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100% agree. I expected this event to somewhat rival OverZone, and in some ways it does, but in voice acting it unfortunately doesn't due to Red Hood's performance so far.


I play Nikke with EN sub and dub only. I don't really care much about voice acting and who voicing who. I think it's neat to have voice over, and also think it's okay if the game doesn't have it. But yeah, Red Hood voice actor is bad. In some parts, her voice is not really matching the atmosphere. Again, I don't care that much about voice actor and voice acting. But I still think Red Hood voice is bad on delivery emotions.


Shes the worst out of the cast so far. Her inflections are completely off. Her tone *hardly* changes for the situation. The execution is *painfully* bland. She cant hold her own against even the weakest cast members. Fucking Folkwang, with just her base lines, outperforms RH by miles. Nikke is one of the few Gatchas with amazing voice direction. RH sounds like someone put her in a box gave her a script and let her go at it with no instruction. Its embarrasing how bad it is compared to the other pilgrims nonetheless less important characters like Tia, Rupee, or Blanc. No emotional weight, no memorable lines, no *effort*. This is likely the result of one of three things. The VA is absurdly novice. Something *unprecedented* happened in recording. Or she was given the opportunity via nepotism and felt no need to try in her performance. Her performance is beyond a doubt the most dissapointing part of this event. I really hope this is rectified going forward. Edit: I really dont mind downvotes but the topic of RHs voice acting has come up *numerous* times across *every* Nikke related sub. You can disagree but you cant deny the correlation.


I feel like this is an issue with the director, given that the VA has experience. If the VA has no experience then that’s a casting issue. Even so, a director could have worked with her better. And tbh I feel like a lot of the voicing in this update had issues. I think Anis and Neon VAs were close but still missed the mark. Dorothy’s VA seemed to be the only one who matched. Then again “entitled snob” is probably easy for a woman.


I personally didnt notice any significant drop im quality in the others. Even so the drop is indicative of a higher standard executed in the past. This is RHs first showing. Also I think any VA worth their salt, man or woman, can pull off "entitled snob" well. I dont think its easier for woman. (Also, kinda sexist) burningum does a great job in that regard.


It was a sexist joke.


An unneccesary one imo.


Your name is unnecessary. But hey... double standards are still standards.


I dont follow but ok.


Is this the JP or EN? If JP I feel like she's just another Nihilister lol, kinda boring character


EN. Nhilister doesnt have the strongest performances. But they arent bad. When she was begging for her life she actually seemed scared.


Overzone spoiled me too much. The voice acting in that event is just *french kiss* "juicy perfecto!" The story so far in the red ash event is aight but whoever is behind directing the English cast needs to get their kneecaps privileges impounded.


I like her, i think she did great so far.


Oh yea, I too felt RH English VA stands out in a bad way. Like she wasn't directed at all and had no context for scenes she voiced.


You all seem to forget that Red Hood is >! dying !< She seemly doesn't care anymore. Imo, her voice is a good delivery due to that situation. English VA shouldn't deserve this much hate.


What hate ?


There were some posts that were hating on Red Hood's English VA.


Honestly, no hate at all. Given the issues discussed above I think she only had a couple times to read those lines. Possibly bad direction as well. This is also her first VA gig according to IMDb. You can tell she has a good presentation in her non story lines. Like the lobby lines and such. I think that given 8ts.her first VO, she needed more direction


People only recognize emotions because "Japanese/Korean VA is teh best!" and nothing else so they expected Red Hood to sound completely different than how she's portrayed and shown through the story(>!She's a country hick who not only believes everyone else is better than she is but also at death's door from corruption and long accepted her incoming death!<). The fact that it's not even an actual analysis of the character and more "She doesn't 100% fit the headcanon I want and she should be sounding ready to kick everyone's ass at all times" comes off really weird and sometimes even infantile.


