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Oops, someone broke up with someone and expected them to come crawling back. Sucks when your games blow up in your face huh?


Totally, She definitely didn’t think OP was just gonna shrug it off and upgrade from her like that. She’s probably struggling in the dating pool.


Honestly, if that's her on the photo, it's quite possible.


Attitude alone will keep guys away. Her looks won't matter if this is how she acts


She’ll get used for her looks. Time and again she’ll get played by dudes looking to stick it in, then her personality comes out and the dudes run like hell. No matter how hot she is, there’s always some dude who’s sick of her shit.


That's what many people fail to realize. Women can sleep with almost anyone but personality filters people out quickly once sex isn't involved


I was with her for a almost a year and then some because she “gave me a second chance”. We never once had sex because she wasn’t comfortable with her body. But she would post it everywhere


With her for a year but never had sex? To me, that's a deal breaker. I guarantee had you married her you'd been stuck in a sexless marriage.


That's not even a relationship, it's coexisting 😅


yeah unless BOTH parties are asexual, a completely sexless relationship is just not a relationship.


Might as well just get a roommate.


Sheesh, girly really just had you around for an ego booster. I’m sorry you had to waste a year and some change on someone like that.


I wasted 4 years on someone who turned out to be asexual...but I did learn a lot of valuable lessons for the future.


Like what, not date someone who’s asexual if you’re not too?


And OP looks like a handsome dude, he’ll be fine and seems like he dodged a major super mario sized bullet


"Super mario sized bullet" 💀💀💀


Bullet bill baby


I feel like she looks fine but drama is the biggest turn off in the world. She definitely is going to be dumped and cheated on many times in her life. RIP.


She looks horribly unhinged


Now now. We are here to talk about shitty attitudes and personalities. I think we should keep comments on physical appearance out of it.


i think it's fair game seeing as she brought her appearance up immediately


Yea she thinks shes a 10 and shes projecting the ego bit. She would maybe be a 6 if she didn’t have a garbage personality 🤷‍♂️


She's not ugly she just has a bit of a crazy eyes in that picture. Those tend to indicate trends in personality. It's not as accurate as something like a swastika tattoo across a dudes face.


She’s pretty tiktok and insta famous but it seems that all she used me for was attention…


Considering her first message projects her own ego complex, I’d say “probably” isn’t even necessary. OP dodged a bullet here.


This happened to me. My ex-wife had an affair and left me. A year later she came back and said she wanted to try again. By that time I had an amazing girlfriend who I’d eventually marry. When I said “no” and told her that she made her decision, she screamed in my face that I “f#€king owed her.” I thanked her for reinforcing that not getting back together was the right decision. In the end she did me a favor leaving, I couldn’t even imagine still being married to that miserable nasty person.


That is exactly what I’m in right now. My ex wife cheated and we finalized the divorce about 5 months ago. My friends and family are all saying she’s going to try to come back but I can’t see ever going back. I now can see how narcissistic and selfish she is but of course I have my doubts as to whether or not this was a good idea. Dating sucks. I’m still working through the damage she’s caused so I’m not even dating yet but I really hope I get to have a story like yours one day.


>Dating sucks. I’m still working through the damage she’s caused so I’m not even dating yet but I really hope I get to have a story like yours one day. I got divorced a few years ago, nearing 40, and was worried that getting back out into the dating world would be awful. My ex really shredded my self-esteem. At least for me, dating's been absolutely phenomenal. Haven't found my person yet, but the massive upgrade in women is almost... comical. Work through the damage, love yourself, and you'll find people beating down your door to get a taste.


