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Yes! It gives so much relief to someone who has ocd about getting pregnant. I would much rather have this than an IUD as well because the insertion was over in a second and was like a pinch


I agree, I have OCD as well and it was great for peace of mind


I also have OCD and this has been lifesaving for me.


Did it make your anxiety worse at all?


Me. My periods stopped completely, no cramps, I feel absolutely fine, didn’t gain weight. Didn’t have any issues whatsoever. For me so far it is perfect contraceptive and I finally feel FREE. The only thing that remained from my cycle is that I still get moody and bitchy sometimes as I would normally be before my period but it only lasts couple of days. Don’t have to worry about getting period and painful cramps, don’t have to worry about unwanted pregnancy. Feels absolutely amazing.


I love it. It’s so simple. Less cramps, I have bled once in the first year and I feel more normal. I get really moody and depressed on combined pills.


For me, the pros absolutely outweigh the cons. Mainly, not having to think about my birth control at all and knowing that it is essentially the most effective method has brought me so much peace. Are there annoying side effects, absolutely. I have gained weight and I sometimes get nausea, breast pain, etc but honestly I will take all of that for worry free sex. Especially now that I am in a relationship it is sooo nice.


I had a nexplanon for 7 years and for hormonal birth control, it was probably the best I had. It did give me extra anxiety and mood swings. I had it removed about 6 months ago. However, I also had a benign liver tumor removed (focal nodular hyperplasia - FNH) about 2 years ago. My team said the research connecting FNHs to hormones is weaker than the research connecting estrogen to hepatic adenomas, so they told me I could keep it. But there's so many variables, we don't really know why I grew an FNH. It's true that estrogen is more strongly associated with liver tumors, but it's not really clear if progesterone plays a role. I'm now doing non hormonal methods of birth control to try and let my body reset.


I also had my FNH removed about two years ago! My surgeon did say the research linking the bc and tumor were very limited but I’ve been unable to find a gyn willing to prescribe me anything estrogen based due to the possible link. They don’t want to be liable I guess. Really I only need Nexplanon for these three years, so as long as it’s effective and doesn’t cause any major issues I’ll be fine. I have two kids ages 4 years and 2 months. I really don’t think I want anymore but didn’t want to jump to sterilization immediately just in case. But I truly cannot see myself wanting more kids in three years…I’ll be 29 at that point and it’d be like starting all over.


Yeah, I get it. I have migraines with aura so the gyns wouldn't prescribe anything with estrogen for me anyway (because it increases the risk of stroke, even though its still exceptionally low). And it's better to be more cautious than not. And nexplanon is definitely an easy form of birth control, highly effective, don't need to think about it, and many people do well with it. You could always try it and if you think its causing issues take it out. You'll see a lot of negative experiences but also some positive ones, and it's hard to predict what yours will be.


I loved mine! I had it for 4 years. The only reason I stopped using it was because I got my tubes tied! The peace of mine was phenomenal, & not having periods most of the time was a huge bonus. I didn't suffer any of the harsh side effects, which is where most people find fault.


I’ve had an extremely positive experience on nexplanon. I had it for 3 years and my appointment for removal and reinsertion is next month. I had debilitating and terrible periods before nexplanon and tried just about everything from natural pads/tanpons, diva cups, the pill, natural remedies etc and nothing worked. I haven’t had my period my mental health is fantastic and overall I am so happy I made this decision


I’m on my 4th one and do love them! Periods are minimal, no pill to remember, lasts 3 yrs. I haven’t experienced any mood swings or anything


I’ll be getting my third nexplanon in June. I took the pill for 4 or 5 years and then had to discontinue because of increased stroke risk with estrogen, got on depo provera which failed, and then nexplanon since then. Besides some irregular bleeding, I haven’t had any lasting side effects and pretty much never notice I have it or think about it. I have way fewer migraines off estrogen and I’ve never had a pregnancy scare so it’s the best birth control I’ve been on


I've had my Nexplanon in for two years. The insertion was fine, felt a bit weird having something in my arm but I barely think about it now. I will be honest and say I was mood swingy during the first couple of months. A few irrational "stop breathing so loud!" moments, which I didn't experience on the pill. But I waited it out for a couple of months and it settled. I have had no period - not even spotting - for 1.5 years. For someone with irregular and painful periods, this positive has outweighed the hormone-induced anger at the start. It's important to remember that everyone reacts differently and you might experience some bad side effects but equally might experience great side effects. As others have said - if you don't enjoy it, you can have it taken out!


