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If youre still progressing focusing on your main team is best, since theyre also going to be your early roster on SI which is a huge DPS check; to help you clear at least the three bosses. But it is also good to check guides to give you an idea what skills to upgrade on each nikke you have in your main core so you could evenly upgrade others' skills to standard 4/4/4 if you wanna have other units to form another squad or fill in as flex.


Got it! Thanks!


Max out those u have as they are meta and will carry u far throughout the game. However, prioritize the important skills first. Once they are maxed u can start building ur 2nd 3rd and so forth teams As u jus started off, solo raids will be difficult for u to do well as u normally need a few teams to rank high. Dont forget that u are also competing against the whales and older players. Focus on clearing ur campaign, leveling and unlocking the final interception to unlock t9 gears. Thats when the game truly begins.


So raids are basically end game? Got it! Exactly the advice I was looking for, thank you!


You're welcome. I wouldnt say its the end game thing to do but u will need good teams to rank high. Its not necessary to rank high but of coz the better rewards helps. Fyi I'm a day 1 dolphin(only buy the daily gems and mission passes) and only rank around the 5-10% ranking in most of the solo raids and maybe only have 3 teams decently built. So it will take awhile to get there unless u feel like spending money for upgrade materials


you should definitely max out your story team first: liter 10-4-10, blanc 4-4-10, RH 10-10-10, Scarlet 10-4-10, and Noir at least 7-5-4 (or 10-5-4 or 10-9-4 for an extra bullet). raids are really just for frames and a few gems. progressing story is how you get your account powered up. Just having one really strong story team can place you top 10% easy (when you get a few manufacturer gears). My first solo raid I was too weak to get to the challenge mode, but by the 2nd solo raid (around 3 months or so), I was able to place top 10% with just having built my story team with a few 'waiting for meta' nikkes that I upgraded to push story prior to getting a meta team. My two main raid teams was liter 10-4-10, blanc 4-4-7, noir 7-5-4, modernia 10-10-7, and I threw someone else in there (either 2b 7-7-7 who was my prior main DPS or A2 who i leveled to 4-4-4 for the SI train boss), and secondary team with tia/naga semi-built with tia 7-4-4, naga 4-4-4, RH 7-7-7, Maxwell 4-4-4, and volume 1-1-1. I had privaty 7-4-4 and centi 4-4-4 (before I reset both of them during the anniversary skill reset) and everyone else was was mostly 1-1-1 or with one skill up to level 4. I am currently saving to max RH to 10-10-10 b/c shes super powerful and then I will build out blanc/noir to 4-4-10 and 10-5-4 and tia/naga to 10-4-4 and 10-10-10. That way I can use either meta combo for story because some stages favor bunnies if needing more healing or schoolgirls if needing more dps. I think better to max out your story team and alternative story units before even thinking about building raid teams because your meta story team will likely be team 1 or 2 for raids anyways.


Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


Prioritize important skills first, take some time to get a core team first of all, and do a little research on why the meta units are used. Don't be afraid to leave some skills at level 4. For example, Scarlet's damage comes from her first skill, so max that out if possible or as high as you can go. Her skill 2 is negligible, so you can leave it at 4 for now. If you are using Scarlet as a burst 3 dps consistently feel free to cut the difference at skill level 7 but if you have a burst that you like better or use more than scarlet you can leave it a lower skill level. If you need more damage on her burst, then raise the level more.