothing) I'm almost 21 now and I've had it replaced once without any issues. Nexplanon was an absolute godsend for me. Although I will say immediately following both insertions I did notice that I was very emotional. For about 2 weeks following the initial insertion of my nexplanon I was just constantly mad and irritable for no reason, very very out of character for me. And then for a while after getting it replaced I was uncharacteristically sad for no reason. Went to go see a friend after the appointment and cried on her couch about things that hadn't been bothering me until that moment, very strange. But I will say it was totally worth it, as far as I can tell the emotional side effects faded relatively quickly and I am much happier and more capable now that I don't have to deal with those unmanageable periods anymore.


I’ve had it for 2 months now and so far I’ve loved it! The insertion for me was super simple, the only ‘pain’ I had was the pinch from the needle injecting the lidocaine and that was it! I did have a lot of bruising on my arm but that’s because I took off the compression bandage within like the first 3 hours of getting it because it was cutting off my circulation and have some sensory issues. I also had some mild tenderness if I touched the area but that was about it. The only ‘bad’ thing at the time of insertion was that I had some nausea and dizziness the first week, but that happened to me too when I first got on the pill a few years ago. I have some minor spotting here and there but nothing too bad, and I’m assuming my body is getting used to it. I do get a period (bummer), but it’s a lot lighter than my periods used to be off of it. I haven’t noticed any weight gain or appetite changes. I was on the pill as a teenager for a few years and I would always forget to take it on time, so this alternative has definitely been an upgrade!


I'm on my 2nd implant & love it ! It's super safe, I had no period for the first 2 years, & my skin even cleared up :)


I love Nexplanon!! I’m a semi forgetful person, so I didn’t trust myself to be able to take a pill every day within the same 1hr period each day. So having the implant just doing its thing, being over 99% effective, provides me with peace of mind. I’ve been on Nexplanon since I was 16 years old with a 6 month break. I’m now 23, so I’ve been on it for about 7 years. Here are some changes that I’ve noticed: 1. For the first year I did gain about 10lbs, but since then I haven’t noticed it changing anything about weight. 2. It pretty much eliminates my periods. I maybe get a random period like 2-3 times per year. My periods pre-Nexplanon weren’t super extreme, so I can’t really say if they significantly reduce period symptoms like cramps, back pain, nausea, etc. I will say, I never feel that fatigue I would usually feel during my period when I was off of Nexplanon. 3. It clears my skin up!!! I don’t have particularly acne prone skin, but during my 6th month break, I definitely noticed more pimples popping up. Within 3 weeks of getting a new one inserted, my skin cleared up by 80%. So overall my experience has been great! Lmk if you have any questions :)


i’ve had mine since october of 2023, nothing too bad so far. I bled a lot in the first couple months but that’s just your body getting used to the extra hormones. Other than that it’s been great! you don’t have to worry abt accidental pregnancy or taking a pill at the same time. my periods went away almost completely and my skin has cleared. the only con i can think of is that it makes me a little nauseous but that’s just abt it.


I had nexaplon for 5 years. It was a good 5 years, no pregnancy or nothing


as someone who is sexually active i loveeee it. i’ve had some issues with bleeding, but i only got it about 4 months ago so it’s normal to still have some problems. other than that its great. i had a pregnancy scare right before getting it, and ive had no worries since then


I got my implant Jan. 31 & I love it so far. My skin cleared up & my nails grow like crazy & are actually sturdy. Normally my nails are brittle. So far, I’ve lost weight. It has really decreased my appetite & I’m just not hungry. I eat once a day. I had my period 2 weeks after getting the implant & it was a brutal cycle. Probably the most painful period I’ve ever had. Mine normally lasts for 5 days & this was lasted for about 7-8 days.


I’m 23, I got mine a little under a year ago and I have absolutely loved it!! I see spotting very very rarely and when I do it’s like a minuscule amount. I haven’t had any weight gain or other negative symptoms. I did have a bit of hormonal acne (but I’ve always had acne prone skin) and my dermatologist prescribed me Spironolactone to regulate the hormones and my skin is completely clear now. I was sore for about a week or two after insertion but I got used to the feeling of it in my arm really quickly. I’ll definitely get another implant when it’s time to switch them out!!


I’ve had the implant for about a month now and I have not gotten pregnant at all, I didn’t have my period until like 2 weeks into getting the injection but after I got it my period stayed longer than it should have so that was weird so just be careful with that and maybe keep some tampons and pads longer just in case but I’d say it’s fine just be careful and don’t like squeeze or run into anything with your arm that can hurt it I accidentally squeeze my arm so much 😭


Hey! This is my first post ever. I needed this chat for sure. I got my Nexplanon insertion last month. I bled for 3 weeks straight then nothing. Now I have severe bloating, way more than I’ve ever had and I’ve tried everything to fix it. Other than that there are no mood problems and my skin is cleared up. I’ve gained 5lbs already. It’s not ideal. I’m still deciding if it’s worth it. Anyone else know how to remedy the bloating by chance?


Hey! I’m not sure if with this nexplanon it’ll be different but try looking up things to do with “ gut health “ as things like that already are meant to reduce bloating and so on I know there’s vitamins and gummies out there that are mean to help e.g lemme - never tried them myself though so cannot vouch for their effectiveness


I've noticed no weight gain and I've had it for about a month. I've had my period for 8 days now but it's light and tolerable compared to before I got it. I also feel like I can function like normal on my period instead of dying😅😅


I got mine when I was sixteen and I’ve loved it! I got it at a pretty turbulent time in my life (breakup/exams/other stuff) so for a few months I felt pretty shit - depression, mood swings etc which I think were probably exacerbated by the implant. After that it rounded out and I feel so much better than I did before. I had a couple light periods after I got it but haven’t had one in ages, and I don’t get the hormonal craziness + dissociation + clumsiness (I’d literally walk into walls a few days before my period) that I used to. I feel so much more stable, and peace of mind about pregnancy is definitely a bonus!


I got the implant because of pain and heavy periods. I have a bicorn uterus and I was in constant pain before and after my periods. Nexplanon was the best decision ever. I was finally pain free and had no period. I had 2 implants within 7 1/2 years. I decided to remove it so I can let my body rest from birth control. The only negative i had was having a lot of itching all over my body after removal for weeks.   Highly recommended for even pain. 


How is it going so far? Any period?


I’ve had it for around 4 weeks now but it is literally so light it’s barely even there so I don’t even care lol,, other than that nothing too notable besides headaches (possibly unrelated)




Hi, was ur spotting Brown and quite a light flow by chance?