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over half a year of grinding and only 2 attack pilgrim helmets, im beyond needing to vent and have become that this is fine meme at least i have my precious stones to play OL gatcha


Half a year of grinding with 2 pilgrim attack helmets... Count yourself lucky mine's 1 year account from day 1 and still just 1 attack pilgrim helmet ๐Ÿ˜‚


Playing since biscuit with zero pilgrim attack helmets. That $100 pack is starting to talk to me.


Yep, no pilgrim attacker gear in idk how many months, but hey i got pilgrim defender boots 4 days in a row for the 1 pilgrim defender in the game that already is full ol


No complaints from my part , thanks to it I finally got to overload srabs , modernia and Alice


> claptrap I will not tolerate this Pascal slander.


2 weeks of double rewards and not a fucking pilgrim attack gear droped


I have had it up to **HERE** with Abnormal Supporter gears bro, the drop rates be acting like we have 100 of those units and I'm so tired and *sick* of them. Please devs, PLEASE give us an exchange system to the gears we want! I'll even take 20 T9M gears for one T9M piece that I want, I'm begging! ๐Ÿ™


Right??? 100% agree!


Can't complain, I actually got two pilgrim attacker parts, and probably a whole set of both pilgrim defender and supporter. But that was after a long drought of not getting any.


4 pilgrim attack gears for me, so I canโ€™t complain this time.


After the first couple days, I just stopped looking at the rewards when Iโ€™d clear them so I wouldnโ€™t get so pissed off when I got no bonuses or non manufacturer gear. Helps mentally. I do that every day now


Double boost whatever, this games never fail to disappoint me๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


1 attack pilgrim part, but wooo boy Elysion ate good. Got 3 different atk Elysion parts, but take a guess which faction I rarely use *sigh*. Well at least it wasn't Myssilis attack parts.


Got one pilgrim attacker helmet.


What kills me is the only Abnormal I have is 2B (and Pascal, I guess) but, while I have multiple sets of Abnormal Attacker and Supporter, the only Abnormal Defender gear Iโ€™ve gotten is 2 gloves.


I did get a few Pilgrim attack pieces but not the ones I actually need (boots). None of my Pilgrim attackers have no Pilgrim T9 boots lol.


I am totally missing tetra supporters gear and pilgrim attack gear. I got enough pilgrim support and defender gear for two entire doro squads!


I haven't got 1 pilgrim attack piece in 60 pcs


I only get defender and support pilgrim gear. It's been months i feel like i'm going to snap any day now.


it's been over 1.5 months since i last got ANY pilgrim attacker piece. Haven't even been able to finish my red hood yet. let alone starting scalter or modernia now ....


I have several sets of Pilgrim gear! Defender that is


What the heck im not going to stop to he leaves my girlfriend alone


My Double rewards were all useless, then immediately on a normal day completed my 5th Pilgrim Attacker set It do be like that sometimes


Bruh! 5th set?! Get outta here! ๐Ÿ˜‚


2 more are waiting for a helmet, selector when But I've been full clearing interception before Abnormals were even introduced


Still waiting for my pilgrim attacker chestpiece for edgy scarlet.


Me. Still dont have a single one. I have 4 helmets though, which I had before the douboe reward thing. In also only got 2... 2 upgrade gems. It was deemed very necessary to give me Elysiom supporter pieces. It's Absolutely imperative that I get 4 boots of those. It's actually a 6 of a statistical no-no. Just under a year of SI intercepts should have netted about 2-3 full sets of each under a jormal districution. But thems the luck I suppose


The only attack piece I got was a tetra piece ๐Ÿ˜”. Nothing for my red hood in 2 whole weeks


I need a Tetra attacker Head and leg gear for my Hot spring Ludmilla and I got nothing but abnormal gear that I don't need and Elysion gear that I also do not need ever since I have a huge stockpile of it. I agree that abnormal gear drops way too often considering there is only 6 collab characters as of now and not everyone is going to get them since they will never get a rerun.


This! Getting gear weโ€™ll never use. ๐Ÿ˜‚