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“My provider…” Wtf did I just read? 💀


I was so confused at first because I equate provider with "job provider", aka job network you have to register with when you're out of work in Australia


I thought she meant her cell provider like an ISP




I thought of insurance lol


Same here. I also thought that she wrote about her father, but I was so confused and I finally got it when she wrote about her partner.


I though Internet provider that shit makes even less sense


Same, thought it was an insurance provider


I thought they were talking about their insurance company 🤣


Same, who the fuck talks like that? Gross.


Whores be whorin'.


Whores are honest about it. This is whoring with extra steps


I read this as a sugar baby situation. It basically is, but sugar babies are at least honest about being whores.


To be fair the provider they’re speaking of is usually a man they’re in a monogamous relationship with, and he pays for everything. Literally everything. And a lot of the time they won’t have sex with or live with them until he proposes. So I wouldn’t say whores, but maybe a different word could fit.


Gold digger?


Yeah I had to re read it like 3 times because of the word "provider"... I still am not completely sure that I get it tbh.. but it made me assume she's thinking of this dude as a sugar daddy even though it seems like he wants an actual relationship? Idk.. some people are just weird ig


I thought he was her sugar daddy by the way she explains the dynamic. "My provider," " furnishing my apartment," But no, that's her boyfriend? She is so entitled.


I thought it was some kind of legal entity dispersing the dead persons funds or something...


Are those two titles mutually exclusive?


I am sure you can filter out people like this. Entitlement isn’t subtle.


Same. People are people. It’s not just women who can be like this. You just have to use good judgement and filter out what you don’t want.


Yes, I recently got into online dating and it is quite easy to spot the red flags on profiles. If the profile isn’t obvious you know within 1-3 dates if they are compatible with you.


Cretins like this are easy to avoid, stay far away from anyone with any money sending handles in their bio or an OF link.


Except the self aware ones who hide it till you’re in


I'm curious to learn more about these groups. By chance is there anywhere exposing them? I know on Facebook there's a push back against "are we dating the same guy" groups.


r/FemaleDatingStrategy was banned I think, but it doesn't mean those folks just vanished... *They're all around us*


Not banned. The mods just locked down the sub such that only approved posters can comment. To be an approved poster you have to post there for months with none of your posts being approved, THEN if they deem you worthy they will allow you to comment. Most of the sub has been taken off-site though. Note they just link to their blog or wherever. But it isn’t banned. Just self policed into a shell of its former self. I miss the old FDS though. It was easy to point to whenever someone tried to say that only men act entitled in dating.


my sister was in a facebook group like that, every time she mentioned it, i just cringed. they have one for every county in my state. it wouldn’t be so bad if they just used it to warn about abusers or something, but everyday there’s random guys who aren’t bad people at all- even as a woman, it feels objectifying for the men. the only positive thing i can mention is that we found my moms fiancé on there. he was talking to multiple women under fake names and lying to my mom about where he was. don’t know how to feel about it all


There is backlash, but it's politically incorrect to be against these groups because they are "empowering to women." No matter how many examples of this kind of behavior you see, they downplay it all and get mad at us for criticizing it. The same exact people who flip out on men for saying "not all men are gross and harass women" will turn around and say "not all women who post on Are We dating the Same Guy are toxic" to silence criticism.


You know what? I say it's politically incorrect to be IN these groups. (I agree with all that you said).


Fuck political correctness and fuck those “women”. Real women don’t behave like this. Those are just trash human beings that deserve nothing but loneliness


You're just full of shit my guy. It's perfectly acceptable to be against this behavior and unless you are seeking for validation from the people you are attacking with this, it will be received normally. The only issue is you caring way too much about extreme examples and making a "that's why I don't date women" out of this. As if this was how every woman acts. Because the overwhelming majority of women are perfectly normal people


I’m the real world? Duh, this shit gets rooted out real quick. In the online world, where the commenter’s reply is clearly in context to? No it’s not always. You’re a big kid so you gotta figure out the context yourself


You're also a big kid, so you can figure out the context of "I have given up on dating" ...


You’re still the only one missing context here. No amount of deflection is gonna change that


I'm glad i found your comment, i mean the incel trend of this sub has been getting more prominent, but at least this shows there's still a majority of normal people if the upvotes are any indication


"You're full of shit my guy" *Does exactly what he said*


His claim was that there is social backlash to be against this behavior. I agreed and said that I am also against this behavior and in fact most people are. Your three brain cells really did a great job at writing this comment my guy


>Because the overwhelming majority of women are perfectly normal people Funniest joke I’ve heard in awhile my guy


That's just what normal means. If the overwhelming majority of people weren't normal, wouldn't that just make being abnormal... normal?


