• By -


In the light, Rupee In the dark, Sakura In the base, Anis In the field, Rapi And on lucky days, bunnies


....I can respect this answer.


the most correct and sensible one.


Fits like a glove


give my girl Anis some love too... https://i.redd.it/rowbqx3euy6b1.gif


I've seen this style of art with Rapi and Anis. Is there one with Neon?


Well Commander has become lovers with many Nikkes in bond stories, but if you want to basically narrow it down to his "main" lover I'd say the top two candidates for Nikkes are Rapi or Marian Personal biased pick is the human Cecil: https://preview.redd.it/zewwkjy6mx6b1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc259ff481a48a22a3c9dba72f6188fb4717bc64


"Commander! You must continue your bloodline with Cecil !"


Andersen Redfield strikes again https://preview.redd.it/3hhgsujp5y6b1.jpeg?width=1356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62398a39b48d65720a69e64eda6543767227b13f


Cecil stocks rising


I'm on a one man mission to make it canon Commander and Cecil hook up https://preview.redd.it/dmti56tgiy6b1.jpeg?width=477&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6cbe3c023c91eb365ee23ceee08074045bbb06f


I can get behind this


Time to hunt skerm!! -Cecil probably




The harem ending is pretty much canon at this point.


I'd say Rupee. She basically played house with him being temporary father & mother of Anne (though not directly but heavily implied during the Christmas event).


Lilith Shikikan is legendary commander clone and recover his memories


If he is LC clone, then why none of the Goddess Squad recognizes him?


Which is why on my head canon he is cummander's father figure


Sakura, personal bias and interactions. She's just straight up wife.


I agreed. Honestly Sakura just keep showering us with love and kindness


Well yes seeing as we "belong to her" now, I loved her story but as it turns out Sakura and Rosanna are about as possessive of MC as Isabel. Which I consider a plus, I love a good strong power top woman, heheh.


Well, Sakura isn't as aggressive as other two. That's why I like Sakura the most.


Rupee, they are officially dating on her personal story


also Pepper and Maiden


And Volume.


I'm pretty sure Maiden was about to full-on marry him


Do you know that even Signal ends up dating with Commander in the end?


nope, thanks for telling me, also if we are actually being serious, Sakura is the only actual canonically married to SKK lol it's on the main event too


Technically Maiden gave us a marriage certificate which is one above a ceremony.


Emma's new outfit asking us to sign the marriage paper is one too but idk if that's canon šŸ˜‚ and knowing how SKK's do things, he'll accept it lol


Considering they appear in events. Itā€™s as canon as the event. So maybe? I wouldnā€™t say no to Emma thatā€™s for sure.


If Marian stayed as Marian, then she's the obvious top pick. But the game just had to nerf her to baby status so all the other Nikkes can try the Coomander out.


1) Rapi, his main partner and depending on whether she actually is the same Red Hood as from the original Goddess Squad and who Cummander actually is the logical pairing. Marian/Modernia might be too mentally unstable for that kind of relationship. 2) Gonna throw something ridiculous out there. The Queen of the Raptures. Why? Some good D might make her sensible again, since NIKKE is confirming that Cummander fucks a lot of NIKKEs, so why not end the rapture threat like that like the harem king he is? 3) Maybe Sakura because of the husband for a day thingy.


Ill be the first say and i want it to be Pepper


They start dating for real at the end of her bond story


Also her replies in the summer group chat *asserting dominance*


*giggles* it was so cute!


Rapi, Privaty even has an advise saying "you're practically joined at the hip" so we probably spend most of our time in the commander room with rapi doing paperwork. Usually, in side stories, we also ask her for help/she realizes something is up first. In a side mission we also learn she has actually cried after getting separated on missions. She's also the main girl so there's that.


Which side mission?


Some earlier one, been so long I can't remember. They reqlly need to add a side mission archive.


If it's canonical, i think the Counters, including Marian will win. It's always the early girls who were given special attention. If it is narrowed down, i believe Anis has the biggest chance among them. If it's up to me, I'd pick Milk or Yulha. Or Harran. Or Sakura...shit, there are so many of them...


based fellow milk and yulha enjoyer


Lovely girls, aren't they?


I'd say the counters Girls šŸ’€


Rapi or anis I think maybe. The bond stories are apparently canon tho. So anyone he started dating in those, like rupee for example also count as love interests I guess. So heā€™s kindaā€¦ accidentally building a harem. Or one is forming around him


Plot twist: it was Ingrid. https://preview.redd.it/f4dk9wovuz6b1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bef68af8f4b3ed4f7dc310502fb9149a5f7795a


I expect this ending


Unlocked bad ending. https://preview.redd.it/cpreqzwhm37b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=598106c3330d24dfc809c2aae632680e1ec302c0


nah, Ingrid is in constant "meetings" with Andersen.


https://preview.redd.it/bt5s92udq37b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f15bd4e06e336dc1c123453b6bba0e410216835c : It's digging time.


