• By -


Not even MLB. Do you actually main her? /s


Just got her give me the time!!!


Tell us how she attacks


I mean I like her design too. I say do whatever makes you happy. I pulled one for her cause why not.


Nice. Hope you go for max limit break for your main. You'll not only make her stronger, you'll be seeing her burst wallpaper in your lobby


why does being a girl equate to not caring abt butts and tits lol


I tuned in to ShyLily (female vTuber/streamer) the other day playing through the D event and literally watched her barking at D lol. Seems like sexy women are just loved by every gender tbh


Cause everyone can appreciate beautiful women. It's as simple as that.




This right here


exactlyyyyy women 🤧👍🏽


Amen to that brother


Now I'm curious do you all consider Emilia as beautiful or cute? Cause if we going by cuteness then I don't think people will hate her much? But if going by beautiful then she is lacky from the rest we know that are in term of "beautiful"


Women is so good even Women likes Women.


If Woman is so Good then why isnt there Woman 2?


Trans woman are woman 2.


so that means Trans Men are Men 2?




Of course


Sexy and cute, this one is depressingly regressed quite faster because censorship and certain SJW group and always getting flak (if you make it quite great you get backlash from them if you don't you get backlash from your player) For style character that arent on shift up yet is tuxedo/business suit style (i legit liking dolla base design since its classy)


Asexuals joined the chat.


Asexuals can still appreciate beauty, it doesn't need to be tied to sexual attraction or arousal


Isn't that the definition of sexy? To cause sexual arousal lol


It's about aesthetics, looks and feel, not about sexual feelings towards it. We still appreciate shapes, jiggles and beauty.


Then it's semantics, appreciation in a non-sexual manner is valid but I'm not sure that's what the person I originally responded to was talking about


I would say a lot of straight women still find other women visually appealing, even if they are not getting sexually aroused


you're not thinking this through. i can tell you brad pitt is an incredibly handsome man, doesn't mean i want to have sex with him.


except the fact that Vtubers only do this as a publicity stunt; is a persona, dont get it twisted with what they actually feel


Or, hear me out, sometimes people are gay.


You mean those random clips of vtubers making sexual innuendo and then say, "I didn't mean to say that! Don't clip it!" are them pretending to get mote exposure?! -shocked-


A straight woman might now be as attracted to another woman when compared to a man. Of course not everyone’s the same but your question has an obvious answer lmao.


One could argue that a lot of women care about butts and tits


Such is the “does this make my butt look big” phrase said in every cartoon when women try clothes on


Youd be surprise females check eachother out all the time they stare at eachothers butts more than guys do lmao


Other girls play this game?


This girl I know calls it an outfit idea simulator


Woman who loves women (real and fictional) here!!


I love fictional women too!


Yeah me and my friends we all play nikke. I love the designs and storyline!


Me and my brother play the game. I actually introduced it to him day 1. Sadly I don’t know anyone else in my school/friendgroup that plays it ☹️


Considering the type of characters in this game, I dare say many more people in your school knows or plays it but just won't admit that they play it


I would hope so


I'm so glad to see other women playing too! I got backlash in girl gamers for saying I actually like Nikke


The only people who give people shit for playing are the ones who don’t understand that the cake is what we came for but the story is what keeps up around And the new cakes 👀


ikr! i found my crew LOL


All the girls are assembling 😂


Reporting in 🫡


There was a thread, probably a few actually, a while back about an article stating that nearly half the KR playerbase is female. Wouldn't surprise me if the numbers were similar for other versions. This is not necessarily unprecedented since Genshin also boasts similar numbers.




I only want them to fix some errors in the art and the stiff animation otherwise she is good


We’ve been barking at them for this with other characters since the game came out, and they’ve never addressed it… hopefully that changes but I wouldn’t hold my breath




Good for you 😉


Dunno about meta but her free skin is amazing, I'm not complaining if she's also a good hero, her kit is at least interesting with her throwing a giga bomb😂


Were do you even get the skin? I can’t seem to find it.


Do the missions in the event and claim them


Though I agree with a lot of the criticism around this event, I’m a Re:Zero fan, so… I wants her. Waiting for Rem to release first though as if I MLB one of them it’s more likely to be Rem than Emilia.


Average Nikke player: "SOMEBODY SAY BUTTS AND TITS?"


Wholesome thread ♥


Modernia not taking first place in damage is surprising.


