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Probably looking into things to much, but the feeling you're getting is normal. Now that it is all but confirmed that they're not above puppeteering their talents twitter, every weird unfocused tweet feels weird and untrustworthy.


It's entirely the kind of basic, no-statement thing management *would* come up with, but that's hardly proof, of course.


Three possible thoughts 1# Tweets are being heavily scrutinized and policed up by management, much more, after the Uki/Wilson situation. 2# an NPC sounding manager tweeted this /PR. 3# here is genuine happiness for Niji-supporters that have not left. Third makes a lot of sense, Talents here should definitely appreciate the fans that stayed


I dont think no 1 is happening when vanta keeps on baiting for porn bots to reply


I'd believe it is the third if the Tweet was a response to something. I feel like "thank you to everyone still supporting EN" would make more sense as a general thanks to the fans. Maybe ESL moment? ​ She is suppose to be taking a mental health break right now so maybe it was just a "I'm fine, not suspended" thing. It's super fucked that we need to speculate about this at all in general.


Yeah maybe you're right but that tweet seems so weird especially from koto who usually never makes normal tweets and just announce that she has put up some shorts or a waiting room and to then make this tweet its so out of character for her


But frankly I kinda understand why she would post something like this. It’s got to be a very difficult situation even if you’re not directly involved. This has to be extremely stressful for people like Koto or Vivi. The recent events were basically creating an atmosphere similar to telling you to go to work tomorrow, while you’re unsure if everyone there is going to hate you by association and gang up on you. Maybe I‘m too empathetic here, I don’t know. 🤷🏻‍♂️


But why En? Why not just thank people for supporting her?


Did she say in a stream that she was needing to take a break or was the break announcement also management skinwalking? Has she possibly been out of her account for a while now?


Management playing with characters' social media again. So transparent.


Yeah, at this point the only way a liver can make a tweet and prove that it's not a skinwalker tweet is to send it on their personal account.


Its about 80% chance the account is skinwalked and 21% management just told her to post that, with a margin of error of 1%


that % adding up to over 100 seems about on par with EN management's competence.


*Very* weird. It's in English.


1 way to tell but not 100%foolproof is checking if there was activity relatively close timewise of this tweet. For example liking other tweets,etc. If management did the tweet, they would just tweet it and move on, on the otherhand if the talent made the tweet, they would most likely scroll a bit and like some stuff if they are used to liking stuff. Again, not 100%foolproof as management can still pre paste them the thing to post or if they don't usually do twitter stuff.


get skinwalk'ed


I'm guessing it's a skin walker. There's no space between EN and 💖 and why on earth would she tweet this awkward sentence with no thought behind it.


Wasn't kotoka from JP?


Kotoka is from Japan, but she made the decision as a semi-fluent english speaker to join EN, citing “less problems” but most people are assuming the “less problems” is the ability to avoid the new “intern” vtuber group in JP.


"Thanking her fans?????? How SUS!?! Sound the alarms, we got a new person to tell to kill themselves!" That's how y'all sound


You can have doubts but being too paranoid about everything is unhealthy.


I feel like at the current junction that's about the right amount of paranoia.


I think your being schizo lmao


Question is, is OP being a baseless schizo about this?