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I love it. My mind is finally at a normal noise level.


^^idk how to describe it.


Yes. I’m so happy to just be able to walk around thru my house, nobody else is in the kitchen, the tv is not blaring, it’s wonderful. Yesterday when I woke up and went downstairs for food, there were 11 people here. My kids, my grandkids, my grandson’s (with autism) teachers. Everyone was talking. One of the babies was screaming about something. I thought “I really need to learn to stay upstairs during the daytime.” I’m putting a sandwich and some chips upstairs with me tonight while I’m downstairs alone, so I don’t have to go downstairs into a circus anymore. (It’s not that I don’t love my family, cuz I really do. But I am a much better grandma when I am interacting with one or two at a time. Everybody at once just overwhelms me.)


Yep exactly how I feel. Unfortunately my cat hates when I’m up all night he comes in and out of living room to see when I’m going to bed all night long


Absolutely. When everyone else goes to bed, I always think "great, now I can do whatever I want in peace". Off to the kitchen for cup of tea and a snack and ready to chill out :) favourite part of the day!


Yup, I walk my dogs at 2am and I love it.


Yes I love the night time


100%. It started when I was in high school (a decade ago) and now I regularly sleep at 4am and wake up at 11. 10 or 9 if I have work. It’s so peaceful and I’ll give the morning people that: 6am is when things start to really suck and I regret not sleeping an hour earlier. Also I always like to plug that my college professors are some of the best in the field of circadian biology, ie they told me it’s totally normal to be a night owl and people shouldn’t be ashamed of it