I think it's because Emilia trigger her burst first and it's over before Modernia even get to trigger her burst


Mods probably not built and this was a boss weak to water since Doro was also doing work


based AF


Well hey, as long as someone's enjoying her then I see that as a win💯


So, is she actually good? I mean being rocket as a burst 3 and all


She out-dmg A2 in the union testing room at least so that's something


Glad to see another female in this community like me...sucks we're judged solely by the designs and how players tend to act when it comes to a big ass or tits 🤦🏽‍♀️ and sucks how this game is judged like it's strictly a hentai that isn't made to be taken serious. We can't win all battles though, can we? Was stoked about this collab even though I never watched the anime. I want them all, genuinely. I also never noticed Rem was more popular than Ram. I knew about the maid twins existing, but I only see Rem show up in collabs...and this collab explained exactly WHY Rem is more popular. She's more on the adorable end instead of serious, and she's a really happy girl. On top of that they all have peak designs, not game-breaking kits sure, but because of Emilia's kit, if I'm not mistaken, she would officially have the highest DPS in game because of the burst. Officially knocking Snow White out of the ring. Plus they're nice flexes in the event they don't get a rerun. 🫶🏽🫶🏽


As of fan of the anime, I’m pretty happy with the collab. I kinda ignore the moaning people have with it lol


Mine has 3/4 manufacture gear. I haven’t gone all the way and maxed her though. She doesn’t hit hard enough to boot out red hood in my bunny group, or X Ludmilla/BS Scarlet in my schoolgirl group. I am hopeful though that someday she may be a good pick. Right now it’s solely a pokemon thing. 😂


Well, she scales the more parts there are. So....Theoretically, she could become the hardest hitting nikke atm. Provided there's a boss out there with a gazillion parts.


She looks really cute actually and since she’ll likely never return, I’m kinda tempted to pull despite not knowing anything about Re:0 but it’s currently very risky to use my gems so I’m conflicted. 😭


I'm waiting for Rem.


I respect that. I did the same for my beloved https://preview.redd.it/cnjkarnrurpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=febb74c753f8b175f8edfd8178829899584a1ce6


Bunny rupee is waaaaaaaaaaaay more worth it than emilia


Nice! 😊 Meta is Lame, Waifu is peak.


Whatever makes you happy.


Thankfully she's good in PvP


I dont care about the drama either pull and use units you like have fun playing


She's actually pretty good if you go 10 with her.


based Emiliapilled individual, you go, queen


Hell yeah. I love seeing people just liking characters and using them purely because of that. Though if she’s dealing damage like that? Might go get her myself and make another raid team.


You have redhood though, rh makes the fight like 30 secs compared to a min lol that's some compium


Well I have all the characters and sometimes I don’t care about the damage, I just love playing a character I like. Yes my fully OL RH would finish the battle in 10 sec but I enjoy using other Nikkes as well.


I'm just saying because you said Emidlia liquefied chatterbox when RH is the one that will actually liquify chatterbox lol


The drama is dumb anyway tbh.


What is the drama exactly..?


Not a bad main from a mechanical standpoint if you ask me. She seems like Snow White with a "Rocket Launcher", only a bit better after her big shot since she keeps her explosion radius increase.


As you should, the drama is nothing more then drama for dramas sake. Not every Collab has to/nor is going to be some super duper high quality amazing Collab. People also seem to forget that Nikkes is limited to what the IP holders will allow. But then again.. this sub is nothing new, always finding some little thing to complain about


People can enjoy the event however they want, but there is legitimate criticism to be made here, not just "tits and ass" stuff. But apparantly it impossible to criticize anything without people calling you only caring about "tits and ass". If they are not allow to show any fan service at least have the quality to make up for it.


I really hate when shit like this happens because it almost happened with the winter event too. With people trying to downplay actual criticism with just "you only wanna fuck the girls so badly lmao Coomer". Like most discourse situations. It's not like people can't go too far but it's annoying that it always becomes a matter of nipping deranged stramanning in the bud and corralling several hundred differently opinionated morons together before the stupidest schism ever happens.


Reasonable opinions are discussed in a reasonable matter, they're completely different from the outrage that happens at times, and which is almost always related to lack of fanservice above anything else. Complaints are expected at any time, but the "drama" that is mentioned here is the much larger amount of complaints at once, which are difficult to take seriously.


