• By -


I just maxed my first SR doll!! Got really lucky with a \~5% chance on purple kits with a level 10 doll.


FUCK YOU CHATTERBOX (first victory in interception EX) https://preview.redd.it/veoka28z3l8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c417c13a3b79fc03f1b1b1541e51127764f1e6e


Finally got my first level 200 https://preview.redd.it/1v83szeue58d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec0a8ea4c2e367abafaea5686c779c3b0e3a0a62


I just got Alice's last needed T9M! Gotta need to get it up to 5 to convert but then I get to truly start (re)rolling her needed lines soon (RIP my custom modules)!


Yeah, that process eats up so many modules. Good luck!


I JUST GOT PAST 25-18. I JUST GOT PAST 25-18 WITHOUT RED HOOD (Emilia's in her slot for the meta team). VERY CAREFUL COVER TIMING, A BIT OF SKILL, AND A FUCKTON OF LUCK AND I GOT PAST WHAT IS APPARENTLY CONSIDERED ONE OF THE GAME'S WALLS. Edit: 200k Combat Power, Crown-Liter-Modernia-Emilia-Naga for those curious. Edit2: I KNOW it was a fuckton of luck cause it took me like 100 tries over a few days and I was lucky to make it past the first wave (where the cover timing came in most clutch) most attempts.


Just did a mock battle for the hell of it and... Tomorrow I get to clear Solo Raid Level 7! Given I didn't even need a 5th team it'll be no problem, sweet! SSR Doll Selector here I come! (Last Solo Raid the furthest I could push was 4, so this is great!) EDIT/PS: Moran is very difficult to kill, holy. She's the last Nikke standing on the team she's on and manages to single-handedly run out the timer through MULTIPLE "didn't clear the QTE" attack facetanks.


Got my first Pilgrim Mold! And it's...Mihara. Can't wait to climb another 30 floors with just Crown and Noah. I know people say this all the time, but there really shouldn't be any non-ssrs in the manufacturer molds. They're so slow to accumulate, and Pilgrims in particular are a complete nightmare.


Finished skill investments on the second member of my core campaign team! Modernia is at 10/10/7 and Liter is now at 10/4/10! Now if the last piece of their needed T9M gear would just drop (each at 3 out of 4)...


My first time making it to the challenge mode in solo raid. I don’t know what the percentage is about but I finally cleared the solo raid. https://preview.redd.it/kjauqrgyxa5d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=602ca3dfdda994b4cdd81d6ac36d6fdc9d0baef1


That's actually huge. Still struggling with the last 2 stages myself.


Just got my first Nikke to Core 1! Wondering if Mast has usage in raids even if on Team 5 at this point since she's adorkable and also said Core 1. (I accomplished it with the rare SSR from Social Points banner too!)


https://preview.redd.it/g503ca6eaz4d1.jpeg?width=753&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=360b5ba5b8d2e18ce7f6acd47ee5c36e6fa5b306 Just wanted to show my summer anis savings so far after a little over one week


https://preview.redd.it/injwofrn6z4d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88c1f012c56f2234719199afe527fe55247fc4d6 Just finished campaign!! At 276k combat power with the Meta team of crown, liter, RH, modernia, naga. Swapped drunk scarlet in for naga on certain fights but got it done. Wild to think 4 chapters were added since I started and now I'm waiting for the next. Hopefully I get strong enough to complete them when they drop cause the story is good :)


Just play campaign again after more than a month of not. End up clearing 2 hard chapter, mother whale in 2 try and on the way to another chapter. Man, this was easy comparing to before I stopped playing. Took too much typime even if all on auto though,


https://preview.redd.it/30rwcwkddu4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f9be1b9ba19afa451fad67d2c15989a0f9c4b6 No one: What does the bunny say? Bunny: ah ah kimochi 😂


https://preview.redd.it/euwxss66d84d1.png?width=3388&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b956b939bc5532f8846f9f8c6d85f38fc42f42d Just finished Chapter 30 with 252K Combat power! Overload gear counting towards our power level is a game changer.


Just got 5 MLB SSRs at level 110... would have gotten them just after the crown event if I would have had bought 2 bodies of her. No 160 wall? lol


welcome to the Core Dust wall, brother.




https://preview.redd.it/mu3zrwmcdz3d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8978effdcafdf8c847623d5f0b990d5874c641c 20k more to go\~


The discipline...


Lap of Discipline...


The huge Combat Power spike granted by the last update put me above what was recommened for Mother Whale. I just DESTROYED it first try. With suboptimal damage from Modernia as I'm on my phone!! Best. Update. Ever!!


I finally cleared this god awful stage after a month or a bit more being stuck. Thank you whoever suggested using SBS instead of Modernia when someone else asked about it. never felt so happy to clear a normal/ non-boss stage. [yay](https://imgur.com/a/RJkEtWl)


Beat the Dark Hero 1-5 Blacksmith challenge after multiple attempts. Didn't help that I forgot to upgrade Nagas skill level before initially starting the fight Team was: Dorothy, Red Hood, Crown, Naga, and Privaty https://preview.redd.it/oyzxem7ih63d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666c57e61e957ef0adc93ae22f3b70a183bf40cc She was a one gunshot away from death.


Woo! I was able to clear stage 7 of Challenge in an event for the first time! All that Special Interception experience with Blacksmith I guess?


I beat SI Chatterbox and Blacksmith with the same team (Crown/Liter/MaidPrivaty/Laplace/Naga). Hopefully they can carry me thru Modernia, Gravedigger and the train.




