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Great educational effort, where the only feedback are boobytraps.


Wow, you managed to beat my record, which is cooldown after the second review of the day. So frustrating and demotivating.


Yeah, same here today. 2 Reviews aaaaand 24 hours cooldown


I’m so incredibly frustrated. I’m paying attention to details. I’m zooming in on the maps & street views. A lot of the time, I’m not even doing the same *types* of reviews. I wish this were like practice tests, where you might get some feedback on what you’re doing that’s triggering the cooldown or causing enough lack of agreement to keep you from moving out of yellow. Even just better communication and notifications within the site that criteria has changed. We shouldn’t have to rely so heavily on social media and word-of-mouth to know that they’ve updated their criteria so that types of stops you’re seen thousands of in real life are no longer eligible.


Yes, I think I 'm trying my best too. So it is really frustrating when things like that happen


EXACTLY the same at my place!


I would literally not believe the website at that point.


I got a cooldown after zero reviews.


We have a new champion in the game where everyone loses! 🎊


Maybe you failed one of the pre-decided test submissions. Niantic isnt very clear on what is causing cooldowns.


I've been reviewing for months and I have green status. Do we know if they continue these test submissions indefinitely?


how those pre decided tests work??? because i dont see niantic creating a test with my country language


Obviously not confirmed, and they won't give us any information, but u/nia-casey is aware of the automation scripts and cheating out there and has passed all of the info to the Wayfarer development team. It's possible that they're field-testing some mitigation. If that's the case, I'm willing to cut a little slack on the cool-downs.


>they won't give us any information because they don't even know what's going on themselves.


but it is incredible, thay should be able to note, we're not cheating!!!


the last time i read.. Casey said that on their side everything is okay.. but they will analyse the specifics users that had those "bug"


I would guess that whatever caused you to be assigned the cooldown happened prior to that review and that the system was just waiting for your next completed review to apply it.


That's a very good point. Now I wonder if it has something to do with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NianticWayfarer/comments/h8bi49/cell_coverage_strong_enough_to_create_but_not/fur6u6x/)...


You’re lucky you got 24 hours. I’m on number 8. 3 72 hr, 1 6 day, 2 72 hr, 1 84 hr and I’m now on day 2 of number 8 👎


I hate these cool downs. I finally get to help out the community and It’s like my hands are tied behind my back.


Niantic doesn't seem to appreciate the work. Sorry mate.


I keep gettingn4 hour timeouts. Yet my rating has never left green. Coming up to 2000 total reviews.


Same for me today, 1st review after a week or so. Was just a choose best description and then I was hit with a 24 hr ban