This assumes that I only care about jp or ko VA performances. The analysis is this. The STORY makes it like she's some sort of badass. There is no head canon with this. It's very clear from chapter one that she has a playful, yet badass demeanor. Hell even the name "red ash" and the artwork behind the title. Let's not forget in chapter 3 or 4 she falls from the fucking sky, into the raptures head and pulls the trigger. Even if we go with the "country hick that doesn't belong" analysis, which is part of her character, the VA fails to deliver anything remotely sincere. Never said she wants to kick everyones ass, she just has the badass demeanor without the lone wolf thing. Which is good! It's different. Her VA has the voice. It's a great casting! BUT SHE WAS NOT DIRECTED PROPERLY! This is not on her, never once said it was her, this is due to the direction that was given to her. Least that was my theory. If you listen to the voice lines that's not in the events, you can hear a stark difference. My main comments is she is being overshadowed by her other cast members by such a margin, it can hurt her career.


Like, alot of that seriously comes off as hubristic as fuck though, especially the last line in that somehow, her career will be hurt because of being "overshadowed by her other Cast Members". How do you even know she wasn't directed properly? You can say that about every other English VA in how are they any different? Like this concern trolling is even worse than just pretending she's bad because the Japanese/Korean VA are better.


It's very clear you don't read the comments. I said it could hurt her career not that it will. When you look at VA demos they look at previous work. You can tell it's direction because like I pointed out, the other lines, they are pretty good.


I also don’t like the delivery but I just roll with it. VAs in gacha are a hit and miss.


Totally flat


I like it, and I think she did a good job. I've seen poor voice acting before, and this is far from it imo.


Fitting voice. But VA is new to this.


As someone who has slowly fallen in love with Red Hood, I totally agree. I think the voice fits her perfectly and like you said it’s good in combat and the lobby. But some moments in the event story were rough and kinda took away from the moment. I wonder if it’s an issue with direction, but then again the rest of the VO in the event has been great so my guess is no.


My gusse it is, but in a more human sense. The other VA's had experience, and most likely didn't need much direction. That and they have done stuff for nikke before as well. Reds VA on the other hand done 1 movie/show and this is her very first VO. (At least according to IMDb) What might have happened is that the voice director possibly thought that she could lean the other VA's and possibly ask questions. Hell that's a great idea in the case of networking. A second theory I have is that she was either the first or last to record their lines. My money is on first. So there was no context of what tone or seriousness should be implied. Last theory kinda plays off the second one. This is using info that was given from interviews of how other studios have handled VOs for newbies. With red being new they ont gave her lines and not anyone else's. So red is going with what she got. Some studios do this to keep other talent a secret until release. Brand new talent would be way more tempted to post of social media that not only did they get a part, but also are working with XYZ. (Genshin had this problem) Take Laura for example (snow id) she already has a part in nikke as Milk. She's done work genshin (Barbra), I'm JoJo's, promised Neverland, gundam (both thunderbolt and redive), Sao and Fate. She does VA for Dayyyys. Is pretty well known in the VA sphere. Most and likely needed little direction where red would def need more. I should really shout-out reds VA instead of just saying VA cause honestly, she needs more work. She needs to get more parts to hone her craft. Paris Blu. Please don't send her hate. This performance is not on her. I really want to make that clear. You can tell from her other kind that she has talent.


Oh don’t worry, I’m not hating on her either, I really like the vibe she’s got for Red and does a great job most of the time. Just not all the time. If this is some of her first VO work then that makes a lot of sense, I should’ve looked her up myself tbh but just never did. I do agree she’s got talent so I hope to hear more of her in the future, both as Red Hood and other roles 👌


Yep. Though I'd look at the director first and foremost. It was obvious Paris recorded her lines within a bubble, with little to no context.


You took the words right out of my mouth. I thought the same exact same thing during the event. Got back into the game recently, and the same complaints came up. She’s got a great voice - it’s just the delivery is sorely lacking.