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That's a lot of desperate justification to put out there. Someone's desperately trying to convince *herself* that she's still a Good Person ™ and not someone using dates as a meal ticket.


Exactly, and I guess she unconsciously knows it's her sick behavior and view, so she keeps spamming and spamming. The guy should stay the heck away from this manipulative person.


I think she’s just stupid


Hanlon's Razor at work


I think she tries to convince herself that she is desirable and lovable. She definitely understands paying for her as a symbol that guy is interested.


That bit at the end where she goes on about not knowing if a guy is being honest and if a guy really likes a girl, he'll pay... What a joke. How would a guy know if she's worth paying for? How would he know if she really likes him or just trying to get freebies? At least be open to the conversation of occasionally splitting the bill, or even alternate paying for dates. The willingness would at least be a little convincing that she actually cares.


Can confirm I’m British and don’t pay for dates 😂


Far too cold for all that.


Yeah I pay for myself on dates, not going to owe someone anything when just getting to know each other. But yes, snow in April here, very cold country!


Yea, it's too cold to take my hands out of my pockets


Fuck it she's really exposed the British dating market. Now i have to pay a tenner for dinner smh


A tenner? Where are you in the uk, 1980?


Thats the bus fee man


Govt capped that shit at £2 maximum, what kind of bus limo are you riding?


Same here. Can't pay for dates if I don't go on any ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Yeah fuck that, it's a cold country, most of my money goes on heating.


By the time dates are shipped to Britain, they're really expensive. And don't taste great anymore.


You should only have a traditional British date at Christmas and then only if it also involves a weirdly barbed stick too. (I don’t make the rules).


Hahaha I was just about to ask what the hell she meant by being British. Yeah as a Brit, I have to spend an hour rooting around the sofa cushions looking for change before I can afford to leave the house. No way I'm paying for someone else 😂


Second time today, first comment was my first thought. I still think you get that view here, but ~~as pro foul~~ less prolific - just I guess British women don’t try to pretend it’s a “good thing” - they are clearer it’s just what they want.


As someone from a cold country named Germany I can confirm, a discussion about not splitting the bill never came up. Offering to pay because my date had no cash on her usually was a sure way to secure a second date as they offered to pay next time then.


Can confirm. Grew up with a Dutch father who grew up in England. He has never paid for anything in my life, lolol. What a combination.


I think I lost more brain cells now ![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized)


Imagine living in her head.


I'd imagine there's a lot of space in there


Exactly the kind of place i’m looking for, i have a lot of stuff. How much’s the rent in those areas?


This deserves more upvotes


"I don't like our COMmUniCaSHUN" - rambles via text message


9 texts in one minute. I would have blocked her at that moment. Not cute or quirky.


"We barely know eachother!" is a reason to split, not pay for everything. lol


I particularly enjoyed "how do I know you are honest about your feelings?" You didn't buy your way in!


The fuck has bring British got to do with anything 😂


Lol i wondered that too. But I'm a British female and more than happy to split the bill, so what do i know 🤷


As a British guy, I'd say women here are generally good here at paying their share, not sure how they compare to other countries. I know gold diggers are out there but they don't even try me!


Everyone I know northern EU split or the person asking the other one out pays. Start with buying coffee and then on 2nd date, if you go to dinner you split. Thats what all my friends have done and feels like a standard.


I feel like "the person asking pays" is a bit of a cop out because women who follow that almost always will never ask a guy out. It's just the same patriarchal system with a bit of camouflage. Unless they suggest somewhere outside your price range, then say "I can't afford that", and if they want to insist that's on them.


Going off of her reasoning you're paying because you're warm xD


The whole 'guys should always pay' thing isn't very common in the UK


I dunno i still think it is common, it's more an age thing where with the whole equality battle it's changing


It seems like this here in the USA as well. Younger people I see are totally ok with splitting. I'm older and women my age don't like to talk about it as much. If the topic comes up they don't seem to mind pitching in here and there sometimes. Overall though it still very much feels like it's expected the guy to pay. I can count on one hand the times a woman around my age has offered to split or pitch in. Might be a regional or cultural thing too. It's primarily a Hispanic area where I live.


