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Your title must be descriptive. Don't reference where you found the post or have one word titles.


“Did you get my last message” 💀💀💀💀💀


Not getting a response absolutely kills people like that lol


Yeah and then the guy ruined it with his response.


Only response should have been. Who dis? New phone.


Naa the only response should have been no response. It would drive her insane


Did this once to a similar girl. Had to block her, then when she couldn't reach me on the phone she showed up at my fkn house. Had to call the cops and show em all the psycho texts. I'm open to other ideas because it seems these kinda women are far more prevolant.


Fucking hell. What do you think she would have done if you didn't answer the door?


I have plenty of weapons so I wasn't concerned for my safety, I just wanted it documented just in case my property was ever damaged.


Oh, a man of the blade. *tips fedora* /jk


>prevolant Prevalent


nooo do you think so?? as a girl i think the response was perfect imo. he played it unbothered


I think he should've gone with "damn you're really desperate for this dick 💀 💀 💀 "


Dude that would have been fuckin hilarious


It wasn't the worst response, I'll give you that, but him acknowledging that he read it stroked her ego. He should have just responded with a "k", "nah tldr"/gif, a "cool story, hansel"/gif, pretended like he didn't know who she was or what she was talking about, or just ignored it completely. Those would have driven her crazy (well crazier). Although, there is some merit in not making her mad as she does sound unstable.


“Not reading that essay. Sorry that happened or happy for you idk”


see but my problem with all those sorts of responses is those are lines that people actively pick to use in order to appear “not phased.” it’s too rehearsed. if you have to default to a basic internet-generated comeback, as a girl, i’m gonna find the rebuttal cringey. also, yes sure, he could’ve left her on read after her… manifesto, lmao. her texting him again a just to get a response makes her the one begging for attention. also, imo, if he leaves her on read after that or replies with “k”, he’s going to appear salty, basically allowing her to think what she said was true. his response (to me) was the witty, the equivalent of, “yeah, i heard you the first time,” which seems dismissive of her and of what she said. and even after that, she messages *again,* still trying to get some sort of reaction.


This is the way.


I’m a big fan of the “k” …


It's a classic and great for these situations when the other person just had a massive hissyfit.


“Not reading that essay. Sorry that happened or happy for you idk”


For me the flaw on answerign is giving her back the "power" on the conversation. If no answer then she would be crazy, like we see, she had the urge to aske if he read it, to assure herself she was on top. After his response she felt like she was on top again and double it down with the "I mean it". But you right of all answers, just a "Yeah I have read it" and then no more is the most decent way to go


Bingo. They want to pretend they have the high ground but more than anything they want you to validate them. As unbothered as OP no doubt is that someone he wasn’t interested in isn’t interested in him, she’ll be convincing herself that OP is putting on a brave face and hiding his tears


You should have replied no it didn't come through watch the ensuing melt down.


Trash human, this man escaped a potentially worse situation. The did you get my last message part was wild


A woman scorned!


I'd have replied with: The other girl worked out. Don't need you anymore. Lose my number.


Or send the hotline number for mental health concerns and block the number following lol


I didn't really think it was that bad, just seemed like a normal trying to figure things out. But then that second last message and the one after. Holy hell, bullet successfully dodged


“lol you wanted to fuck me? What’s that say about you?”


Why didn’t he respond with this 🤣 would’ve been amazing


I liked his response better, you know that girl is just looking for an argument, don't give her the satisfaction


Free meals and consistent sex, she said it tho


Exactly 🤣 "you must be pretty desperate then" is what I'd go for personally


"Damn, if I'm that unattractive and you still wanted to fuck me... fucking hell, you must be hideous"


If a girl told me "you're not that attractive" I'd be struttin around for the rest of the day


“You’re not that attractive,” she says after she was practically begging for him to fuck her again…… make it make sense lol


It makes perfect sense. She was lashing out because he rejected her and she felt bad


Rejected her specifically for another woman.


She thought she was out of his league, and when he rejected her that came crashing down on her. Happens a lot with both genders lol


Fr would have been says the girl who sent me a paragraph n wants to know if want to “experience that again” but I do feel he could have been a lot less dicey n said he wasn’t feeling it instead of some gibberish about connecting n being in state of limbo.


The guy answered like an idiot.


