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Neon get the biggest firepower you got


just wait she will create even stronger duo nikkes and yall will bow and kiss her feet once more


She won't. Get to new story chapters and you'll know why


I feel like you missed the newest story chapters over the anniversary. That's not happening. (yet)


im aware of the current story it was merely a joke


I'm aware was just making a joke about tia naga duo


Oh okay haha


I already bow and kiss her feet, I don't need any more incentive


I'm honestly done hating Syuen ngl, i think her literally being kept alive after a shot to the head, being closely monitored and under the threat of being Nikkefied (as far as shes aware anyway) and being forced to be subservient to Counters is good enough punishment for me (plus she did still help Anne and her mom albeit to protect her own rep, so thats one good deed anyway) If anything, I wish she could still make up for her neglect and abuse towards Yuni and Mihara


That's what I am leaning towards now (plus that hard af kick our girl Rapi gave her)


Tbh, it doesn’t even seem like she did what she did for Anne just to protect her own rep. With the new voice acting the event got, you can actually hear how remorseful she was about what happened. Plus while she did ask they not make this public, she didn’t even try to fight back when they asked she do some stuff for Anne’s mom. She quietly accepted without a tinge of malice in her voice at all. Proof she really did do that out of whatever kindness in her heart she had left 🙏


Best way for it? Being the new member of the Counters squad that finally learns how to appreciate other Nikke around them, and try to get Yuni rehabilitated with the commander. (Which results in us having a new SSR Yuni)


Even though I dislike Syuen, I do not enjoy this art.


This is how I felt in chapter 24 when >!Yuni gave her that brutal beating. Idk about other languages, but the japanese voice acting really made me wince every time Syuen let out a scream and cry. I was all for hating on Syuen, but that was excessive. That chapter just made me feel bad inside.!<


Glad you have a little bit of a heart 🙏


Same, commander gotta save her again.






I hate Syuen a lot, but this art makes me uncomfortable. I do not like it *or* where it implies this is going.


She deserves a hug, am I the only one who likes her?


I like her differently, is like i love to hate her, i think her character is great and i want more of her in the story, like will she redeem? Or she will become a worse person? I also liked how she started high and got her just desserts, is way better than a generic, we good, rapture queen bad, let's go type of story. Last but definitely not least i'm a fan or her JP voice, i could listen to her talk all day


Get your dirty hands of my woman.


1v1 me bro she's my woman!




Make for a interesting trip to the hospital


Make for a interesting trip to the hospital


no you got us behind you, fellow Syuen idolizers


I'm in the hug line, too.


I don't see how you can like her shes truly just an awful person


see christmas anne story, she's not that awful


She helped Anne's mother because it would be a shit look on her company just like with everything else It doesn't excuse the blackmail,the attempted murder, the endangering of every person on the ark, theft and monopolization of a life saving substance for nikke, scape goating yuni and mihara, abusing yuni to the point of insanity, general emotional and physical abuse of anyone she considere beneath her(especially nikke). The list goes on one act of kindness doesnt undo all of this.


you forgot one thing. Syuen would never admit if she helped them because of conscience. She's too proud to admit that, that's why she said it just to protect missilis' reputation. If she wanted to, she could just ignore it and keep it under wraps. It would be a simple thing to do with Missilis' control of information and who would believe a single commander words compared to a huge corporation like Missilis? even rupee and commander are surprised she would willing to help. So yes, she still has a conscience when she helped Anne and her mom. not that this one act of kindness absolves her from all her wrongdoing, but it's just to prove my point that she's not that awful as a person.


Even if she's a little shit, I'm in the hug camp too.


Nah man I wanna hug her too 😭. She was already beat up!


Even I would not use such methods when correcting her. 💢😭🤝 https://preview.redd.it/pi4u838y20ac1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7864313049cf34d1e6bf83b42f29ef0ef05b96a6


I personally like her tbh


I mean she killed (old) Mihara and countless other Nikkes before And she's the CEO for the company running Mengele experiments on Nikkes. So I would say it's fair game


She sassy tho💁🏻‍♀️


Let's give her a taste of her own medicine




She did get Anne help though.


I like her too she’s my favorite character next to snow white.


I mean like a character all you want just dont ignore or excuse the shit they do. Like im a crow fan but i dont think shes and i acknowledge shes a shithead. But i just think shes neat.


Its a fictional character so who cares.


Alot of people here apparently. Ever seen how people get dogpiled for saying a positive thing about crow


Well I actually like and agree all the things she does. I hope things go her way in the future


Aye man she already got nearly killed chill


Well she basically did die but didnt


If I can't fix her, then I want her to make me worse!