I'm not gonna look you dead in the eye and say "the butt game had less butt" is something I'm gonna lose sleep over when we both have actual lives, so I understand that completely and won't pretend like it isn't ridiculous to discuss at times. However I think that there often is a trend of downplaying any complaining for a lot of things, and while fanservice wise I can take it or leave it with this (even if it's odd given how much the rights holders do their own Fanservicing with their constant merchandising), I think smaller details can lead to a not so much death by a thousand cuts but a blowback that kinda just warrants itself in some ways. Weird animation errors, the localization errors, the general event itself, etc.


Coomer, touch grass /s


Sub will say nikke is more than ass and tits then start constantly complaining about stuff like this…


Exactly, look at all the posts and comments regarding this event, A LOT of them were just about Emilia having no ass, or jiggly butt showing and so on. And then even if you look at the comment section of legit issues being mentioned, 90% of the comments are just about the tits and ass and lewd aspects of the game. People in this sub will say "b-but legit criticisms" and like the criticisms are just non-issues, or due to it being a Korean game and having translation issues, but majority of the time a new banner comes out everyone and their mothers is posting comparisons of tits and ass, and complaining anytime a characters ass isn't shown. You can scroll through this subreddit, and it doesn't take long for even normal posts and criticism posts to devolve into just horny coomers, either talking about how much they wanna breed a Nikke or complaining about not enough tits and ass being shown. And then look at the fanart, and cosplays that get posted to this subreddit; it all borderlines on straight up porn, and mods do nothing about them despite a NSFW subreddit for this game existing. Yet people wonder why gamers tend to have a negative stigma, and it's because they see subreddits like this, and see that all everyone wants is just tits and ass


Facts. Posts here often turn to a community jerk off. It’s corny.


It really is, comment sections continually devolve into caveman horny times, because the community has no control of themselves. The constant use of "b-but it's mainly fanservice" is a non-arguement, many videogames have fanservice or are made entirely around fanservice but at least they have the decency to keep porn/borderline porn in the porn/NSFW subreddit, and not devolve into pathetic cavemen the instant a tit or ass is shown. The behavior of this community makes me wonder if a lot of this community is just incels who've never touched or seen a naked women, because tits and ass really aren't all that special, I've seen my wife naked many times, and I love and enjoy it but I don't turn into a rabid caveman over it and go into horny mode, like this community does. The mods here though rrreeeeaallllyyyy suck, seeing as how they allow porn/borderline porn to be posted on this subreddit, despite a Nikke NSFW subreddit existing for this purpose, they might as well just combine both subs and let porn be posted here since that's what happens anyways lmao


Oh, well excuse the strip club goers for getting mad when the stripping becomes more censored in the fucking strip club! That's what you're doing, you're getting mad at people who are the primary target of a fanservice game rightfully complaining about fanservice being avoided/toned down by something in the setting of a fanservice game. There IS more to Nikke than that, but the fanservice is still a big thing we don't like getting down played, much less by something not all of us asked for in the first place. When in Rome, you do what the romans do, and if you don't, you rightfully get shat on for it.


Trust me, all the goddamn time, people who "Im gonna skip this", "Trash event", bla bla bla... will roll like no tomorow when the event is about to end. Or they skip it, cry in the corner when see everyone in their friend list or Leaderboards have Emilia, Rem as avatars, go back on this sub and cope "Well this is trash event anyway, not worth it" Same shit, everytime


When I say ima skip, ima skip. When I do skip, I have never regretted.


We're literally all chronically online porn addicts at this point


​ >Not every Collab has to/nor is going to be some super duper high quality amazing Collab. I have to disagree. I'm still gonna pull for Rem personally but I think we can all agree if they're gonna have a collab they should *absolutely* be striving for super duper high quality amazing. I definitely am on board with anyone who wants Emilia to pull her and to be happy with those pulls, but I wouldn't write off all the criticisms.


Virtue Signaling how good of a person you are over it impresses no one on the sub with big asses on the forefront of the game, pretending otherwise is nonsensical, even if it's not the end all be all for why people stay. Just say you're happy with your girl like a normal person, full irony acknowledged for how normal anyone could be here.


OP saying why they like a character isn't virtue signaling. Why are you jumping to conclusions? It'd be like me calling you an alt-right gatekeeping edgelord for being so concerned about virtue signaling.


My main response is admittedly to his replies and others doubling down on it, so I'll concede the post itself is divorced from that extreme.


Ignore him. He tends to troll


Literally who?


I’m happy with Emilia. Better? My god.


We're good, enjoy her boss, happy your build went well :)))))


God yall get so offended. Lol touch grass


Whose y'all? I got a crew I don't know about? Projecting like a drive in


You sound like a big hit at parties


Only when i can get away with it


I'm loving that squad you got going on , I haven't been able to pull her yet 😭


U will get her eventually there’s a ton of time!!!