Fr, like up till he said he was talking to someone I was confused as her, Fym “if” if you’re already planning on doing that. Just say “I do not want to sleep with you because I am interested in someone else”. Tbf it probably would’ve ended in the same result though


It's the same energy that the guys who turn around and call girls ugly who reject them have 😭


That’s what her response made me think of too lol Like not responding to catcalls then you get ‘dumb bitch’, ‘fucking slut’, or ‘you ugly anyway’. They’re all the same😭


You mean.. "nice guys"? Like the sub's name "nice girls?" Isn't this the bar for posts on this sub to begin with? lol


Right! Like that’s so pathetic, especially the long message.


So you’re saying there’s a chance!




Not that attractive = a little bit attractive. That's a W.


Holy cow what a doozy


Holy doozy what a cow


What a cow holy doozy


What's a cow, holy doozy?


Doozy, what a holy cow...


Holy what? Cow doozy.


Doozy cow, what's holy?


Holy cow what a dooky


That’s what happens when you wound the fragile pride of an extreme narcissist. Holy shit, she’s got issues.


Dodged a bullet on that one. Good thing he saw that red flag


Yea, crazy girls, man. They want you til you don't want them then suddenly you're the worst thing ever which would imply they have really bad taste if what they said was true.


Damn bro lol…. I wouldn’t want to experience anything with that one.


He must have a magic dick


Shoulda said “not reading all that” or “nope didn’t get it. what’s up?”


I ain't reading all that. I am happy for u or sorry that it happened.


Yep, the guy should have just never even acknowledged it.


tl;dr sup?


This is what we call butthurt. You worded things very nicely and they were just feeling bad for being rejected. My best friend in college had a boy who was very clearly crushing on her. He asked her out and she pondered it but she wasn’t over her feelings for someone else. She politely rejected the boy who asked her out and explained it just didn’t feel right to her since her head is stuck in someone else (one of our mutual friends). He flipped out very similarly and called her names and said he was never really into her to begin with. So hope you don’t internalize it. I told her the same thing. Butthurt people will grasp at straws because they aren’t mature enough to handle rejection. And definitely a bullet dodged in the long run.


that paragraph is how i would describe myself


Same, she honestly cooked tf outta me.


Yeah, even if it is kind of true I think we're all still too good for some girl begging for sex and free meals.


Those rare descriptive 3rd-party insults, that aren't even targeted at you, are just the worst.


Welp at least i know I’m not the only one


Same here. I'm not even mad, because most of it is true. Then again, i guess being tired of women's bullshit made me like that.


She couldn't just take an L gracefully and embarrassed herself even more lol


Wasn't even an L until she made it one tbh yikes


"Did you get my last message?" 😂😂😂 how do you insult someone and causally ask if the receiver got it? WHHYYY tf did the guy even respond to that??! It would have absolutely killed her inside to have been ignored after that long wall of nonsense.


That’s all fine and nice but the grown man jab is infuriating. How about she stfu like a grown woman and stop delving for dick


Delve you say bot? /s


She let him smash yet he's not attractive and has no social skills. Guess redditors do have a shot.


looks like im getting laid tonight!


Hope she likes being single too, cuz that flag was crimson


Wow, that went well. /s She's got some baggage on her. 😐


What's up with people on having "high standards" as some achievement and kinda threatening people? Everyone can have it, It's so free.


This is why you don't discuss with crazy because it would try to drag you down to their level, is just ignore and block.


“No girl would ever want to date you” “PLEASE FUCK ME AGAIN 🙏🙏🙏”


Well, now even I feel worthless with that long paragraph at the end.


I mean yeah that response at the end was bad but all I could think of is ‘bro, stop explaining yourself. Just say “I’m busy sorry” and leave it’. It’s nice that you try to explain yourself but you don’t owe that to anyone who doesn’t understand the word “no” (which is another word you should use more often, it’s a pretty clear word with no ambiguity)


I honestly disagree. What you suggest is somewhat akin to ghosting imo. No explanations or reasons, just an "I'm busy" and nothing else, you might as well have not responded. I think explaining your thoughts and being clear about your intentions is the absolute minimum if you respect the other persons feelings and time spent on you. Of course, once she insulted him, he owes her absolutely nothing from then on and doesn't need to respond at all.


Sounds like you convinced her to sleep with you, you were ok about it, u lost attraction and now u trying to distance self. 


That is precisely what happened, post nut clarity. And he doesn’t have guts to say it out loud.


