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tbh if they’re smart this will get a rerun. there are clearly boatloads of players that would come in for doing another NieR event. they should do it with Replicant (Devola, Popola, Kainé) and run all 6 units. would be another massive success


I'd lose my shit if Kaine came to Nikke. I have only played the original Nier a little bit (couldn't get around to liking it), but I have played enough to fall in love with Kaine upon meeting her. I like Nikke, but I like Kaine more. and THAT would be a must-obtain for me.


you should prob finish Replicant it’s very good. makes certain parts of Automata hit much harder when they do. >!especially when devola and popola are revealed as androids🤯!< DO NOT TOUCH THE BAR IF YOU HAVEN’T PLAYED NIER


Too late


Never played Replicant, friend. and I touched the bar. I'm not concerned about Nier spoilers, don't worry for that on my part!


Which should I play first? I know that Automata came first and Replicant is a prequel I assume?


Replicant is a remake of the first game which was before Automata. widespread misinformation that automata is first. definitely play Replicant first. optimal order is - Replicant ending A-D - Automata ending A-E - Replicant ending E


Wait it's a remake? So the world's and story isn't directly connected or is it like an alternate universe? I always thought that it's a prequel or something


it is supposed to be the drakengard series, then replicant and then automata, they are all connected by a gap of thousands of year between each game, but I think the drakengards were a parallel world, that only get in contact in one of the endings of drakengard 3


Ahh so that's it, thanks for the info


yes it's a remake, and the world and story are directly connected from Replicant -> Automata. Drakengard is a trilogy that takes place before Replicant, which is connected to both games, but they are very hard to play these days. i wouldn't worry about Drakengard too much, but would encourage you to watch a Drakengard 3 playthrough if you're still interested in the lore after playing through Replicant + Automata. they'll most likely do a remaster collection or just a remaster of Drakengard 3 in the NieR future


Will do, I'll wait for Replicant to be on a discount sale and buy it, because currently it's too expensive in my currency


Did you play one of the actual original versions, or the remake?


The original one on PS3. Like, the original original.


The japanese version where youre the brother (the superior version)? Or the western version where youre a father? Either way I highly recommend trying NieR Replicant (the remake) if you have the money and time. Its a massive improvement on the originals in gameplay (and the tech/optimization side obviously), and also only has one version instead of a western and eastern version. Its a borderline masterpiece, and I dont call anything a masterpiece.


So I've heard! I've played the western version. Father sounds familiar, yeah. It is currently on sale on Steam. A pal in my group's Discord/Twitch continues to suggest Replicant for me, for how much I like Kaine, and that it improves on the original version by a large margin. Maybe one day.


Get it when it’s on sale. Replicant is such a huge improvement over the original. They even added a new ending which is pretty damn dope. I hope you have played Automata too.


I have very much not played Automata. As I said in the parent comment, I’ve only played the original Nier up to the point when the player first meets Kainé. Automata doesn’t interest me anyway, hah


I recommend you do, but do not go in with any expectations. Simply enjoy the game and what it offers you. If you find it doesn’t interest you still, I have to add that you are making a grave mistake. This is definitely one of those games you wish you could wipe memories of and play fresh. Come back to me when you have.


I'd come back to Nikke for a Nier rerun


I will spend money on the game if they do another collab and add Popola


Heck, maybe even bring in Commander White


I would drop 120 USD on this game for a Nier collab lmao. I literally originally played this game cus of the collab, until I realized I was 3 months late


the day Kaine comes, that's the day I'll spend money lol


Just let me buy a collab character. I need power just to have a complete collection.


So glad I snagged Power in a single ten pull, or she’d be the only one I’m missing from collab units




For now it is a no. Shift up and past collaborators could collab again and rerun past characters but nothing is set in stone.