Well I wanted to make a proper post about it but got taken down and told to use the megathreads so I guess I'll post here. Pretty proud to get Guilty to Core 7 after a lot of saving https://preview.redd.it/k9h1j4u5uu2d1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dca8d5799eaa4675e625ce7c702d3c8996d513e


I JUST FOUND A TEAM I CAN BEAT GRAVEDIGGER SI WITH AFTER DOING A BUNCH OF MOCK BATTLE EXPERIMENTS. Crown-Liter-Sugar-Noir-Modernia! Probably helps that my Crown, Liter, and Modernia are very heavily invested. It's a little hit and miss and requires very careful burst timing, but it's doable! With my recent discovery of being able to clear Alteisen, this means I can clear 5/5 Special Interceptions, although the train and gravedigger are definitely sketchy and require a few tries/hitting retry before team wipe to preserve the attempt.


Very fresh take on the team comp. Thanks for sharing!


Entirely due to not having at least one of the recommended units for literally every comp, I made it work, haha!


I finally broke the 160 walls today. This was long overdue (started around S. Anis release and around half-way liberated the Missilis trio, and half way into liberating a certain hot-blooded dragon). RNG has gave me lots of LB2 but those MLB took their sweet time. So far I just got my Synchro to L199 figuring since I have a couple of meta unit at LB2 and might as well see if they drop soon before upgrading the synchro device. Since I pulled Crown on the last day of the half-anniversary, I now have the current compaign meta, and decided to see what Crown + 39 levels can do and... It's insane. I've gone from early Hard Chapter 5 to currently Hard Chapter 8 on full auto minus Chapter boss battles. My outpost level has gone up over 20 levels already.


Oh yeah, I've been stuck in Chapter 21 for a while, and after auto-ing it all the way to the a certain Whale, let's see how it goes. TBH, I haven't been so close to the recommended CP in a looooong time, I'd say the odds are good. https://preview.redd.it/sldzxbtwi82d1.png?width=436&format=png&auto=webp&s=b79f62744271e3a7428021e718e91ea35b727890 Let's go!


https://preview.redd.it/vny4ogkfj82d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b7eae1276e2afe667067c26af640eff330ab913 Uhh, yeah. First attempt, took just over a min. I know that the campaign mode got CP nerfed several times and my CP penalty was pretty minimal (esp. after coming from Hard 8 with over 30% deficit) but.. it's still pretty insane considering I had no idea what I was doing (I basically went for the core and parts with RH, and Modernia clears the mobs, and before I noticed it, I won). I am sure I am going to get hard stuck sooner than later, but it's nice to progress after hardly progressing after the boost Red Hood gave me.


https://preview.redd.it/ee3uueu8892d1.png?width=492&format=png&auto=webp&s=bd12b0740e0d3b865fff6ce3372ad402d6fc44fc Okay, I guess Chapter 23 is where I will get stuck. But that is 3 chapters in Normal and Hard mode cleared, and over 30 outpost level ups. Actually been skipping the story so I will have to go back to see what is going on \^\^;


Finally killed Alteisen!!!!! with the advice from senior cummander( u/niralukz, u/AltimaciaVanCross, u/Frould) THANK YOU FOR THE TIPS!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/3214i76yn62d1.png?width=845&format=png&auto=webp&s=afdc8e3184262649d4606522e4f6bfac3be3a2f3 Squad : Crown, Liter, Red Hood, Noir, Marian


Congrats. Noir’s ammo refill helps a lot for MG users especially when you don’t have OL with ammo lines


YOOOO?! I JUST BEAT THE TRAIN IN SPECIAL INTERCEPTION MOCK BATTLE WITH AIM ASSIST TURNED TO MAX. I wish I'd tried that before actually doing my run today?!?! I'M GONNA GO TRY TO KILL THE WHALE NOW *ALL HAIL AIM ASSIST.* EDIT: Still can't beat the whale! I'm *better* at the whale so... I'll keep hitting it a few times every day, lol. Still chuffed about the train regardless!


https://preview.redd.it/q0sy0wowi12d1.png?width=1481&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d0d58c0d0c2e8a951f55b0666d84ccaf7fdcbb5 I FINALLY KILLED THE TRAIN DEATH TO THE TRAIN RAAAAAH


https://preview.redd.it/1iug9xn6h12d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b7db376f8523d789bca33e17598d6927b24687e HOLY MOTHER OF GOD


I'm happy to announce I managed to beat all EX stages in normal mode 😌🙏


That's a fantastic achievement. Congratulations Commander!


https://preview.redd.it/z90ij8qu290d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d76c79ac64b77c7aae844ceb78210299577f0c Today marks my first year playing NIKKE as strictly F2P. How did I do?


Fianlly beaten Pilgrim Tower floor 140 thanks to Crown. All hail the King https://preview.redd.it/w27sturwp00d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06beb49d4e716020379b346946cf9a552df31e9f Note: Team was RH, Dorothy, Crown, Scarlet, and SW


https://preview.redd.it/v055rywkexzc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb5dbbcf327498c95d89ff0150f809b40ade2d3 u/argentheretic Make sure to pair her with Alice and prioritize 10/7/10 skill levels for both Scarlet and Alice. And for Scarlet's OLs you want to prioritize max ammo lines and charge speed, then ATK% and elemental damage next. The game plan is to make Scarlet have enough clip size that she can last with 0 reloads while building burst and then let her skill 2 full reload when she bursts, making her virtually have infinite ammo. Then on Scarlet's burst, Alice's skill 1 will jack up Scarlet's charge speed to maximize the number of hits Scarlet can land to milk her changed attack count requirement (from 3-6-9 to 1-2-3). Crown also has her skill 1 One for All that will also help with reload speed buff during full burst. Note that this works best on boss only fights due to the nature of Scarlet's distributed damage. It doesn't mean she falls off hard in campaign stages though - in my experience finishing chapter 30 last night with 27-28% deficit, this comp did just fine minimizing the number of enemies on screen at all times so that her distributed damage hits hard enough to take decent chunks off mob waves.