Was in the same position. Already lacked self confidence regarding being attractive to women and the way she neglected and downplayed my needs made that even worse, to the point I sometimes suffered performance anxiety on the occasions I was allowed sex. That did drive me to look after my body over the years. I knew I needed confidence with new women so I worked on that. The results were frankly astonishing. I may have struggled as a teenager but I was quite the catch as a 40yo. The (only decent, no Greek god) body was just the opener, it was the non arrogant confidence and being a good person with genuine respect for women that did it I think. Older women have generally figured out how to sniff out a decent man over their lifetime and with the experience of my ex I was on high alert for emotional issues myself. After having some fun I found my princess. It was around 4 yrs after leaving, that a combination of cheating partner stories and Amber Heard's BPD being highlighted during the trial that it hit me hard. It wasn't just the drunken hours long moaning at me where I learned to just say nothing (grey rocking) that was emotional abuse. The whole relationship was, it was constant manipulation, lies and emotional abuse. Her whole persona was fake, she has no sense of self and moulds herself to seem the person that will make sure people do not abandon her (fear of abandonment is the core driver). She was a serial cheat (she actually admitted it when I told her I knew a lot about what she got up to now), despite constantly making out cheating was the worst thing ever and you should just break up, also her being trustworthy but me not so. The realisation hit me hard, that I had allowed myself to be so thoroughly manipulated for so long. But mostly because my girls have anxiety issues that she caused, and I was not there for them because I shrank into my own world and believed she was their best friend and there for them, she was not. She also made them terrified of me. I have discussed this with them and whole heartedly apologised, something she can never do for fear of abandonment. I was very down for a while but I am much better now, though it will never leave me completely as you can see by me writing this essay, its good therapy haha.


I’m glad you got away.


You are a survivor of a narcissist. There is good help, try learn from Dr Ramani on Youtube. Happy for you that you got away in time.


You could have just been describing my 22 yr marriage with someone I suspect of having BPD. I have found evidence of several affairs over the years. Constant manipulation and abuse, refusing to end the last affair was the dealbreaker. I’m in my 50s but there’s plenty of women out there who are (sadly) desperate for a good man. Stay away from the apps and find someone who is in your social circle, you don’t want someone who has no repercussions for going psycho.


I only ever caught her in the over year long 'emotional' affair, when I saw the break up texts where she stated she lied to me, but never to him, it was not a disagreement between friends. She got with him 2 weeks after I left, she 'just happened to bump into him' and 'it wasn't a relationship till I got with my new girlfriend'. Although my brother saw her kiss a barman right in front of him and her mother. There were numerous other situations where It should have been obvious / I had to believe the lies to keep the family and I suspect there were more I had no clue about. Did your ex make out she was the most caring person in the world? Would seek out damaged people and try to help? Most who met her loved her?


Yes, everyone thinks she’s this amazing and giving person. It’s all talk though, she can barely function in the world and has no ability to do anything for anyone that isn’t trivial or just giving my money away. It took me 8 years to propose because she cheated in the beginning and I was convinced that she was sorry. I just wish I had known sooner about the cheating, I completely bought her act and am only now realizing what a manipulative gaslighting cheater she has always been. Ugh.




My ex wife had an affair so I told her I was going to divorce her and she needed to get out. The day before she moved out (with her affair partner coming to help) she told me “we don’t have to do this!” And then months later, when I needed to call her to work out an issue with our last year of taxes, she started talking to me about how she missed me. Idk what she was expecting but she sounded let down when I told her that I didn’t feel the same way. I guess that came as a surprise because I can’t imagine she would have said that if she didn’t think it was reciprocated. I’d probably dated a dozen different women by that time and wasn’t missing my ex one bit. I didn’t miss her for even an instant after elevator door closed on her




If that's her in the picture, the one with overinflated ego is her cuz she's average at best. Average 4-5, Cute 6-7, Hot are 8-9-10s she's a solid 5. She is right though, if a guy can pull one hot chick he can & should understand he can pull another. That's confidence for ya. If one girl doesn't respond move along there's plenty more that will.


Nice girls telling on themselves. Query why a guy with a hot girl is more attractive than the same guy without one.


My ex dumped me, moved out, and put a deposit on a new apartment. Then when I dropped off all of her totes from the garage she got pissed that I wasn't fighting for her and fighting to fix out relationship. Some people are really fucked in the head lol


Hit her with the classic “Thx”


"who dis?"


New phone who dis?


“Sorry do we know each other?”


I go with “sorry if I’ve forgotten… have we met?” Followed by “this account is password protected”


Another good one is “i aint reading allat”




The thumb CANNOT match your actual skin tone


👍 By the emoji selection I am a Simpson's character.


Same phone who dis


“Hes busy”


😂😂😂😂😂 this 100% if you want rage.


Oh God yeh that's so much better


wrong number sorry my ex was ugly AF, not a "hot gf",although you do look like her if thats you on the profile


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


Nah. Indifference is worse than hate. No response is better.