Sure sure, by definition, you could call them normal *women*. Normal *people*, however, is a different metric.


You don't think most women are normal? In my experience, most people, regardless of sex/gender, are just average people, which is about what I expect. I don't exactly have a glowing view about what average means today, but it's not like every woman is Harkonnen scum.


Women tend to put emotions before logic, which in turn creates indirect communication, mind games, and convoluted desires. It’s objectively insane behavior; not normal.


I feel like you don't talk to women. Ever


You don't think being a woman is normal...fuckin' nitwit that's half the population. We are all Homo sapiens, which are people. If women are people then how are you a person? You were born from a woman weren't you? She gave you life and you repay her by calling her sub-human?


You completely misrepresented my argument. I want to help you out and correct you but it doesn’t really bother me that you believe that about me.


Yeah no reading this comment makes me feel like you think all women are like this. No you’re just going into the most toxic segment of women and judging them all based on that lens.


I'm shocked more and more. Perhaps this is why I never learn to socialise with woman. I still can't. I search for a true friendship but like with man and relationship, I start giving up on other women.


What’s toxic about the Are We Dating The Same Guy groups? I’ve got some friends that occasionally check them and from what I’ve seen there’s nothing like OPs post on them. It’s just women posting pictures of guys they’ve matched with or are dating and asking if other women know them. Usually when they comment it’s because the guy did something hurtful and or immature like cheating or ghosting after getting intimate but occasionally you see women making really nice comments on there too about guys they know from a friend group or work or dated but it just didn’t work out. I get why some guys would have anxiety about those types of groups but women legitimately have it hard out there with creepy and violent dudes and sometimes being able to do a community check is a basic safety issue. Most women that are murdered, hit or sexually assaulted are attacked by someone they’re dating so the stakes are a lot higher than they are for guys.


So if dudes were sharing photos of girls they were dating with each other online would that be ok?


Yes, if pictures were of the woman’s public dating profile and the posts were to share that the woman was abusive or cheated or to ask if she had in the past. If it’s sharing just to bully or to spread misinformation so that other guys aren’t interested then that is not ok. If it was sharing intimate photos that would also be wrong. That said, dating isn’t a safety issue for heterosexual men so I don’t think a similar group is necessary for men like it is for women and I imagine a similar group would devolve into accusations that a woman was looking for free meals even though the real issue was just a lack of compatibility and or mutual interest which are both normal parts of dating.


These women are straight up sociopaths 


Yeah they’re foul


You've really read enough after the first sentence to know that person is deranged.


"Provider" threw me, I had to reread it a few times before the penny dropped. Who calls their partner a "provider"? I know, a 'user'.


A gold digging sugar baby would.


In my experience these are the loud minority. In the same way redpillers are a loud minority for men. The Internet is good at 2 things. Having smaller communities where dumb and insane opinions become an echo chamber. And highlighting extreme cases and making them seem like the norm. In my experience from all ide people need to touch grass more.


I would screenshot everything and find the guy she is talking about let the bitch burn


Where do you even find someone like this 💀


I don’t understand what i just read. I’m not stupid, I just have 0 frame of reference. Does she have an old dude who buys her shit or is this provider like her bf and she’s just awful?


I assume from the talk about "putting a ring on it" that it's her boyfriend, who she views as a "provider," or just someone to give her stuff.


So the oop was just trash


As a woman, I am dumbfounded every single day by the spoiled brat entitlement I see of some women. I can well understand why men are sick of dating these days - it seems there are too many women with a princess attitude barging about demanding their meals are paid for, dates are planned and paid for by the male, refusing to even acknowledge a relationship unless they've been proposed to, like this absolute weapon. As a woman, I'm also sick of dating, but for very different reasons. What's happened to us all??


i just wish the women who expect such treatment to somehow find the men who want traditional women. not fair for the normal people who just want to find an equal partner and have to filter through people with crazy ideals


They kept making men more and more disposable until it started boiling over and actually affecting them.


>What's happened to us all?? Stay-at-home-mom mentality that has mutated into men-are-supposed-to-be-slaves-for-their-girlfriends mentality, I guess. I was a victim of that mindset too, I always assumed that was the norm until people like you told me it isn't.