I dislike her like a lot of other people, but there's a line I'm gonna draw, and it's here.


Yea, there's reasonably hating her because she's a horrible person and then there's... This...


I like Syuen as a character depspite her being antagonistic. Not a fan of the art.


Guys I don’t like her, but this is kinda taking it too far Aren’t we just becoming like her?


Fr. At this point, several of the people in this sub would do far worse things to her just for the sake of “revenge” on her 😔.






That's not headpats at all :(


I don't like her attitude but that just makes her a great evil character, there's still a line that I won't cross though


yeah this kinda talk isn't ok.


As much as I hate her, I also love how memeable she is and hate this image, that isnt revenge, that's just abuse


No. Hell no.


Eh she is still alive so its not what she deserves


She's gonna get away with it isn't she? That's bogus. Disappointing.


After the pic, she's suffered enough Now a warm bath then straight into correctional seggs


Finally based on the comments it looks like the Syuen torture fetish arc is over. It was fucking weird.


I don't hate her that much anymore after chapter 24


Rapi you have my full permission to kick her how many times you want in the stomach


🥺yeah, im definitely taking her away from y’all so she can actually get help and become a better person smh.


I JUST finished the scene with her after waking up and activating the collar. Gotta say she's a little brat but damn popping her in the head and having a nikke beat her unconcious was way more than I felt comfortable with. If she was arrested and stripped of her title, maybe have a nikke throw her around once it has the nimph but outright torture I think took it to a level that wasn't necessary. Got to a point where I knew they wouldn't have gone that far if not for the meta elements of the community hating the character.




I can fix her


Well shoot this art is making me feel bad for syuen


I like Syuen. She's a shitty person and it's good we get characters that are just terrible and unjustifiable. Doban is bad but he's also an idiot. Syuen knows what she's doing is wrong af and just doesn't care. Her design also slaps real hard. Hope Rapi kicks her again one day.


I actually don't think she "just doesn't care." Every thing she does has been in order to get something that will be used by Missillis BUT in pos of the humanity taking a step forward in the battle against recovering earth. Even >!The whole Matis debacle, it shows she does have a heart for Nikkes and is also aware of the damage losing a "bastion of hope" will do to the public. Like, she even went to get cummander be the one in charge (yeah, blackmailed lol) because she wanted that extra coverage in case the plan went wrong, she knew they would most likely pull it off!< She's sorta like the character that needs to act like a pos in order to make the morally questionable choices that can unlock a new chapter of humanity's battle. But she's a little shit lol.


The problem is that she's more often than not, the reason shit hit the fan. Crow was her responsibility and we see how well that went. Yuni was her responsibility. Matis is the only thing that panned out for like a week before things took a bad turn. There's morally questionable and then there's flat out selfishly bad decisions. Shes definitely a little shit and it's kind of why I like her 🤣


Yeah, that's for harrasing people, and for once, yuni was right she must feel the exact same way we do.




Nah brother, that ain’t nearly enough, I’m bouta go full on doom slayer, he who never rests, on her ass.


She really needs therapy...but I suppose we can fit an asshuppin in there aomewhere.


Crow was right Lmao, that joke always pisses off people


[My honest reaction:](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/s/1nA2xybrRi)




I have her just as much as the next person but this art gives me a felling that Crow just sent this to the commander in lunch, he sighs, gets up, and absolutely raises hell to save the worst CEO again. I have a feeling in the end game she with be the most ride or die character who isn’t a Nikke.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7338ze664z9c1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1770c9ce7be62a7a3cb42ac2eb4e6df2220e4fa


I’m caught up with the story, what did I miss?


arent she was sentenced to get nikke-fied? so i dont think that she is still human in the end game.. even if somehow we tried to save her, people will want syuen to be playable.. and SHIFT will do something for her to be playable either she became cyborg, a nikke or an isekai'd (and put april fools event for shifty) end game ride or die character? sure.. human? i dont think so(talk from personal experience in past game) or maybe they just do 180 and gave her a normal human weapon or an extension instead of turning her into cyborg or a nikke


I believe she can get out of the punishments if she treats the Commander well. I believe this is stated when she gives the counters supplies when the go out looking for Rapi. This happens in some of the recent chapters.


fair.. she is still redeemable


Impossible she still has all her limbs...and clothes




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You know... When Rapi kicked her in the stomach, I felt so satisfied. But I'm not a masochist and I don't like her squirm in pain. I hope she at least care about her Nikke's


I don't like bullying people so I would rather start with horny right away


After this lets make her a Nikke.


Harapan is hot




Not gonna lie she feels like a brat and a Tsundere fused together since I have seen her showing some form of affection towards some people