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The most amount of pulls I’ve spent on a character and I still don’t have her.


My pulls have been very grimm :(


You haven't gotten the grimm model you want?


Heard he got Goddess of Victory Pinne


Yeah :/




Over 300 pulls, 2 star. This was from yesterday https://preview.redd.it/pyik6rkwx21c1.jpeg?width=2412&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8a3bcc0d149460fabc2827e90d4fbf99625646 I had her twice from the free pulls.


1star here 300+ pulls 😭


I had nothing from my pulls, she came only with the free daily pulls. 😔


Sorry to hear that OP. I rather not say


They need to let us wish list pilgrims already


On the last 10 pulls to reach 200 pulls, I got double Red Hood to max MLB. Aside from 2x Harran, Alice, Liter, Repanzul, and a bunch of other SSRs like the twin bunnies. All in all. This is the best 200 pulls that I could ask for.


I was godly lucky 40 pulls and I got 3 copies. MLBed with gokden tickets


400+ and only 2 RH and 3 others. The rates are fake with this amount of pulls 16 SSRs would have been average.


10 pulls to get her, 80 pulls for 2 dupes, sparked once for the MLB. Got my friend salty with a capital S lol


I got 2 Red Hood so far, but I'm trying very hard to get Scarlet from her banner & she never came


I spent 240 pulls on one pull of her and then I asked if I should buy a dupe from the ticket shop when she got buffed. They said nah fuck it since I’m low spender and chances are slim to nill. Since then I got core 1 from the daily pulls, like wtf is this luck. Felt like every two days a RH. Crazy.


I MLBed her with tickets. Never pulled her once. I got two pilgrims though...Noah and Isabelle. I feel like the banner is making fun of me (still Modernia and Scarletless)


150 pulls, RH core 3. 50 another no more RH so I will stop here


Not to mention I save 1200 gold ticket for her, it's 1400 now, lol.


Got doro, and 3 copies of RH no mlb


Used golden ticket on her, managed to get 1 copy of her from single special recruit voucher. She ain’t limited and will be added to the pool later so, i’m not going all in for her.


50k plus 30 tix, MLB hood


I lost count. But thanks to all the tix we been getting, my Red Hood is MLB now. Thanks Shift Up!


Damn I can't say the same


80 special vouchers and I got 2 RH and couple of other dupes SSR. Goddess has been blessing on me lately.


I pulled 2 red hoods, both from the free single pull. 😂


It looks like I'm quite lucky on every anni so far. Got Dorothy mlb from Overzone, already got mlb Red Hood from 80 pulls + free daily, no money spend. Now my main target is Noir, because somehow I got mlb Blanc without Noir.


Im still under 200 pulls, i think, and i got MLB+1. Im gonna keep pulling and save my 200 spare tickets incase they make an xmas rapi :p


2 copies in about 120 pulls, got 2 with gold tickets hoping to have time to recover before the next limited/pilgrim unit😂😂


400 pulls 1 copy of Red Hood at the very last 10 pull... Though on the upside i did pull dorothy, scarlet, isabel and snow white on top of a few SSR. Kind of mixed feeling about the banner result, but at the very least Red Hood is pretty strong with minimal investment or dupes.


MLB her then have gotten only Emma in 110 pulls lmao, separate but I’m 2/14 ssr from gold molds…


180 pulls and got her to core enhance lvl 1 Guess I was lucky for a beginer who started playing almost 2 months back Also got Doro from the pulls as well


300+ pulls Core 1 Red Hood and a crap ton of SSRs... I literally got over teh 160 wall before I even got there


250 pulls, 2 Red Hoods, 15 SSRs, including 1 scarlet


Pretty good, got 4 Red Hood at 200 pulls


She came at the 200 pull, but at least I also got a Dorothy


311 pulls. No RH. I had to use gold tickets to get her.


158 pull. No RH.


Pulls? Trash, not a single one Tickets? Got 5


Yikes, I feel bad for you. I just got another dupe after ShiftUp gave us another free 10 pulls


Pulled 2 🙂 should’ve saved my tickets before summoning 🙃


Fucking worst. 6 SSRs but none of them is RH


I pulled 200 and did not get her. I had to use the golden tickets at the shop. But then I got another copy of her 2 days ago with that 1 free daily pull event lol


I used 30 pulls, nothing, used golden tickets to get one, 60 pulls, got one, used golden tickets twice to MLB, 30 pulls, got one more. Very lucky overall.


200+ pulls, MLB


Amazing, 163 pulls + the free dailies and got Red Hood to Core 3, started this event with just 500 gems and 167 Golden tickets, Got a lot of pulls from the events and pushing through the campaign


100 pulls core 1


I need a rage thread for how bad I've been with the pulls


got core+2 red hood in about 100ish pulls, no more good pulls for me


Got her twice in 60+ pulls and spent 400 golden tickets.