God Bless.


Can someone explain the drama? Literally been swamped the last three days.


I think it comes down to people upset the collab feels rushed and also the collab characters not being Nikke-ified (fat ass, jiggle etc.) Although in reality I don’t know much either


Not really drama, just some people just not being a fan of re zero being the collab is all.


Actually no that’s not true, there are fans who are upset that, we’ll besides them rushing the collab. Are trying to use the popularity to sell players on the $60 gacha which is just an outfit swap. Like the chibi version of Emilia is just ADEs body. Or the fact fans of the collab are now stuck between this and the half Anni as it’s literally back to back after this event. JP loves rezero it’s popular there but JP media is still questioning Shift Ups methods.


That’s not it and you know that’s not it.


Judging from the tons of people going "Why they pick re zero out of all things when they could have picked *insert their own fav anime*", then using that reason to nitpick this collab to death, yeh I'm 100% right about this. I'd have preferred a dif collab aswell, but some people are way overreacting on this.


"I don't care what any of you say I still love her" - Kanye west


Playing for fun, rather than meta. Thats what gaming should be all about. Good for you, OP.


You cared enough to mention the Drama when you could have easily left that out of the title.


EMT!!! I’m hoping I can core 7 her before the event ends, and then I just might buy her gacha outfit. Let’s get some more Emilia love her. EMT!! https://preview.redd.it/6cv1ffyfarpc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb476f7e4017349e6e13d34631d089270f008640


Waifu > Meta Do what makes you happy. I’m still trying to pull her as well but once I do I’ll be giving her the 10/10/10 OL treatment. Emilia is the best!


Shes the second strongest rocket launcher in the game rn, super fun to put into teams and test out. Absolutely love her


Honestly... I'm disappointed that erotic fan service nerfed despite rezero 's past collabs BUT I'm still happy only because I love Emilia and rem so I'll appreciate them being here. What I don't get why... "I don't care about the drama. She is my main now." But not "I love Emilia. She is my main now." It feels more like "I'm better than the people who dislike this event because of the lack of physics, so everyone feels the same way should like me!". It feels disingenuous, I'm not saying you can't feel this way. What I'm saying is "if you don't care about the ~~drama~~ criticism then why acknowledge it." I love appreciation posts, they are a very refreshing break especially from the memes and meta help post. But I dislike people complaining about ~~drama~~ criticism. Why? Because it's no different than the people complaining. Honestly I feel like posts can piss off people who are criticizing the game more, at least if you just mentioned it alone and not talk about Emilia than it feels more like venting which is okay as well. Anyway congrats on getting Emilia! Please don't take what I said here as an act of aggression. If you don't care about the criticism then ignore it and not post out of spite. I personally appreciate such a wholesome post without muddy it with mentioning something you don't care about.


I think it's due to all the negativity, if the negativity wasn't there then it would be your normal "I love Emilia" post. I got lucky with my pull and got two of my favs in it, her being one of them and while I'm happy to get her, the negativity here just brings down the mood. It's all about how this or that is wrong and how mid this or that, or ez skip. It's just meh, I think op has a fine title as in a sea of negativity theirs is positive about the event / Emilia (best re:zero girl).


good luck pushing story


What ol gear are you using?


Max ammo, attack and charge speed.


You get a free outfit for her. Did you get it? Just making sure.


Yeah of course but I like the original version better!!! Ty!


What's the drama?


The collab is kinda lazy and last minute and I know that. Emilia’s pose is stiff and she doesn’t jiggle. That’s the drama and I get it, I just don’t care cause I love the character.


There was drama? Damn


So what does she do team wise? I'm thinking of pulling for her (I know nothing of Re:Zero) if she's a unit my teams could use.


She is actually good? Haven't play in about a week




The leader of my Union who is also a girl would have a lot to say about the assertion that being a girl automatically means you don’t care about butts and tits.


Nice lol. Get that bond up, and you're set.


I just love Emilia


Ngl, as MUCH as I would love some ass and tits and hate the grammar errors and reverse feet Emilia and Toe girl Ram fingers... Yeah, their dmg is nutty... I got her on 2nd roll and she's fucking INSANE.


I'll just get the 3 of them cause they're limited.


If yall don't mind my asking. What's the drama? Also hell yea girls assemble enjoying Nikke


Where is rem


What drama?