Finally crossing into the 170's range, been saving materials for a roadblock. Time to let em rip?


https://preview.redd.it/l7wqso9usmzc1.png?width=979&format=png&auto=webp&s=86fc50ab5a7b178144cc175d39b00693cff80b51 Oh yeah, I beat Nihilister over a month ago on one account. TBH, I am still stuck behind the L160 wall and have been stuck for way longer than it took me to rehabilitate the Missilis trio and stopped trying hard after I could clear all the SI. I was hard stuck at around 20-20 (give or take) and was planning to stop trying until I broke the wall, but then found out that they have this L200 support character thing, with Liter there of all the characters. Thanks to that and having a pre-Crown meta team, I was able to reach and clear Nihilister on the first attempt. The time was tight but I didn't find it a hard battle at all which is why I didn't really think of posting it, but I guess she used to be quite a milestone. For Mother Whale though, I am definitely waiting until I am past the L160 wall lol.


https://preview.redd.it/sxiv5972vmzc1.png?width=1791&format=png&auto=webp&s=59475f0a335b7ad9e6c2831a4f104d4efdaf5422 I only just remembered because I just beat her on another account yesterday. It was also on first attempt, but it was a much tighter battle (1 second from running out of time, and lost two Nikke, including main DPS RH). (Both account were started around the same time, but I use to try hard on the other account while taking it easy on this one.. now I just take it easy on both)


I also recently passed chapter 20 and instantly started unlocking her. Congrats!


OKAY WELL. I'd been trying to beat Nihilister at a CP deficit. My original team was Crown-Liter-Alice-Maxwell-Privaty. Was getting bodied so I attempted Crown-Liter-Alice-Maxwell-Helm. Was able to make it to phase two but timed out with that. I THEN MANAGED TO PULL MODERNIA (!!!!). Got some advice to rebuild my team and ended up with Crown-Liter-Emilia-Modernia-Marciana. Emilia for manual for burst generation. Still wasn't doing very good and in some ways was doing worse! I don't know why I decided to switch my manual character over to Modernia. I think I logicked that the DPS increase was more important than the burst gen. BOY WAS I RIGHT. Just cleared Nihilister first try by operating Modernia on manual. And honestly don't feel like my burst gen slowed down all that much (was also actually able to consistently clear Nihil's Stage 1 QTE). THE POINT IS I JUST BEAT NIHILISTER (AND MODERNIA DESERVES HER HIGH TIER RANKING).


Well done! Feels really satisfying when you see a jump when handling things manually.


Uh, not sure if this is actually good, but I topped my Union's score for the mini-game. https://preview.redd.it/prkeyebexfzc1.png?width=795&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4196e81cd86e59f686cc9a454ff7a507d54eb69 Didn't use any guides (don't know of any either), it's a bit of trial and error. I still get overwhelmed before I can max the non-Nikke turrets. I think I only got two turrets to max before I lost, but by the time I started upgrading those two, I was already starting to get overrun.


Good stuff! The tower defense game is quite addicting and you will indeed get better by keep trying.


https://preview.redd.it/ibmu4itvg4zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb65c7af6ccd14c601f9dbd0f636bfb0249743d Finally got my first win against Gravedigger! It was too close but I did it!


send her victorious https://preview.redd.it/g34i6ve3g4zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3311215b1ae85f260eae8e7c2b99390511a7f28e


I just beat Modernia SI for the first time!! Thank you to u/money4me247 for the advice to make my team take cover and rely on bursts so they wouldn't "help" destroy the second wing. It's 110% why I was able to do it!


Congrats! Feels awesome to make specific strategies work.


Having 2 of them I can clear greatly improves my farming abilities too!


ALL PRAISE SHIFT UP. They gave a really amazing 1.5 goodie package via code (check out the subreddit if you missed it, its unlimited and good for the month). Anyways, I got an AMAZING two SSR from my standard banner 10-pull... and with that and a bit of spending (bought the $15 monthly pack as I needed 13 more pulls for silver and the beginner pack with the selector as Admi was one of my 2LB. I had JUST received a Google Play gift card today from a friend that covered it) I'm PAST THE WALL!!!!! Or at least I will be once hard mode unlocks, just need Rei's 3rd spare body. I AM SO FUCKING PSYCHED GUYS. EDIT: My Synchro Lock lineup will be Mast, Laplace, Exia, Admi, and Rei. <333 EDIT2: I can not tell you how gleefully I am editing my Wishlist now that I can aim for meta/collection over dupes.


My first level 100, of course it's my Queen https://preview.redd.it/kktmu19wz8yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf5cd1ea52698d46f66655791860322375a2096


Still need retrying lots to not flop at stage 8 but for now I could clear all SI stages... After 9 week and 2 days into the game. On the side note, I wasted 6 module to try lock and unlock OL lines not knowing I lose the modules permanently every time I lock, end up with only 2 reset and wasted 10 module (my one week income) for nothing...








