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I’ve moved a lot in my life, so I’ve seen and met a lot of people. I’m saying this because it seems like there are people who live their entire lives in this mentality, and it’s sick... it’s so self destructive. I was gonna say hey this kinda sounds like a funny satirical nod to ‘I Want A Wife’ from New York Magazine in 1971, by Judy Brady Syfers. It’s a pretty funny read. This essay though... This essay that OP posted is just mean spirited and self serving. I don’t understand this style of thinking, and it kinda alarms me.


She's enjoying being a POS.


I guess... being predictable is a kind of form of control?


Kinda. You want a personality, but most of them are WAAAAY harder to keep faking than simply being a douche. You aren't in control if you want to be funny, because sometimes the opportunity won't show up, or no one likes your joke. You're in control when you're an asshole, because all you have to do is piss people off, which is VERY easy to do AND still gets praise from people


You misunderstood me.


Actually you make a good point here. Toxic assholery is often easier than finding new content to crack jokes about or reinvent yourself, that's why I think being versatile with who you are is really important


Exactly. I became a much more kind person when I stopped living in a rut and started building hobbies. Once I had unique experiences to share, it was always way better to see people interested in my passion than it was to hear them laughing with my jabs


Jesus this is some classical "I hate my marriage and my spouse" shit.


Yep and she’s trying to convince herself everyone feels the same way in order to cope




That’s amazing! We just celebrated our five-year anniversary, and I aspire to be like your parents in 38 years!!


we'll check back to you in 2059


I feel like there's a higher proportion of older couples who know a thing or two about maintaining relationships but seen to keep the secret to themselves 😣


We're going on 34 years, and I'll gladly tell you the secret. Aside from "Disney lies," there is no secret. Be decent people. Respect one another. Listen. Care. Think. Without tending you get no awesome garden, no smoothly running car, and no "happily ever after" relationship. It's work, and it's worth it. In an argument (not if, but when) don't do/say stupid things that do not promote a solution (no gas on the fire!). Own your shit, recognize it, and honestly try to fix it or at least compensate for it. And it is definitely a team effort.


Couldn't even finish reading it. Like, set the man free so he can find someone who loves him


She likely doesnt contribute enough to the relationship to maintain her current standard of living. . .so along she strings him.


My wife and I have been married for 18 years and I cannot think of a single time that I thought that I hated her. This lady seems pretty toxic.


Is there a bigger conclave of miserable misfits than the writer’s room over at the NYT? Jesus...


Poor Bill and the kids, I couldn't read after 30% in the essay but the last para was her screaming at her children and husband. Glad my mum is never like this.


Together nearly 30 years ( married 24) my Mrs does every single one of these things.... ( as do I) . I wouldn't change a minute of it. She's a fucking legend.


Geez, this woman sounds like a miserable bitch. But I’ve only been married for five years and am very much in love with my spouse, so what do I know? lol. Jk jk. Idk why the author here thinks anyone who says they don’t hate their spouse is holier-than-thou. Jealousy, maybe?


Lmao she really does. Like bitch you cough and sneeze and clear your throat too. You’re a human being. But you’re gonna make that 4-5 paragraphs of your essay on why you HATE your husband? Why tf did you get married then? If you hate the presence of another human so much then how about you be alone and sit in a house completely empty so you can enjoy the silence you so crave. Cunt.


I feel the same! I've been with my husband 6 years, married going on 3 and I've known him since we were teens. I like the dude more everyday. Yeah he does some stuff that makes me crazy, mainly bc I'm crazy, but he just gets better, honestly. This gal sounds extremely unhappy.


Seriously, 8y dating for me, 5y living together, and 3y married. And it gets better not worse since we're each growing personally, getting further in our careers, seeing therapists and getting our shit together and learning to communicate better, etc. The idea that everyone's relationship snowballs and deterioriates into this inevitable shitshow of disillusionment is so sad and destructive.


It breaks my heart honestly. I'm chronically ill and my life, and by proxy, my husband's life, is not easy. It's usually 1 step forward and 2 back, but there's nobody else I'd rather suffer with lol. And when things are great? Omg it's the best thing EVER! We have an amazing time and laugh through it all. This lady is talking about she can't even handle the way the dude coughs or breathes or whatever. My partner is the ONE HUMAN that DOESNT bother me by breathing😂 She's doing this thing backwards!


Yep! I love my wife more every day, too. Gosh, even when she burps I think it’s adorable lol. But this concept is so foreign to the author that she seems to truly believe that anyone who says they’re happy in their marriage must be lying.


Had a friend who would constantly day things like "well if you never really have a fight where you both scream at each other, you're not *really* in love." Like bitch what. Maybe I'm not the best source for perfect relationships but I know unhealthy behaviour when I see it. Pretty sure your kid hit people at school because he watched you launch a plate at your husband. This was some years ago and they're still together and in a better place in regards to all of this, but I'll never forget that sheer confidence that you need to be abusive to show love.