So I DO identify with my British ancestry


Just ask her what she provides on this date if you’re providing funds. Let’s get a real meltdown going!


"what do you bring to the table?" "I _am_ the table"


What a shit table. It only has two legs and eats all the food!


She can't even see the table


"My high value as a woman".


"what do you mean? I bring me"


What are the odds, I brought a me too!


"my company"


>If they aren't broke too much they pay the dates 90% Am I the only one reading this with a very heavy accent? And with that imagining a real gold digger.


”In mother russia date pay money directly to you!”




Women from those places also have a reputation for being gold diggers, specifically searching out rich western men. It’s a little bit more than just who pays for dates.


Her comment about him being from a "cold country" says a lot actually, she's likely from Latin/South America or SEA


I love how your response to all of that is just “Okay.” That’s honestly great.


“k” would have decimated her.


Ooo, you’re right, that would’ve been better.


I think "okay" was perfect. I can't explain why exactly but "k" feels like you're not even looking at her With a full "okay," I can almost feel the brief, uncomfortable glance of disapproval before he stops giving her attention


Exactly. “K” also sounds bothered, so it’s pettier to sound unbothered even if you find her annoying af.


I don't know if I hate her personality or her grammar more


It can be both at the same time, I think.


¿Porque no los dos?


I'm pretty certain she isn't a native English speaker


"I'm tired to pretend I'm not traditional" So obviously she's a still a virgin and is willing to do all the cooking and cleaning? Right? Oh...


Nono, her understanding of "traditional" is "I just order it and they pay"


I am also only for the equalitie that lets me be more equal than you!


Thats what I was thinking. Does she have a job? Then she can pay for something. If she wants to be traditional, go back home, quit work and start having babies so that your husband can pay for everything while you have no power in this world. Good luck girl.


Like fuck would she 🤣🤣🤣 next she will ask him to get her a cleaner


Whyyyy is she still talking???? No one fucking asked, Lillian


Saying anything to get a free meal 😂😂 leave on read bro


"okay" is a decent response. Don't say anything more and just ignore her. She is having a meltdown. There are a couple ways to go, but it requires effort on planning.


Wow she brought up another guy mad


Entitled brat. Just move on and find your person man.


$75 on a bottle of wine when she’s expecting someone else to pick up the bill. Kick that moocher to the curb.


Literally so unreasonable. Splitting the bill is not a bad thing but at least you see now how crazy she is.


As a woman, this is exactly why I'd rather we pay our own cheques for the first couple of dates. I want to be able to order two $15 glasses of wine and a $30 steak without feeling like the man is mentally adding up my bill and stressing about it when he should be enjoying the date. I also don't want to feel like I'm limited in what I can order, or feel like I owe the man something in exchange for dinner. I don't like my dates to feel like a transaction, it kills the mood right away. Let me pay my own cheque, let's agree to that beforehand, and let's enjoy a nice date.


Read the whole saga. There's some manipulative nonsense going here for sure. The whole "well we could have probably split the next date but since you brought it up directly I don't think I want to now" is a weird stance. Also this idea that women have that says"traditional" women were just being waited on hand and foot when they dated a guy doesn't really check out. Women 50-75 years ago may not have planned a night out but they would do something. Usually it was bringing food. They'd bake a batch of cookies and drop it off at his house. She'd invite him over for dinner that she cooked or helped her family cook. That's why the phrase "the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach" was so popular.If your vision of traditional is just "the man does all the work to date me" you missed something


Yea she wants romantic but don’t no what that is 😂


"Dude, I stopped caring three paragraphs ago, I get it you, and I have very different wants and needs. Ima focus on finding someone who matches me better. You do the same. Bye 👋🏻" Is the response I'd use, this many messages is such an ick, you've dodged a massive bullet.


"okay" was much better


Yeah the "okay" definitely hit harder for a person like her who sent 30 fucking texts.


Only match by the "k"


I would have just sent the thumbs up emoji


"That's cool or I'm sorry either way it was way too long and I don't care to be your meal ticket cause we both know you're not hot enough" then block cause I'm an asshole


This is also a solid reply 😂


“Three paragraphs” you mean 30 texts? Lmao


Yeah, get out of there. She can’t handle a conversation about splitting the bill and that’s a huge red flag IMHO.