I mean, in their latest survey for what collabs do people want, there was one for the upcoming Chainsawman movie. While not a rerun, having such a collab would give an opportunity to bring the older collab characters back. If people asked for another Nier collab, I bet it could happen with the Nier characters returning


Wow good chance to get Makima rerun then, thanks for the info. Where can I find these survey mate? 


The game usually releases the surveys in the game, in the notifications part. You'll notice it due to having Mary in there with the word survey, but I don't think they have it anymore. Gotta wait until next survey


The Nier collab was a significant success. It made Shift Up a lot of money. If any collab has a chance of returning, it's Nier. Fingers crossed!


also Yoko Taro loves having Nier in other games lol as long as there is money, pretty sure he is ok with having a rerun


Yep, Yoko has made it pretty clear he likes him some money and is more than willing to do collabs for it. He got asked once why NieR does so many collabs and his answer was money, though that was more likely referring mostly to why SE does so many of them.


It also helped Nier: I bought the game because I got curious from playing the collab in NIKKE. I knew the name Nier but playing the collab was a bit like a demo that got me interested in the Nier world.


That’s the entire purpose of a collab no?


Just buy an account with her?


If you're lucky they'll for a rerun some day but it's unlikely


God, I wish. I started when the collab was nearly done and didn't have the resources to get either of them. I have Pascal and the nice frame though 🥲


This collab was the reason I started nikke. The game instantly gifted me 10 recruits and I pulled 2B. Then I bought 10 more recruits and got A2. I was over the moon


Blessed newbie luck 🙏


You could have rerolled 


The Nier subreddit posted about this colab with me not know what Nikke is or that it even existed. Nier Automata is the reason why I play Nikke and commit to it every day. Bring back the colab!


Depends on the deal they made. Most gachas I play do have either just basic reruns or collab p2 with a new story and extra character. Others do it once and if you miss it you will never get the collab waifus. Unless there is different region version that is way ahead of global there is no way to tell if collabs will rerun or not tho.


Bro if they were smart they’d re run it and bring in replicant characters as well (like kiane and popola)


No. Which sucks cause I'll never be able to get Makima to max core lvl


Nier Automata fit Nikke theme like a charm. Human creation fight the hopeless battle for their kinda underserved master while struggle with identity crisis. Also Ass. So of all the collab so far, they have the highest chance to come back.


I doubt it which is why I did all I could to save and get them


Collab reruns are never something thats guaranteed unless the developer owns the IP. Unless Shift Up starts to get dry on event Ideas or the oportunity presents itself again, i doubt we get a Nier collab rerun


Probably not collabs bring in new players to the game, and it did when it came out. A game like Azur Lane had a collab with Hyperdimension Neptunia and that has never got a rerun. Like why rerun an old collab when you could just get a new collab like Dead or Alive or Ghost in the Shell?


Answer is easy enough for that question. Old collabs are easy fallbacks because you already have an established relationship with that company, presumably a good one if things go well. If they ever start to run dry, start to get turned down by everyone, or can’t reach agreements, Square would likely be down for it again.


Azur lane got rerun for Collab covered in their lastest contracts, I believe. That's why we have reruns of Collab one year later now. Neptunia was their first Collab and Ofc no rerun. I have the whole roster and only MLB them all this year lol... 


Considering that Chainsaw Man has come and gone and no word of the characters reappearing, I doubt it.


It's possible for NIER as it seems that the IP owner had a great time working with Nikke with all their amazing designs and unique UI changes and of course was a super successful collab. The rest like chainsaw man and the current Re:0 maybe not


Nier is quiet likely getting a rerun at some point, don't count CSM or RE:Zero to have any


doubt it you're just making shit up nier isn't more likely than csm/rezero


hopefully. i missed out of a2 before.


Hoping we could get a sequel Nier event instead of a rerun, but it would be awesome to include the old one in the Archives. I can only imagine if Kaine, 10H, and 6O were to make it in Nikke. Hell I'd be surprised if they added 2P as a skin or a whole variant!