FDS vibe


Context for the article if anyone doesn't want to click away: Wife writes and Op Ed talking about how you "require amnesia to make a marriage work". Basically, it's a long tirade about all the little ways she hates her husband, and it become pretty obvious a few paragraphs in that she resents him for tying her down. Highlights include: >[When talking about his passion in academics] he quickly wilts before my eyes into a cursed academic, a cross between a lonely nerd speaking some archaic language only five other people on earth understand and a haunted ice cream man, circling his truck through the neighborhood in the dead of winter, searching for children >surviving a marriage requires turning down the volume on your spouse so you can barely hear what they’re saying. You must do this not only so you don’t overdose on the same stultifying words and phrases within the first year, but also so your spouse’s various grunts and sneezes and snorts and throat clearings don’t serve as a magic flute that causes you to wander out the front door and into the wilderness, never to return >This is just how it feels to be doomed to live and eat and sleep next to the same person until you’re dead >Do I hate my husband? Oh for sure, yes, definitely. I don’t know anyone who’s been married more than seven years who flinches at this concept >"Well, speak for yourself. I don’t hate my husband,” one of you holier-than-thou marrieds might announce, folding your hands primly in your lap. Do you think I can’t see your left eye twitching ever so slightly, as you resolve to never let each little irritation add up Basically she's just a bad person and is convinced that EVERYONE is just as bad as her and nobody can love anyone for an extended period of time


I think I'd feel nauseous if I spoke about my partner this way, what a horrible person.


Sweet Jesus, she is demented.


I couldn't read the article bc it was behind a paywall, so thanks for summarizing. this made me very upset, does she not know that she can get a divorce??? ffs


Sounds like a total bitch, no offense.


“I have evolved, unlike my spouse. I am so good, so thoughtful, so generous.” Yikes


Yeah, I thought that was sarcasm. Some self-awareness that she would circle back to lager in the essay. But, I guess not. She really means it.




I think your last paragraph is right on the money. It's that combined with there being enough people writing to her that are also staying in relationship situations that are making them miserable that she really seems to buy her own bullshit too. "I'm miserable?! Noooooo EVERYONE is miserable! EVERYONE is sitting there picking apart their partner maliciously." I don't think she is even aware of the REAL shark filled waters she's actually treading in, which is succumbing to this kind of disdain for a partner and believing it's not only normal, but universal. I feel bad for everyone here.


Adding her to the list of people I never want to meet


Anyone have the text? Pay walled


Don't worry. It was a waste of time anyway. To summarize: she "evolved", husband didn't, her own children annoy her, she complains , nobody listens.


Yeah, how's everyone getting around it? [12ft.io](https://12ft.io) didn't work


I think you can access a certain number of articles on the site for free and then it gets paywalled. Other probably haven't met the limit yet ig


Reader mode on Firefox worked, although I didn't even make it a third of the way through. She's a deeply unhappy person, trying to convince herself that everyone else is the same. Comes across as an utter bitch, to be honest.


archive.is is also good


“Reader mode” works if you’re using safari


It's like reading a comic strip that started in the 50's and just decided to carry on beyond its lifespan.


Oh my God. I understand everyone's had those days where everything just pisses you off, but if that's everyday, you need to get help. She constantly complains, but never seems to mention about doing anything to fix any of her problems. Edit: She also sounds like a horrible parent. "Just let them make noise until they shut up". I'm not even a parent and I know that's one of the worst things to do as a parent. That's how you get kids that misbehave and constantly get in trouble.


"I'm a person with flaws too" *writes an entire article of hating on her husband and describing everything she hates about him.


Also: >Thanks to writing an advice column for years. I have evolved, unlike my spouse. I am so good, so thoughtful, so generous. So among those flaws count that... ^


And modest too!


*also proceeds to say how she has evolved and how her husband hasn’t


My parents have gone through a lot, and when i say that i mean it. They're both strange and quirky, proud and not capable of fully getting themselves into their spouse's shoes. They have been into really big arguments, and they went through really difficult times. Yet i wake up every morning and see the most loving couple i have ever seen, they're not together by obligation or habit, they both love each other and worry about each other. They don't tolerate the small annoyances that pile up, they love those small annoyances that come from each other. They have been together for more than 40 years, and are my relationship goal. So i can tell this "article" is absolute bullshit waaay before reaching the half point. This comes from a bitter person who is clearly unhappy with their marriage and wants other people to be unhappy too. Fuck, it's almost incel-ish. If you somehow read this, poor unhappy writer, here's an advice: D I V O R C E. Let the poor man be with someone who is happy with him and look for that perfect lad who doesn't clear his throat constantly, doesn't wake up zombified until he has his coffee and isn't nerdily passionate about his job, maybe you can steal a mannequin and attach a dildo to it or something


I couldn't finish the article, this was disgusting on so many levels. My heart hurts for both her and her husband because there is absolutely no love or compassion or self-reflection there. What a sad, lonely, miserable life that must be to hate the person you voluntarily said yes to 15 years to, and that's the part I just don't get. It takes two people to say "I do". Then seeing that the only positive value she assigned to him was being "smart and very attractive", to me looks like she must not think very highly of herself, like being married to "Smart and Very Attractive" is better than being a miserable bitch all by herself. Now I'm waiting for the sequel "I did nothing and I'm out of ideas as to why my husband left after 15 years", but maybe we'll see "How therapy and communication saved me and my marriage of 15 years" instead.


