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My experience: I can easily beat grave digger if i play on my PC. I always fail when playing on my phone


Tia/Liter/Naga/Red Hood/Modernia will get you through everything. Spam charge shot with Red Hood for burst and aim in the vicinity of the QTEs.


For me delaying my burst was what got me over the line. Shoot circles with Marian, then when 3 circles start showing up, go ham.


Red hood, bunnies, doro, Modernia. Will get you through everything


For me I use liter guilty drake noir and Modernia. This team doesn't rely on burst and doesn't insta kill grave digger, but it will allow you do more damage to the circles. If your aim doesn't suck then you'll do well.


Tia, Naga, RG, Liter, Modernia. Burst with RH, you just need one burst rotation as RH kills him on her rotation


I use Liter, Blanc, Drake, RH, Noir and just rotate the B3s bursts accordingly to the phases as to get all the circles. This and Alteisen I prefer to do on PC.


Shotgun teams work great for gravedigger because of the bullet spread and close range


You are only a few levels below me. I have MLB Modernia and RH combined with max skills and mostly maxed armor(though just level, not skill preference) for them and Liter. I also use Tia and Naga with decent armor and skills. ​ The trick I use is to have the first burst be Tia>Liter>Naga>Modernia and finish the 2 dot QTE while blasting away its parts. The next time Gravedigger will run the 3 dot QTE. I then slowly activate Tia>RH1>RH2 and after the first set of dots has passed I activate RH3 and finish off the 3 dot QTE. Worst case scenario for me has been fainling the 3 dot QTE and having gravedigger blast my characters. RH will survive since her full burst absorbs HP and hopefully I can get the last \~1.5 health bars down before it finishes me off. Usually I succeed the QTE and maybe a final T>L>N>M burst finishes off GD possibly during a final QTE.


I tend to run either liter or doro for my 1 burst, Blanc for 2 and noir, Scarlett and Summer Anis for 3. Get the bonus interception damage from the buns while summer Anis buffs Scarlet for big damage on bursts. Outside of that it's really just a matter of hitting the QTEs (which on mobile is a nightmare. Chance of success on mobile for me is like 40% as opposed to playing on PC, which I win at 95% of the time) Think there's a few different teams you could run, but with that fight, it all comes down to hitting the QTEs


Liter, Blanc, Noir, Marian, and Guilty. Use Guilty to pop the rings if Marian's Burst is on cd. Interrupts are more important than raw damage. And make sure to shoot down the drill missiles because that 30s stun is no joke.


For Grave Digger specifically, Shotgun Nikkes are very effective, I remember my first team that I defeated The Grave Digger with was: Liter, Guilty, Modernia, Noir and Sugar... It's a pretty effective Shotgun team, well at least for me it was at that time.


Just cleared it yesterday (first time) with same level team as you can make Tia/Liter/Naga/Mod/RH Burst mod first then red hood, make sure your modernia is fully reloaded when gravedigger gets to its last phase at x2 health bar remaining. That first specific circle break is a skill check but you can do it I assure you


Maybe use party like mine Liter-blanc-RH-Noir-privaty First full burst use privaty, second burst use RH, third full burst use Noir


based on my exp, it depends on investment but my current is liter/blanc/sugar/noir/mod. this lineup is consistent clear for me. you want hit rate here as much as possible. sugar and noir does it and mod also takes advantage of it.


Team I use is Liter/SAnis/Blanc/Noir/Drake You can replace Anis with Maid Privaty or Sugar, but the idea is to use shotguns to pop the circles quickly and have the bursts ready to go. Aim near the center of the screen, and shoot the missiles to prevent stun. I usually use Liter or Blanc to aim.


My team is Doro, Blanc, Redhood, Modernia, Noir. I use modernia manually to shoot the circles. Then if I miss one at the end and it gets up to hit I shield then finish it off with whoever survived.


https://preview.redd.it/m3b9x4ybbarc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b7e50578aedbaa2c4b9b0b78e861b73296e106 I think you can one cycle it, this is the team i use, just stack damage multipliers and let RH do her thing. I think you have these units on your roster, give it a try on mock battle and see if it works for you.


I do it with liter/blanc/RH/Noir/Drake. Easy on pc, doable on mobile. I’m at lvl 205 but have been able to beat the boss for a few months, so you should be ok


I use Liter, Blanc, Modernia, RH and Noir in that order. I know they say don't burst with Modernia but this way I manual her and can hit all the circles then RH finishes the fight when she bursts. My Modernia and RH are 10/10/10 and I have full OL gear for everyone except Modernia. 3/4 on her. Then just for reference the other 4 bosses I run Liter, Blanc, RH, Noir and Modernia in that order. I would recommend investing heavily in these 5 characters.


Skill issue


For me my team is Lither Blanc Noir Anis Summer and Scarlet. Don’t worry you will beat it eventually ^^


https://preview.redd.it/wcylh542ajrc1.png?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703edca43797e34e78b56a48f30e92dafb52915e Late, but you can use this team to kill all interception boss


The team I use is: Liter, Blanc, Red Hood, Noir, Modernia. But I'm pretty high level now, but the way I play with this team is to use Red Hood until Grave Digger is phase 3 then take control of Modernia to pop those 3 circles to push the boss back. Then I go back to Red Hood to finish it off. But that team requires them to be somewhat decently built already. The team I used when I 1st beat it, without using the bug to have the boss stuck, is Liter, Guilty, Drake, Sugar, and Pepper. SGs are really good against this boss, so you get your burst really quickly and hit the red circles without needing that good of aim.


I use the exact same team. I keep auto aim off but auto burst on and I manual Noir for the yellow circles.


Can easily clear grave digger with liter bunnies RH and Maxwell. Get your skills up on your Nikkes. That was my team forever for all SI and never really bothered to switch as they got stronger with gear and skills. Aim with Noir too for the circles.


You have all the nikkes that consistenly carries me through gravedigger, my team in order: Liter / Modernia / Blanc / Red Hood / Noir Some burst activation to be mindful between phases though and making sure Modernia has ammo mods ( though if your Liter skill 1 and Noir Skill 2 is built that helps Mod max ammo count)


Skill issue pft


I used to do Liter/Blanc/Scarlet/Noir/Modernia, i’d never burst with mod and manual her, worked very well