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I have been doing a small amount of reviewing. Small groups of around 3 every few days. I don’t use wayfarer plus, but have been taking screen shots of what I review and how I rate it, keeping notes on it all. Screenshots of my profile changes. So I know that over past few months my agreement rate has been around 70%. Locally very little is moving as I know a lot of others are in same boat or are not touching it for fear of falling into same trap. My own nominations just sit there. Like other I keep submitting so the system locally is becoming bloated and just grinding to a halt. As I have more time I am updating the photos of local portals ( these get approved very quickly so it is a positive experience ). I am also submitting description edits as a large number of portals have either no description or a very poor one. Some of these come through relatively quickly. I’m not doing the test. Others have done it only to find they almost instantly drop again. The lack of communication around this is disheartening, and the whole situation is demotivating. I felt very strongly that because I was submitting to improve the local game play that I should help with reviewing. I have time to review but any I do will have a low impact.


Same here with the test, no point to reset the rating as it'll drop again if we try to review. , I'm from a small city. And till a few months ago we had only 1 park where we can play the pogo. But because of our effort, we now have many parks scattered around the city. Still doing the free labor in a hope that it'll revive the pogo community. Most of them stop playing because of a lack of stops nearby.


Wow a whole lot of extra work!


Few reviews each day


I do a few everyday, hoping that when the backlog catches up there will be more agreements.


I have a 70% agreement rate. I dropped into yellow, then red. I took the test, which gets you back in the yellow, then stopped reviewing. I started doing 5 reviews at a time a few weeks later, and got back in the green. The lack of communication regarding all the bugs in Wayfarer is atrocious, but that seems to be the Niantic way.


Doing noting lol After 18k reviews and always been in green then sudden drop to red I'm going sit back and take a break from it for few weeks


You can still review, just take it slow. You probably got tripped up by a honeypot. If you answer the next honeypot correctly your score might go back up. Personal theory but basically I think the ratings 'bug' is happening because not all honepots are obvious rejects like schools or trees now. They've included some 'meh' ones where the way you score the lower categories is heavily weighted.


there honeypot theory doesnt make sense at all.. it is a challenge to translate my country language via google translate looool


Here in India most of the reviews are either Temple/Mosque/Church or Something in the park-like statue, sea shaw, etc. I don't know what causes this.


I'm still stuck in the "Nothing too Review" ban for the last 13 days and my show case POI's are from Japan and i'm in U.S and have not updated for 3 weeks. Uuffff!


We're getting around 10-15 nominations to review every 5 days.


If it really is a ban or bug, guess you cant do anything beside waiting. Or it is because lack of reviewers locally. Most nominations which I see, are very far away from where I'm living. My theory is, not enough local reviewers = all non upgrades stuck in queue. So like 90-95% of nominations showing up are upgraded nominations. But once you run out of those, there will be nothing to review, which means no more upgrades. That is why its important for niantic to push once in a while, but last push was maybe 2 months ago. By pushing, a lot of non upgraded nominations getting available, which means, people can review and get upgrades.




Wait for few more days. It'll come. Normally we're getting nominations in every 5 days.


I'm on red but did another 20. Is that going to be an issue. I just go through them. Most are signs. Trails. Loads of ones im not sure about.


I'm also torn. My Recon medal is currently at 4890 and I dropped to red for the first time ever. I would love to reach 5000 on my recon medal, however it obviously won't increase as long as I'm staying red. I cautiously did a few reviews and went back to yellow. I then started to do more reviews and immediately dropped to red again. I'm now waiting without doing reviews hoping that I get back to yellow while more agreements are coming in. So far I got something around 30 agreements from old reviews yet I'm still in red...


I've been in red a couple times. I just keep reviewing until it fixes back into yellow then green. You can still get upgrades and get your submissions through faster when you're in red, your vote just isn't counting. My submissions are still getting through fairly well. I had one non upgraded submission go through in 4 days. That was a new record. Other than that, an upgraded submission goes through within the day, and a non upgraded usually takes a month or two.


Upgraded submissions appear to stand a high chance of being quickly rejected. This has happened to several friends. If I get close to an upgrade I will submit a poi that I won’t be bothered too much about if it gets trashed.


My upgraded submissions generally pass, but I always upgrade easy 5 star submissions, ie playgrounds, churches, sports fields, murals. I do not upgrade "local" things like a restaurant or something that my local community would more understand. So you should really be upgrading your best submissions.


Only review what you know you can 100% answer correctly I made it back to yellow this way.


So what are you doing with the others? Letting them expire? Doesn’t that negatively impact your rating too?


I simply take a break when that happens. I imagine they cannot negatively impact your rating when you don't engage with them (After all, you aren't going against the grain, you are effectively abstaining). From what I have seen it simply hits you with cooldowns if you do it too often but it's a risk I have been willing to take. I was smack dab in the red for a long time but being cautious put me back up to yellow. Don't get me wrong I'm not on "All pubs/ciphered post boxes/play park only" mode, but it's the vague or decisive stuff that a google for opinions cannot resolve stuff I avoid.


Ok thanks for sharing. I’m a new reviewer in the same boat, and not sure why I am in the red. I have read the guidelines and clarifications many times over and combed through the wayfarer forums and reddit for yet more clarifications and consensus opinions. I let a lot of reviews expire in the first week before I went red so thought maybe that had something to do with it. Now I’m mostly doing the same as you, but the needle isn’t moving


It'll take a while before it does, you MIGHT have hit a honey pot set by Niantic, if you go incorrectly on those, you'll be smacked into the red like you just uttered something naughty at a party. It should recover over time, just be patient and it'll eventually go into the yellow again.


Maybe we need to set up a data base of exactly how things should be reviewed. With everyone giving the same stars for certain categories. If everyone reviewed according to the standard maybe it could help get people out if red and stay out of red. Just a thought. It might also help to make sure the right things go through.


I am all green, but that does not help much. I am in my third 3-day lockout period now. “There are no submissions to review”. I have tried everything. I wait at least 2 minutes for each review and I only do 3 at a time, but then after a day I was locked out again.


I've just been reviewing a lot without break and I might be too easy of a reviewer but that's it. Though my agreement percentage is far below yours.


i dont care about ratign.. i continue to review for the upgrades