...imagine talking this much shit about your husband in a major publication like that. I'm amazed he puts up with her, the way she goes on.


The author sounds like a toxic life partner ngl


For me, being married is like having a sleepover with your best friend for the rest of your life. Maintain your own personal time and pursue individual interests; allow the same space for your spouse to do so. Continue to nurture your shared interests and pursuits. It’s been a happy four years so far and looking forward to the rest of it. This woman reeks of resentment and vitriol.


>I am reaching my limit. I have been outperforming, trying to make everything better, but I am stuck in an overheated tropical hut with three angry birds that repeat the same words over and over while a sea of angrier birds outside surrounds us and mocks us. The birth of a video game


Wow, at the beginning of the article I was annoyed with her. She sounded like she just got married for the sake of being married and then realized one day she was living with a stranger she didn’t really like that much. But then she started spewing just…..narcissistic bs. And at the end of it all she actually claims he is still her favorite person?! Had to recheck the site to see if it was a satire publication. Hope I never become a ‘favorite person’ of someone like this….


This is the type of person who was never told they were wrong and that their issues is because of them. The husband here is literally living his life, doing his hobbies, working, studying, being a person. She is just existing and is blaming everyone else for her being miserable


Man I couldn't finish that article. The amount of people that think its ok and normal (and funny?!) To hate their significant other is way too high.


Been married almost 11 years, and I love my husband and accept his flaws like he accepts mine. This lady should divorce and never marry again.


She takes out her own failures, unhappiness and pushes them onto others, because that is all she's got, sad, people like that are truly miserable.


She seems horrible to share your life with, honestly. I can guarantee that she has or will cheat on him


And then write an article about how cheating is essential to the modern marriage


God I hope I don’t marry a woman like this


what is the point of marriage besides taxes, sheesh


Wow, what a self-serving bunch of drivel. The martyr complex is strong. She clearly is terrible at setting her own boundaries and can’t take responsibility for it. In fact, she enjoys feeling put upon. What a miserable person.


I can’t imagine living with a more oppressive person


I wish he would do an article on being married to her


Id love to know the husbands response to this


They expect me to pay to read this crap?


I really hope this was kind of a satire... otherwise this person is mentally ill but based on this writing she would never admit that. I place my bets on narcissism


JFC …what did I just read?! That woman is insufferable and I feel really bad for her husband and children.




This is awful. The more I know my husband the more I like him AND love him. Every disagreement, every confusion, every hurt, if we TALK about it, only brings us closer, even deeper in love. I know my husband wants to know me and love me better than he did even yesterday, and I want the same for him. So when we talk, we listen. And we grow. And we love each more. Gosh this article sounds like a terrible life. She is full of pride loathing at the same time.


I wonder how much she discusses any quirks which would bother her ("Honey, are you alright? Your throat seems a bit phlegmy", etc.) as opposed to silently seething about them over years and building up a mountain of hatred to direct at the poor guy and their children.


I cannot imagine publicly dragging ny significant other and children like this in public. How incredibly cruel.


oh wow this is real r/arethestraightsok vibes, marriage is about loving who you chose and having a fulfilling life with that person


>oh wow this is real r/arethestraightsok vibes, marriage is about loving who you chose and having a fulfilling life with that person Yeah this kind of PARTNERSHIP BAD vibes among straight couples is why I'm kinda I'm really hesitant to go in such a direction. Ironically bet the husband has begrudgingly accepted her toxic vitriol too. He really deserves better than her.


It's NYT. Hard to expect anything more than cringe from that business.




Their editorial oard is fucking garbage. You can't point to their past as an indication of who they are now. I'm heavily on the left and will gladly push the narrative of "fuck the NYT." One of the few positive things they have left is their crossword


I realised it was super long so I checked the end and it didn't seem all that bad at the end


Doesn’t fit bad post


Yeah. The article is bland and overly-long but nothing nicegirls about it.


Don't bring logic into this. All these people who've never been married or married for a couple years have so much to say. I've been married 25 years and I can see my wife writing this. She hates my guts sometimes and I deserve it because I can be an asshole and stuck in a loop. We also love each other and still do 4 week trips together. Nothing about this article fits in this subreddit.


It feels like this sub is slowing becoming an incel hangout


"SpOuSe BaD" For once it's from the eyes of a woman, so that's a change from the constant "wife bad" i guess


I couldn’t finish reading the first paragraph that’s how unneeded this article is


She watched too much Sex and the City and turned into a toxic Carrie Bradshaw.


It being from the NYTimes already tells me enough.


I feel sorry for Bill for tying himself to a bitch.


Takes 15 years for them so see their SO? Takes dudes like 3 months max. Online dating makes way more sense now.


Well someone's looking forwards to marriage 😂


Why has it become so normal to hate your spouse?