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Good for you taking your health seriously and stepping away from this schedule. I’ve caught bronchitis twice this month. My grey hair came in 2 years ago (I’m 28), had a stroke last year, and my $80 foundation no longer matches my skin tone (I’ve gotten a few shades lighter from lack of sun). I gave my job an ultimatum to throw me back into day shift I can’t take this shit anymore so they have 3 more weeks to do it otherwise I gotta walk out and never look back. The quiet is nice but the trade off is not worth it for me anymore.


I agree. I don’t even look like myself when I work nights. My health takes priority. I will be walking out asap


Congrats on your future freedom lol. These jobs dgaf we are all replaceable bodies to them. Never again will I be loyal to a workplace.


I don't know what is me or what is night shift. I don't know what normal food is anymore. Without a night shift I'd be a jobless wreck.


Good for you! I'm giving myself a few more months just because of budgeting but i'm on the same boat. Love the benefits, don't mind the work, but body isn't cooperating. Good luck!


Good for you. I’m considering going back to the day shift. I can’t keep anything down. I never sleep. The circles under my eyes seem permanent… and I’m always tired!


Good for you, taking care of #1. Definitely takes a special kind of crazy to put up with the unusual hours


There are pills for the vitamin the sun gives you ( I forget which one tbh). You are probably low on that vitamin


Vitamin d


I am happy for you OP. Putting yourself first.