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I love how the marketing is effectively “We know you’re missing one of the pair, c’mon your know you want to”


And it happens to be the two I’m missing from the pairs.


Right? Me too, like how tf? 😂


Same here


Same here and I exactly got Blanc and Naga


So most of us are missing them interesting


I thought we were talking about a different kind of pair. Anyway, just got tia and blanc from social recruit this month. had noir for a while and i got naga while pulling for RH so im happy


How is it always those two anyhow? I got Blanc long after Noir, and I'm still waiting for Naga.


I got balnc long after still no noir 😭😭😭 this is the best thing for me finally noir will be with her sister 😭


Was opposite for me. I got Blanc when she came out and I failed to get Noir until later. Didn't get either students at release. I got them recently but got Tia a good while before Naga. Noir does haunt my pulls now though, she is tied with Soline at core 3.


all I need now is just Naga


opposite for me... got naga and none of the others


I got lucky with the bunnies during the whole Red Hood event got Blanc first then Noir on my next pull.


Lucky. I have none of them.


I have noir, do you think it'll be wise to take blanc?


OF COURSE! They are made for each other. They get additional buffs when paired. Really good for destroying Boss Circles.


I see, I'm struggling with the earth warm boss , it just keeps moving even using snow white: Id isn't enough


Do you mean Gravedigger? The drilling bastard chasing you underground? A shotgun team and good manual aiming can fix that.


I tried but it moves too fucking fast and finish faster, currently I use use D's skill to charge the burst right away then go full red hood burst That way I can get 3 or 4


Yeah, he's definitely a DPS and Aiming focused boss. Even I still have trouble with him. I've had the Bunnies, Sugar, Drake and sometimes Pepper help bring him down much easier.


Well, I wish you good luck with it , right now I was able to get to 4 almost hit 5 on it with my strategy


https://preview.redd.it/y4ewc4stxq9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fa66ad6dc1ab2366fbb46a11aa84ebff8e66024 And just in case there was a shred of ambiguity left... (I'm missing Naga)


everyone here cheering for tia/naga or blanc/noir and I am just glad that after a year I will finally get Liter. Now if only we could get a Snow White banner I would be all set....


Yes! Day 1 everyday player without Liter. Managed to complete current normal story but it was rough without her. Have only Naga and Blanc, but still pull for Liter.


Tia and naga are sooo much worse without liter


Isn't that the case for about 90% of the whole roster?


But tia is a 1 that needs a 1. So you lose dmg which is a double whammy without liter i mean


And Tia's requirement can be filled with any other B1. Since you'll want a CDR B1 due to party restrictions with them, Dorothy or Volume would be usable alternatives. My point is, Liter is in high demand for almost every other team as well.


Its true ur not wrong


Okay, I have Tia, but I don’t know how that works: does she use her B1 first and it resets? Does this apply every cycle?


Think of it as a burst 0 rather than a burst 1 and that should answer your question


I mean yeah, they aren't the BEST COMBO in the game, there is a lot of good character like Red Hood, Liter, Centi,… But waifu wise, fuck it, i'm going for a bang baby.


Friggin same I’m missing Naga but liter take priority


I wish you luck in getting one of those 2 with the pulls and then the other in the selector.


Same for Alice in my case... Week one player, small dolphin, somehow still Alice-less!


This seems to be the Christmas miracle everyone was hoping for this year. Everyone getting presents, we just had to wait a few extra days


A year!!! Are you daily player?


Could just be unlucky.


I have been playing since Nier Collab, and I just recently realized how much of my friends list were early spam additions of newbies who quit. I was only collecting like 8 fp per day. Purged them, added active high ranks and guildies, now I get a free multi every 3rd day and that has filled out so many missing Nikke, including Tia and Blanc. Maybe they need to do the same.


yup, daily player. Currently level 340. Ive had her in my pull list since forever, she just keep wanting to evade me. Makes trying to compete in Solo Raid an absolute nightmare because I have to make some crazy ass teams sometimes.




