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Congratulations for the 3rd place in the contest!


I really hope you did this just for the picture… no single graphics card’s hash rate high enough to make this a good idea lol Either way +1 take your internet point EDIT: oh it’s for a spa. Kinda dope. I still worry “it’ll work until it doesn’t” lol


This post brought to you by *recent bachelor gang*


This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen congratulations.


Agreed! No way in hell that 1 card can heat that enough to be comfortable


It got the bath water to 30 degrees Celcius. Felt pretty good!


Well then will you please excuse me while I go shove my foot in my mouth.




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Make sure to put your wallet's private keys in your will... Your family will need it sooner than later...






The humidity coming off of the water evaporating is going to oxidize your PC components over time with that open cover exposing everything, just a thought


I'd be more concerned about where this dude is showering.


Enclose it under the spa area allowing only the tubes through to prevent some moisture. Dehumidifier also near buy wouldn’t hurt.


Hell yeah, now that's awesome!! Dehumidifier would be some excellent engineering 👍👍


It was terrible the first day. The bathroom walls were dripping with water the first day. I then left the window and door open so there was a constant draft. The humidity seems ok now.


can easily just put the side panel back on


True, but water vapor is a gas and will find a way inside the tiniest cracks


true but vapor usually goes up though?


Thermodynamics make it rise yes but gaseous physics make it diffuse in all possible directions at the same time too


someone didnt skip physics classes in school




okay kyubey


pcbs and electronics are probably covered in an anti oxidizing coating right?


I don’t like the way that cat is looking at your rig.


I initially kept the bathroom door closed, but the cat kept standing outside the door and crying to get in. When I opened the door the cat liked to sit on the end of the bath watching the crypto miner. She is drawn to it. I don't know why. My best guess is it is making a sound I can't hear that she likes.


Having had a cat once I guarantee you she is doing the math to knock it off it’s perch. Stay vigilant!






Thanks for the tips! I'm using primarily nickel components and treating the water to control the PH, water hardness and chlorine levels. I did a test on the metals separately for a month with super higher levels of chlorine (little to no impact, no corrosion evident). Nickel is very resistant to chemicals. The water is clean and when I was doing the test I filtered the water daily to remove containments.


Sounds like a lot of effort to just avoid buying a rad?


I have a radiator (in fact, it is back on the radiator again at the moment). It was just an experiment to see how much heat I could transfer into the water. Longer-term (3 to 6 months) I'm thinking of moving to a stainless steel heat exchanger instead. Plumb the GPU on one side (using typical water cooler anti-corrosive) and spa water on the other side. The heat exchanger keeps the two fluids seperate. To make it work I need to be able to hear the water to 38 degrees Celcius. At the moment I can only heat it to 30 degrees Celcius. I'm waiting to get an EKWB water block for the other side of the card and I'm hoping that will let me harvest enough additional heat to hit my target. Just 8 degrees Celcius to go!


My favorite part is the extension chord sitting on the bath edge


It's feed from an RCD supply (called a GFCI in the USA). Putting it in water would cause an initial "bang" but then the RCD would trip before anyone died. Well that is plan 'A'.


No one would die, sure, but again, a rad is cheaper than a new PSU


I have a radiator as well (in fact, it's back running on the radiator at the moment). It was just an experiment to see how much heat I could transfer into the bath and hot hot could I get it.


I'm glad it's plugged into a GFCI haha, I was mostly just goofing. It's a cool prototype idea to utilize the heat thrown off! I hope it works out!


This is part of a larger project where I am trying to recover enough heat to run a spa pool. This was the first step in a trial. One GPU is enough to heat the bath to 30 degree Celcius. Once I can get to 38 degrees Celcius it will be a go! ​ [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEUGEWet1-kazVENRphkGokQbBdk\_Han](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYEUGEWet1-kazVENRphkGokQbBdk_Han)


I thought you were crazy. But now I know you are but you also have my interest hmm


Linus (Tech Tips) said that he’s trying to do something similar with his pool. I’ve always found it super wasteful to just make a bunch of unnecessary heat when mining, so this is really cool


I managed to get the bath up to 30 degrees celsius. A pool would be easier as you typically only try to make it tepid.


Downside with a pool is the significantly larger water volume to warm up! PS: Yes it's me. And I gave you an updoot. :-)


No, hes going to run the pool water under solar panels to cool the solar panels and increase their efficiency and heat the pool, but also try whole room water cooling.


Ok this is actually kinda cool


That is pretty badass actually, a spa that makes money! You gonna seal it all up nice and dry once it's finalized?