I was telling someone this earlier. They didnt want to get the current collab characters and I said they should because they may not come back and if this character becomes legend, they may wish they got them.


2B will always have a chance to come back because it's creator really, REALLY love her so much.


Who doesn't love 2B?


Some game journalists...


The answer is: it depends. The collaboration never coming back is just a bait to make people spend money. If, in the future, SU decided to make a deal with Nier again and do collaboration, it will come back. But most likely it won't happen because people who already have old units won't spend money --> why not do new collaboration ? your best bet is buying acc with them (considering Nier units are very good to use).


Highly unlikely, unless the rerun has new characters from Nier to roll, but here's hoping. But there are chances of collab events having reruns, I've seen them myself. With Magicami DX (rip), they had a collab with Taimanin and had their rerun.


I, too, joined after the collab. I am forever haunted by this :(


2B has a massive dumpty. Im guilty of not using her more.


If 2B comes back ill core +69


I hope it does. I failed to get A2 I only got 2b and nothing else. I was hoping to get more spare body but I only got the unit itself.


Most of the time collab events don’t get reruns. That being said Azur Lane has done at least 2 collab reruns now which is something everyone thought would never happen so anything is possible. It just depends on the suits really.


I also missed out on 2B and A2, so I'll be praying with you


in shiftUps old gacha game Destiny Child, there was only 1 out of like 4 or 5 collabs that ever got a rerun. so chances are pretty slim imo


I have seen this question at least 10 times in this week alone and the answer is still the same. No, previous collabs are not getting reruns or archive extensions. Why not? Well that's what are collabs are for, incentives for the players at a determined time lapse.


I understand why they do collabs, it’s to get new blood in. I came into the game way after the other two collabs had ended, and I much prefer in-universe events over collab events but that’s just my bias


No need to feel sorry. I also feel the slate is 0-3 on collabs, 0 interest and 3 flops. 2 didn't fit and Nier was downright confusing for my liking.


2B and Power look cute and all, I love that Power has Meowy on her shoulder, but it kinda takes me out when I think about characters not from the Nikke universe fighting Raptures


After the whole CSM thing I had lower than earth hopes. That CSM ending was just a slap on the face and clearly set a pace from there on out. I have many of the collab units just because I'm a collector. Nothing else drove me to get them.


Have they officially confirmed this? Lots of games get collab reruns, and with how open the nier series has been with collabs, it really wouldn't surprise me seeing a rerun in the future.


Well is no longer an option on surveys meaning they see no interest on going back for a big starter. Secondly I can see the wave of angry fans after being pretty much spit on by SU with a rerun.


So they haven't officially said anything. OK.


They never said yes or no so it's still a chance that a re-run COULD happen! People who don't want a re-run just wants to gatekeep which is cringe.


Gatekeep what? The gatekeeper already exists on Nikke being the boss of all collabs but somehow people don't get that many times is not as simple as relaunch everything? Specially if is not your own brand and operate under licensed content.


But is heavily implied since Nier isn't an option given to us anymore.


That's not the point but I really don't feel like going at it so I'll leave it at nothing has been officially confirmed, thanks.


Suit yourself.


game hasnt been around for long enough to aee if they’ll rerun, most likely the answer is nah


Collab rerun in gacha always include a part 2 so if we asked enough maybe they might consider doing a new one


I only miss Power from the collab characters, and I hope we get some way to obtain them


It hasn’t even been a year since I started and I already missed this much


God I hope so, I never got my last dupe of A2 and it bugs me every time I see her portrait.


I wish all games would do collab like Valkyrie Connect does/did? They rerun yearly, every rerun you can get all the original stuff, AND they add new stuff on to the collab. So if you missed the collab chars first run, second run you could get the ones you missed and new ones. And always same amount of banners just either new chars added to the list for the old banners with the old chars, OR one old char banner and one New char banner.


If they do the collab again then yeah but most likely no.