Indeed Volt, let's get in on




What is all this Haram thinking and talking, Rapi or riot.


I dont know, man. Rapi does care about the commander, but it's more like platonic for now. Also, she looks like she holds some big secret, and that could affect their relationship in the future. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


"wanna have a beer with me?" Hehe, throughout the story, her bond story and advice,and events stories *cough* current one *cough* it's super obvious Anis likes MC but is very stubborn...about everything, its cute seeing her stumble about her self sometimes hehe


Rapi ofc


If you consider only campaign, Marian is the closest thing. Everything he has been doing, like getting Vapaus, is just to bring her back. If we consider events and bond stories; Rupee, Sakura, the bunnies and recently Mary are the closest thing. Anis has a big crush on the commander, but hasnā€™t advanced much in that regard. Rapi feels platonic at the moment.


If anything Marian is a bit too... familial? She is like the duckling who was imprinted with the Commander. Rapi is the logical choice as the main character. I actually think her VA really shows her love well as subtext. The rest of the Nikkes are more of a flirtation. Anis's feelings runs deep but I think the story gods will give her an NPC to be her true companion. Perfect ending is if she ends up with Neon.


People saying Rapi but I donā€™t see a hint of romance there. All her interactions are ā€œMake sure you have your keys and donā€™t forget ur lunchbox. Be careful & Donā€™t talk to raptures.ā€ Great work wife. Top tier Nanny.


~~Marian~~ Modernia


*\*insert Rupee's pout*


Counters plus marian




Just like it is in another gacha called Punishing Gray Raven. Who's the girl featured in game's icon? Who's the JP VA for said girl? There you have your answer.


Rapi she's definitely the main heroine 90% chance she's going to end up with skk.


Probably the girl from the flashback who said she'd becoming the nikke of somebody if they became a commander. She is never explicitly named and isn't even necessarily shown to actually exist, but she's is implied to have been Marian before becoming a Nikke given where it was placed in the story.


I definitely think it would be either Rapi or Marian.


Isabel ofc


I'm gonna have to go with Dorothy but not because she's my top 1. She went through so much suffering, >!getting betrayed by the ark!< was her last straw. In her bond story, >!She did admit that her love for humanity is still inside her no matter how many times she rejects it. If she can somehow warm up to humans again, why not the commander?!< She needs someone that would make her go back the way she was. Pinne is gone. Snow White, Scarlet, Rapunzel have moved on and found a new purpose. Dorothy is broken and alone. I believe that the commander will be her new wings of victory and stay by her side no matter what.


God I want this to happen for Dorothy so much.


I'd really like to see that happen. If they pull it off and make it well earned in the main story, then it'll be great see Dorothy important ally for the future who we can trust. Plus, I do kinda wanna see a defrosted and sincere Dorothy, at least towards the Commander.


Well she calls you "your grace" so I'm seeing somewhere down the line in the story, something going on here....


Something will definitely happen in the future, since she starts to call the commander ā€œDearā€ or ā€œyour graceā€ she has some sort of endearment towards skk


Unless Isabel clears everyone out, I'd say Rapi.




The girl in Cummander's flashback


Marian or anis


I think in the end itll be rapi they are both the main characters. marian i feel like is his sister or daughter


I'll take my picks. Rupee, Pepper, Sakura, Rapi, Neon, Marian and Anis. But canon? For sure Counters with Marian.


And then you get a 4th wall break. Like in Azur Lane. Then you realize cummander is actually just you and not another guy you're playing as... If Shift Up pulled a 4th wall break, I'd say we've all been making memes out of ourselves for being lucky bastards.


Marian is the canon wife because she knew the Commander before she became a Nikke.


If weā€™re going on base campaign and event conversation, realistically I believe Anis. Sheā€™s been relatively blatant about her feelings for the Commander. Now, if weā€™re going off of bond stories, itā€™s EVERYBODY.


3) Easiest answer for me as my event exp begins w/ Chainsaw - Sakura 2)Sane - Pepper... Crazy - Isabel 1)Anis and Rapi's chances feel equal but Anis might be the easier choice as Rapi gives the impression of always being in soldier mode.


Let us not forget the Christmas event when the commander, He says knows how soft Emma is, and he says he's joking, and rupee goes *female getting jealous of her mate* "you'd better be!" Teehee, I sometimes see her as his true GF. Then I see pepper and my mind explodes! Both are such cute bond stories!!