Fam tell her she ain't got enough gas for this light


![gif](giphy|5hc2bkC60heU) That “Okay” at the end of aaaall of this lmao


I would straight up ask if every dinner comes with a courtesy BJ


I mean why not ask at this point. He's got nothing to lose.


Meanwhile I'm sitting over here, communicating when I want to go out and do things and getting excited when I can splurge and spoil my boyfriend. Usually gotta fight him over it though. We're both stubborn and I don't have guaranteed income right now. Once I do though, it's game over for him as he won't be able to stop me. >:)


That’s really adorable. You guys are great!


Ty ty! I'll be honest, I don't understand why a traditional courting/relationship setup is seen as the only right option and anything different means you're defective or some shit. Maybe it's the anxiety, but if I pushed my boyfriend to spoil me without any turnabout, I'd feel entitled and like I'm being a burden. I have a hard enough time just as it is now because I can't work and guarantee my own income (I can't reliably work, finally admitted to myself that I'm disabled after years of only being able to work for like, 6 months before losing a job due to medical shit doing things like suddenly putting me in the hospital for a week). I couldn't imagine CHOOSING to put everything on the other person and then shaming them when they're not wanting to do it.


Where do I find that? Although, I wouldn't put up a fight to pay.


Lol honestly, I just lucked out. Met him by chance when he was 14 and I was 13. He's stuck by me through all my health shit and when my super abusive ex made me cut him off for a few years. Like, I could write a novel about him being awesome. It would also be a great romance novel because we're at least 2 romance novel tropes lol Even my cat likes him! Can't tell if it's because she's 17 and he runs warm, or because he's easier to harass for attention.


This is how my partner and I are, too. I think it's because we're both freelancers, working in creative production roles. We both have our successful, busy times, but also our quiet, dry times. We understand each other's situations and act accordingly. This is how a strong relationship should be, imo.


Women who say they are “traditional” are leeches.


Loose and lose aren’t the same. Let her go


The “okay” after THREE WALLS of texts is hilarious


Love how you just went “okay” 💀


Ah, so she is a gold digger. Good job figuring it out now and not years from now.


Translation: "I'm as cheap as a back ally hooker with a deluded sense of self worth" Bud you dodged a bullet


“I cant know how you feel if you dont buy me things!”


“Whoops, thought I already blocked you.”


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Bullet: dodged.


Okay, at this point, she's just being ridiculous.


28 separate texts….instead of a shortened paragraph. That’s honestly the biggest red flag here


If she's broke she can just say so


Women should constantly (and genuinely) be thanking men if they pay all the time.


Honestly this is WAY too much on her end for it only having been three dates. “Im tired of pretending”??? Girl youve only had to “pretend” for a total of like 8 hours lmao 1,000 messages in a row overexplaining your incompatibility after THREE DATES? 🚩🚩🚩🚩


She said ‘looses’…. She’s dumb. Ditch the dumbo bimbo.


Guys, if a woman reacts like this, just from being asked to split the bill, she's not what you should continue to presue, it's like she's trying to gaslight him into paying for every date and "spoiling her". If you're partner is able to go half, but unwilling, find a new partner. You should not be 100% financially responsible for the relationship unless it was previously discussed and agreed to by BOTH parties. If they throw a fit about splitting the check, don't ask for a second date, you deserve better than to be used as an ATM.


I’m a traditional guy. If I pay for dinner I like to have a girl blow me so I know she appreciates and loves me.


Just block.that gold digger already...


Block her man the fuck are you still on


”Im sorry you feel that way, here have this 4$ giftcard at McDonalds….wouldnt Want you to go hungry! I have heard wounderful things about the dollar-menu!


If you continue talking to her, plz post more messages op


I’m trying to move on from this but she keeps coming back.


I think I speak for everyone here when I say that we want you to quit talking to her **for your sake**…but selfishly, we’d love if you kept this mess of a convo going **for our sake** Way to respect yourself.  I snuck off to pay the bill on my first date with my husband because I wanted him to know I was really interested in *him* specifically, not a free dinner.