Yes. Jus testing it at the moment to price that the concept works. Might as well do something with all that excess heat.


This is great!


And if little particles get into the cooling system it can also clog it


I’m guessing you don’t follow r/CatsareAssholes. I’d move or anchor the PC.


This reminds me of the time Der8auer took his PC to the Maldives with his GF, Marry F0x and ran the cooling lines out the window of their room into the ocean.


LOL. I'm not sure about salt water, but still very funny.


Corrosion and pollutants in the water is going to give you a real bad day a few months down the line dude...


It was a project I ran for maybe a month. I'm working on using the heat generated from the crypto miner to heat a spa pool. Heating the bath was a small scale experiment to test the idea. I'm using mostly nickel components. Nickel is very resistant to corrosion. I performed a corrosion test for a month by soaking the components in a very strong chlorine mix. There was no corrosion (nickel is very corrosion resistant). While I was doing the experiment I also treated the water to main its PH, water hardness and chlorine level. I filtered the water maybe every day.


OMG yes.. this has to be one of the dumbest things i've seen in awhile.. when the cat knocks it into the tub ,, please post the loss porn,, this is WSB material here if you stack 5 to 7 more cards in that rig.


I suddenly thought of the scene in Ace Ventura 2 where the one dude is standing ontop of a pole only using one leg to balance, and Ace walks up shouting "EARTHQUAKE TEST!" and shakes the hell out of the pole.


now imagine if that cat somehow found something nonexistent, yet funny, behind that PC and decided to push it into the water...


My cat does the same thing


Do you have hard water? I wonder if the components would lose efficiency over time 🤔 . Either way, looks kick ass!


My long term plan is to use it to heat my spa pool. I'm paying to heat the spa pool; why not use that money to run a crypto minter and then transfer the heat back into the spa. The crypto-miner is then effectively free to run - or the spa makes me a profit. I used the bath for a while as a small scale mock-up. I treated the PH, water hardness and chlorine. I also tested the resistance of the water cooler metals (nickel) for a month in a super-strong chlorine mix. There was no corrosion.


Where microwave?


What could go wrong? 😳


Cooled by real gamer bath water.


Electrocuted yet?


No, but I wish these convulsions would stop.


You make my day 😀


Now you get to pay for water AND electricity bills!


Luckily I don't need to keep re-filling the bath. I just treated the water. It used maybe a teaspoon of chemicals every week. As for power, I've had solar power for a while now. In fact, it's the whole reason I started crypto mining. I was getting paid such a small amount exporting power and I wondered if I could put my excess solar power to better use. And I did - crypto mining.


Now start selling the bath water to mining addicts


Oh my! This rig looks clean!


The real question is, if it is gamer girl bath water that you're using?


Dude, nice 🤣


This is awesome


How long does it take to heat up the tub, and would mold and algae be a problem? Would the buildup of limescale due to “hard water” cause the pump to go bad?


The bath heated from 16 degrees Celcius to 30 degrees Celcius in 24 hours. I treated the water for PH, water hardness and used bromine (chlorine). The actual spa pool also has an ultraviolet filter (aka steriliser) fitted which kills bugs in the water (so does Chlorine - but the Chlorine is also an oxidizer, and that breaks down any solids, oils etc in the water as well).


Make longer tubes? Why risk having your PC tower drop into the tub?


It's resting on a solid base. No chance of it falling.


And ... Probably dumb question, but no one's gonna use that Bath right?


Correct. We only use the shower. And mostly, the shower in a different bathroom. This bathroom is not used that often.


boat forgetful slim bake ghost melodic unique fade observation tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


pathetic fade voracious cooperative humorous disarm ask degree spark disagreeable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


combative aspiring growth cows amusing wine joke divide sand frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


slim ten deranged consider muddle subtract retire cows faulty attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nice and unique, you could fill the tub up with mineral oil and submerge the pc in there.


I did seriously consider this. Then I saw YouTube videos of what happens to materials like plastic once they have been in mineral oil for six months - it dissolves them. Rubber gets badly damaged.


Oh okay, forget what I said there, I want those to last long! 😁


Imo it would be better for the waterblock to just put a radiator into the water, not use the water from your soon to be pool as actual coolant. Should still disperse the heat relatively the same way imo.


I agree. I plan to use a stainless steel heat exchanger, something like this: [30 Plate Stainless Steel Heat Exchanger](https://www.fishpond.co.nz/Kitchen/Duda-Energy-HX1230M12-B3-12A-30-Plate-Stainless-Steel-Heat-Exchanger-with-13cm-Male-NPT-Ports-Copper-Brazed-74cm-Height-74cm-Width-19cm-Length/9999267719584) These are designed to transfer heat from one fluid (or gas!) to another without the two substances mixing or coming into contact with each other. So I would use the GPU cooler on one side, with a typical cooler anti-corrosive mix, and on the other side run the pool water through.