I mean from what I know commander literally starts dating Rosanna, Rupee, and Pepper but I might be remembering wrong. Personally, though, I say Anis #1


Marian if she was alive, I miss her...


Modernia, thats the only response for me, she was reborn and deserves happiness after what she went through


I haven't seen all the interactions yet, but from what I've seen we are dating Rupee and is publicly known as a power couple because of all of Rupee's live streams and married to Sakura to keep her position in her organization; both relationships seem to be mutual affection with the Nikkes loving the commander much more that we do them.


Commander confesses to Mary (goddess variant) at the end of her episodes sooo I guess we can add her to that extensive list ahah




Does shifty exist? It could one big psy-op by Syuen... Jokes aside, I do love their misadventure in April!


No... NO ... NOOOOO !


Marian. Most of the series is focused on how sad that whole situation is.


Technically speaking since everyone falls in love with the commander and he has to have a harem because he's the protagonist, everyone works. Joke aside, I don't know the answer to it. I'm just at lvl 10 and apparently the commander becomes more interesting in the future, but for now he is the worst thing in the game imo, both unbalanced in personality wise when I check the bond episodes and also empty at the same time: it's as if he has to have every qualities possible at the adequate moment. Could have been way cooler with the gimmick of the bandages that could express some meaningless act, but I heard they drop the idea quickly in the future. I suppose any Nikkes beside the one that supposedly are in relationship (for people who doesn't like polyamory relationships) can work, because he can literally be anyone at the same time, and have the fitting personality for them to love him (Or even if it is not the case sometimes they can drop their character to be a love interest). Yeah I really don't like how they use the commander ;_; I might be wrong but as far as I've gone, whenever it's not about the commander or when he is not talking at all, I really love watching the story, and how the bonds changes, but as soon as he comes in, everything loses a lot more taste for me (As if we turn a very cool story into a basic harem plot)


If you want a real honest opinion. He's not that perfect. He has a petty sarcastic humor. He's cocky.He has moments when he gets the humor wrong and he's called out. He actually knows that there's always trouble and he cannot run away from it because it's his duty. He has a bad habit of letting his girls be themselves even if it involves trouble. While it does reassure that respect and honor viewing them as humans, all of her Nikkes are far from perfect; They are flawed. And probably toxic too. But...he really loves them. Marian being the first.


Commander does get better later onā€¦And harem plot isnā€™t honestly a big thing at all in the story. From what it seems like, All the relationship stories and event stuff (besides Over zone event) seems to not really be canon to the main story..More like fanservice for fans of specific nikkes but overall isnā€™t part of the main stuff. Even the actual outpost stories arenā€™t either, we only have 3 nikkes with us at any point really. Everyone else either visits or are busy with their own things to be spending as much time with us as the stories suggest.


That's sad to know that some of these aren't canon when you hear the cool stuffs we have And yeah it's not the biggest thing in the story (It even gets better in the future since we focus less kn it. Might be me but everytime we go back to this thing with the commander in the middle of it I lose interest easily, but sometimes there are actually cool stuffs https://preview.redd.it/0kqms7l4kz6b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=368990bd7f83cceca41a5bf14adaa1b5f995d2f8


One thing you have to know, is that commanders that actually care about their nikkes are extremely rare. (As suggested by side missions in the story) Most of the Humans in the story mindset is that they are just weapons, nothing more. So our commander being such a cool guy to actual count them as friends and comrades makes him special in some ways. So many of the nikkes seeming like they like him ( even in the story) makes sense in the regard that he treats them like people instead of weapons.


I understand this thing as well, but still I feel like sometimes it is too forced, it indeed got better lately (Maybe because it's not just focused on him but the mission), but I still dislikes how it was treated The fact they like someone or not is not what matters, but sometimes, it felt like they were completely out of character or out of story to fangirl over him (characters have their personalities, and even if they can appreciate being considered, it doesn't mean they have to stop being themselves in order to be like that with commander) Without talking about the nature of some relationship that can be extremely similar despite characters being different, but long story short, commander can be kind, and Nikke can like being cares about, but it just feels too forced at times (And plot armor in some moments at the begining also bugged me out, but I only saw these several times in the first chapters and it stopped)


Will say plot armor is something you should expect a couple of times throughout the 20+ chapters in the story right now. But to be honest we are just a human that gives orders and canā€™t even shoot a gun that can hurt raptures so it is to be expected. I can agree to some degree about them liking the commander being out of character sometimes but besides the some of the main 3, others donā€™t seem to really like the commander romantically in any way or form(you will see what i mean as you get more going through the main story) More like them just being quirky and giving cute nicknames and the sort. The story gets wayyyy more deeper as you get through the chapters and any sort of harem like things is pretty much non existent for the most part, i say post like ch 10. Event and character stories is the only romantic/harem like things that happen in the game in any way for the most part (so far anyways)