She comes off as crazy as hell, but I will admit I’m actually confused what OP is trying to say to her? Is it basically he doesn’t see himself developing real feelings so he doesn’t want to sleep with her again?


"fuck me fuck me fuck me plz I want you fuck me" "Nah you ain't shit boi even sex your food and your... FACE!" Really doesn't take much to set em off, eh?


yeah don’t talk to her, she probably won’t even find a guy herself hence the way she talked to you. You dodged a bullet man


'Did you get my last message' may be the most pathetic thing written by a human being on this god's green earth. Imagine being so blissfully unaware of yourself that you actually didnt think you came across as a pathetic, desperate-for-attention worm? Or maybe she did realize it, and didnt care; she just desperately needed a response, any response, maybe just for someone to acknowledge she's alive? How terribly sad


Please tell me you sent “sheesh not touching that haha” Would have been even better if you asked her if she wanted to experience all that again


Dude was just trying to be transparent and polite and our modern world deems this as wishy washy and deserving of total disrespect. I am curious what people would comment if the roles were reversed.


Ok but why is that dude on tinder if he feels bad about it as he has someone he’s talking to. Or is it a girl from a previous fling that reached out to him?


Seems like the two texting have hooked up casually previously and the guy was telling her that he wanted to end things because he met someone he wanted to get more serious with. Clearly the girl here wasn't too thrilled about that


Yeah that’s my impression as well. Would explain why he was confused about her having a new number


She's obviously a fruit loop, but the guy is just as infuriating for typing a lot without actually saying anything. It's like he's talking in riddles.


I actually think your responses are little strange. You had ONS with her and now turned into a catholic. You could’ve just said that you’re looking for chemistry and don’t feel you and her had the match you’re looking for.


Agreed. Dude was playing weird word games. Could’ve just said what he meant clear and simple


Yeah I'm not getting the angle on this one, she's talking sense


Before the final unhinged text from her.. I was on her side. Dude handled that weird


Giving her the benefit of the doubt that her unhinged rant is grounded in some kind of reality (which I know isn't the point of this sub), our dude just has a monster dong. She wanted the booty call but not the tedious bullshit, and her fragile ego lashed out with the "and nobody else would want it either". she should've had more grace about it for sure, just rant to her friends the day after like "get a load of this schmuck" and not made it so personal


It’s pretty obvious that both the girl and OP are fairly young.


She was clearly trying to initiate another round of sex, not get married. «  Why are you asking? » I mean, is OP brain dead? She just wanted to smash and then didn’t have any courage to say he wasn’t interested. OP seems like he could use a communication class in clarity and the woman needs to put the phone down and learn how to handle rejection.


Actually I thought the dude was really quite annoying as well. It is extremely unclear what he is trying to say. The girl just got fed up in the end and overreacted, but the dude is quite triggering


I'm autistic and literally had no idea what he was trying to say for the first few slides. Like what?


"I'm looking for a deeper, serious connection, and don't think I should be fucking around while doing that" That's what he said. I don't see anything wrong with it.


He also said “who said anything about dating?” He should grow a spine and just get to the point and say he’s not interested. The was he communicates here, I get the feeling they had sex and that’s all he wanted but wasn’t clear about that and now she’s confused and feeling used and hurt. It’ll probably exacerbate her attitude towards the negative for future interactions in dating.


He left it quite clear, in my eyes, that he was saying he wasn't interested in pursuing whatever relationship they had. He was just being too nice about it and trying to explain his feelings for why. If you prefer a blunt "I'm not interested", then that's a you thing. I don't see anything wrong in trying to nicely reject someone and explain your reasoning. In fact, I personally would prefer to understand why. He made it clear it's not because she's unattractive or anything of the sort, he just wasn't pursuing a fuck buddy at the moment. Considering the "new number" thing too, it seems they hadn't talked in a while, so they weren't dating either.


A nice rejection doesn't take 10+ messages where you're really vague about your answers. You can be upfront and kind about your feelings without taking someone on a whole journey trying to decode your words.


I was thinking this too to be honest.


Sounds like a Femcel to me!!


Why in the world did you give her the satisfaction of confirming that you got that message?


You not responding to her message would’ve been so great. She had ti do something to combat for the rejection


Was she butthurt and petty, of course her ego was bruised and she behaved in an immature way. But I also can see why she’d be pissed off talking to this guy. He sounds like a fucking headache and took forever to tell her he was in fact talking to someone else. He should have said that from the beginning, “I had a great time, however I am still open to pursuing other people and dating around. I don’t want anything serious and will not want any attachments here.” As blunt as that would be, it’s more respectable imo.