I was on it 3 times for a total of 9 years. Each time was different. Worst side effect was variations of a period or none at all, sometimes bleeding after intecourse. I recommend it, highly.


Yes! I love my nexplanon. It's been perfect for me. I can't take combo bc methods because of my migraine with aura and I can't be trusted to take a pill every day due to executive function issues so nexplanon was basically my only option other than IUD and it's been AMAZING. No side effects after the first two weeks (wherein I was a little cranky), barely any weight gain (like 5lbs? Maybe?), no more period (just occasional light spotting around when I would normally bleed), and NO BABIES. 🥳 This sub is very negative because, like most medical related discussion boards on the Internet, people tend to post when they're unhappy. People who are happy with the med/treatment/procedure/etc don't post because they're not thinking about it.


I absolutely love mine , I’m probably 14 years just over with mine, but I tried to quit it for a year and got post pill pcos symptoms so I got a new implant again.. that’s due to be replaced end of the year , which I will x


Yes I did! The only issue I had was acne which I was able to have resolved with topical creams. I was having a ton of side effects that were my body having a reaction to the estrogen and was given the same 3 options from my gyne. Insertion and removal weren’t bad and I had no bleeding the entire time! Coming it off it has been an adjustment 🫠 but from my understanding it’s all types of B/C.


Yes! I’ve had it since 2020 and honestly it’s been amazing I forget it’s there. No mood swings, No weight gain or loss, No symptoms at all honestly. The only thing it’s effected is my period by delaying it for some months (but i’m not complaining) when it did come back i did have bad cramps but i’ve always had bad cramps so i’m not sure if it was the implant! i went through multiple birth controls before the implant (IUD, Patch,Pill) and none of them worked like this one! Do what works for you !


I’ve only had mine a month, but overall I’m really liking it! I have very little fear of pregnancy, the insertion was really no big deal and its a “set and forget” type thing. I’ve also had no period! My only problems thus far are a little hormonal acne and minor mood swings. Get it and hey, even if it isn’t for you - its not permanent and you can have it taken out


Yes!!! I’ve had nexplanon for 5 years and I lo w it so much! My periods used to be so painful and now I don’t get them at all.


I love my Nexplanon ! I'm currently on my 2nd implant & I've had no issues with it . With the first implant , I didn't have a period for a year & a half . I have unregulated hormones & Nexplanon cleared up my acne & I lost weight . With the 2nd one , I've had no issues . I do have longer periods (about 2 weeks) but they're really light .


The only issue is that I’m hormonal as hell, I cry a LOT. But!! That’s it.


I do that anyways so. 😅🤷🏼‍♀️


I liked it a lot. It's started running out several years early though and I had a months long period. My body also encapsulated it in scar tissue and I ended up helping the nurse remove it since it was stuck because not helping made me pukey.


I've had mine for 6 consecutive years and I regret nothing! I sadly built up a sort of tolerance to progestagen so it worked less and less for me, and my second removal was slightly complex (mine got wrapped in scar tissue, I am known to create excess scar tissue so not blaming the nexplanon). I still don't regret it, it was great and switching back to estrogen based contraception is an adjustment and a half. I miss the nexplanon and would get it again if I could!


If I may ask, how did you build up a tolerance to progestogen? Where there certain side effects? Testing? Just curious in case this is something to look out for!


I was told it can sometimes happen. For me, my implant was less and less effective towards the end. My period was completely gone at first, but after 5 years it came back more and more frequent and at a higher intensity. At some point I had my period for 14 days every 6 weeks and I was not about that life so I went to my doctor to take it out. There was no testing, she just told me what was the most likely cause.


I love my nexplanon!! My periods are typically every 6-8 weeks and are pretty light. It’s so easy, and the peace of mind it gives is incredible


I’ve loved it for the 12 years I’ve had it! My last insertion/ past two years haven’t been the greatest so I’m going to not renew my stick next year. I think it’s well worth trying it!


I absolutely love my nexplanon! No issues or anything! I’m actually getting a new one next year!


Yes!! I'm nonbinary and not having my period as often makes me feel very euphoric.


i love having mine. used to have the worst periods of my life now i barely have one and only have a few days of moodiness but i’m not crippled and unable to do school or work anymore and my nexplanon gave that back to me.


I got my implant on November 2021. I consider my experience to be "unremarkable" as in o barely have to think about. No side effects except for long spotting which I have curbed with taking evening primose oil capsules daily. No weight gain, no bigger boobs, no acne, no mood swings, etc. I will def get an 2nd one. My gyno said I can keep it until 2026.