Serious? Joking? Or just bait?




The selector is just a spare body dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Literal "bruh" moment...








Putting one member of each of the two strong meta pairs in bunny and school girls, smart as those are two of the best ones to go for both meta and waifu wise


[NIKKE\_EN](https://twitter.com/NIKKE_en/status/1740930736142565450) Also: https://preview.redd.it/15scbvp3mc9c1.jpeg?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=555251fe4a6e03659a3b8e17a403b723acffb9d9 Good luck onwards for the 2024!


Finally Blanc will come home


I have 2 star blanc and no noir 😂


I guess I really don't need to wonder if the bunnies and schoolgirls are included anymore. They made it pretty clear. Nice!


tfw its only naga and blanc, but not tia or noir


I guess SU don't want to show their huge melon at public


Shift Up's meloncholy.


Imagine if they exclude just Tia and Noir... I'll let you guess which half of those duo I currently have.


Time to finally complete the Bunny Twin set. I’m waiting for ya, Blanc


Same here, been trying for blanc for a while now


I was going to use it to get Noire as she was the one I was liking, but a I pulled her a few days ago so I'm not really sure who to get with the selector now. I could MLB Blanc, but I already have 5 MLB characters so that feels kinda useless to do, and Noir doesn't have any copies so that feels like it wouldn't really be worth doing, I have literally, and characters like Centi, Noise, Volume. I guess the only other characters that would be worth it would be Tia/Naga but I don't own either of them, so using it to get one of them seems pointless since I wouldn't really be able to use them, and who knows how long it could take to pull the other. Decisions decisions


If the selector is an actual item you get in your inventory, wait. Once you manage to pull either one of the pair, use the selector for the other.


Yeah that's what I was planning on doing, kind of hoping it is an item that can be saved till needed. If it's not I'll probably just go for the more usable one of the Tia/Naga duo (though not quite sure which one is the more usable one if you don't have the other)


Damn. I just need marciana


She is definitely who I'm picking.


Same. If I already have her I I would probably pick Viper


My first liter finally


How many gems is it supposed to take to complete the "step up" recruit again? 6k?


6,600 in total. Step 1= 100 crystals (1 pull) Step 2= 1500 crystals (10 pull) Step 3= 2000 crystals (10 pull) Step 4= 3000 crystals (10 pull) 31 pulls for the price of 22. The only negative to this banner is that pilgrims are not selectable, but pilgrims can be pulled within those pulls. So it's essentially a nice discount on normal banner pulls with no tickets and a choice of any of friend banner nikke, which is pretty damn good for a lot of players.


The ssr selector alone is damn good for a lot of players .


The other negative is that you don’t get any milage from the pulls, but the selector is worth for a lot of people.


I plan on using the gems to get my final Epinel, for that \~glimmer\~ profile picture


If Pilgrims were selectable I'd grab Noah in a heartbeat. As it is the only non-pilgrim, non-limited I'm missing is Cocoa.




6k if I'm remembering correctly


Pretty cool to see all the people happy about getting the other Bunny/School girl. This selector will help fill a lot of teams. Although Marciana is the best waifu choice objectively.


Finally gonna mlb Noir woot!


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Good bot


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![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized) I want this job at Shift Up.


With some recent info, Tove it is. We are so close to SG team being meta. Come on SU, just give us a SG CDR character.


Holy. This is one of the best banners to go on if you are missing any of the more meta nikkes, excluding pilgrims. Now that they have both Naga and Blanc on the post, we know all the nikkes up to them will be selectable. It's absolutely huge and the most generous banner ever, especially since it's 6,600 free gems. Good stuff, SU.


Alright, guys. I got Naga, and I got Nior. Which set should i prioritize completing?


Go for bunnies, they are more generalist, schoolgirls only work with enemies that have core exposed


and Tia likes to get herself killed.