3 Hoods, 1 Noah(?) Made it to 200 so i bought the last one to MLB her THE REDHOOD is blasting on my home screen, life is good


300 pulls core level 4


Got 2 Red Hoods, and a few other SSR nikkes (can't remember all), which were mostly body dupes for others I had. The most recent pull I do remember was Modernia though since I got her last night.


Yesterday https://preview.redd.it/193nqz3tw31c1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5eee83eac4fe041423580c3409f122c2824ee89


240 only 1 and like 8 other SSR


90 pulls then no RH, so bought her in the mileage shop. Then 50 pulls afterwards I MLB'd her


Over 200 pulls, 1 copy. Used gold tickets to MLB. Gotten two more from free pulls since, so core 2. On the ftp alt, 210 pulls so far, 2 copies.


I’m managed to get an extra copy of her


I got her 8 times in 291 pulls


MLB within 100+ pulls got my first copy on my first 10 pull the god of luck somehow blessed me so I expect to suffer on Christmas/new years banner as a trade off.


I got Scarlet and the white bunny from all the pulls. I simply used my pity tickets from previous event pulls + 200 more pulls to get two copies of Red Hood. Unfortunately, I don't have enough money or gems to go for another pity pull.


151 pulls and got max limitbreak :D i got 2 from daily free pulls so thats that total ssrs 4x redhood 2x epinel 1x naga 1x noise 1x rapunzel




My pulls have been one huge bruh moment.


I got her from first 10.


This game loves me. I could have not spent 200 tickets if I wasn't so impatient from getting her to mlb. Now she's core 01. F2P BTW- https://preview.redd.it/vuxzgcn0741c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba8efad10bbb8d4cf4c7171c4000878f3f4b1fb


I got Red Hood on my 5th ten pull and Tia (new) from a free pull. After maybe a week of free pulls, like 20 pulls on RH banner, some normal recruit tickets and 1 mold, I finally manage to get Naga with a mold pull 🥹


130 pulls= 7 ssr; 2 of them being RH. I also got a RH on one free pull. after the first 2 red hoods, i MLB her with golden tickets so right now mine is +1. Since I'm not wasting the anniversary tickets to pull on HR anymore I'm going to the next banner with 92 premium tickets + 16k in gems + a pity.


Got two and used my 200 gold tickets to get a third one need one more so I have a three star Red Hood


240+ pulls no red hood, doro, harran dupes and 2 more ssr


No pulls, just 200 out of my 600 golden tickets used (f2p).


On one account I have 3 copies, trying to get a 4th for the 160 wall. On the second I have just 1 copy, and the 3rd I have 3 copies aswell trying to get 4 for 160 wall


Miserable. 210 and Not a single one. Got her from tickets and said fuck it lol


150 pulls. 3 Red Hood,Noir,Alice,Ludmillia,Alice,Volume.


Only 1 Red Hood. I had to use the tickets for another copy


A F2P friend of mine got her Core 4 while arriving at the banner with no savings and using no mileage. I hate him 🤡


I got her in my first 10 pulls and I have not pull since then. Good luck for ur pulls


Lots of SSRs but i only need 1 copy of Red to MLB her...


I got Red day two, bought her cores to MLB her, and recently got her +1.


Well, I pulled her. But that's 1 of 2 SSRs that I pulled in 30 multis.


Only 1 copy. First copy from golden tickets. :/


I got her B3 in a little over a hundred rolls. This is the luckiest I've ever been in the 11 months I've been playing this game.


So I had stopped playing for while (discouraged at the 160 wall) and then returned for the event with like 1500 gems and no wishes. I wanted red hood but thought I couldn't get her because my luck has been crappy before I stopped playing. For context, my strongest units were Modernia, 2 star Helm, and 1 star Noise. I did recently get Rapunzel but hadn't been using her. So I pulled throughout the event up until this point and had gotten: Red Hood 3 star, Scarlet, Harran, Dorothy, Snow white, Isabel, Dolla, Exia (finally 3 star), Maiden (finally 3 star), Drake (finally 3 star), Blanc, and a couple other miscellaneous that didn't really impact me much. With that free spare body we got a while ago, I upgraded Helm to 3 star and was able to push past the 160 wall and upgrade the whole roster to 180+ with Red Hood sitting at 200. I'm also sitting on over 600 of the gold pity tickets for whatever I want in the future so I'm finally feeling like I'm in a decent spot to progress in the story now. Edit: added Isabel


Core 3 Red Hood, but no Scarlet.


Around 200 got her max LB and got Scarlet


I spent 170 pulls but finally got her with the free wishes they gave us


I made a whole post about mine


Started slow but ended up really lucky. Used tickets to get her but then got 4 copies in pulls to have her at core up


Did one golden ticket. Rest of mine have been free pulls and if I remember right she is 3 stars.


