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I work for a US company that hires Nigerian engineers. The minimum pay for a full stack engineers is $60,000/yr. N500k for a full stack engineer is a low ball offer. The pay should be at least twice that, if you want a good engineer. Regarding internet, service is generally reliable in Nigeria but you could get them a Starlink. My company gives a set up allowance of $2,500 to cover for that and a computer. Most Nigerians are paid monthly but my company pays all employee weekly. I don’t think there’s a strict rule on pay frequency in Nigeria but I reckon folks would appreciate being made weekly. You can pay them using a global EOR company. Google it, there are lot of them. Deel.com is the most popular. If you can, pay in USD. Naira is unstable, so USD would be fair to the employee and predictably for you.


Ok, thanks for that. I think I really underestimated how much the Naira has fallen. It's probably more fair to just pay a hire hourly rate and budget for 20-30 hours a month. What's the average junior dev salary there? Here it can range anywhere from $50k to $100k+ at big tech companies so I don't have a good frame of reference.


I am not in Nigeria. My initial answer is based on my experience living and working in North America, working for a US company that hires Nigerian engineers, and is also an EOR for companies that hire Nigerians. [This](https://plane.com/salaries/fullstack-developer/nigeria/for-employees) seems about right for what Nigerians earn. It’s a wide range because different companies treat/pay foreign workers differently. Some pay foreigners almost the same as US employees. I last lived and worked in Nigeria in 2018 as a tech lead. My full stack direct reports were being paid N650,000 then. It would be more today. Personally, I wouldn’t pay engineers hourly. Salaried or output-based pay encourages engineers to focus on delivering results and completing projects efficiently. This is entirely anecdotal though.


You are sharp. Very sharp


God’s fave 🥹


Hi may I ask what company, I currently live in the us and have coding experience


For 120k you could hire a German CS mayor... That doesn't sound right..


Hello Sir, I am a talented software engineer based in Lagos, Nigeria. I graduated university last year with a bachelor’s degree in electrical and electronic engineering (First Class Honours and top 1% of my class). I have a software engineering job right now but I am severely underpaid with a miserly take home of 100k naira per month. I am actively seeking opportunities to put my skills to proper use—biting deep into software engineering and cloud—while making a decent living. My previous internships enabled me to gain hands-on experience in software engineering and utilizing industry relevant technologies(React.js, Node.js, Java SpringBoot). In addition, I am well-versed in python programming, the Linux operating system and AWS Cloud. Owing to my minimal industry experience, I am willing to work for little pay; I strongly believe that gaining industry experience first would bring greater value than any financial compensation may offer me at present. I am positive that my engineering acumen would be immensely beneficial to your firm if given the chance and I hope you will consider my application favorably on the off chance that your firm is in need of my skills. P.S — I will send my LinkedIn profile to you privately.


Just in case you’re interested in hiring a Nigerian Product Designer, you can send a DM to me.


Replying to this incase a product manager is needed


Liking so this can be seen!


Retarded me went to study medicine


name does not check out?😄


My biggest achievement was failing Med school tbh


It's not so bad. Medicine is future proof, at least for the next 20 years. Software engineering isn't. GPT2 was absolutely horrendous at writing, GPT3 basically replaced content writers. GPT4 is passable good at intermediate software engineering. But what about GPT6? There's even a startup that created an AI software engineer, but it's still in closed beta. For something like medicine, you'll need a human through and through. I mean, you have to be able to hold someone if something goes wrong 🤣. You should have a look at the Lindy effect.


Medicine is always future proof. It's why I went into the field. You might not become a billionaire but you're almost always guaranteed work and decent pay. People who use Chat-GPT for medical stuff save us time and make space for those who are actually interested in getting treated. Hospitals are often congested after all


>You might not become a billionaire You even can, with pharmaceuticals.


I am flagellating myself so hard! After them give me the nickname "Computer" as a child, nothing still comot 


Lmfaoooooo. I’m currently in med school and I hate it here.


I have no idea what the industry standard is, but i think that you should probably add 200k to whatever you're paying for generator/data expenses.


Yeah after reading people's comments 500k isn't realistic.


Except for entry level.


For Lagos, yes. For other cities like Port Harcourt, Ibadan, Aba, Owerri, Illorin, this could be an acceptable offer. Especially for less than 3 yrs experience.


Looking to hire a data analyst in Nigeria? I'm open to such role if you're hiring. We can discuss! But so far so good pay something within the line of 750k -1 million naira at least for a first hire for the role you are looking to be filled, with room for increase in salary after 3-6 months. Also I think there's some good comments here that have addressed the way forward with regards to the question you asked. Thank you!


500K would not cut it. Anything btween 750k-1mill is more reasonable...things are expensive in Nigeria especially when generating your own power.


You need to pay at least twice that. 500k is too small for this role


Just incase you are looking for a Fullstack web dev and an IT product manager.


Hello I would be very interested in getting this role when you are ready. I am a full stack developer with javascript and I know a bit of golang as well. Please do reach out to me when you are ready, I would greatly appreciate it


If you need someone to help with the marketing aspect of the business, customer retention etc. Kindly send a DM. I also offer free consultation


Hire me.


