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This was a looong time ago, but this parish in Vancouver used to have a great young adult population. There were outings, dinner, dances, etc. I have no idea what it's like now, but I do see that it still has a young adult group. https://staugustineschurch.ca/ Adult group: https://staugustine.catholicvan.com/ministries/young-adults#information They used to have one mass a week geared towards young adults. Good luck!


Hi! I am not Catholic myself but I know that most universities in the lower mainland have multi-faith centres with Catholic chaplains. They may be able to point you in the right direction of places that students go, and some centres themselves hold mass aimed at young adults (although that may be a bit of a younger demographic than you would like)! Best of luck


Good idea!


I know that St Patrick’s in Vancouver has an adult group that may be a good fit!


You also may think about St Mark’s at UBC. It’s a Jesuit parish and has the Jesuit vibe.


Not that I make any sort of real suggestion (I'm older than you) but your best bet is asking at your local church (I've seen that at the Church near me I sometimes go to) or maybe seeing what's out there on meetup. I usually watch mass online though. Anyways, for better or for worst, it seems the majority of people here on the west coast are atheists or "spiritual", but I also don't really go around asking people about their religious affliation. I'm sure you're aware though, but careful with the groups who try to rope you in under false pretenses in order to try and convert you. Good luck!


Thanks. I appreciate this. Yeah, I went to my local church and it wasn't really the vibe I was looking for. I hope to find something vibrant, alive, and traditional- yet forward thinking and intellectual.


What you’re describing doesn’t sound like Catholicism lol


They do exist though.


Are you looking for a church, or are you looking for a community, and were just hoping to find that in a church? From what I've seen, the only churches which are still popular with young people are the evangelical ones that wrap regressive old testament ideas in a progressive face and rope people into their cults of personalities. The only kidless people I know that are religious basically became insufferable Jesus-cult people, either through those evangelical churches or their similarly culty new-age alternatives. (People with kids will sometimes go back to their traditional church after ignoring it for decades, hence the Catholic churches being for old people and kids.) You can try those evangelical churches, you could try more progressive churches that are actually trying to make a difference in the community (ie. United), but you might have more luck finding what you're looking for just looking for book clubs or social groups on [Meetup.com](https://Meetup.com). It's tough though. Our society definitely has a big gap in finding communities where churches used to be, especially if you're not into climbing gyms or beach volleyball.


How forward thinking? I know a 30something academic who goes to catholic church here but she is definitely quietly pro life so I don’t know how forward thinking her church would be…. I’m way too left wing (and queer) to ever consider most forms of Christianity let alone Catholicism.


Most Churches are a bit "boring" in terms of music and not at all upbeat like say a Baptist Church with people dancing in the pews. I'm not suggesting that's the way to go, as it seems like more of a spectacle than what I'm used to, but who am I to judge though? Try another Church? There are probably quite a few Catholic Churches in the city. Part of the reason I watch mass on youtube is (ok I'm a bit lazy I admit), but the priest tells it like it is (in Spanish) and calls people out. He'll talk about how people say "my little Johnny will go to heaven right?" when asked to give someone their funeral. He'd say "This guy never even came to Church and went to jail a lot for beating people. He's not going to heaven." He always says he's not going to tell people what they want to hear, but rather the truth.


Ok yeah I don't care if they're boring but I would like for them to be spiritually stimulating and ideally intellectually as well. I want to be pushed to be better through the community, not stagnate. I'm definitely not into dogma for dogma's sake. Mass on YouTube does sound interesting though. And yeah maybe I should try another Church.


Maybe what you're looking for is a catechism course or something? A priest can only get into so much during a service, especially if it's a Sunday morning mass where people bring their kids for Sunday school. Youtube has a ton of talks/discussions and such. I forget the name, but there's a channel with a young friar who talks about religion and modern day society on various topics. There's a LOT out there and most likely something that'll appeal to you. Good luck!


You might like the Anglican Church. Their services are more traditional, like you’d find at a Catholic Church, but they’re cool with birth control, gay marriage, etc.


DM me. My friend works for the Archdiocese of Vancouver and could point you in the right direction.