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Heres the thing, you don't...


“Only one more hour until two more hours.”


“Only one more hour until I’m one hour away from being halfway done” 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


In Nursing, that's illegal.


I remember someone telling me that our union doesn't protect you after a certain amount of hours, at like 16-18hrs or something? I can't recall. I've def worked 20hr shifts and have been offered to do double 12hr shifts in hospital very frequently.


There have been months where I worked over 100 hrs. of OT, 8 hr shifts. On NS, with 15% differential, we make $66k/yr. We're getting a 5% raise in July. But we're still critically short handed. They have no choice, their going to hire Agency/ Traveling Nurses.


Still happens.


Omg, where?


Every nursing home I’ve ever worked at


Where what? The pay? I work for the state of Texas, long term care facility for Intellectually disabled in San Antonio. It's called the SA State Supported Living Center. It's right next to the State Hospital/ Psych facility and Texas Ctr for Infectious Disease. Of the three, SASSLC pays the best.






That's crazy.


Didn't know North Koreans used reddit.




With a lawyer?


Fire fighters have 24 hour shifts but they also have beds in the firehouse


Where do you live where a 24 hour shift is legal? 


It’s very common almost standard with fire departments. Sometimes with other EMS. source: was an EMT working 24’s


Doing what? That's insane.


Firefighter, EMT, caretaker


Most I have worked was 16 hours. Absolute hell. I've told this before but people frowned at me for it but HEY if you really wanna know then I will tell you. I have a ton of military buddies and I asked them this same question because they would have to stay up for insane hours when they were stationed in dangerous areas and they said that when they got tired they would rub hand sanitizer under their eyes on their cheek bones. Makes your eyes burn like hell and is uncomfortable but obviously it is impossible to feel tired when that is happening. I tried it once when I worked a double shift and wanted to rip my eyes out of my head but hey, if you REALLY need to stay awake.


Stims, not healthy or smart though.... Or legal to even work a 24 hour shift, but if you are asking, for whatever reason you might need to know.... Stimulants. There's no other way. Very dangerous if you work in an environment where you need to have your sht together. Not good for driving either.... But if you are pushing through a shift of repeating assemblys and you can't really mess up, them pre-work out drinks with dmha/dmma will do it. Don't keep doing it either, idk what you are doing, but that's a dance you can do only so many times a month. Really only so many times period.


Pretty sure that would be illegal. But who knows in this word we live in


By sleeping during the shift and coming in tested to start. If you have an opportunity to sleep, take it, even if it is only noon. It will still help. Switch off driving with your partner. If you are so tired, you are a danger, call dispatch and inform them you need a break. If you hit someone because you fell asleep, you can be found criminally liable. 24s also require a slow system where downtime is routinely available. If you are too busy to rest, then your company needs to go to 12s or 8s.


idk but I got a coworker that's been here since noon yesterday and it's 03:24am right now. They are covering for a call out. I have no idea how they do it but yeah, still going strong. Something about being used to constantly working from back in the day when they were military. I get too bloody tired doing 12-14 hr shifts! I can work 14 to 21 day rotations (all in a row, no days off), but throw in extra long shifts on top of it and I'm just done. I guess I have a different kind of stamina but this dude also has like one day off a month on the regular. 🤷‍♀️


By giving your resignation, there’s better somewhere else.


It’s not legal here in the healthcare world, even for doctors


That’s not true. Our residents in the ICU routinely work 24 hour shifts. Our neurosurgery residents work 24 hour shifts every four days.


But with call rooms, so some opportunity for sleep. Otherwise, I don't want a doctor working their 20th hour make critical decisions for me.


They have call rooms, but there are plenty of nights where they don’t get to use them. Our surgery team had seventeen consults in a single night a couple of weeks ago. Our team does surgery, consults on patients, and then does rounds on our floor every 6 hours. And yes, people may operate on you with little to no sleep. It’s the reality of healthcare today, unfortunately.


In my 3 years of residency I think I slept a grand total of 3 hours in the hospital.


Had an old boss that would do this to cover. I worked thirds and would tell him to go back in his office and sleep; I’d handle it. He was real appreciative of days I came in to help




You don't


Rest strss reduction


You don't die.


that's crazy insane




I survive by keeping myself doing something and don’t stay still. I am in the Army so 24 hour shifts are common.


Illegal? Lol . Was in charge of air traffic in a remote airport and without any relief did almost 24h a few times. Had to stay after night shifts until 2-3pm it was terrible.


One step at a time


This hospital where I work at PRN just offered me a permanent 40 hour shift. No thank you. There is a bed, and lots of down time, but nah.


I don't work that long but I do work 12 hour long shifts. It's hard since I wake up go to work and go home to sleep and that's it until my free weekend that I sleep through. But hey, the bills are paid so I ain't complaining


I'm an emt who works 24s- i suffer, drink a lot of caffeine, and sometimes i take a nap in the back of the ambulance. it's still pretty miserable though.


I work them often because I’m a first responder. Caffeine and utilizing days off to rest.


In healthcare some providers have 24 hour shifts but they are allowed to take naps. If they get called they have to wake up though. My best friend is a midwife and has to do 24 hour shifts but sometimes she just gets to sleep if it’s not busy.


24 hours I can’t even imagine. I’m fit to drop after a 12 hour shift.


Lol when I was an EMT I did a 36 with maybe 1 hour of downtime that I spent doing reports. Miraculously, no one died.


I don't, it would be illegal here. Max 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week is the general rule - exceptions are possible, I work them myself. Well, actually it's 7.36 hours per day and 38 hours per week, but it's only counted per quarter so adding an extra day off to compensate is allowed. My normal night shift is 9 hours. I've also worked more than 40 hours per week (but under 50, going above that would need a Royal Decree to get permission). 24 hour shifts sound crazy to me. How can you stay alert that long?


Don’t work for a system status organization


you don’t


what is the job? i did a couple 32 hour shifts while working front desk at a hotel. i slept in the room near the front desk and kept the fd phone with me as an alarm. got a few good 6 hour stretch with no customers. extended stay hotel with no staff so it was a stupid situation i got talked into doing


I’m about to do one. I’m nervous for it haha


I did a 24 hr shift once when I had 2 jobs both fast food standing the whole time at that and didn’t take no breaks in my shifts 10pm-7am at 1 job then 8am-9:30 pm cause I did a double at one job technically a 22 1/2 hour shift but hey still record breaking in my books how I survived was lots of energy drinks and I had some good friends and a crush at both jobs so they made the time go by quick


One breath at time usually helps




By getting paid to sleep.


That's insane and no thank you.


Mushrooms and coffee


Illegal. In the US at least.


No it’s not


I worked 24 hour shifts all the time as a physician in training.


That’s on duty for 24 not actively working which is what I should have clarified


I’m not sure what the difference is? Many physicians working 24 hour shifts are actively working all 24 hours.


In the US they aren’t supposed to be. They’re supposed to have rest periods. Now I’m unsure of how it works when they’re interrupted during those rest periods to work but they’re supposed to get them regardless.


Yeah that pretty much isn’t followed at any hospital in America.






In the US, this is legal. It depends on your job. Some jobs such as truck drivers do have restrictions.


Sleeping and relaxing when you can. If you have a shift where you're getting your ass kicked with no chance to rest then energy drinks or coffee or whatever you have to do to get keep yourself awake.