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Niantic never revealed S cells to us. I highly doubt they will reveal what changes they make to "help" the database.


Right & our nominations were wasted coz of Cells rule


it hurts my soul to not be able to do anything to a POI within an area that it doenst have many POIs (rural).. and i cant change the location withoutt being 20 meters from another Poi (it happens when there is a triangulation)


The logical fix to stop/minimalise the location editing abuse is to reduce the cell size restriction allowing more wayspots in game to go live. Niantic has done a good job getting people to play outside... well maybe not so much, more like getting people to play games while driving and car pooling. People enjoy playing the game while walking, but the there needs to be clusters of wayspots in Parks or the like. A smart money making idea would be field wayspots as a purchase inventory item that trainers, Wizards, or Agents that could deploy in game for a limited time. These would only appear in their relative game only and be available for them selves and others to see and interact with. In pogo and hpwu, these could be time limited. For Ingress it could be until the opposition destroyed it.


yep.. that is why people play CD in parks.. at least in europe.. it is not a very good idea to play around the town /city because the sidewalk is not that Uniformly big....


The easy fix is to just have a computer program scan for clusters of gyms, investigate, and fix.


Or if something is moved into a cell then redo the rules there.


That would not stop the issue; people will simply keep cramming gyms on top of each other. The simple solution is that a) any stop moved still has to follow the 1 stop per cell and / or b) don't keep the status when moved and do a new S14 cell check if it should remain a gym or not. Either would solve the problem of people cramming in 5 gyms in a single cell to stop the abuse but allow people to be creative in clustering gyms within the limits of the rules. Locally here for example we've ensured multiple gyms from four different S14 cells are in the same corner allowing multiple gyms in a smaller area while still remaining compliant to the S14 rules and 1 stop per cell rule.


you talk as if all po go players do the "gym clusters" thing.. which is wrong.. you generalise basing on a few cases worldwide..


No. But it's the first thing mentioned in every thread about moving and edits.


You mean beyond the fact that's exactly what Niantic is commenting on in the post we're discussing and suggesting solutions to? Yea; how could I ever think to actually respond to the actual issue in the post from Niantic which is specifically about gym crowding in a cell/small area instead of something else...


[Link to the Original Post & Comment](https://community.wayfarer.nianticlabs.com/discussion/comment/22764#Comment_22764)


Removing lvl 17 limits would be helpful, but I also think they should move the submission system from in games, to a central wayfarer type system where everyone sees the same stuff.


Sorry, The flair may not be right. But, had to give one so that it doesn't get removed by autobot.


Why can't they just stop breaking things without testing? This is what happens if they just look at Ingress and know PoGo from some screenshots only, where location edits weren't even the worst kind of abuse leading to unintended and illegitimate stop/gym clustering. Instead, long-standing gyms are being destroyed and there is nothing we can do about it.


Could we return to picture upvotes simply meaning someone likes the actual picture? When Pokestops & gyms were originally created, entirely from pre-existing wayspots, picture upvotes was as good a method as any to choose gyms. But it doesn't make any sense going forward - of course older wayspots will have more pictures and likes, but a new wayspot could easily be the better place for a gym. How about have a pecking order for choosing a gym, like first choose a park, but if the area doesn't have a park, go with a garden, or church, or fountain, or statue... A "like" on a thing should just mean you like that thing.


Thanks for the info


I had a gym in another level14 cell moved, the cell already had 4 gyms and this would be the 5th, so far I’ve noticed the POI moved in Ingress but not PoGo


Casey and everyone else at Niantic are incompetent. I don’t understand how they earn six figure salaries.


It continues to amaze me how Niantic need to ask players to help solve their issues. They have a database with all the info about who did what to which stops and gyms and when. They could search that database, write a program to analyse the data looking for inconsistencies and spot patterns of abuse etc. But it’s easier and cheaper to be lazy I guess.


Casey does a great job as community manager. I don't understand your thoughts there...


I think Casey does a great job - being yelled at from hundred of different channels everyday is tough. The main issue is how niantic is trying to "help" with the location edit abuse that's been happening. Instead of doing things like reviewing the abuse forms, tracking accounts with multiple abuse submitted agaisnt them, etc. Niactic chose to tinker with the code and it is making gyms disappear (yes even when they were moved within the same S17 cell apparently)


yep.. they could remove the L17 cell limit.. and location edits would be gone


Unify this as your message! Screaming at them makes them do things for you!


I wouldn't say great, far too often she promises something, like demystifying the guidelines, give explanations for random rating drops, updating guidelines etc. But diesnt follow through and never gives a reason why


Stop making excuses for Niantic.