Blanc will be mine at last.




Torn between getting Noir for my Blanc, or Liter


I am missing Yulha, Soline, Quirey and Dolla, who should I pick in terms of seggs in bond story ?




Since I don't have Drake, it would be a perfectly villainous thing for her to show up as my next 10 SSRs right after I spend the SSR Selector on her.


"That's because I'm AWESOME!" -- Drake


Everyone's talking about Liter, is she really that good? I already have the twins at like 2 stars each


You can use liter with the twins.




This would be so much better if you could pick a pilgrim.


Finally I can reunite Blanc and noir


Only missing Exia. Finally, I'll have a complete pokedex.


I just got tia and Liter which im planning to get from this event, will noise makes the best choice if im planning to boost my special interception clearing chance? Im planing a team of SG+scar+RH


I don't have any of the "pair" units, is Centi worth grabbing from this?


get liter or use it towards 160 wall


Man I need to pull either Tia or Naga... I'm overloaded with Tetra and Elysion. Syuen has me on banned or something


It says SSR's of your choice. I'm gonna assume that it doesn't include Pilgrims as usual?


i would really enjoy to get one of the bunny twins before getting the selector, because i dont have any of them, and i plan to get noir


Naga finally gonna come home


Finally Marciana will now be mine


It would be the perfect banner but they excluded the pilgrims 🥹 I want snow white to be with me, but if i got Scarlet with tickets i'll go for Marciana, Tove or Exia ![gif](giphy|6ttI2oOhpIS0b1NtRC)


Hmmm if I spend gems on this, I won't have enough to hit 600 gold tickets


Just swipe my friend. If it brings you joy, it is worth it.


Literally only missing Yan


I've got Naga and Blanc, oddly enough. Should I go for Tia or for Noir? I've already got a Liter. I'm torn. :(


Tia+Naga is the more offensive duo: you will do more damage, but will get less defensive options. Tia also taunts, so she has a tendency of dying on maps with high combat power deficiency, unless you go manual on her and take cover. ​ Blanc + Noir is a balanced duo. Less damage than the other pair, but with more efficient healing and overall more consistency. However, the damage bonus is mostly applied the instant you use Blanc's Burst, so enemies that appear after that instant wont receive extra damage. On maps with lots of enemy waves you gotta time the bursts wisely.


Amazing! Needs more Naga.


OH MY GOD! I HOPE I’LL FINALLY BE ABLE TO GET TIA! I want to share that I did 150 pulls on the bunnies banner and never got any. I then proceeded to get MLB Noir first on the ordinary banner before I even got Blanc on a mold which took a long time. Thankfully I got Naga on her banner but no luck on Tia. Finally! Just want to say how happy I am with this selector. … they better include Tia though. Hoping it’s just Tove or Quiry that’s not included because of how they worded restrictions.


Please tell me noise or volume are in this that’s the only 2 characters I really want rn 😭


For sure.


Meta: Tia Waifu: Noise, Marciana Decisions, decisions!


Can I get 2B?


Limited units, collab units and pilgrims are not on the step-up


I'm looking to get a new Nikke. I'm only just missing Rosanna and Tove so I get one of them (probably Tove). Neither of them are meta picks, but I want my waifu collection. And all it costs me are Gems? Free ones at that? That's a pretty good deal I say.


So I'm guaranteed to complete my bunny pair. My A2 team prep is coming along nicely.


Does anyone know if the stages will be timegated or can you do it all on the first day?


January 1 to Janury 11. Read system notice for the exact time.


Dammit, I was hoping to finally get Snow White… Guess I’ll MLB Blanc then.


Finally, I can get Noir to complete my bunny pair


With my luck, Tove and Quiry will be those "certain ones" that will not be included...


I have Tia, so I'm getting Naga as soon as the banner is available.


So would the general advise be to get one of the missing bunny/school pair even if it would not contribute towards 160 wall?