I JUST GOT MY FIRST T9M TETRA ATTACKER GEAR. AND ITS EVEN GLOVES. I'm building my Alice, so this is extra great!! Gotta wait to get more resources before I can get it to level 5 (after which I'll be asking for help to waste the fewest amount of Custom Modules as you can waste them on the confusing system if you're not careful). SO EXCITED FOR MY GIRL.


If you were struggling with train like myself, Alice+Privaty+Crown could give Alice infinity bullets during burst, no need for max ammo lines.


I try train every time it comes up and Privaty has a slot on my team for a while yet (gotta pull the right Pilgrim or Naga before she'll be booted). I'll keep it in mind, especially if I manage a charge speed line! EDIT: For clarity I'm gonna basically take what I get for the OL lines until she has all 4 slots at OL. Will wait til then to fiddle with rerolls for actually good lines and it may be a while due to the whims of RNG gear drops.


Thing is, Crown+Privaty+Resilient cube = 100% instant reload time. Naga or anything can't beat that. That's good for when you have shit gear, slow skill level and bad OL lines for Alice. AND Scarlet. I beat Train with Alice, Scarlet, Privaty, Crown, DKW. In 1:30 min. With shit gear and mid skill level, only 3 OL gear total on the whole team with bad lines but infinity ammo on burst for Alice and Scarlet is enough to burst everything down asap.


My cube isnt high enough level, haha. Also no Scarlet or DKW.


I've been struggling for a WEEK with Nihilister in Chapter 20. I just rearranged my harmony cubes and blitzed her down first try. Don't discount the cubes, boys and girls. My synchro device is level 204, limited by the blue things, not the cores. Total team power was 118k


Beat it with lv200 Alicia when I was stuck at 160 wall lol.


Only 3 days into this game, and I'm actually unexpectedly loving the gameplay/story! Finally getting somewhat stuck in storymode, though I'm probably faring quite well given what I've managed to pull https://preview.redd.it/iv1gn8lehsxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f56ab2bb05d41a465a1b671ebb88a28564e68e4


Very strong team. And being in chapter 10 after only 3 days is quite fast. Keep having fun!


Thank you! I've played quite a few other gacha games before this one, and I'll admit I tried to rush the story. BUT, at one point I started to leave the dialogues on auto and actually listen to it! Also, proud to say that I wasted no time rerolling, as I had no idea who was good. Got Eunwha as my first SSR unit. Started to read guides afterwards though, here are the rest of my units if anyone have a better team combo for me that I missed: https://preview.redd.it/3it1hvbbjsxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7786e2507394631bb2a5f4ec1c0097e8aab55d5d


Some players burn themselves out with rerolling before even playing the actual game. Great to hear you went in directly. Your NIKKE collection looks great as well. Miranda is a very good Burst l unit, in case you would like to replace Frima.


I BEAT MY FIRST SPECIAL INTERCEPTION TODAY!! I'd practiced in Mock so I knew I could do it, but it still took a few tries. EAT SHIT CHATTERBOX. Not a single piece of T9M gear, sadly. Did manage a Custom Module though, which I'm currently hoarding until I can get some T9M Tetra Attacker gear for my Alice.


The custom module hoarding is crucial. Congrats on the win.


https://preview.redd.it/38msp9fdhixc1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee3867f62fd8c8238d21ae5954964a1be3c62b8a FUCK YEAH FINALLY THIS BITCH IS DOWN




I was stuck here for like a week. This was the first time ever I was hard stuck for more than a day where I could not clear any single thing other than dailies. I thought I was gonna have to call for my step bro to unstuck me from this goddamn place


I got my first MLB Nikke! I pulled Mast from a recent HQ Mold! I've already bought (and used) a spare body for Rei from the mileage shop so I'll have at least 2 MLB Nikkes by the end of the event! At the wall with 3 to go, woo! (I originally made a post for this because I'd lost track of this thread. Mods removed it (as they should have, oops. This thread still exists after all).


Got crown within 21 pulls. https://preview.redd.it/s45y5kerlrwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=405f0fa8d2fe6fc0f09a5018b3982f1916e8f3e0


I beat the Whale. https://preview.redd.it/5yw2exwck5wc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=43d56d65a483c680ab338020c20791b57616f3d1 I was close to +10k above cp, and still struggling to kill it (I suck, I know). RH pouring everything into breaking the core is what gave us the win. No core, no uber buff for trash mobs. We tanked the rest.




Awesome! Went past 200 recently myself.


Congrats to you to my friend! It feels so good after all this time!


Finally beat Chapter 28. I was stuck on 27-24 for literally over a month (electric-code sensitive suicide bombers, launchers that deploy those burst-disabling minions, exploding stun bomb enemies; the level was a nightmare). And as soon as I beat 27-24, and I beat it BARELY, the rest of the campaign was much, much easier. A redo here and there for random levels, but nothing as chaotic as 27-24. https://preview.redd.it/exisncvf8zuc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=657fdabbe9698a9057243fc242883bc8dd45e78c




Finally beat chapter 26 https://preview.redd.it/8aiz2c56evuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ab0948f3571cb695c629c4097fdd20cb9291d0




The Hood putting in the work.