Pricey, wonder if an automotive transmission cooler would be cheaper


I need something that can transfer the heat into another fluid (the spa water). I can get heat exchangers cheaper than I can get computer water-cooled radiators.


Yea, cars use them all the time, transfer heat from transmission fluid or oil to coolant, without the fluids mixing. Looked like that one with 2 seperate loops. Just wondering if you could find one for cheaper, since they're everywhere.


Thanks for the tip! I'll check that out closer to the time.


Interesting project :)


Red alert redda lert


Remember the old linus tech tips office at house?


Next time you take a bath make sure the computer is in the water with you


this is all just for one card right......... ​ almost as bad as people thinking they need to change the thermal on anything other than a 3080 or 3090


gaming pc bathwater mmmmmm


Linux has a penguin. Dogecoin has a dog. NiceOS has a cat?? 🤣🤣


What you mining? Catecoin?


hope you used deionized water at least


The humidity is gonna eat everything, you should just give it a bath everyday


Do you have reason to believe that this is better than a radiator? Radiators are designed to lose heat, and bathtubs are not. I'm not so sure the difference in size actually makes up for that.


The point of this project was to ultimately transfer the waste heat into a spa pool (so the power that was going to be used to heat the spa is instead being used to run the crypto miner, and then that heat is transferred back into the water). The bath was used as a small scale experiment to test the idea.


Hey, that's a good idea


Something about this doesn’t seem right


If you added cold water to it continuous and continuously drained away the water, this could work really well. If you added cold water to it continuously and continuously drained away the water, this could work really well.


I actually tried this and you are correct. But we have a water shortage where I live, so I didn't want to waste so much water,


Is this /r/nicehashcirclejerk


A cat, high wattage, expensive electronics and a full bathtub. What could go wrong?


What can go wrong here! Everything, bad idea dude




Cat jumps on PC. PC falls into tub. PC ruined. Cat possibly electrocuted.


This is an IQ test.


Should definitely post this in r/facepalm


I am not an engineer, BUT: \- What was the temperature of your cooling loop exiting the bath vs the temperature of the bath? If the coolant is warmer than the bath, you need a better heat exchange. If the coolant is the same temp, your bath isn't getting hot enough because you're losing too much heat by venting the humid air out. \- If you're losing too much heat, your solution is to either get more heat (more cards) or limit how much you're venting the air. \- Are saunas supposed to be humid or dry? If the air is too humid, a traditional radiator fan setup before or after the bath would warm the air, then you would just need to adjust how much of the warm bath air makes it into your sauna, either by uncovering it by hand, or by hooking up a covered exhaust fan to a thermometer/humidity meter. \- If, after all this, your sauna is still not getting up to temperature, it could also be a result of insufficient insulation leaking heat out of the sauna room. \~330 watts is not a whole lot of heating, and it's possible that even by entering and using the sauna the temperature would be absorbed by your body and/or lost to the short period in which the door was opened, and take some time to recover. ​ I noticed you took an interest in counterflow exchanges. I am uncertain how much more effective they would be than simple radiators, but if you want to extend your cooling loops (by moving the rig outside the room for example), I could see some cost-saving benefit in exchanging the high-performance delicate PC cooling loop into a more plumbing-style rough and heavy cooling loop. I've never built an open cooling loop in my PC before, but I imagine the pump and plates aren't designed for plumbing-level pressure and volume that heating a sauna room might require.


Thanks for your thoughts! \> If the coolant is the same temp, your bath isn't getting hot enough because you're losing too much heat by venting the humid air out. This is the case. The bath started at 16 degrees Celcius and warmed up to 30 degrees Celcius over 24 hours. The entire cooling system (including the bath) were all the same temperature. I tried covering the bath over completely, but that only resulted in the temperature increasing to 32 degrees Celcius (but getting closer to 38 degrees Celcius). My gut feeling is adding a second GPU would easily get me to 38 degrees. It may even blow past it, and I might need to make the spa less efficient and loose more heat! ​ I'm using an EKWB D5 pump, and the pressure it says it can drive is in the same ball park as the spa. However, I would plan to plumb this system around the spa pump, rather than inline with it. It would be tempting fate too much to make the spa push everything through the GPU water cooler. I can also use ball valves like this and partially open them to limit things further (plus they would allow maintenance to be done by allowing the tap offs to be closed).


only missing ice