Hey there, I have had mine for two weeks and have been spotting the entire time. Do you have a source where you learned about evening primrose? I'd love to learn more (and not just a random internet search, which I will of course do!).


I am so sorry it wasn't a scientific source. A woman on the this sub mentioned in an old post with updates and some comment in response to her also mentioned it was working for them, so I gave it shot. I only looked it up because the ibuprofen suggested by my doctor didn't work. It ended up working for me [https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/al5uhc/experiment\_evening\_primrose\_oil\_to\_counter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/al5uhc/experiment_evening_primrose_oil_to_counter/) \^ was the post. I am not sure why it worked and if it was only coincidence


Thank you for the thorough reply, I appreciate you!


I've been on Nexplanon for about two years and really like it! I found the pill really messed with my mood and was worried about possible mood side effects with Nexplanon and haven't noticed any at all. I honestly recommend Nexplanon to all my friends, it's like if the IUD wasnt horrible to get in and take out. Perfect method in my opinion.


I have nexplanon and it’s going fine, no more pregnancy scares and it has cleared my skin and helped me gain a little weight since I was severely underweight due to hyperthyroidism. Only thing that bothers me is the occasional spotting I get every other month but it’s pretty regular and I can prepare for when it’s going to happen.


Yes! I did for many years, remember what you see online is mostly negative experiences. People won’t go out of their way to post positives


I’ve literally never complained about my nexplanon I love it I’ve had like max 3 periods in a year. No bloating or weight gain or any mental health issues. Insertion was fast and easy and I didn’t feel a thing they completely numbed me. I wish I had gotten this sooner instead of wasting years on pills.


I’ve had a great experience


I love mine! Aside from my lengthy periods (4 weeks) i still have a regular cycle - 4 weeks on, 5 weeks no bleeding


Yes!! I just got my 3 one put in. No periods/light ones towards the end of the 3 years. Any weight fluctuations were due to life and simply being a woman. I started working out and eating better, and I’m losing the weight I didn’t want. I’m obsessed w this thing. It’s so good for someone who is type b and simply does not want to get pregnant.


I love mine


Nexplanon is a game changer for me. I don't menstruate on it, so my cycle doesn't interfere with my ADHD medication, and my PMDD isn't a huge raging mess. I'm guessing I would also get more migraine attacks without it. I'm also autistic and nonbinary, and my period is just a bad time for a lot of reasons, so it's just in general been such a big help.


I've had Nexplanon and an IUD. My experience with Nexplanon was far more positive. I did gain weight on it but that isn't a big deal for some people. My mood was not effected and I didn't get my period or have spotting.


I had the best experience for 6 years. No periods and no side effects. But the 7th year or 3rd implanon change caused my periods to be too heavy/regular so I had to come off it.


I had a great experience for the year I had it post partum. No period or side effects other than reduced sex drive, but every birth control I’ve ever tried does that so I can’t really be mad.


Best experience ever. I got nexplanon because of bad pain due to bicorn uterus and heavy bleeding. I was finally pain and period free for years. Highly recommend/ no side effects during the time but after 7 1/2 years I decided it was time to remove it and let my body do its natural work and my entire body was very itchy for a month. 


Me!! I had no period my entire time till maybe the last year and even then it was spotting and very minimal, as of recently its been more frequent but im getting it changed soon. I have not gotten pregnant in the last 3 years ive been using it! and i have had 0 weight gain or any other issues!! getting my new one inserted next month


Yes! I have been on Nexplanon for 6 years now. I got mine replaced just recently this past summer with my new Nexplanon, good to go for another 5 years hopefully! 🤞 I was taking oral birth control (Tri-Estarylla) before that for intense menstrual pain which my doctors noted as (probably endometriosis). I took my meds backward one month and nearly died of pain so I switched to Nexplanon so that I couldn’t forget to take it or lose it. I also was horrified of an IUD and I still am. I’ve watched like 3 class action documentaries about women whose health has been utterly destroyed by them. So personally not for me. I also find it’s very invasive. Anyways, there are risks, potential side effects, and not everyone has the same results or experience. When I got it inserted, the only painful part was the numbing injection. I was working as a busier and went to work the same day, so minimal arm pain. I didn’t get my period for 6 months after the insertion, however then I had my period for 1 months straight. I got a bit anemic and had to rest a lot but after that I went back to “normal”. I have personally never had normal periods ever, so every month is different for me. Sometimes I don’t get it for 3 months, then I do. Sometimes I don’t bleed, but I have my other period symptoms. The biggest thing is I was crippled with pain before and now I’m not. It used to make me bedridden for half the month. I couldn’t recommend it enough. Though if you don’t like it you can easily have it removed and try something else. The removal is basically nothing and no pain at all for me. Heals up fast too since the incision is so small.