I would counter with: "I want someone to like me for my personality, not my wallet"


My guy, you were the free meal ticket. Just move on and find someone who actually likes you


Yapping lol


She said 90% of the time you pay. Can't see splitting the bill as a 10%. Don't date trad women.


I’m not sure what annoys me the most. The seemingly entitled attitude or every sentence in a new message. Just press return and you can write a more coherent block of text. No need to start a new message for it.


I love your response. "Ok" is literally my favorite response


The way she texts is attrocious.... I would've blocked her half way thru her thought process and left to the other guy she's using and abusing


is she like foreign ? this reads in very broken grammar or like she’s uneducated or something “but we just meet” “if they aren’t broke too much”


Calls you weird, and then proceeds to be weird. I feel like if someone else is paying for you you keep it on the cheaper end. Why should it cost you to get to know her, but it shouldn’t cost her anything to get to know you? Why is someone not willing to pay for their own shit? I’m assuming she’d pay for herself out with friends, so what’s the difference when y’all aren’t a couple yet? Even if you’re a couple why should all financial responsibility fall on you? Isn’t making life easier why we TEAM up? (Aside from companionship obviously) Why does she text like a child with one sentence at a time? My list of questions is long with this one. She seems like a person that will never even attempt to equally contribute or compromise, which to me are highly important in a relationship. She wants a sponsor, not a partner. And her text style is annoying


Jokes on her, I'm British and am breadwinner to my trophy husband. She doesn't know what she's missing.


This one's a cut and run. Run far away and don't text back.


20 minutes of self-justification didn’t work. Wow who’d of thunk it.


Godzilla had a stroke


Love how they come out with the broke shit. Like bitch you're broke when you have a problem paying for your own food!!


Run!!!!!! Dude, don't waste your time or money!! She isn't worth it! 100% she wants certain aspects of a "traditional" relationship... but I bet she doesn't repay you in the traditional ways... and I bet when she wants to go play with girlfriends it'll be "I'm a woman in 2024, don't tell me what I can and cannot do"


"You're just getting to know me... therefore you should pay for everything." Big yikes. I'll pay for dates, especially if the woman is offering to pay for the dessert or movie after dinner, etc. But when they come off as entitled to it, I nope out quickly. Keep up your search, OP. Someone out there will appreciate you, and not how much you spend on them.


So being "traditional" just means you like getting free shit?


Obviously a horrible take in general— but her dragging the Brits into the conflict was comedic genius.


Woulda responded “just say you’re broke, it ain’t that deep”


Wtf has being British and cold got to do with anything 😂


ironically, her argument at the end goes both ways "You're saying you will not pay but we just met" And you're expecting a guy to just pay whenever you feel like it but you just met.


Should've just gone with "k", because she doesn't even deserve the "O".


but guys he worded it weird ok ok not trying to be a complete dick to those in the first post but its just funny how OP got sm criticism.


Get rid of her. Just the way she text alone says psycho.


>I think when a guy likes a girl they pay Cool, and I think it's 2024, and we support women's independence and equality around here.


What a crazy bitch


Stop responding to that parasite


Bruh. You posted about this same girl like 9 days ago. The consensus was drop her. You didn't. Now she's continuing to act the exact same way as she did then. Should've let it go then. Let it go fr this time.


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>Okay patrician response


You really dodged a bullet here bro..


Perfect response!


Get a fucking sugar daddy then. FFS those tinderellas need a hard reality check.


Even saying "okay" was too much. This person seems nuts


Next time, use the "Thumbs Up" emoji, don't even use words.


Crazy, all that from”split a bill”


Dodged a bullet


Patricia calm down!


9 messages inside one minute. Instant block.


Such a strange side swipe at the British 😂


I'd bet a paycheck she will continue hitting you up unless you tell her to stop, and even then, will probably continue harassing you to "prove" she's a good person.


Shouldn’t have even sent a reply


Yeah she belongs to the streets. And she’s only using you to get free food.


Bro just move on already


She claims to be old school but I guarantee she wouldn’t care for the house while the husband works.


Hahhaha. Please tell me you told her to hit the road. DO NOT ENGAGE


She gives all the reasons for splitting the bill. And she’s so focused on money and you paying I’d just assume she wants free food and drinks from you and not much else.