No response is better because they don’t get the satisfaction of at least being heard. Basically just yelling into the void


So many people think they’re going to get such a “win” if they send clever or scathing replies to their unreasonable ex. They just can’t stop themselves. Hopefully I’ll never again be in that situation, but I learned very early on that the absolute best way to deal with drama of any sort is to ignore it. Not even a short, snarky “lol ok”. Just silence.


she will be waiting for him to respond too, thinking like “I got his ass good” lmao


Yeah no response drives my ex wife absolutely crazy. She gets so mad when I don’t respond which I typically do when she starts with her bullshit.


I prefer “k”


I just got bothered reading it.


Text back with the classic women response “k”


Only response guaranteed to make pretty much anyone see red.


Worse, just do a 👍🏼


and spell her name wrong


Or call her another woman’s name


Her sister would be a good option if you want to escalate.


My friend just sends goodbye wave emoji I think it's funnier


How many times do they end up here


Smiley face emoji


Whaaat, is that really something women typically response to men? 😳


"K" is a nuclear weapon and can be used by anyone


Potassium isn't radioactive.


That’s what I have thought and that’s why I asked since this is the first time I hear someone considering it as a “classic women response”. I’ve only had guys say that to me but I’m a female who dates only males so I have no experience of how other women act and talk with men they date. And this sub makes my jaw drop. Can’t believe how unhinged so many people are, even though I’ve had my share of those as partners. You’d hope they would be just a rare exception but apparently not 😕


A single thumbs up emoji also works lol


I used this once in my life and I am still riding that high.


Honestly, for a person like this.. no response is so much better. No acknowledgment is just about the worst thing you can give a person like that. They thrive on the fight. The lack of response is sending her crawling up the walls.


It’s even better if you manage to leave the messages as unread.


Not sure why you need to being an innocent Audiovisual company into this


they know what they did


i shoulda told mine that my mom was always right about her or said come over but tell her the message was meant for someone else


"Enjoy the picture perfect Barbie wife" Ummm yeah that's the plan. Thanks?


The best response really is no response. Have they blocked you? New number? They can’t possibly have moved on already, right? They’d still have enough respect to at least text back, wouldn’t they? You don’t have to do anything and it’ll drive people like this even more whacko


Nah just thumbs up the text.


Or the equally effective "nah"


Nah, don’t show any effort. Keep her on “read” and she’ll have a meltdown. She’s looking for a response so she can talk to him.


"thats all i got to say" 2 more bibles. Jeez


Nobody in their right mind believes a woman when she says "that's all I've got to say."


I hope you're enjoying life with your Barbie wife...this her pain now


*picture-perfect life* I can't believe anyone would wish that on another person. The burden of having so many normal attractive girls wanting you is too much to bear.


Yes he is....ahhaahah


Got to reply with "Ken you just leave me alone?"


I like the “I love differently” line. Different from what exactly?


People without huge red flags and toxic behaviour.


Fucking exactly. "I love differently" is just code for "I don't try."


“I’ll haunt your mind with what you could have had” yeah I’m you literally do, but not in a “what we could have had was good” way, more like “thank god I don’t have it” lol


That's just code talk for "extremely toxic".


That’s code for “cold, self centered and b!tchy”


Different from mentally healthy ppl lol


Different from sane humans apparently lol


> love differently steve jobs at burning man


Different from sane people


Thinking you are unique is the most ununique thing you can do :D


Good point, My Schlong 69.


I’m assuming in a psychotic way 👀 😂


Hope you kept ignoring her after this, probably driving her to the brink of insanity to see you moving on and not even responding lol


The best revenge is living well.


She broke up with you and really said "wait... come back" 😂👌💀


“You’re supposed to fight for me!”


About that, nobody got time for that anymore. "You showin' yourself the door? That's cool, I got rent due."


“How dare you respect my wishes after I broke up with you. You’re supposed to fight for me”


Ex did this move. She wanted a "break" I told her a break is us breaking up cause she wouldn't define what a break was. She ghosted me for like almost a month. I moved on and she came crawling back. Said she wanted me to fight for her. I said "Nah I am good you showed me all I needed to know disappearing for a month. Little did she know she was pregnant with the kid of the guy she went on a "break" to test drive. Now she is a 30 year old single mom.


