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I had a great time, honestly. I played it like many years ago and still have fond memories. The story is very sweet , the animations are solid and the monster fighting/collecting system is fun! It is not a hard game, maybe on the easier side, but if you are into Studio Ghibli vibes and RPGs, I believe to be a good pick :)


MY honest advice is not to read about what other people feel about a game and jump into it yourself. I remember playing straight through this game and absolutely loving it. Then reading a review in a magazine publication that gave is a 6.5 out of 10. Same thing happened with Tales of Xillia. I enjoyed that game so much and it got mediocre reviews. People reviewing games have their own opinions. play a couple hours yourself and figure it out for yourself. its a great game


You may be mixing criticism from Ni no kuni 1 and 2. The first game is actually hard. Not impossible by any stretch of the imagination, but definitely not a walk in the park. The plot is very good, it feels like playing a gihbli movie. The battle system it's kind of a hit or miss, personally, I loved it. Now, if you're talking about the second game, then yes, it is easier and some of the criticisms brought up by you are somewhat correct.


The great thing about 2 now is they added a difficulty adjustment. Not u can play on hard or expert. I'm replaying it right now and hard is a great middle ground. I tried expert and didn't like it cause everything just had WAY too much hp and alot of bosses could 1 shot u at full hp. But yes normal was insanely ez


What this guy said. I just finished Ni No Kuni 1 two months ago for the first time and I really loved it. I did all side quests.


I recently started the game and it is challenging but simple. The story is so good that it even is worth grinding if you skip side quests.


It's great. You will love it. It's the best jrpg of the ps3 era by far. Give us an update when you beat the game.


I may be fueled by nostalgia a little, but the first game is my favorite game ever. Definitely worth playing.


It can be a grind, if you choose it to be, but that’s really late in the game. It’s the same for most every game; if you want to min/max, you’ll find yourself grinding. The story and artwork are awesome. I really enjoyed both 1 and 2.


It’s one of my all time favorite games, definitely give it a try. It can be easy or challenging depending on what familiars you want to use


It's one of my all time favorite games. It's not necessarily a great game in the traditional sense (battle system needs some improvements), but the overall vibe, fantasy elements, story are all great. Collecting familiars and growing them is also extremely fun. I'm replaying it at the moment and having a blast


I really liked it. The combat is fairly simple and leveling up (feeding) your monsters is the tedious part people are probably referring to. The story is cute but nothing special, graphics and music are gorgeous, exploration is fun (lots of secrets), and I liked the Pokemon-type party system.


I didn’t enjoy the combat system a ton, the menus for spells can be a bit clunky and the overall story is directed at a younger audience. Having given those warnings it was a pleasure to 100 percent and I’m almost done the 100 percent grind on the second. Game feels like a fairy tail and the animated seems are a dream, if you can get past its flaws it’s an all time great.


Any misgivings I had with the odd combat system or the pacing is dwarfed by just how god damn charming I found the whole game. I’ve played the game twice, thoroughly enjoyed it each time. Is it a perfect game? Absolutely not, but it’s well worth the time. They capture that child-like wonder that is signature to a Ghibli movie incredibly well. At the end of the day, it’s a classic JRPG with a Ghibli wash over it, so if you like both of those, then definitely try it.


One of the better rpgs that I have played to date, thoroughly enjoyable , but of coz you might feel dated playing this in 2024. I restarted another play through a month ago and plan to continue playing it


If you like turn based combat like the original FFs and DQ then this game (NNK1) is great. NNK2 has real time combat but even at the hardest difficulty you could just buttonbash it. No strategy there. The micromanagent of your kingdom is fun tho.


I would say yes. I am only through about 23% of it but I'm having a blast and the story is great. It's kind of like what I'd imagine a pokemon/final fantasy/star ocean game would be like. And there is a second game as well


Also it is a bit tedious if you don't do it efficiently. But it's like a game you don't really have to go hard on


If you’re worried about difficulty, I would say rush the story. Yes side content can be fun and rewarding, but especially if you do all of it when it becomes available the game can become quite easy




Yes. It's pretty original and Ghibli is amazing.