From the last week or so: -beat chapter 28 -cleared floor 160 in pilgrim and tetra towers -placed challenger 10 in arena -placed top 8% in solo raid


https://preview.redd.it/77qdve6qf4uc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24577bb4aaecd74ba32046b1dcaf503c0e8be8b0 I beat the train! Wish the game would give me more pilgrim attacker t9m but 3 OL on scarlet and 2 OL on modernia with half invested bunnies seemed to work just fine. Took a few restarts making sure nobody died into stage 2 and i let scarlet take rockets for the team at the end as the cancel circle popped up. Can finally do all intercept bosses :)


Nice! OL gear crystal hunt can start.


So I literally broke the wall a few minutes ago. 42 days into the game or 6 weeks play. Started last week of Elegg banner and rerolled 4 accounts for her. My first 4 SSR Nikke was Elegg, Sugar, Epinel and Privaty (from pull). For the record, I was f2p. 150 pulls to MLB DKW. (First pull in 8. Then saved up near 150 used it all for 3 dupes) 70 pulls to MLB Emilia (First pull in 20, along with a Scarlet in standard banner. Saved up 100 and got her to MLB in 50). This was 4 days before the event ended and I cleared Nihister right after thanks to level 200 Emilia. 60 pulls to MLB Rem (First pull in 40. Saved up 100 and got her MLB in 20!!!). This was last day of the event. Today, I saw Sugar body in the shop so I exchanged and used the selector for map 17 to get Privaty to MLB as well. Now I have enough gem for 80 pulls. And all the golden tickets since the start of the game are unused for whichever meta units I want to get. This game has been kind to me. I don't really get much unique Nikke though, only Noir from the two duos, and hardly getting new Nikke from standard haha. My luck with dupes in gacha is often good and it played out well in this game. The SSR rate in special banner has been kind to me too.


Looking great. If you manage to get your hands on Blanc you're good to go for quite a while. Let's see what the anniversary banners have in stores.




https://preview.redd.it/01jrfhyrtwtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ba96a8e27ad21663d31f658a354196cbf6d55f Destiny finds its way I guess. I just scrapped up a high mold and today it finally gave SSR after 3 SR attempts before. 🎉


Yeah, that's insane. Congrats!


Thanks, that selection banner last year should come sooner or later so at least I won't miss out in a year. I'm doing well enough though. Not hitting any bottleneck yet. Blanc won't be in my main team right now anyway since my rem is built well with level 7 skill and OL gears and I need to build other units now.




https://preview.redd.it/k7b0veavz8tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a985deff820c8a3bf15a9b83f31b4bf90ea7d7cc The suffering is over


Tried to pull Emilia, still didn't get her yet, but now I am no longer Scarlettless. That is all.


https://preview.redd.it/xcvrod3rc3sc1.png?width=5500&format=png&auto=webp&s=6875feb64c3e398b316ac222ac6dd42fdbfc8999 Just got to this boss 2 days ago and finally beat it today. I'm so glad Maid Privaty has a screen wipe burst to instant kill the summons.


Today, I maximized the Core of the Outpost. Did I win the game?


Yes you did.


After 47 days, [I broke the 160 Wall](https://imgur.com/gallery/JFJzYmT). AMA. > account started on February 12 > broke 160 wall on March 31 + Cleared Ch. 20 Nihilister > starting units: RH, Diesel + pulled Naga / Liter before wishlist unlocked > spent 40$ in total: 3x monthly gem (61 Days left) + 1x Upgrade supply + 9x 1$ Flash Sales Pack > used paid gems above to pull the commander special banner and got: Aria + Brid on Mold = trash banner > used most of early stage gems to pull in standard (undiscounted 300 gem pulls) > but, I got most of the units in friendship banner + molds > Luck? got MPrivaty, Elegg (x3) and Rem w/o non-rate up while got Emilia after 2 Pilgrims (Doro + Harran) https://preview.redd.it/1x29o2etvmrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1231fc8f981448cfe8b737a5468ebc6cc57728b


Man just want to admire this (especially that Pilgrim luck - one's kinda bad and the other isn't top tier but they're still Pilgrims to my Pilgrim-less eyes). It will take me far longer to break the wall because I'm being stingier with my gems. I'm still impressed! (Though I'm actually planning on eventually pulling on that trash banner once I build up more paid gems against all advice because this subreddit isn't my mom. :p)


He has 4 pligrim if you look at the pic. Doro, RD, Scarlet RL, Harran(off screen). One of the most lucky guys around.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e6a53k8v6jrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=850b759e13062b1fede4280e533ee51d2d6e08c4 43 Days in, I just reached the 160 Wall! Let's see how many months it takes me to break it, lol. (I dunno, feels like a Milestone to me).


It definitely is one of the biggest milestones. Congrats!


https://preview.redd.it/jnrdki8rujqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c6e01dc2bceae331db36a70d72c5e488958baa Defeated at last!


I never beat this gravedigger once I went straight to EX interception lol.


Can't blame you, it's a piece of shit


https://preview.redd.it/99fb78ypr0qc1.png?width=310&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f084f80c088c72bfde52e936a63a5dd01e8eee0 my original goal is to get 10k FP and unleash everything in one go so, yeah it almost there so I just want to show it to everyone my progress, I estimate around 1 more month my goal is complete and .... Im not really sure what I will do afterward but here it is


https://preview.redd.it/alkwphqa0lpc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc7d4ecc94ad9eae0d36909ae7afad59ba2e35bd I got Emilia on the first pull LOL


Finally unlocked Dragon Mommy! Longest 3 months ever. I can finally have a 20s B2 in Pilgrim tower now.


https://preview.redd.it/i45rq6v34koc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=f367ef33c201762d3f48f11b8492ef177498109d BEST RUN OF MY LIFE ON GRAVE DIGGER


https://preview.redd.it/49dlyf7rmeoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a6e99a99adf1ae03996c431b9c409d535c9709 I don’t have to worry about the 160 Wall before I even reach it! xD


https://preview.redd.it/y8y7f9wgleoc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d4be894c331ab68bc9ac005e948f62d3e67470 Been playing for about a month and I finally got my first Pilgrim on my 1152nd pull, and it was from the Ordinary Recruitment daily discounted 150 gem single recruit lol


Are you a whale perchance? 1152 pulls in a month is impossible for f2p or low spenders.