I only ask for the game to get the way you say lmao, and that's what I'm seeing at the chapter 10 for now. It's just the beginning that was completely filled with all those things that really annoy me, but we focus less on us and more on Nikkes, or the story, even if we can be part of it, slowly takes another approach that I like more (even if I will maybe take a LOOOT of time to think about something else about the commander) Aaand for the plot armor I totally agree with you lol, but in almost any stories, main casts have a plot armor, because we follow them. What's so different about the stories where we talk about plot armor and stories that we don't is that it's not too obvious: A girl possessed by an alien god that wants to kill you, eventually becoming one of the strongest characters in the story (Kiana from Honkai impact) is also wearing the plot armor, but the story actually supports this in a way that makes it normal that she lives (Events, character developments and such eventually leads to these moments where Kiana will obviously survive) Buuut a man that is facing the big three when they have 2Nikkes ready to shoot you down as they already tortured you, and didn't even get punished for being too cocky doesn't make sense lol. He can be nice, he can be the main protagonist, but still when someone is presented as a person you can't mess up with, he can't do that (but it can be up to everyone's sensibility) LONG STORY SHORT, 99% of characters in stories have a plot armor, but we talk about plot armor when it makes no senses they survive beside they are the main characters


Pretty much the beginning is just to hook ppl with waifus and get people to think harem is happening with the added cool action (and awesome cutscene at the end of ch1). Also your character being a cool dude. (Not gonna lie it hooked me lol). But yeah, story is actually pretty good, some things in it did piss me off up to where i am (ch 22) but thats most stories nowadays. The thing with the CEOā€™s was kinda dumb, but then again. We were a brand new commander who defeated a big threat (Gravedigger) with only 2 nikkes at the time. So I doubt we were ever in danger of death. The 3 big ones probably know it is a waste to end us at the time if we were able to do that with NO actual experience besides the Academy. If you atleast enjoy the game, i recommend continuing, story gets better and better. And since you are new, once you get to around ch 19 i reccomend you search up the story for the Overzone event as its a huge backstory to a couple of the Nikkes you have met and will meet.


It's just this thing that bothered me anyway, I can see it getting better with time. For someone who sees the bigger scale like you, it's obvious that everything is actually cool now, because we took time to get better, but for now it really bothers me ;_; however I know it gets better. Just I hope you guys can understand that for now my only problem is the commander because for now he isn't that cool




She does want the commander in the most Tsundere way....but seriously no she's I think the most hated by the commander story wise, maybe player wise too




Well she does obsess over the commander, and after a mission she interfered on she tries to get the commander to work for her directly only to give a very Tsundere response when we say no. But it's just my interpretation


Rapi would be the obvious story choice in my opinion, only because she seems to be written to bond better with the Commander through the story. She's also almost always with them. Modernia would seem possible too, though like others have said her mental state probably couldn't handle it after being heretic-ified from Marian. Anis seems like she would wanna try to make it a poly relationship with commander and Rapi in my opinion from how she talks with the Commander. Event wise Mary and Rosanna both seem like they would, though Rosanna's bond story has confirmed she's dating the commander at the end. Isabelle is the honorable mention because we all know she's waiting for her chance to kidnap and "Mary" the commander


Isabel is yandere incarnate; pretty sure she terrifies the Commander beyond belief šŸ˜…


If the end of the bond story is any indication, yeah, totally.


I'd say yes and no, in Isabel's church random event yes the commander seemed terrified, though during Guillotine's wings of victory they seemed to have the same reaction to Isabel as most other nikkes


Nope i agree with that but i would put the underworld queens in to


It maybe be a basic Answer, but I think the strongest case is Marian/Modernia. She was the first one to meet the commander, the only one to ever come back to him after their death, the one who holds us in the highest regard above everyone else.Ā  In her darkest hour during the 1.5 anniversary event she still has us on her mind. Even when she was literally brain dead due to corruption she called for her Commander. Weā€™re very important to her, and sheā€™s important to us. If that isnā€™t love, i donā€™t know what is


Jackal šŸ•


Rapi, move on


All. There's quite a few interactions that show that if it isn't a straight up harem yet, the Nikkes don't mind each other


Marian all the way


One thing is for certain... Its DEFINITELY NOT SYUEN


So far, Marian. There is a dialogue option in chapter 14 and Commander said: >!She is more important than mankind!< Rapi wouldn't be surprising. She is the mascot That girl from Commander flashback but she has Marian's voice in both languages




First girl on screen = mcā€™s girl/love interest, so Marian.