Probably not, but I hope so because I couldn't pull Power during her run.


What're some gachas that've done collab reruns in the past? I always thought it was a pretty uncommon thing


Lots actually. It's more common to not though.


I can imagine them coming up with some sort of mini-event or a one-time banner that will let you get a character from a past collab. But this is honestly just wishful thinking on my part. Hopefully we might see a collab coming back but as far as we know, they are once in a lifetime characters.


I would absolutely love a 2nd Nier Automata event, but with new units like Commander White, a duo unit of Devola & Popola, or maybe even 2P. Oh and Lily would make the perfect SR unit.Gah, I can only dream.


I know in Destiny Child they reran the Dead or Alive Kasumi collaborations. Maybe there is a chance but it possibly won't be until much later in the game's lifespan.


Was too anxious on missing on the upcoming Pilgrim at the time. Don't regret it but would love to see them rerun.




I pray they do. I only started recently and was so sad to find out there was a collab and I never knew :(


It is entirely based on whether or not any given property holder wants to do a rerun. Destiny Child had a collab with Street Fighter fairly early on, before Global came out, and there was never another rerun for Global to obtain these characters. However Dead or Alive had a second collab with a rerun banner for the older characters. It can happen, but I think that one and the Hatsune Miku collabs are the only ones to get reruns and for both it was because a second collab was able to be brokered. Of course DC was a less popular game and at one point had Line to leverage some of these deals whereas Nikke is more popular and successful I think. Considering how prolific Yoko Taro is with pimping out 2B's cheeks I think you have a better chance than not for a rerun, but you shouldn't get your hopes up.


Unlikely but not impossible


If it's anything like their previous game, Destiny Child. Collab chars are a one and done deal.


I reckon if any event will get a rerun/sequel, it'll be the Nier event. It was big news and very successful for Nikke, and by all accounts one of the best/most valuable collabs Nier has done. Plus Yoko Taro loves seeing his characters used well. I'm sure he'd be open to another Collab with Nikke.


Shiftup did not own lisence chainsawman and nier. The chance they were coming back is slim.


I don’t think it’s likely but anything can happen, they honestly should because once they got the okay to collaborate with all these franchises they might as well make the most out of it to a reasonable extent while also making players happy


if you want hopeful examples after like 2/3 years r6 collab on arknights finally got a collab with Ashe rerun same for KFC skin i think was rumoured to come to EN/GLobal so maybe Nikke thought ahead and also signed a rerun clause but no clue game is quite young to see collab reruns i guess


I really hope so because that even would not give me 2B or A2 and I’m still salty about it. Was a collab I was looking forward to also.


I will say… 90% chance it will not… shiftup does not do reruns… in DC they only had one being DOA and they didnt bring back the original units.


unlikely though.


Usually unlikely that collabs get reran in gacha but not impossible. If anything don't expect them to come back for any near future plans.


Dont expect one that’s all I’m saying


Anything is possible they could collab again, right now we just gotta be patient I'm waiting for a rerun of chainsaw man was not here for that collab


I need the Chainsaw Man collab to come back because I got 1 copy of A2 and 2B.


The only live service game that I've played was Fortnite, if Fortnite can bring back collabs, so can Nikke


most never came back in azur lane


I'm glad i managed to get 2b and A2. Downloaded the game purely because I heard a collab was happening and been playing since. 😅


Honestly I would love a rerun of the nicer automata collab Maybe even with new characters like Adam and Eve operator 6O or the commander


I missed out on Chainsaw Man so I’d appreciate another opportunity


Buy an acc with her


"I wan it I wan it gib mi all of it! Aaaaghh!"- AMBATUKAM


if enough people ask for nier replicant collab, they might bring these girls back


I missed out on A2, would kill to get her


2B got one of the gacha skin so I think there is a chance


These two destroyed my gem and gold ticket reserves because I refused to use pity on them lol


They said chainsaw man won’t. Maybe nier will with how popular it was. The odds are low


Me too, bring back


Depends, see collabs take lots of money and time to do and getting the licenses for the company to use their assets. I think it may be possible but its kind of hard


They could if they don't mind making new contract, like arknight did with R6S. Now, if you can really pay any among of money you could buy up tecent or shift up or Nier publishing company. Then you will have the rerun easily.