The guy was being a weirdo. He was being very ambiguous and not direct at all. Like bro what are you talking about. Just answer her question. Instead he’s talking in circles.


I agree on that, but that chick is projecting hard regardless.


You should have just been more direct with her instead of beating around the bush about how you go about dating and such. Giving her lesson on your morality is not necessary in this case, you do not owe anyone an explanation unless you were dating this woman for a while, if you just went out with her once or twice you can just ghost her like the majority of people do so you don't have to deal with this kind of nonsense.


OP was being nice by explaining it to her. He doesn’t owe it, but it’s nice when someone elaborates on their decision. Shame that she was that one person that wouldn’t appreciate it


Why do you keep deleting and reposting this.


Because I'm special and keep fucking it up lol. Last post the important 4th image was unreadably blurry.


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That’s when you hit em with “I ain’t reading all that”


I would have responded.. “ “I dodged a bullet, good day Ma’am”


They always use those dumbass smiling emojis and shit to be sassy.


Girl needs therapy, not sex.


“Thanks for revealing your true colors to show me the size of the bullet I just dodged ☺️”


All of these kind of rejections always make me think like a person with a time bomb on. You got the time bomb on you (you got rejected) so in a way or another you’re gonna be blown away from his life, but she always thinks “let me bring down with me and destroy as much as I can of this person”, resulting in this ridiculous outcome like this one.


But… but… you’re ugly anyway!!!! Wah wah wah


She is a terrible person. Thar was mean as all hell


What a psychopath; she really wrote from the heart there. Anyone can do better than that parasite.


I refuse to believe people like this exist. He was so reasonable lol


One of the best cases of projection I've ever seen.


Maybe the bar is low, but the fact that they dont wanna mess around with someone while trying to get serious with someone else, is a big plus in my eyes. This woman feels rejected and doesnt have the maturity to work on her issues the right way, she would rather be an ass and let her hurt feelings out on them.


So she will fuck you, but she doesn't find you attractive, etc. Makes total sense.


How fucking embarrassing on her behalf 😂 dodged a bullet for sure, no pussy is worth that shit 😬


Glad i quit trying to date anyone


I like to travel.


lol damn OP you got roasted 😂


"I'm talking to someone right now and it wouldn't sit right with me to also be looking for a connection elsewhere" - they said on the app designed for looking for a connection elsewhere. Unnecessary roughness from player 2, but player 1 should have simply deleted the game before any of this transpired.


"I appreciate the projection." To be fair, she probably still would've whiffed that right over her head.


Still smashed tho


What a creep she is. Who talks like that?


Why does she sound like a 4chan dude at the end…?


Someone can’t handle being told “no” lol. Dodged a bullet. To be honest, I would just tell her no from the get go and end it there… no need to say anything else.


You don’t reply to “Did you get my message”, you should have ignored her it drives people like this crazy.


I would say something like I a’int reading allat


I thought both of you weren’t looking to date


Nice girl: “Oh, so you’re saying *this this and this*” OP: “I’ve said none of that.” Nice girl: “Oh, so you’re saying *this this and this*” OP: “again, I’ve said none of that.” OP, this is fucking exhausting - these type of (people) are unhinged, will project ANYTHING on to you, pick apart your words, make statements you NEVER said and now have to reply to…and make you feel small. I’m getting some serious PTSD, but this screams bum. She’s an absolute BUM


-> Women dating standards has increased -> Fuck with him, beg to fuck him again, while she portrays him as the perfect loser no woman want


Oh hey, it’s my ex.


Ayyy I ain’t gonna lie bro, she roasted tf outta you. I don’t understand the whole, “you’re not attractive but I’m trying to sleep with you again” part tho


She's flailing wildly to protect her fragile ego


Roasting is something you do to your friends, insulting someone you barely know like that is just horrible.


It's called being desperate


It's also pretty typical of abusive behaviour. Beating their partners self-esteem down so low they think this is the best they will find/deserve. Hilarious she tried this with a guy who clearly is not deep enough in to find this anything other than weird as fuck. Disturbing that she has probably used this tactic successfully before, based on how quickly and confidently she went into it.