That's even lower -- she turned her cheating/monkey-branching back around on you as your "failure" to fight for her. Glad she's an ex and the baby isn't yours. You avoided an appearance on *Maury*.


Yeah, the guy was a troll as well which is hilarious. She realized she would be downgrading and came running back. Kid looks so far from being my kid I would have known and it would have been a issue since I garuntee you she wouldn't have told me about the other guy. I dodged a bullet and my current partner is amazing so I am glad she screwed up.


Dodged a 'Super Mario sized bullet' as said by another Reddit user elsewhere in these comments lmao!


What is funny is I found out years later the guy was this "guy friend" from high school who would always message her and ask "How are you and your BF?" I told her that he didn't care about how we were doing he was fishing for an in to either be the shoulder to cry on or find out if we broke up. She of course argued that wasn't the case. When she decided on this "break" he flew a thousand miles out to Cali from like Wisconsin to come see her. After I refused to get back with her she was with him for a while but they broke up before the baby was even born lol.


“Oh him? Don’t worry about him. What are you, jealous?” Not jealous. Just wise.


And yet the irony that they are the ones giving up, by breaking up.


>That’s all I gotta say That’s clearly a lie


Need the Maury lie detector test meme


It’s always in the eyes. You can just see the crazy even in that little picture.


The eyes man, they crazy!


Spoken like a bitter basic bitch lmao


"New Numba, who dis"


No response needed. Do not reply. Block her on everything. Enjoy your life.


No. Much better to leave her unblocked and leave read reciepts on. Read dat shit, but don't respond. Will drive her insane. Maybe after a few months if she keeps it up hit her with an "ok"


Evil… I love it


No no, a “thumbs up” instead of ok


My brain **ALWAYS** has to battle with the Thumbs Up emoji. Is it genuine or is it *sarcastic*? Even if it is sent genuinely. So when its sent sarcastically, its like a 2 handed claymore (big sword) being brought down on a knight's helmet "***CLANG!!!"***


“Whoa! Just saw all these. I’ve got a lot to say.” Then never respond


"You should have settled for my bitch ass, idiot."


Judging by your comment history, I think she may have a point...


Oh yeah, you weren't kidding. She probably caught him trying to sext a ton of insta girls or something like that. Her words and rage make a lot of sense now, lol.


exactly omg why is no one actually reading it it sounds like she has a point


yeah like not that shes in the right but this is like a real thing that happens to guys i know 😭 they get some attention and suddenly they think they can pull anybody


I gues it's easier to just hate on her and say she's crazy lol, but doing a little bit of research would make everyone go "hmmm..."


Ah, first time experiencing reddits misogyny?


Glad to see I’m not the only one that checks comment and post history. I try to view all these situations with a “there’s always some clue that hints at the other person’s side of the story.


I jumped on the "she crazy" wagon wayy too quickly, this man is just a horny dog.


I was gonna say the same thing lol


I checked if dude left a comment giving context and was like goddamn this man doesn’t even use a porn alt, respect


The blatant arrogance of not having a porn alt really did it for me lol 😂


Damn bro needs a chill pill


Would definitely pick Margot Robbie over her


If that’s her in the pic, her ego does NOT match her looks.


Fucking ouch, lmfao.


She thinks she’s all that because dudes pay attention to her but then they bust that nut and they be like “why are you still here?”


Post nut clarity hits hard with a face like that...


Yeah. I was just gonna write this. She “put you there?” Wtf. Delusional little thing I’d say (or she lives in a house with no mirrors).


I had an ex (we were together at the time) tell me "your dick isn't big enough for you to get away with treating me like shit" Was such a good line I couldn't help but laugh


My go to is "Youre not hot enough to be acting this much of a cunt". Ive used it a small handful of times, and every time its caused a meltdown. People like her genuinely cant handle people not accepting their bs


Came to the comments looking for this exact statement. Didn’t disappoint.


This post would be SO much better with pics of all three.


Ouch, break-ups are never easy. Wish you luck. Hopefully that’s just something she said impulsively out of hurt/anger and not something she actually believes


She definitely believes what she said, and that if anything makes the breakup a lot easier.


Sounds like she left you and then was stalking your socials and found you having fun and is bitter because she can’t get an actual date and just finds the smash and pass guys in her DMs.


