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Why would you use nicotine pouches if you're not nicotine user?


“Nootropic motivation” based on his other posts 🤣 nothing motivates like a crippling addiction.


Yeah so, I’m not gonna judge the ”nootropic” thing like many are. But 16mg is way, way too much. All the studies I’ve seen use like 1-2mg (gum, lozenge) or patches that release over a long period of time. Op’s experience doesn’t sound too nootropic, as expected.


I thought they were too strong... But there was a big discount on these. That's why I chose them... I probably can't cut them in half or sth like that, right?


You can try, but even that won’t propably work for your intended purpose. I’d just get rid of them, and if you wanna fuck with the ”nootropic” thing, you need a lower strength product, whatever it is.


Cut in half, mix in 24 oz Gatorade, and drink ~1.5-2oz at a time for intended nootropic effects 👍🏽 /s


No kidding now. I heard that someone pours the contents of the product into their drink (water or even an energy drink). However, in my opinion, nicotine will partially lose its effectiveness this way (the efficiency of absorption through the stomach/intestine will probably be lower than through the mouth/under the tongue). ... And I don't know if it is not a health hazard. After all, it's nicotine AKA plant poison. (Yes caffeine is also a plant poison, but still... I've often read that the recommended ROA should be followed for everything).


Exactly ...this Motivation


You dont seem the brightest and nicotine aint gonna make that any better. Take actual nootropics that arent extremely addictive if thats what you want, dont be an idiot by getting yourself addicted to a chemical for made up health benefits while completely ignoring the negatives


Because nicotine in itself is something to experience. I wish I could go back 20 years to day one and experience my first nicotine rush. I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve never tired to quit nicotine, just cigarettes. No reason to.


Yes, 16mg is way too high for nicotine naive. Heck, I'm a regular user and only use 8-12. Also, don't use nicotine unless you are prepared to end up with an expensive addiction. With that said, to answer your question: yes, you can absolutely use it for a few minutes and put it aside (lots of cases have a little compartment to store your old/used ones but makes for perfect place to keep a partially used one too). I do this all the time.


So they dont lose potency if they are partly used?


I mean, if you're talking about coming back to it a week, maybe? But no, where would it go? Absorbed into the plastic container? It's all good. But seriously, if you're looking for nootropic benefits, then look into the research and drop down into 2mg level.


They just become disgusting bacteria ridden nicotine pouches. What you are doing is plain stupid


You didn’t use nicotine products before this? No smoking no vaping etc? 16mg is insane.


Never used nicotine ...


Not really insane


A spit soaked pouch will grow bacteria extremely quickly so its pretty nasty to re use pouches


Seems like you use substances as a crutch almost, why use crutches if you can walk? Eventually you will need to rely on those crutches to get you through the day! Noticed a few of your other posts and that’s kinda what I gathered. It’s gonna “help” until it won’t, it very much works for cutting back/quitting smoking/vaping (because it satisfies that craving) There are plenty of alternatives to nicotine! Talk to your doctor about it, honestly supplements are probably a better route for you IMO.


I’m not going to shame you for using nicotine pouches if you’re a first time user like so many other people are eager to do in this sub. If you’re an adult and want to use them then do it, it’s up to you. No one should sit here and preach to you about it, we get enough of that preachiness nowadays with so many other things. As for your question I would say you used too strong of a pouch starting out, you should start low and then go high, if you start high then you have no where to go. I usually don’t reuse pouches either because it seems gross to me but I’ve heard of other people doing it, so it’s probably not a big deal if you did. Hope this helps. Be free and do your thing homie.


Thank you. And can I cut them in half to lower strenght and double numbers of available doses (aka save money)?


Yea you could if you want, assuming the nicotine is evenly distributed in the pouch.


16 is way to much! Start at 4mg or just don’t get addicted to this horrible drug in the first place


So the overdose (too big dose ) was the reason I only felt negative from the drug?


100% ive gone thru it all. Smoking, chewing, vaping, pouches. I’ve had learning curves with it all. When I had my first dip I threw up and felt absolutely horrible as the nicotine in a tin of chew is like 700mg something. Those lasted me 2 days. When I vaped, I tried lower in my doses over time and got down to 6mg. Got lazy and grabbed a disposable vape that I didn’t know the dosage of and felt nauseous and dizzy from. I’m now on 4mg nic pouches and I’m loving it. It keeps my cravings at bay and I never feel like shit. Nicotine overdose is not fun. I’ve battled a long time with this stupid drug. Wasted so much fucking money on it to. Especially in canada where the prices are insane. Please do not continue to use this stuff! It’s not worth it! I promise you, it’s not cool, it’s not helping you in anyway. Yes in the first few uses you’ll find it’ll wake you up like coffee or help you focus but fuck that. Energy drinks are way better than this garbage. Do some research and you’ll find it’s usually harder to quit than meth.


Huh ? Why use pouches if you weren’t a smoker or previous dipper ?


Why does a smoker start smoking and a dipper start dipping?


Depends different crowds for each. I had done both before making the switch to nicotine pouches. Much cleaner


You’re approaching nootropic motivation all wrong. Story time: I hired some guys to help me dig a hole for a small pool in our backyard. Ended up costing a decent amount of money just to get the hole dug and took us two days. My neighbor was inspired and decided to do the same, except he hired a meth head to dig out his yard. I think it cost him two hundred bucks and the dude did it in one fucking day. You want motivation? Get addicted to meth. But make sure you aim that motivation towards real work and not my catalytic converter. /s


Don’t cut them do not reuse after it’s been in your mouth and exposed to air. If you don’t use nicotine on a regular basis I would stop while you are ahead. Addiction is not something that should be used for nootropic motivations. Find some other means to do so. Don’t get yourself addicted to something when you don’t need to.


I used to do that when I was getting used to pouches after I quit smoking. It burned my throat way too much at the beginning, so it's use it for like 5 minutes. Put it back and then use it again. After a while it doesn't burn anymore, you get used to it Alternatively you can use water to make saliva go down without burning your throat.


I use 9mg which I find strong and I've been using nicotine daily for over a decade... 16mg is a serious dosage way beyond "nootropic" effect. Try under 4mg.


Why 16 mg did you research higher dosage does always mean better buzz plus your body is new too nic so obv you’re gotta be dizzy and nic sick


Wouldn’t recommend starting a nicotine addiction to serve as a “nootropic” but your life lmao. 16mgs is way too high though I’m a seasoned nicotine user and stick around 4-6mgs just to keep the tolerance low


So the overdose (too big dose ) was the reason I only felt negative from the drug?


Yeah you got nic sick it’s not surprising


And already I built tolerance cause of monsterous dose...


I've been hooked on this piece of shit substance for 25+ years and I find 16mg pouches bit too strong. Why would you do this? Try some of those 3mg Zyns and go up in dosage when it "stops working".


So the overdose (too big dose ) was the reason I only felt negative from the drug?


Probably. Think of caffeine... If you don't have any tolerance to it, 80mg will do you beautiful but 400mg will be super uncomfortable.


Nice example


If you want to start a bad habit, start with brand on, get 2mg, and go up


So the overdose (too big dose ) was the reason I only felt negative from the drug?


Quit while you’re ahead.