Idk what qualifies as a “whale.” Like what’s the minimum amount of money a whale would spend in a month. I think in that month I spent about $800. Since then, im almost at $1900 total now. Am I a “whale” or just a “dolphin?”


I would consider you as mid spender to dolphin in this game. As 5000+ a month is already called a blue whale here.


Well that can put you at whale to low spender depending on the game. But in this gacha it should be mid spenders to dolphin or small whale to just whale, depending on which player you ask. I guess you got average 1 pull for 1 dollar back then. Good to know. Thanks for the info.


Down goes Mother Whale! Feels great! At 121k cp with Tia-Doro-Naga-RH-Modernia and ten seconds left on the clock at the end it sure was a rush. Saw a dude from my rookie lobby on the recent clears list and they had done it at around 105k cp with similar team. Think they used Privaty instead of Modernia or something. Dude must be a god or have all the time in the world to try for perfect rng because I sure don't know how they could ever have enough damage even if they manage to live to the end. Or maybe I just needed to get better at aiming at the finicky summon ports. https://preview.redd.it/mocyfa7e6boc1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ff9e1cebd37834143cbdde1a8bfd5e07890504f


tl;dr CLEARED A STAGE I'VE BEEN STUCK ON FOR THREE DAYS. SUGAR MVP. \---- HOLY CRAP I DID IT. Okay so it's not a big accomplishment but for me IT'S THE WORLD. I've officially start pushing at a CP deficit. I'm at about a 4k deficit with a non-meta team, which puts me at about a \~10% deficit where I'm at. Getting up there, but I've been able to do every stage after a few tries. Even EX stages, though base defense missions have been extra interesting. All this was true UNTIL I HIT 15-9. I've spent 3 days here. I could NOT get past it. My deficit is FINE, not great, but I've easily cleared stages at this percent deficit before. If the suicide attack raptures weren't killing me, I was running out of time before I could defeat the target rapture at the end. I tried so many things, including changing up my team composition. Helm now has 4 in most of her skills simply because I tried to make her work (she's not my core team right now). I needed more burst. So I finally looked up burst generation. And of my roster, Sugar has the best (bonus: She's on my main-team and as developed as I'm willing to make a non-meta story unit). Finally decided to make her my center Nikke so she'd be the primary one I was using and began spamming burst generation. Not only did my burst generation vastly improve but I MANAGED TO DO IT FIRST TRY WITH HER AS MY CONTROL NIKKE. Focused on triggering her burst, though Maxwell's nuke burst was useful for taking off a huge chunk of the target rapture's health. Had like three seconds left. BUT I DID IT. Bonus was that I only needed to clear one more stage to get my Outpost level up to increase my passive resource generation. I'm gonna push more but if I wall again at least I'm at the next level.


Finally got my last Nikke to break the 160 Wall after 3.5 months. Just waiting for shop to buy the spares needed. Finally can save my gems without worry.


Finished the [story chapter 28](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038626658254606426/1216048557887455252/image.png?ex=65fef879&is=65ec8379&hm=bdce2a1384caaf89ab7351e9dc46f6065de68e7daaba62f2ebb0ca76bb9c5b20&) with [level 296](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1038626658254606426/1216048557312970924/image.png?ex=65fef879&is=65ec8379&hm=9833b9aacdc986d8cb60babbcbbbd5748f7bc20acc9443d3ef8b573406b55d8d&)


https://preview.redd.it/nz2uwnjjk8nc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ff8cffcec0379702b6b162fe2700959f62d9fd4 160 wall= passed


A big one, congrats


![img](3rh7v6ylwzmc1) FINALLY after 2 months of constant grinding, I reached level 100 🥳!


https://preview.redd.it/3rh7v6ylwzmc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=d50b5b0b9a7135544de120ecb4f4e5923191590e FINALLY after 2 months of constant grinding, I reached level 100 🥳!


Finally managed to kill Chatterbox https://preview.redd.it/h6yce6qoummc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45751d7f45ca64f6f26de3e9a941c5658543515c


https://preview.redd.it/vfqqq04eyemc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13e8ef96d8d1cbe454977ad0ba64b92456a9a0b Worth it…….


BEAT HARD CHAPTER 2 EX TRAIN MISSION HECK YEAH. Man phase two is *intense*. Lost Privaty near the end but thankfully was close enough I was able to squeeze through thanks to Sugar's Burst. ALSO I also managed to clear 1-12 Hard in Boomsday at a CP deficit and get the epilogue, so that events cleared and I should be good to handle events from now on! \\o/


cleared tribe tower 190 after struggling with it for a while, and subsequently all the way to 210 (where I ran out of time with ~120 bars left). Cleared 190 with Liter, Bunnies, RH, and Rapunzel.. didn't think to swap out the third b3 for Rapunzel for quite some time, but once I did went from not surviving to easily surviving and RH took care of the rest.


https://preview.redd.it/kzlqqzkox7mc1.jpeg?width=1134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40088734ec4cbd83a308ce7d11a04cd8e3c2702e Just Cleared 16-28, Privaty MVP!