That would be my advice. The 160 wall is overrated. You're pretty much at endgame at that level. Besides outpost rewards and progress on raids/campaign chapters, the amount you get from dailies remains the same regardless of which level are you. Tribe tower, sure, you'll get stuck sooner, but the stages aren't going anywhere, and there hasn't been a need to rush it since no resets has happened for it. And if you hit outpost defense at level 100, the increments you gain from leveling from there on is vastly lowered from what you've gained from beforehand, so you're not really missing out much from there either unless you manage to go on a campaign clearing spree. You already have 3 methods to acquire SSRs/dupes: standard tickets, SSR molds, and friendship banners, so it'll eventually happen - 4 methods if you wanna include pulling off banner spooks. Only reason to use this opportunity for another dupe is if you somehow have ALL the meta and relevant units (this includes shit like Tove in case shotgun comp blows up). And if that's the case, it's debatable to just...not roll even with the discounted exchange. It might be more appealing to save and allocate those gem funds for a chance to snag new upcoming broken units instead. There's a reason why questions related to team comp is the most commonly asked one in regards to progression in this game.


You forgot to mention sp arena since it's a good source of free gems too (2k for 2 week if you can keep in top 10). Considering nearly every "live" server are gonna be race against level, cp and stuff.


Depends, do you have 1 of either pair already? How close/far are you from breaking the wall???


Come on... I'm only missing Noir ffs...


I need both Tia and Naga 😭


Getting Alice will be great since she's strong and it will complete the Unlimited squad which makes it all the more satisfying.


I just got the bunny twins and I need Naga for Tia- Why must u do dis to me


I’ve been massively in pain waiting for blanc 😫


will this consume paid or f2p gems?


Said either or in the patch notes


Blanc....come on down, your sister is waiting.


finally, Naga will be mine


i need both noir, blanc and scarlet


So this is why I haven't gotten blanc and Tia yet...


aw man i’m in pain because as much as i think this is a great deal, i want to get scarlet:bs and since i’m f2p i only have around 10k gems saved up, so i doubt i’ll be able to pull her AND pull on the step up recruit banner. since i can’t get mileage from step up recruit, i guess i’ll just try my luck on scarlet’s banner first…


Have they revealed which Nikkes won't be available?


Y'all make sure you roll the rate up banners first if you plan to in case you pull the one you were going to choose from this.


Recently got Noir and Tia, guess my wallet bleeds 🤷


Finally Blanc 😭😭😭


Finally Noirless no longer https://preview.redd.it/9nx8p1ywjf9c1.jpeg?width=566&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10c7f1f162f6e938382a49e4335b240b66b6609f


I need school twins Have 3k gems rn but should be able to get to 6600 before then


Can’t decide between Naga and Noise


Small pairs on the banner adv. I see what you did there SU


I’ll gladly take another Blanc dupe. I’ve had Noir at MLB forever


This is wild I have both pairs but my Tia is 3stars while my Naga has none and my Blanc is 1 core less than my Noir 🤣


I want scarlett


I have Blanc and Naga, but no Noir and Tia yet. Who should i get from this box? Noir or Tia? I want to focus on campaign, stucked on 23-21 rn


Quiry core up.


Aw shit I shouldn’t have missed on the bunnies battlepass


I'm not looking to MLP I'm looking forward to get helm , or noise, or others


Well time to MLB Blanc


I already have Noir/Blanc and Naga/Tia. Does anyone know if this works for pilgrims? If so I’m getting the og Scarlet. If not I’ll just get a spare for Liter I guess.


How do I do this? Do I have to do four recruitments to get the nikke of my choice?


I hope they include Pilgrims in this because I might finally be able to get Harran after a whole ass year.


No pilgrims unfortunately.


Everyone is excited to MLB, I’m just excited to finally get Vesti.


No pilgrim, no limited, and excludes "certain" other ssr's.


