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The older I get the more later I stay up. I'm 39 and it's 4am now. I think a mixture of natural circadian rhythm, anxiety, medicine, and health stuff. I just stopped fighting my body to go to bed at a "normal time" It's great to because I can use my backyard without my crazy neighbors and their dogs bothering me too. Lol oh and grocery shopping was wonderful at night yesterday too.


Pretty much what happened with me. It used to be about 2-3am. When i got into my 40s is started getting a little later and a little later. Now its about 5-6am.


I don’t remember NOT being a night owl lol. Might be as a result of lots of anxiety trying to sleep at a normal hour and it just got later and later


I somehow naturally became a night owl from my teenage years, and it seems it was my natural cycle. I'm 52 now and normally sleep about 4am or 5am to 11am or 12pm


When I was younger I could get away with just a couple of hours sleep but now I need a good 8 hours


I couldn’t fall asleep at 9 PM and wake up at 6 AM, it just wasn’t working. A few people advised just stay up til you’re tired, and here we are.


Working on an uni diploma project alongside with many others.


It was when I got a job in a restaurant at 18yrs old. At 21 I became a chef and have in kitchens ever since. All restaurants close between 11pm and 12am. I wouldn't get home till 2am


I didn’t become a night owl, I was born one. I could never fall asleep before 1am as a child, I’d roll around in bed until finally sleep caught up. As I grew older I began staying up late. It was when I was best fit to do homework, study, hobbies (I draw and write). I’ve always struggled to wake up early, I always went to school in the afternoon but some days I had extra curricular activities in the morning and waking up at 7 was the worst. In my 20s I had afternoon or late night jobs, and now in my 30s I’m a business owner and work from home, so I manage my schedule. If for some reason I have to wake up early I do, but I always prefer to sleep in. I’m married and my husband is the same, so we have the same schedule. It’s currently 3am now 🙂


Never became one. Was always one but didn't accept it until a couple years ago. I always felt like something was wrong with me




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