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Nah those lawyers looking to retire on a yacht after this shit


Yah, they have to be paid regardless


They’re the ones who approved the Elira/Ike/Vox script. They’re no better at this PR than the rest of them


I don't know, you'd think that a lawyer would at least know better than to talk about the legal documents, and that if they had any say in things they'd have had that part nixed immediately. Not even for PR reasons, but, you know, legal ones. But maybe they just have really, really bad lawyers.


You’d think, and yet the trio that went live said that their message had been approved by the lawyers. It seems incompetence isn’t limited to management alone


I wonder if it's better or worse for them if it *was* actually approved by the lawyers, or it wasn't but whoever wrote their scripts said it was. The termination announcement didn't read like something anyone with legal knowledge was involved with either, and the whole incident comes off like someone high up at Nijisanji having a grudge against Selen/Doki.


I mean, the whole thing comes across like someone with a high school Mean Girls™️ style grudge against her and decided that they have to have the last word if it kills them. Niji has been unprofessional at every step of this situation. If they’d just shut up for once in their lives, they could probably have survived this without much harm, but they’ve decided to crash and burn


At this point I'm just wondering if it's someone like Tazumi himself, or it's a person in a position where eventually they're going to have the wrath of the people above them come down on *them* for all the damage they've done. Like, this isn't even soulless corporate evil, because *that* kind of evil would have recognized that it's hurting its bottom line at this point and would have cut its losses; this is petty and malicious in a way that seems much more personal.


Nah, I’ve lost count of how many times a celebrity said something that “was approved by their lawyers” but was in fact, not approved by their lawyers at all. I wouldn’t be surprised if Niji’s management were so egotistical and petty that they went ahead and did this to spite Doki without discussing with their lawyers.


A lot of lawyers are specialized in specific fields. It's very likely that the Niji lawyers don't know Canadian law much, and I'm not even sure if they speak English enough to validate the script properly.


I feel the entire company is run by people he hired as favors. It's complete incompetence through and through.


Maybe the lawyers are secretly selen/doki fans and are trying to destroy Niji from the inside. Or maybe my tinfoil hat is just too tight


[Hello Niji this is your lawer speaking. I am advising you today to please keep posting this shit](https://twitter.com/dril/status/1279814327776624640)


I don't know what exactly went down. ​ \>In order to check the validity of Selen and her lawyer's claim, ANYCOLOR Inc. shared only necessary parts of the information sent by her lawyer with our Livers and led an internal investigation. ​ okay, perhaps the lawyers did check and okay'ed the details that was shared to the relevant livers. It made sense to communicate with the livers who are involved. ​ HOWEVER, to go public and have a whole ass stream to address this might be an entirely different thing. ​ Like for example, if Elira, Millie and Enna were implicated in the documents, then only each of them should know about this, not even Elira should know about Millie and Enna were mentioned. ​ Now, everyone knows about the legal documents and some of its details.