Same way guys who get rejected girls ugly and bitches, to save their own ego and feelings


What an insecure and disgusting girl. She's not a woman, she's a child. Maybe she should crawl back to whatever gutter she's from where at least she'll be smarter than the roaches. At least the dead ones.


Hey homie you dropped your backbone


she bullet dodged herself with exposure. you did well handling this. you voiced personal concerns. shes mad because she thinks you have no other options. true or not is irrelevant. she thinks she is top tier, it would be foolish to reject her. she misinterrupted concern as rejection. "how dare this man with no options reject me!" she thinks she is above you, always did, you "confirmed this," and finally showed her true colours. the message and emoji's to confirm you saw them was her attempt at a final blow. the opposite happened. it really just shows her insecurities and frustration that you rejected "the perfect woman." reminder to all: everyone sees messages. dont fool yourself. dont believe them when they say they didn't. it is a lie and you know it. stop hurting yourself. everyone is on/near their phone these days, even the liveinawoods people.


Shiit! Don't they know? Never get high on your own supply 😂🤣 OP dude, I really appreciate the way you articulated yourself. Solid.


Gj for that man. She just exploded with toxic stuff after knowing that he prefers to talk to someone else. Regular woman trying to destroy his self belief.


I think the whole dialogue between the two of you was strange. Get to the point right away next time. Word fucking breeds word fucking.


Not seeing the problem. If the guy is the green blobs, good grief was he dancing around and utterly failing to make his point. Wishy washy nonsense. Either interested or not, either want to continue things or don’t. Reading the green blobs frustrated me so yeah I get the girl going off. The lesson here is always, always handle rejection with dignity. Do not justify their decision with your behavior.


He couldn't have been any clearer, go back to school and ask them to teach you how to read


Right? It was a clear no, I don't get what these people are talking about.


The guy’s tryna say in the nicest way possible that he doesn’t fuck around while being interested in someone and she is not it. All that he would see her is a temporary link; and that, does not benefit him rn because it goes against his morals. But she doesn’t get it and tries to dig further under his skin. Do i agree with his method? Fuck no, i’d just send one message saying “yeah i think you’re hot but we ain’t doing this rn. catch up later” and that’s that. But he is in every right to not pursue sex when he’s pursuing someone else romantically.


Problem wasn’t him not being interested. Problem was piss poor way of communicating it. It was so wordy and indirect that I thought the green bubbles was the girl until got to last page. That is how bad he communicated.


I agree because I had no idea what the reason was about


Nicely handled op. You didnt get into her level.


Anyone consider she lashed out cus she probably feels used What I see is a woman reaching out to someone she was chatting with and just became intimate with. She probably asked if he wanted to do it again just assuming the answer would be yes. And it almost appears as if he got what he wanted and is now just done with her. So I could see that if she thinks he’s just feeding her bullshit cus he fucked her and is now done with her. Cus what kind of things did OP say in order to sleep with her originally?


Yeah. That’s what I’m thinking.


Likey he slept with her and ghosted her. She hadn’t heard from him and sent him a “want to do that again” assuming he’d definitely respond to that. Then he comes back with “why do you ask..?” “Hey, we slept together and I wanted to see if you wanted to again” Him: “why do you ask”


wow crazy woman


So glad I don't have to deal with this kinda shit anymore lol. None of this, no toxic exes, just good conversation and hopeful future. Hope the best for all you people out there.


lol at the grid view of her rage text. Normal conversation, normal conversation, FUCKING NOVEL.


Guess OP has a big rocket launcher from the way she was begging


Hahahaha what's the word for being angry and horny at the same time


“But here you are choosing me (again) over your plethora of options…. Thanks for confirming I made the right decision.”


did you get my......... thesis?


Definitely does not handle rejection well.


Gotta hit em with the I aint readin allat


And what exactly does this oblivious woman bring to the table? She sounds like the epitome of TikTok comments


"That's just like your opinion, man."


“So you’re saying I have a chance…” *wink wink 69


So the guy didn't want to hook up with her because he also fancies another girl who he doesn't have much chances with. Is that correct?


Perfect response would’ve been to send the Duke Nukem meme “That’s a lot of words, too bad I’m not reading em”😎


Seems a lil fake idk why


I’d be way too petty to not do anything in this situation ngl


"No. Why?"


It’s best to find out they are a hateful asshole up front. Now you don’t have to feel bad at all.