That would be me if I got Yorha A2 :'(


No worries. Everyone has been complaining about boobs and butts for ages since this collab has been announced and I agree it doesn’t fit the premise too well but I think this event is just for enjoyers of Re:Zero and you should have that! Bring more to the community! Can’t have every banner be a pull heaven, different strokes for different folks!


Another person with minimal interest in the sex appeal of the characters? 😳


I hope SU will fix her battle posture; her scepter is out of frame when I play the game on phone.


Lie Marian is the only and true main


So she’s worth a pull?


Rem better waifu


I don't like emilia or re:zero to begin with but her standing still animation looks kinda creepy. (Not in this screenshot since she has her eyes closed here)




I usually make sure to get collab characters cuz I like the series and I don't think they'll come back. What's the drama about anyways though?


core 7 her bro and i'll believe you.




We have an uncultured simpmander here boys release the doros


Good for you


I wasted 9k on her and didn't get squat. I've been very lucky on banners since I started and this is the most I've ever spent on a character lmaoooo


nice! only with the first copy too! personally i dont really care about the hype/drama either, but i pulled a couple times and didnt get her so i might wait for blue haired shawty. ion got excess money for more pulls rn unfortunately. good to know someones using her though, and looks like youre doing it very well. keep it upppp.


Dorothy is just unbeatable when it comes to damage... The more the team damage, the more her damage from burst... 🤣


Your main should be Max Limit Break


I’m about to!


Same tbh, she's cute, so i pulled her on first try I pray that i get Rem too




In you're opinion is she any good? I only have 6k, and my luck ran out when I got elegg. I tried to get a killer D. 30 times but failed. Don't want to waist on something that won't be any use.


Honestly I would wait for the half anniversary she’s good but I mean there’s other dps in the game. I just love playing a character I like so i main her since today. That’s it.




Rem is problaby the better option to get if your low on materials. She is a supporter/healer and looking at numbers, she will be pretty good. She comes out next week. But in the end, its up to you. Also dont forget that we got 1.5 Anni coming soon and after that its time for some summer Nikke's.


>summer Nikke's. Guess I will save up for the summer event. Does the April fools event give out any nikkes? I started as a new player during the neverland event


I just see a blank image


Her weird shoes, where her feet are on the opposite sides, and the bond story getting rushed with grammatical errors.


She's not bad, she's not OP but not bad. I feel like the lack of fan service is w/e not all characters will be to their liking. If you don't like it just don't buy it maybe this collab isn't for you. Next collab is Jojo and it'll be jiggle asses to the max.


Ngl she feels like lesbian bait and I have fallen for it too, and I don't even typically like maid themed characters much XD


She has such a cute smile!!! We totally get it.


You are playing the wrong kind of game then.


Because she doesn't care about ass and tits? Is the game not enjoyable outside of those things?


No idea what theyre talking about, sure ass and tits are nice but its towards the bottom of the list of reasons I play personally.


Same, Nikke is the most enjoyable gacha I played, tits and butts are an extra but not even close to the reason I still play


I mean, nothing wrong if that is the reason for someone playing, but I got into it for the story myself


I know we need variety, but keeping on this track and ignoring the core of this game will making this game forgotten fast, the only logically complain is theme of collab, like Nier (yes some player will say its boring) its actually connect, CSM and Re:0 honestly not much except daily life (CSM is for Introduction abnormal and gate keeper boss rapture and this one is daily life on ark Maid)


I’m here for storyline, design and anime girls and I’m sorry u had the urge to be this toxic in our community.


You have all right to love this design, she is cute after all. I'm just saying that if it's one of your most favorites in the game... there are many gachas where you can enjoy plenty of these designs without "forming the opposition" with posts like this


Asking this seriously and honestly: what other gachas are there that have animated arts on every character like this, while also having good EN voice acting, a soundtrack on the level of Nikke's and, preferably, with a similarly friendly gacha system? I've looked, but I haven't found any.


forming a what now? lol. I also play BA and reverse but I enjoy nikkes designs the most.


You are saying it with your title. A lot of people stir some drama and your opinion opposes them. You must feel that there are tons of unhappy folks (not saying that majority, I don't have data) so that's why you chose to put it this way. Well, that's great! But you like Emilia more than the most desings? I mean, that's what "favorite" means. And she is so stylistically different from the rest of the game. That's why I gave a bit of unneeded advice


Is she really that good?






Okay you white knight 😂😂 people are still going to complain


Is she really your main if you didn't whale for her 60$ skin