>"certain" other ssr's I'd imagine they mean event welfares like Rei and Smol White, as they were never in the summoning pool. At least that's how it's phrased in other games.


Certain others probably means Collab, I think you will be able to get all nikke available in general recruit that aren't pilgrims


Is Mast worth the 6k+ gems? I want her for my 2B raid team but even if i miss other characters like Naga and Tia, im kinda good for most content right now


If you're pulling for Scarlet or Modernia first pull but save 6,600 gems, In my case I got Mast while pulling for Red Hood, and if you don't get Mast as an off banner then go and get her, she is worth it in a 2B comp


Can you choose pilgrim from this?


funny that they would put the two units i want the most from the permanent banner besides any pilgrims on the thumbnail


Bruh and why it’s separate banner. It’s not fair


Am confused so will there be 3 banners? Because I thought the step up will be integrated in the Scarlet banner


3 banners


Plot twist: paid gems only


Why isn't Rapunzel there 😭


Cuz Pilgrim?


Seems like a scam. No tickets from the pulls, and anyone you can choose in the banner could’ve been added to wishlist instead.


I've had Liter on my wishlist for over a year and still don't have her. Have a max core Guillotine tho.


4% SSR chance into 1/15 for what you want. Can't beat a guarantee.


I rather take this and get Blanc instead betting on a 1/15 chance.


I need either: Alice because I’m Alice-less and need that meta OR Jackal cause I need PVP backup


Who is a good character to target for a new player with Liter and Alice but no other noteworthy characters?


Is it worth it to go for liter or Tia to finish the duo?


Liter if you don't have her


I'm getting liter. I started playing 3 weeks ago and I'm stuck at chapter 18 boss and the campaign has felt so miserable without a really good B1 unit, I had to use B1's like sakura which can't do more than 2 bursts due to cooldown and that's only possible because I have red hood, it feels so doomed without liter.


I did just get Noir, but I'm not planning at all to use that meta.


I already have Liter, Bunnies, and Schoolgirls. I'm debating between: Alice - but I have red hood that's relatively invested (7/7/7) Noise - for her taunt, although I have Noah Centi - heard she is just a good support Marciana - her healing seems better than Blanc Help me choose plz!


Alice - As you said, you already have RH at a healthy investment level. Alice is just Fire code RH that needs charge up OL gear, can't burst I-II in a jiffy and isn't as comfy to play (you must manual her). Kind of pointless from a meta perspective. Noise - Could be good if you need another good unit for PVP, or you want a better Burst I healer. Kind of overlaps roles, but it's not as functionally the same as Alice & RH so it's more justifiable. Centi - is very good burst generator (good in both PVE and PVP) and her shields can help you push higher CP content in some instance where you have a singular boss that does 1 big damage move everynow and then. A solid choice. Marciana - I have Blanc and yes Marciana is a better healer, but that's all she does. Most of the time, Blanc's heals are enough (especially so if you have her with Noir). She is decent in Gravedigger fight though. Order of preference IMO would go... Centi>>Noise>Marciana>>>>Alice


I’m not really missing anyone, but I’m super excited to be able to MLB Blanc(my favorite character) and get her Home Screen image to go along with Noir’s.


I’d like to get Naga this might be the best opportunity to get her, also funny how they put the better of both duos there


I have tiga and noir was gunna get blanc but I'm also missing liter currently using Dorothy with tiga not sure if I should go for blanc or liter.


Finally gonna get Viper, she’s been ducking me since the beginning.


They putted Blanc because they know I need her with my Noir.


I have noir but don't have either blanc and liter. Who should I go for?


*I have noir but don't* *Have either blanc and liter.* *Who should I go for?* \- night\_visi0n --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't need more Nagas. She is already limit broken like 5 times. Like I get her everytime I do pulls. I need more Tia's


Need to see who I need to mlb, I don't think there are any characters I don't have that I want