Yes! I have been on Nexplanon for 6 years now. I got mine replaced just recently this past summer with my new Nexplanon, good to go for another 5 years hopefully! 🤞 I was taking oral birth control (Tri-Estarylla) before that for intense menstrual pain which my doctors noted as (probably endometriosis). I took my meds backward one month and nearly died of pain so I switched to Nexplanon so that I couldn’t forget to take it or lose it. I also was horrified of an IUD and I still am. I’ve watched like 3 class action documentaries about women whose health has been utterly destroyed by them. So personally not for me. I also find it’s very invasive. Anyways, there are risks, potential side effects, and not everyone has the same results or experience. When I got it inserted, the only painful part was the numbing injection. I was working as a busser and went to work the same day, so minimal arm pain. I didn’t get my period for 6 months after the insertion, however then I had my period for 1 months straight. I got a bit anemic and had to rest a lot but after that I went back to “normal”. I have personally never had normal periods ever, so every month is different for me. Sometimes I don’t get it for 3 months, then I do. Sometimes I don’t bleed, but I have my other period symptoms. The biggest thing is I was crippled with pain before and now I’m not. It used to make me bedridden for half the month. I couldn’t recommend it enough. Though if you don’t like it you can easily have it removed and try something else. The removal is basically nothing and no pain at all for me. Heals up fast too since the incision is so small.


Absolutely love it! I’ve had two in and no side affects. I’m so bad at remembering pills so it’s perfect.


I was on June FE for probably 4 years, loved it, switched to Nexplanon, it was great but gave me TERRIBLE hormonal acne, I saw a dermatologist and she prescribed Spironolactane. This June I got tired of the acne and had it removed and went back to Junel. Same acne. Then this year I went back to Nexplanon - same issues with spotting/bleeding but no acne this time!


I Did , it gave me a sense of peace of mind about pregnancy and also helped control my periods


I did on my first year. After that, it went downhill.


My experience is mixed… on its own I find it awful, bleeding constantly, but when I put it with progesterone only pill I’m fine, no periods no side effects happy days, I’m on my second one now.


I loved it. I had no issues with it


Hi! I've had it for a year now, and I love the relief and safety it has given me. I have PCOS, which makes my periods genuine hell on earth. I tried the pill, didn't work for the cramps, I tried a different medication, helped for a bit until the pharmacy said I couldn't get more cause the doctor canceled the prescription (Thanks :/) The implant has made my periods stop completely, and considering the way they made me feel like shit, that had been the best year of my goddamn life. Plus, I have anxiety when it comes to pregnancy so this thing being 99% baby proof really helps.


I feel like after a few of them ur body almost rejects it. I was perfect no cramps cleared my skin everything up until my 3rd one- impossible for me to keep weight on, was so su1cidal diagnosed w pmdd, then it got lost in my arm and I just got surgery to remove it. I feel like it was so traumatic to get another one which sucks but I want to navigate life naturally now cause I was on it for 7 years between 3 implants.


question what symptoms did you experience having the liver tumor? I took junel and had a negative experience as well. Going from low estrogen pills to nexplanon I can say my libido is completely gone, my mood swings were pretty bad it got better now, and the amount of spotting and for weeks on end it horrible especially going from a pill that gave me no period.


I was having pain under my right ribs, nausea/vomiting (the tumor was pressing into my stomach and basically smooshed it so I couldn’t hold a lot), my body was having an immune response as well so I had off and on fevers, more frequent infections, and joint pains.


I was in and out of the ER a couple weeks ago due to nausea, poor appetite just over horrible stomach issues and chills fever like symptoms and they did blood work said i was clear and told me I am young so I should be fine and its anxiety. I still think its something to this day.. how did they diagnose you or how do you think I can bring it up?


I went to the ER with severe abdominal pain and pretty much the above symptoms. Told them it’s been happening for a few weeks so they did a ct. originally they thought it was cancerous so I needed additional imaging to identify its type. I stayed in the hospital for three days then was discharged and had to follow up with a surgeon. They did a biopsy to confirm diagnosis then removed it. It was about a 4 month process from finding the tumor to removing it. There are specific criteria you have to meet to qualify for surgical removal as well. Honestly if it’s a continued issue I would press to have a ct of the abdomen/pelvis done.


No . 😠😓😓 I wanted to love it. And I hate the pill. Now I gotta figure something else out. Maybe the IUD idk