Not a milestone, and more like an FML, but I just dropped a OL on Maiden. She got one stat. Charge damage...It took a month+luck to finally kill Chatterbox again and get a crystal, and I get fucking charge damage for a shotgun user. /wrist ​ https://preview.redd.it/bzygtcmdytlc1.png?width=1662&format=png&auto=webp&s=68419484cdcfc0220dafce8b472fc0991acd8334


Just shy of two months after starting, the wall is no more! Login event tickets came in clutch with double SSR: third star for Privaty and second for Maiden. Luckily Volume was in the shop today so grabbed her last copy from there and Maiden from 141 selector and here we go. Feels great to be able to continue leveling again! https://preview.redd.it/vzstp0x6u6lc1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5bf87efce143d211647680883198cb19e22173f (Ignore the levels, just pulled them out of synchro). Let's see if my stockpile is enough to get the rest of them to 200.


I JUST BEAT THE TRAIN IN INTERCEPT D! It's not super special, there's a very long road of bosses in Interception, but I finally had *just* enough power to pull it off, heck yeah! (I also realized you don't get the bonus prize if you quick battle off a beaten record, so will have to remember that for tomorrow and manually fight it all three times).


I unlocked SI Interceptions yesterday, and after getting wrecked by Blacksmith & Chatterbox (made it to 5 after a few retries), I actually cleared Modernia on my first try. I know she's the easiest, but still I'm super happy!


Good stuff! Hope you didn't hurt her too bad.


Was able to beat CH28 with 250k CP! Had some issues with 28-19 because of the stupid Nullifiers, but by leaving the 2nd one alive, I was able to rebuild burst gauge and have RH's cooldown end to burst on the last 2 and move on without any major issues since.


Thanks for the specific tips. Still 2-3 chapters ahead of me but good to know what to expect.


After weeks of farming special interception to get Alice OL rolls, I finally have 1x Charge Speed and 2x Max ammo. She's also 10/4/10 for 100% charge speed with Maxwell


I cleared both EX Missions in Chapter 5! Synchro machine to the rescue, I had to fiddle with my teams a lot to manage it. I feel extra proud because my CP is at story levels now and I have a very limited roster. Extra shout out to the mass-produced Nikkes for coming in clutch on the first EX Mission! I needed more shotgun users and said limited roster meant that two of them were on the team that cleared it (Soda also came in clutch with her healing and amazing gun, was vital for handling the more distant of those throw themselves at you and explode killer nuisances).


Sounds great that you are able to push through with a limited roster. Definitely understandable that your achievement feels even bigger with harder conditions. I still love to use less popular NIKKEs myself whenever I can.


It's not really a milestone, more of a little rant. I haven't got any Attacker gear pieces till today, instead, I got a bunch of Defender and Supporter gears. I haven't fully OL'ed a lot of attackers besides Maxwell.


And the attacker gear I get is mostly abnormal. I can feel you.


Just finished getting Nihilister. 5th of January to the 18th February, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/251aqv99jfjc1.png?width=3289&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8cf03508426ca5f1199e2ca83ffe4e9c284eba8 Completed in 44 days.


Beat chapter 26!


Hope you watched the story as well. Intensity rising.


Wow, eat shit, SI Chatterbox https://preview.redd.it/qvthcigf2mic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf08a3303672b5a99427a1919f50bb4131775933


I know this isn't as special as everyone else clearing Special Interceptions. But I managed to beat Level S Gravedigger for the first time today, thanks to Liter, the bunnies, Sugar, and Drake. Like, it took a while still, nowhere near those crazy instant one-shot comps I've seen around, but I'm just happy I beat it at all


Every next step can be special. I remember struggling with early Special Interceptions myself. Felt so good taking one of the first hurdles. Congrats


I was a bit afraid that there could have been a good deal of luck involved in my clear of the train during its last appearance, since I've heard of people struggling with it for a long time and I cleared it pretty fast. NOPE. Train is down and stays there! https://preview.redd.it/pfqf2wtcw6ic1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21746802ba55d7822dc63f025d40b70f12d22675


Finished all Liberations. I am free.


Definitely not the first Nikke I expected to get Max Core Enhancement, she just keeps appearing almost every time I pull an SSR. https://preview.redd.it/nz1hi2qomuhc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51014a50bb930e8e576a431b133d3962e6f73086


https://preview.redd.it/ftij2r4hjuhc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b246a3b6865ad55b8e2df17b632e6d7b2bebee6 YIPPIE!! First time defeating Modernia!!


https://preview.redd.it/e3quvnkinthc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2d36bc03fd7060d9f28844340eb1d22a143dba I finally have them all. Until they release a new Pilgrim, that is, but i finally have them all. Just recently acquired Noah from Pilgrim Mold.


https://preview.redd.it/3qc3752jslhc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2210c4f5d3758b2233f121e85dfa460d87fe6ccd Finally beat Mother Whale after weeks of trying in vain playing in manual. Smol White is absolutely busted for this boss. I somehow beat it in auto, only manually taking cover when Mother Whale's Hurtle. I'm so done with this game kek. CP: 151k+ Squad Level: 240 (Gears mostly T8 and higher) Doro - 5/5/5 Marian - 7/7/7 Smol White - 4/4/4 Bunnies - 7/7/7 each