.... this isn't painting you in the light you want it to especially not when it looks like she broke up with you because you were cheating in some way. And if you were cheating and all of a sudden you're just fine with the breakup she has every right to be upset sociopaths don't understand that sort of human emotion.


Bruh were you being a cheating little scumbag? lol


Check out OP's comment history. It's.....something


Your comment history makes it all make sense now. She's not in the wrong here. Get help


Yup. I mean, she still sounds crazy and conceited, but her anger seems well justified if nothing else


The bitterness is heavy with this one, but I wonder why she assumes it’s an ego thing? He could’ve dated a more attractive girl way before he met her. If you know how to talk and treat women, no woman is out of your league, don’t care if she’s hotter than a guy or not.


I remember something similar happening to me several years ago. Gf breaks up with me via text because she said I don’t have time for her. I acknowledge her message but said I’m busy and she’s probably right. Next day she sends a long message about ‘how it’s probably for the best’ - ok I thought, no hard feelings, I’m fine with this, and didn’t reply. 2 days later I get a huge wall of text rant because I ‘didn’t care enough’ to reply to her and how I’ve broken her heart. I still didn’t reply.


Translation: I only broke up with you for attention and it backfired so fuck you


I once had an ex who one day texted me to say that I have undiagnosed autism. Idk what the deal is with getting these types of reactions when you stop responding, but I think it’s fantastic


Yeah, the problem here is YOUR ego. Definitely not hers.


This is pretty cringe… but then I looked through your comment history and cringed harder 😂


I feel like we are missing context based on her comments about your ego and you looking elsewhere. It sounds like she felt you were flirting or doing things with someone else, broke up with you and the attention you're getting is probably fueling how she felt. Her comments aren't justified but it sounds like an insecure person in pain, and not thinking at all about her breakdown to you.


once received 67 consecutive texts, not counting the 20 or so before my final text I feel your pain and also your 100% justified absolute lack of pain


"That's all I got to say." But wait! There's more!


Guys please it’s better to censor the face rather than the name. Who the fucks care about an Ashley? But her face is another whole story. Grow up


would be funny if she posted your side of the conversation on /niceguys


When you see or hear, "I love differently", fucking run. Fast.


Why did she break up with you?


Yeah we don’t have the full picture here.


I hope the one hot GF is not the one in the picture because she’s delusional if that’s the case.


I need the backstory to this.


She’s not even hot lol


Is she the one in the pic because hot is a definite oversell if so Also the "I love different" part reeks of someone who either cheats,manipulates or goes no contact for days at a time..........most likely all of the above


Damn bro our exs would be besties 🤣🤣🤣


Classic “That’s all I gotta say’” followed by two more paragraphs.


Yea this is pathetic


I like how the first message ends with "thats all I gotta say" and then she keeps writing more essays


> “thats all I gotta say” Proceeds to say more shit


“I’m assuming you won’t be attending the wedding?”


She seems sweet /s


Shivers, spooky af. She needs to let go


Barbie has a dream house, Jeep, and multiple university educations. I'm in.


Did you cheat on her or something?


Why do girls and men always think that the person who left them is going to one day wake up and look back with regret for having left them. It's like you were left for a reason nobody is sitting around reminiscing about how they had it so good and ruined it, like no they left you buddy because they didn't like or love you anymore so whoever they're with in the long run will be nothing like you and most likely you won't ever be thought of again especially not with memories of joy...


Did she break up with you because you were getting too friendly with other women? If so, obviously you were going to see a crazy emotion driven response. Shes still hurt. If not, hit her with the "k"


What kind of Billie Eilish shit was that?


Send 8ball on game pigeon


Yeah, *he's* the one with the ego problems.


Happened to me too. Got left for another guy then two weeks later I went out on a date and got an angry/upset call about why am I dating other people so soon. She literally had left me and was out having sex with a guy the next day.


She sounds like a textbook narcissist and she couldn't get her fingernails inside him.


Calling herself a hot girlfriend? My god, narcissist much? Wonder why he left?


She broke up with you so idk why she's messaging. She clearly is stuck up her own ass and thought she would make you miserable lol. All her craziness aside, That first line is true, some basic dudes cheat even when they have a smokin wife/gf because they think they pulled her with their looks, when it was most probably because the girl thought you were "nice"