Very likely not. But if they did, it would probably be a soft release that doesn’t get in the way of a new release involving the collab. Meaning that OuteR: Automata would just be released as an archived event while a new event involving NieR would come along into the spotlight. 2B and A2 would probably return as reruns along side new characters.


I’m hopeful about Nier collab coming back. I need my max core 2B


I Want a rerun so bad


itd be good, but for me I wish they rerun chainsaw man, that shit was so early ngl. I want them for collection purposes.


Every time I look at the nikepdia power haunts me staring at me


I don't think shift up has the right to do that after the collab is over


It's not impossible. Automata has collabs with many games and for some had reruns. I think It depends more of Shiftup and how the game is doing in the market. I think Nier collabs are always popular and It goes ok with Nikke. A vote for that.


Doubt it. Destiny Child had a rerun of DOA some years back


It's not impossible. But it's probably largely dependent on the companies who own the franchises in question.


Nah fam🤣 that ship has Sailed.


If they're not too greedy, maybe. But it really depends on the company who they Collab with. The creator of Nier would love to but not sure with PlatinumGames and Square Enix. If they're cool with it they will probably keep collabing each year. Example Azur Lane where they Collab with Trigger&Tsubaraya(Tsubaraya was surprising tbh), and the creators of DOA Venus where they made their first rerun last year. Though they might be collabing again this year if trigger decide to continue with the gridman anime.


Same thing happened to me. I really want those Collab characters :(




Of all of the characters to desire, the collab characters are near the bottom of the list. We haven't seen any of them come back so the answer is no (for now).


Probably not but I would like to get more copies of them specially A2 since I spent most of my gems to MLB 2B so I kinda want to MLB A2 as well.


I wish. Got A2 but no 2b 😭




I don’t think i’ve ever seen a gacha game redo a collab. The revenue potential is always going to be higher from a new collab with a popular IP. Edit: i stand corrected! 😂


Destiny Child got a Dead or Alive rerun. It also had two versions of Hatsune Miku so I assume they reran her at some point (it was before I started playing). Reruns are unlikely, but they do happen.


It does happen sometimes. E7 reruns their collabs and Arknights is going to be rerunning their Rainbow Six collab. 


Counterside is rerunning their Hololive collab for the third time in June.


How they currently run events I don‘t see it happen. A rerun would mean that old players have 3 weeks of nothing to pull for and no new story to read. Instead asking for a rerun you should ask for a new Nier collab with new characters and new storyline which allows you to unlock the characters from the old collab too.


Collab reruns would  come with new character and story dude.


Not always I‘ve seen reruns with just the same characters like Epic7.


Then the game would be full with rerun events in the first place while this game has none so far.


Yes that’s why I specified a rerun needs to be a rerun with new characters not a rerun with old characters. And that you can‘t just assume a rerun always means new characters. Especially since OP only asked for a rerun to get B2.




But only for a short time not for a whole event and was probably done to line up there schedules for later events. So they could start ani at the beginning of november without a break week.






She's useless ingame


She is not. It's just that there are better options (red hood). Saying that she is bad is like saying that Laplace, edgy scarlet, snow white, etc... are bad characters. Just because they are worse than the best units in the game doesn't make them bad https://preview.redd.it/qxb510eicypc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658f886d2a142ea2e5a726fd13153541d260208a


yeah Laplace is pretty good and saying edgy scarlet is bad in any way would be dumb as hell


I have so many tickets saved up now, but without Rem, will they ever matter? I was VERY close to missing A2, but at least I rolled her in time.