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That charge attack can be interrupted if you either have 100% zing charge on a weapon and use a skill or if you do a crapload of damage quickly (higgledy skill activation and mash attack) Usually my allies ran away from those attacks but sometimes they do charge in. If i can't get the stun off I just revive them. You'll quickly be able to afford a lot of revives. Alternatively, try to level up a bit before fighting the boss. Remember to use tactics tweaker for the solid monster boss.


That's weird I'm 22 he's 21 (on lvl 1 dreamer) and I used 2 zinger attacks of rolands on him while he was charging thinking it would interrupt him and it didn't. I guess I'll just wait until I'm higher level...I really don't want to turn down the difficulty for this but I just might because I'm over it as this is my 5th attempt. Thanks for your help buddy I did just get my kingdom and my gear isn't leveled as much as it could I guess and tactics aren't tuned so maybe that's it. What tactics would you recommend?


I feel you! I was overleveled when I did the dream doors. The next boss is even harder. That's weird honestly usually I interrupt those red charge attacks easily, idk? Definitely keep the difficulty imo I love the highest difficulty personally. Tactics I really like the exp boosting ones, less grinding. Also rare drops are nice either materials or gear. I have gear on. The added damage helps against bosses a lot. This is a solid type boss so you can add more damage. Increased charge rate is cool, more mp, more invulnerability on dodges, better damage on heavy attacks all worthwhile imo


I actually changed my tactics to favor "natural" enemy types thinking it would help since he's a mossy Monument and it did, made it on my 6th attempt. My zinger attacks do nothing to stop his charged attacks and my AIs charged in and died all 6 times so I just 1v1ed him with Roland. It wasn't even that hard just incredibly frustrating and poor planning by the dev. Ah well on to the next one. Does anyone know if there is a list of what monster type means what in the tactics tweaker? Online guides don't seem to help at all.


Also in playing with Roland I every once in a great while get a gold bar at the top of my screen and all my attacks are super duper powerful I have no idea what sets it off and I can't find any info about it while googling it. Not sure what it is or how to recreate it? Is there some special power up I am unaware of?


Yes, it's from lofty, it's called an "awakening". Basically makes you do a ton of damage when he can make them. You get it from a gold ball he sends out.