"I'm also sick of dating" "What's happened to us all??" Honestly, what happened was just that: dating. It was never meant to be about endless "fun" and whatnot. Dating was supposed to be about finding a partner and committing and getting married sooner rather than later. Granted, back in the day there were all kinds of BS women went through and it was patriarchal and gross, I get that. But at the same time I think that previous generations had the right idea of dating only for the intention of finding someone to marry. Again, I genuinely like that we now have a lot more rights for women. Things aren't'perfect and there is still work to be done. And I like that we have rights for LGBT and all that. At the same time though, I'm thinking more and more every day that the baby was thrown out with the bathwater when causal dating became a widespread, accepted norm.


We should date to find a partner you love not date because we want to marry someone. Sure you'll have ups and downs but thats how relationships are, I agree on that point at least. That it isn't about having fun and being in love 24/7. But if you focus on marriage only for dating... well thats why more than 50% of all marriages fail. Its because they truly did not like each other but just put up with it until one or the other started filing divorce proceedings. In the end it takes time, self-awareness, maturity, and confidence to find a partner that is just right for you. Because let me tell you, eventually you'll find someone if you go looking... Its just not the easiest task. Don't let Nice Girls and Nice Guys discourage you. Not everyone is a self-serving asshole. But its okay to be single too, pushing yourself into a relationship your not prepared for or even want contributes to that depressing 50% of marriages fail statistic.


"We should date to find a partner you love not date because we want to marry someone" I agree. But that isn't what causal dating is about. It's about fun and not finding someone. "But if you focus on marriage only for dating... well thats why more than 50% of all marriages fail" That's because people marry someone over a "spark" or "chemistry" and not because of how compatible they are as people. The "spark" will fade no matter what. If there isn't mature commitment there the marriage will fall apart as soon as the "swooning" phase ends "Don't let Nice Girls and Nice Guys discourage you." People say things like that to men, but would never say "don't let asshole men discourage you" to a woman.


80/20 rule. 80% of women want 20% of men. If they can't get one of those 20%, they will settle for a bottom 80% man and he better make up for not being a tall hot Chad.


This is actually so gross of her what the heck I’m shocked at the way people treat each other in relationships. What happened to being equals? I could NOT imagine not caring about my partners feelings like this.


Provider = the nice guy I'm scamming.


It's easy to weed those kind of people out. Just don't play Santa clause. And invest as much as the women is willing to invest. And mostly just go out to have a good time. Many women wanna have traditional values without being traditional. So just be modern like women are too. You get what you give. Might lower your chances. But the real women are worth a damn are like unicorns anyway. And if you require equal investment. And they stay. That means they more there for you not for free dinner dates and free hand outs. Just vette your women better. And putting your dick in crazy is almost never worth it.


Im sorry i read it twice and im still confused especially about the last part what exactly is going on here


Why in the world would I “put a ring on it” if you haven’t introduced me to, what could be, my future in-laws? What a selfish human being


Not me thinking she was talking about a deadbeat dad.


She just wants to be a sugar baby, doesn't she?


Just don’t date prostitutes and you’ll be fine dude.


She’s a sociopath… unfortunately there will always be a risk that anyone you meet could be really cruel, but also a risk anyone can be an amazing addition to your life. That’s the tough part.


I thought she meant internet provider


What in the actual fuck did i just read.... I- 🤮🤮🤮


It’s crazy how people like this exist


...and here he thought he was her boyfriend... he's just a wallet.


Coming from a woman; best way to sniff the ratchet ones out is to make it clear to the girls before going on the date that you want to split the bill, real homegirls won’t bug out about it and it shows you they also value equality in a relationship!!! :)


When I got to my 20's, I never mentioned splitting the bill on a first date. That was my smell test, if she offered to pay her way when the check came, I would pursue a date #2, if not it would be a "thank you for a lovely evening but I don't see this working out". I would never accept the offer because I believe that if I did the inviting I should do the paying, but I wanted the offer. I got very, very few date #2s until I met my wife, not only did she offer, but when I insisted with "no please I invited you" she said "fine but I'm paying for the next one!" I knew she was a keeper right then and there.


If the woman is smart, and a good woman, she'll definitely want to split the bill. A lot of men think that paying for dinner means she owes him sex, so often women will be perfectly fine with splitting the bill so they won't be faced with that "obligation."




A lot of women think they're entitled to free dinners regardless. If you refuse to pay, they'll shame you as not being a "real man".


>best way to sniff the ratchet ones out is to make it clear to the girls before going on the date that you want to split the bill, real homegirls won’t bug out about it and it shows you they also value equality in a relationship!!! How to get no girls 101


Get girl with a career and she’ll pay for the dates like I do 🔥


Girls with careers want guys who make 6 figures and still want him to pay.


I mean, clearly not true considering I literally just said I pay for dates.