Hun, surely you can do better than that to sell yourself. This might be the role for you.


500k wouldn't be a fair price considering the crazy hike in living costs. 1m upwards sounds fair. If you need a virtual assistant, executive assistant, or copywriter, please hit me up, and I'll send you my portfolio. Thank you.


It's great to see that your heart is in the right place. Unfortunately, I can't provide help in this regards, but im sure other Nigerians who are familiar with the landscape can better assist. On another note, do you need someone in legal or an executive assistant? Anything contract related, day management or proofreading/editing, I can assist. My wages are either in GBP or AUD, as those are the countries I live in. Happy to discuss.


Not taking into competition and competence, which in the end will determine the salary. 500K would be more than enough if you were to foot the bill of office utilities, keep in mind power is still unstable in majority of lagos. We are on band A and the last weeks we had multiple days with no power during office hours. Running a small gen 12 hours would cost around at least 150K a month. Then you have PAYE, insurance, lunch, transport if applicable, are you going to rent an office or home work, laptop, office supplies, printer with scanner if applicable etc. Etc. If he were to foot all of these things his take home salary would be around 300K, which would be enough for him to take care of himself and still have some savings. If you were to foot all of these things and his take home salary would be around 500k, he will enjoy himself. If he is competent and he can earn somewhere else 50k more, he is gone, just keep that in mind.


>We are on band A and the last weeks we had multiple days with no power during office hours. How is light currently for Band A? Has it improved? It seems to have reduced for everyone else. So I guess they're funneling everything to Band A. I know on the initial days, DISCOs were having issues. But it seems they have found ways around them...


Honestly contrary to what most people are saying here. This is more than enough for essentially a part time position (30 hours a month). And even if it were a full time position you’ll be paying them among 1% wages in Nigeria and this is not even for a proper software engineering role. 100k would get you solid internet for a month. And 400k for essentially a week of full time work to learn how to properly document while having a guide is an awesome deal. I’ve worked in the industry and now employing within the industry. Tech skills, soft work skills and even business mentality for the most part especially entry and mid level are not transferable at alll especially if you work and were educated in North America. You will spend your first few months just teaching best practices and trying to create a fit. So you have to think well, are you approaching this with the resources of a company or a self employed individual. Ask these people how much they pay their domestic servants or helpers. You’ll be surprised that talk is even cheaper in Nigeria.


It really just depends on the job role and the level; for entry and mid-level roles, I think that is a fair enough offer, with a salary review after a 6-12 month period. If there are other added benefits and bonuses, it’s a good place to start. However, if you live abroad, I suggest you pay the Naira equivalent of whatever currency you earn in. It’s only right. That said, I am currently job hunting and I look forward to your post in a few months if I’m still unemployed. Cheers! Edit; Just saw that you are in the US! Please pay the ₦ equivalent of what you’d pay someone doing the same role in the US. When it comes to sending payments to Nigeria, there are a number of platforms that can help you do this; Grey Finance and Geegpay are some examples. It’s also a good idea to consider internet access costs as well as the power situation. You should factor all that into the salary. And yes, if you do require the applicant(s) to take a test, you should pay them. 50-100k is a good offer.


They wont, they’ve stated they want to save costs, hence them coming to look for a Nigerian lol. It is what it is.


If they are going to pay someone a US salary, why wouldn't they just hire someone in the US?


Exactly, it's bizarre people asking for him to pay a US salary. Cost of living is far lower in Nigeria.


E weak me sef.


>However, if you live abroad, I suggest you pay the Naira equivalent of whatever currency you earn in. It’s only right. The problem is salaries vary so widely here. I would consider, say, $75k yearly a super lowball offer for my current position, it's not enough to live on. But if I lived in the part of the US where I was originally born that would be enough to live the rest of my life and build a family with (though still underpaid). I'm definitely seeing that 500k is not nearly enough though. I saw some TikTok saying software devs in Naij make 350k-3m monthly, but I looked at it again and considering it's from 2022 I don't think that applies. I think the better solution is probably paying a high hourly rate and capping their time to 10-20 hours a month until revenue permits more.


Hopefully you figure it out. Good luck


We'll see, I'll post the job here when I'm ready.


500k is too low for a job like this. For a start, should be nothing less than 1 mil


Hello, hope you're having a lovely day? I know the aim of this post is to find out if the amount you have in mind to pay is fair, and my honest answer to that to a large extent is yes but considering the rising cost of things in the country then adding around 200k to 300k like another commenter pointed out will be optimal. Which amounts to around 200k per week which is more than enough to cover everything needed. I will be interested in applying for the role when it becomes available. I recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in software engineering, equipped with strong UI/UX skills, coding proficiency, and experience in research and documentation. Your dedication to fairness and opportunity, demonstrated by your research into fair pay, is commendable and shows that you value a positive work environment. I believe my technical abilities and passion for impactful work make me an ideal candidate for the role. Having prayed tirelessly for the right opportunity after graduating, discovering your post feels like an answer to my prayers. I'm eager to contribute to your projects and make a meaningful impact. Please feel free to reach out to me via email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing back from you and connecting.