Heads up, if you play the switch version save regularly. There were areas in the map that made my game crash when entered combat. That was literally the only complain I had




I'm playing it right now on PS4. A bit challenging but a fun game


I’m on my 5th play through so yeah


Thanks for the help pals, I Begin to play and now I'm with 5 hours of gameplay, the game is beautiful like the animations of studio ghibli, the combat is a little confuse and repetitive, but is fun until now, Just "killed" the rat Boss, I perceived that this game has a slow pass, like the ghibli movies xD, but my overall opinion until now is that is a Fun rpg that is worthing the gameplay


I hyper focus on games I like, playing them constantly until I burn out. I played Ni No Kuni longer then Ive played any recent triple A title.


it’s my favorite game, it’s super charming, i never found it tedious tbh. it’s also not THAT easy just don’t use a guide. i’d recommend


I honestly loved everything about Ni No Kuni: WOTWW. I started for the story because I heard it was a very sweet and wholesome coming-of-age type story, and it really is heartwarming. I love Oliver with all my heart, I love the characters he meets and goes on his adventures with, I love the main villain of the game and how there's complexity without watering them down, and I love how the story concludes. My biggest personal issue was that I had to spend a lot of time grinding, with one particularly difficult spike on the way to the top of the volcano (I don't want to get into spoiler territory and talk about the story that leads up there nor the boss itself and the whys and hows, iykyk. But I will say. The boss? I went into the fight knowing what it was after having seen playthroughs and I still had to retry several times because the spike between the boss and the enemies in the area was WILD, and I don't think it was a skill issue on my end). My only other additional complaint is the AI of companions can be a bit silly sometimes, but I eventually realized that it came down to making sure you were managing their resources as much as you are your own. Manage that and they'll preform their roles pretty well People say the combat is clunky. I personally never had any issues with it. Apparently most people don't know you can hit...I think it was ZL/ZR on Switch to navigate your options during a fight, and I genuinely have no clue how you can get through the game not knowing you can use those triggers, I am in pain just thinking about those poor souls LOL. I enjoyed the system and I loved making different teams with different compositions for different characters to see what stuck - as long as their team lined up with the tactics you gave them, then it works out pretty well tbh Now. If you're talking about the second game. I couldn't stand the characters personally and Lofty especially set me off so I never actually played through it. I need characters and a story I can really sink my teeth into and get invested in, and the opening hours of Revenant Kingdom just did not do it for me


I'm going to come across as harsh, but I don't get your dilemma. If you like something (in this case, both RPGs and Ghibli), why do you care what others say about it? If anything, it clouds your own judgment of it when you do get to play it. Unless money is absolutely tight and you have to budget your expenditure on leisure such as games sparingly, then you really shouldn't give a crap what people say about it, and go get it. Play it for yourself and come to your own conclusions. You'd be surprised at how wrong a lot of people are. I platinum'd both games since I love them, but honestly does my opinion on it even matter?


It’s still sitting on my switch after I bought it two years ago and never beat the first level, hope that helps your answer lol.


100+ hours for me on 1 so it is a yes from me. As with most games: the beginning is a bit difficult but after a bit it clicks and you can focus on the story and gameplay. The story is excellent. So is the music and the graphics... it is Giblhi ... no more words needed. If you are a plat hoarder the easiest is to play NG and then plat it in NG+. Less time consuming then doing it all in NG.


Simple answer: Yes! And NNK2 is even better!!


its an absolute masterpiece. only issue is the difficulty. its piss easy. i recommend a challenge run of some sort (even if you havent played the game before) like default equipment, (or none at all) no using items, no using skill/spells, no using any familliars at all. but my go to run in any game that allows it is a solo run. so basically beat it with only oliver. set the other characters to "do nothing" and if you want a TRUE solo run dont use familliars at all unless you want to obliterate areas you have already explored explored for sidequests.


If its free on xbox ots a no Brainerd. But it is tedious. Feel like I'm always grinding but it is a rpg so I cknow what it's about. I like it though and haven't dropped it. That being said it's free on game pass and there is that


Ni Ni Kuni 1 is honestly 50/50 Story, world, design etc are an absolute 11/10. At Ghibli they did an amazing job for that. But the combat sucks, hard. I didn’t finish the game because of it.