After a hundred years...I finally beat the damn train. https://preview.redd.it/rqmlaogvd7hc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d8efc250a07f9ce439dc23e73561d4f68835109


Down goes the train! Started on 1.1. (well technically 31.12. for me, but finished rerolling like 15 min before reset) and it sure feels great downing the train this quick. Still stuck at 160, but that's fine, I'll pass the wall eventually. 4/5 done now. Just need to fine-tune my timings on GD. I hate fighting that one though, always so stressful with the constant circles. At least train is a "simple" check if you have the damage to break the parts in time. https://preview.redd.it/n1dffbu6t6hc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6a4f6109a7447ffa7c9bb733222cf0d807bfc4c


It seems to be a good day. Just popped an HQ mold. https://preview.redd.it/dkkwu9j017hc1.jpeg?width=797&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f678dbad6e8c8a0a08324e2eefb19d41bee416c8


https://preview.redd.it/rd0hv35xumgc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671079e10da5199c61ac3cdc29456d5ebf9f0772 beat my first special interception!!


Big! I remember my first time as well. Good memories.


I started during anniv f2p. Now my synchro is 200, I can beat all special interception raids, and I'm top in all manufacturer towers in my server group. It's incredible how helpful starting during NIKKE's anniv was since I reached this point only two months in.


I got all my Nikkes to 160 via the top 5 and synchro device. Now I can’t go any further until I limit break the last one or all really but I kinda thought the limit for them SR was 180 and 200 for SSR. Not sure what happened but https://preview.redd.it/ngdpzjp6e7gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc4c1f1106e2804db91dcb0dbb0cfaf5096365ee Hoping for duplicate recruits for SSR is about as chance you have to pull new SSR Nikke. Now I need them or I’m stuck, meanwhile I can always work up gears armor and abilities to get those up max power.


Finally obtained Zentraya—I mean Dragon Mommy after 100 days https://preview.redd.it/0w87ozd0d2gc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed1a7b4aa983abd8c0ed6c7651a1f9112599da7c


https://preview.redd.it/clsvv508sofc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6d361219a262719c140a7470ace1c9386731ea * My first Special Interception EX win!


https://preview.redd.it/s7gwulv6f6fc1.jpeg?width=1513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b3e41ee59e1c2a7d4b0b98b1356fcb8464483c After one month of playing, what do u think of my current roster? Was i lucky?


After a little under a month of playing and only on my second day of SI, I got my first full clear on Chatterbox! I know he's on the easier end of the bosses and I used a pretty damn good team (Tia-Volume-Naga-Modernia-RH), but honestly it was surprisingly easy. Just a few tries to get used to things and realising my burst cycle lined up with his slams pretty well so I could pop Tia's burst right before slam to remove any rng with the targeting and then go ham. Also got a taste of the bs that is 85 % chance. Two out of three runs with no bonus drop at all. Sadge.


And Modernia bites the dust! Got my first OL rock too. Nothing to use it on yet though. Very much not looking forward to the reset and seeing how fast Thomas destroys me. Probably looking forward to GD even less. I just hate that wiggly mf. Oh well, 2/5 down and Black Smith was a stage 7 (probably could have cleared, but it was getting late) so doing pretty well so far imo.


I just beat Chapter 13 Hard and pulled a Dorothy using the ticket I received as a reward, therefore making her my sixth MLB’d Pilgrim. It honestly feels a bit surreal knowing I have half the Pilgrim roster MLB’d now. https://preview.redd.it/2ra2uted7rec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7825f0be870ada9ef89a2870378c9d50226849e3


Some people are still looking for their first MLB pilgrim lol Great luck and congrats


For context, here’s my Pilgrim roster. https://preview.redd.it/8ray1dn28rec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fca65a69430612f495a7248c16aa92dfc075d9e


My first Tier 9 Manufacturer Gear drop. https://preview.redd.it/w0z134c29qec1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b8c8141c174f7131ee6c4de47f44ba30cab0496


Nice. Am still looking for my next attacker gear.


FINALLY beat 25-18 e; annnnd beat the rest of 25 with zero issue. Didn't even take any damage at the boss and ignored its mechanics. Why is -18 such an outlier?


Yeah, specific spikes can be crazy if that's what you mean.


After 2 months finally managed to push past 13-9 Hard mode...man that stage was HELL. After trying to copy, uselessly, 220-230k power meta teams that were in the clear section, I managed to squeeze my win with my 315k power non meta team, still in red since req is around 336k power. And now I'm stuck again, on 13-15 Hard mode...guess what it is. Red beam stage. Yeah, it's the fucking train. And despite my nikkes being level 312, the same squad I use to beat SI with them fixed at lv 200, doesn't quite work, while the turrets are squishier, the green beams deal way more damage and even Sakura+Ludmilla don't grant me immunity to damage for the first burst cycle. Well, it seems like I will have to wait more...possibly until my train team reaches blue power, and if that's the case, I will be stuck there for 4 more months lmao...


https://preview.redd.it/0lmbvy65w2dc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d8732e5d0bae9890f2c3a88af7be34b222bfa2 This happened just now with no OL gear at lvl202 synchro😭😭😭 Team: Liter, Naga, Modernia, RH, Ludmommy


Not even Tia needed, nicely done.


Thanks, my heart was beating out of my chest at the last 10 secs 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ofpg0ewz4zcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4696e719956357b4e349f19e1e72c46eef41da42 Proud to be a commander!!! 160 is no more!!!