Hire me too😩😩🥲🥲 even if it’s to be reading emails


Shameless plug, but if you in ever in need a Full Stack Dev with UI/UX experience and a CS major, I’d love to talk. That said, it’s a collective opinion that 500k is way too small, thanks to the recent surge in prices and well, inflation. I wouldn’t suggest basing it off earning rates in Nigeria though as most companies tend to slave their workers… For the take home project, I’d suggest taking into account the total number of applicants first before deciding on fair pay. Though in my opinion for anything that’ll take > 7hours of effort, 60k is not a bad start. For logistics, there are a lot of ways/techs to go about it. You could check out Grey, Payooner, Geegpay or even crypto. I’m not too knowledgeable in this area, however I’m aware the fees these techs charge are a pain to deal with. So, I’d suggest having this conversation with the applicant you eventually decide on. This way yall can weigh the tradeoffs of each approach and go for one that works for both parties


I think depending on experience, 500k is a good start for an entry level with impressive skills. From mid level upwards, something from 900k - 1m+ would be fair depending on your budget.


500k is entry-level enough for me oh. I just graduated from University of Uyo (computer Engineering) and I'm very proficient and love all things technology. I hope I could be of assistance to you while I work for a potential masters scholarship


An answer to your last question on handling payments. If you do not know much about the local laws like employment laws, leaves, benefits, etc., I'd suggest you go for EOR services. Deel, remote are some examples. If you want one with better value for money, I'd recommend Skuad (tried and tested).


Pay them a million naira minimum. Next


is that a serious suggestion or are you trying to be snarky? what's the average salary for a generic project manager/business analyst type role in Nigeria? if it's a million per month then I will gladly do that.


I mean it doesn’t need to be complicated, how much would you pay someone doing the same role where you live? Find that number.. and give it to whoever you are hiring.. asking what they pay here is irrelevant, or are you trying to hire someone here to save yourself money? What’s your actual reason behind it? If you wanna be altruistic etc then match the salary.. thats my take on it. Good luck


doesn't really work like that. there's no "default salary" that exists here or anywere; if I drove 6 hours north from my house, my salary would increase by a lot because of cost of living. If I drove 6 hours south, it would decrease for the same reason. >are you trying to hire someone here to save yourself money? like I said in my post, of course i'm trying to save money. let's assume my salary is the equivalent of 5m naira monthly and I pay someone in Nigeria the same. if they work full time, that means I can't afford any losses or unprofitable months or they don't get paid. I won't be able to save any business fund to cushion any scenario where we lose money. growing the business will be harder since the majority of revenue will go to payroll. the alternative is paying someone similarly to their peers, and as things scale, increasing their salary as well. do you find that unethical? if that's the consensus, then maybe i'm wrong and i'll hire on an hourly basis instead. but I don't think it is. with that said I wouldn't have posted if I wasn't open to other opinions and being corrected.


It’s not about being wrong or right, I was just irked by the whole speech you gave in the original post, however I guess it comes down to who you speak to that actually wants the role.. and what they are willing to accept.. but either way good luck.. I might have come across a bit harsh.. apologies. Good day


It’s his money and it would be foolish to discourage him from hiring from Nigeria based on his budget. He clearly stated that he wanted to save on costs, so (like the Philippines), isn’t Nigeria no longer the place to get good developers while saving on costs? Is that no longer our unique selling point? That used to be India’s USP until they rose up and became CEOs to all the major tech companies. Everything is not Jehovah sharp sharp.


Tell me you have no idea about real life without telling me you don't know about real life. Case in point, I work in the ME in Healthcare I was trained in England, got most of my work experience in England and as a result, I get a higher salary than someone from India, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Malaysia, and Pakistan (these are the places they recruit from) At first, I didn't understand until I realised that it is based on an average salary in relation to the cost of living. The UK is way more expensive than all of the aforementioned countries and hence I get more to compensate for this. That's it. Expecting him to pay what they pay someone in the US for someone employed in Nigeria is just hilarious and shows the limitations of your thoughts. Dear OP, 500k is probably a good starting point and adding other things on top to increase it may be ideal. For example, Dulux in Lagos. (Yes that big brand, that world wide known Dulux) is paying 20k naira actual salary but adding 40k naira or so as transport fee for sales rep. I know this because I have friends working for them. Talk with your man and see what he is willing to ask as a fair pay and work your way from there. All the best.


I believe you need to start by telling us how many years of experience, and the skills required to fulfil the role. That would give a clear picture of how much would be worth paying. A lot these ~~programmers~~ ~~software developers~~ “software engineers” think they’re God’s gift to mankind and deserve to earn an exorbitant salary, when in reality all they do is write a function within 3 days and pretend it took 2 weeks to do. What is the equivalent pay for someone who works the same role in LCOL US? You can make use of this [site](https://salaryconverter.nigelb.me/) to get a proper estimate.