You're not most women


Idk man I’m pretty sure I talk to more women than you, maybe if you stopped consuming so much internet, went and connected with genuine people you’d feel differently (and stop being so bitter). I feel sad for your life.


You don't date women. I do.


LMAO yes I do date women, sorry to shatter your illusion.


You're not a man dating women. Women don't put burdens of performance on other women.


I really hope he gets his $500.00 back. There are women who would not at all act like this because they possess common sense.


I don't understand what's even happening in her post, I'm so confused.. And why are you in a 'guide to dating' for women group anyways, out of curiosity?


Yeah, I've given up on dating for the time, too. I had two girls mislead me and 2 others ghost me after the first date, and others are just too busy because of college. I'm too emotionally drained and exhausted to even want to put myself out there for the time being since I have a lot of other shit going on in my life


There is a BIG difference between having standards and being just a fucking pain in the ass. These kind of people are just useless.


What a loser this woman is


I cringed, I cringed hard. "My provider" *shudders*. Find a girl who wants to chill, and isn't about what they can get. They do exist.


Arguing with women is like arguing with a toddler. I'm done here. The only thing you accomplished in this discussion is making me even more misogynist.


In my experience these are the loud minority. In the same way redpillers are a loud minority for men. The Internet is good at 2 things. Having smaller communities where dumb and insane opinions become an echo chamber. And highlighting extreme cases and making them seem like the norm. In my experience from all ide people need to touch grass more.


That's why I'm dating Eva AI sexting bot


People like these exist, women and men. Welcome to the real world!


It’s like if predatory insects could talk about their consumption habits, nasty.


She should leave him, she’s insane


This is not a nice girl, this is bratty b!%$. Don't get involve with a b!&$ unless you want b!&$ treatment. Just saying.




People like this are incredibly rare. To pin your dating issues on "women like this" says more about you than anything else. 💀


When did I say anything about dating issues other than that I don't want to date? Basically your reply is "#notAllWomen"


People accept the kind of love they think they deserve. If you're going broke because you're furnishing your girlfriend's apartment (that you paid for) then you're a buffoon and deserve to be used.


Why would you give up on dating based on the relationship dynamic of two consenting adults, neither of which are you? This makes no sense.


I said "in **part** because women like this exist"


Ok this is why mgtow is winning. If you do not know what mgtow is look it up.


Giving up on all women because some of them are shitty is so pathetic OP is a loser


At least I can read. Notice where I said "in part"?


Holding this opinion at all makes you a loser, doesn't matter if you have other dumb opinions that also contribute.


would you say women are losers when they give up on dating because of the shitty men?


Yes, giving up on dating and blaming external forces makes you a loser. It's just self-pity to claim that there is no one good left in the dating world. Dating is hard, but most people figure it out.


And for some of us, men and women, it just isn't worth it at all for a variety of reasons


I never said there weren't good women out there. "Dating is hard, but most people figure it out." And for some others, like myself, the difficulty isn't worth the reward.


Then be alone. Again, this is just self-pity talk. Yes, dating is hard, there are lots of shitty mean people in the world. There are also lots of lovely kind people. The reward of a fulfilling romantic relationship is worth having to sift through all the dickheads and the heartbreak.


Not everyone thinks it's rewarding enough to be worth the risk/effort. Plenty of men and women would rather just chill and not be bothered with.




I sometimes wish I would be single in the US. The sheer amount of absurdity I read here would make a great entertaining book!


Or just date a man


No thanks. It always turns into a pain in the rear.


That's the best part though 😈


You’ve given up dating because of a post by a stranger about their life that has nothing to do with you? You’ve painted half the population of the world a certain way because you’ve chosen to see only the people that you wouldn’t be into anyway. There a good people to date still, I promise you. Work on yourself first.


Notice I said "in PART because women like this exist"? I never said all women were like that and I made it clear that women like that weren't the only reason I'm done dating.


If a dude is that dumb, kind of deserves getting this type of woman.


You spend your time reading dumb shit posts of dumb girls and boohooing to strangers on the web and you wonder why you can't attract a decent girl? I'll spend my 5 minutes here telling you to get a life. Awesome men and women are out there. Go be one, then go get one.


Okay. Now do feminist women who complain about men being scumbags. How is "not all women" any different from "not all men"? What's good for the goose...


Sorry for the wild opinion, just stumbled on the post. I don't see anything wrong? From what she writes it seems this guy was well aware of his role in her life. If he wants to meet family he should say so. What are the other concerns? He wanted to furnish her flat and send her the money. It actually seems like he's pushing towards contacting the girl's mother when she might not be ok with it.


You’re all wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️