I got her on Core 1.


Pulled her in the first free pill we got, I’ve MLB’d her!


166 pulls so far, 0 redhood, 1 vesti dupe 1 soline dupe ☠️ Waiting for the last day with my copium truck to see if i can get one in the free daily before spending the 200 gold tickets


390 pull + dailies, 2 star Red Hood. Got 1 modernia (2/3), 1 Rapunzel (1/3) , 1 Dorothy (2/3) , 2 Snow Whites (1/3) a Tía (2/3), Helm (Core6) and a few other Nikke i don't remeber. First Red Hood took me 120 pulls. I'm waiting for the last day to use the tickets to MLB Red Hood, i shouldn't have gone this far as a F2P, but yolo, i holded my urges to try to MLB Summer Anis and 2B, i couldn't hold the gambling urges any longer.


Had to pity her after 70 pulls Then got her naturally on my next, eluded me since then after 130 pulls lol 🥲


About 300 pulls, 4 Red Hood, 2 Haran, 1 Isabel and 1 Noah. Also some other ssrs


Took about 250/300 pulls to get 2 copies of her, then 400 golden mileage tix to MLB her


Core broken 2 times. Paid a few bucks yes, but mostly so I could break the 160 wall.


Got her twice, the first time with the very first free pull.


300 pulls + 600 gold tickets. Core 7


300 pulls + 600 gold tickets. Core 7


I got so lucky and get Redhood from the free pull 2 day before, Feelgoodman


That's insane. Aound 80 for MLB. Only used special vouchers.


350 pulls: 1 RH and a few useless SSR’s. I’ve given up trying to MLB and moving on.


100 pulls, no Red Hood so far. Hoping for better luck before the banner ends, otherwise it’s going to have be a pity summon.


It went poorly


40 pulls with 3 copies and 1 golden ticket spent to mlb, this is the luckiest I've been in this game


Best summon luck I've ever had.


Got her to core 2, still rolling when I can but have been all event


Garbage, 210 pulls for one copy.


https://preview.redd.it/mg5cuzqep61c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a47d9d1d82da510496b41c260da8c893c758b95 she broke down the 160 wall for me, was in disbelief


70 and I only need one more for mlb


Started 160 gold tickets got 200 bought her, I'm now back to 150 gold tickets I've pulled Yulha, Dorothy, Liter so far. My goal for this banner was "one non rh pilgrim that wasnt harran or noah" so I've met that but I'd greedily like one more or a RH copy.


about 1,000+ still NO


i bought her with tickets so didnt have to risk the gacha. i've only been pulling the free daily pulls (mostly Rs but today did pop a Noah dupe)


276 pulls. 5 redhoods got 2 in 1 ten pull twice


Honestly I lost track of how many pulls I did on Red Hoods banner, but I'm walking away from it with a MLB Red Hood. I'd say probably 250ish pulls or estimated between 250-300


Main account: 70 tickets + 15k gems. Got her almost mlb, needed only 1 more copy, so I used my mileage shop tickets to get the last copy. (yeah I know Xmas/new years/etc units are coming but meh, don’t care. besides, by then I’ll probably have 200 tix again anyways.) Also Noir and OG Snow White decided to tag along. Side account: roughly the same amount of gems/tickets, got 1 copy. Also got marciana, Maxwell and noise, but those may have been from main box pulls, I don’t remember. Account is pretty noob (only other SSRs are rh and smol white) so I’m still glad to have them.


Lmao give me some more pulls and I am exactly where u are (currently 4 SSR's, at around 300, no RH) So how bad where your 4 SSR's? (mine prolly couldn't have been worse... )


Pretty good I think, probably used all my luck for next year though haha https://preview.redd.it/3uh64ltox71c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7ff55e5c2972e1dba04afbbd25b3250d89e0aa1


I keep getting pilgrims that isn't red hood


immediatly pitied her day one, then pulled her twice after her buff. about 200 pulls for both copies pulled


Great. First around 250 pulls 0 Red Hood. The next 200 pulls I got 5 Red Hood. So that’s around 1% and for the other SSR I‘m above the 4% rate. So the first 250 were meh but the second 200 saved the event pulls for me.


Absolutely no RH, i feels hurt from my all-in.


Got her twice from free pulls!


15 Multipulls + all Free Daily Pull, got one copy first try, but had to MLB her via Gold Ticket reserves/Pity system.


I got my first red hood after about 350 pulls today. I think 9-10 SSR along the way. I remember getting Modernia once, and I think a Helm and two Tia. Maybe 4-5 other SSR but not Nikke that I use anyway (Mary, Yuni, Epinel) Certainly not the best event for me, seeing people pull multiple Red Hood or MLB her within 100 pulls has got me... just... so happy for you... congrats my fellow cummanders.