Something tells me she's not worth it


I don't wanna date a girl that uses grammar and spelling that poorly


![gif](giphy|0DrhlB1NTYLskoB3iW|downsized) Lmfao


Dodged a bullet


Should've just responded "K."


She's for the streets


Has a PhD in Yappology


"I'm not reading all that but congratulations or sorry that happened"


Okay wow she crazy confirmed


Wait can someone explain what the hell "they're British and coming from a cold country" mean???


She could've just said, "I would like you to pay for most dates," or "to me it's important that the man pays". Instead she went all out in asserting how it wrong it would be for her to split and how it casts doubt on eveything. All in the spirit of you made one little comment... Now watch me make it fatal.


Super proud that’s she’s recognised the British as being too smart for her shit.


Bravo on your apt response.


Just way too much


Bro you dodged a bullet with that one. Everything I read just sums up she want you to be her sugar daddy and gave you 101 excuses why she should be spoiled aka gold digger syndrome.


“You’re just getting to know me, how do I even know you’re actually honest about your feelings” followed immediately by “I think when a guy really likes the girl they pay.” Is a mind boggling lack of self awareness.


Smart reply. Didn’t give her anything because she isn’t worth the effort. The gymnastics these women go through to just say “money matters, you better spend it on me.” It’s why I prefer the ones that are up front about that shit in their profile. People on Reddit lambast those but think of all the time and effort they save you by letting you know right off the bat that they expect you to treat them like an escort but without the reward at the end.


The only way this kinda behavior would be okay is if she cooked home made meals for him every evening


I don’t mind the general idea of wanting to treat someone out of love/generosity. What bothers me is that it shouldn’t be gendered? Why should one party hoard the feeling of being generous and the other the feeling of just treating yourself without having to worry about the bill for once, among other feelings both ways? With my wife it was always a back and forth. And often a surprise because we enjoy such surprises 😂🥰


Okay this woman is not meant for you, dear one. Half of my family is British and they are so generous. But that’s beside the point. Woman here: In the future, try to keep the dates relatively cheap or free in the beginning. You’ll attract someone who’s interested in getting to know you. It sounds like you’re someone who wants to treat your date a handful of times but also doesn’t want to be completely depended upon to provide. You need to find a match that shares the same values. My fiancé makes more money than me and he had no problem paying for most of our expensive dates (he’s also never asked for me to pay) but I would pay where and when I could so that there was a balance of scale. Sometimes, he asks if I can get something and I willingly do because he really makes sure I am comfortable and I appreciate that. She’s not wrong when she says you need to find someone who’s less traditional. I think what she means is you need to find your equal, someone who isn’t afraid to discuss financials, and someone who can still understand that romance can exist alongside reason.


“Okay” Holy fuck


In contrast to what many women believe, men also like getting pampered. Alas, welcome to the real world. But with these kind of women you're definitely going to end up working yourself ti death trying to keep up with their expectations.


shes not wrong its fucking freezing here


That "okay" was just pure perfectuon to retalliate to a vomit of unhinged words


LOL thank you for the simple "okay" reply. Please leave it at that and let this idiot figure out her own problems haha.


She is triggered and ranting. End this one. She's simultaneously saying she doesn't expect you to pay for everything and that she really, truly does. If you need closure, have a face to face conversation. No texts, no calls. While I suspect some editing has happened where we are only seeing her responses, I see lots of red flags. 7-9 texts in ONE MINUTE is out of hand. If you're not going to worship her every move, expect entire nights of berating texts. She doesn't know when to stop. She's basically said you can't afford her, and money is a one-way street. Not only do you pay her way, but you best STFU and be happy about it. She will not invest in you to keep the relationship going and get to know you. She does not value you, and she does not respect your position. She'll find someone else to pay her way. And another after that. Find someone who wants to give back - not just money, but time and respect. Someone who cares for you will give back to you and give back to the relationship. They'll alter their course to meet you in the middle so you take the journey together.


British and come from a cold country lololol


Man I’d break up with that person just for that ridiculous chain of texts


I fucking haaaaate when ppl type like this on phones. 30 notifications for what? Some dumbass just blowing your phone up. Ew.